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Powerlifting and Strength Training

Workout Videos


By Gary F. Zeolla

    These videos are continued from Workout Videos: 2020 - 2021. I do four basic workouts: Squats, Benches, Deadlifts, Bench Assistance (BA). In each workout, I do two main exercises, generally a "bottom end" and a "top end" variation of the main powerlift. On BA days, I do Inclines, Declines, and Overhead Presses. I also generally do one or two upper back or isolation exercises in each workout. Note that I am only 5’0” and weigh about 121 pounds.



    I had two shoulder surgeries to fix multiple Rotator Cuff Tears. My left shoulder was done on August 20, 2021. My right shoulder was done on July 15, 2022. These videos begin about eleven months after the second surgery, on June 12, 2023. That is when I was just getting back into heavier training and started using my limited gear (belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves). At this time, I was 62 years old. My lifts on the actual powerlifts for those first workouts went as follows:

Squats: Raw: 205/12, Gear: 225/6, 235/5, 245/4
Benches: Raw: 92.5/12, Gear: 100/6, 105/4
Deadlifts: Raw:  280/12, Gear: 305/6, 315/4

    Compare these numbers to my contest bests in my fifties before the surgeries: 335 – 180 – 405 @114s. But now that I am in my sixties and after those two shoulder surgeries in the past two years, I will be trying to forget what I did in my fifties and before the surgeries and focus on setting new “60s PRs.” The above  lifts are my new starting points.


Additional Workout Notes


    The notation of “2023 Tetra #2 Training Plan” is used for the first training plan on these pages. The “Tetra” indicates I follow a four-week rotation. That means, for each of my four basic workouts, I have four separate workouts, for a total of 16 different workouts. I do two different variations of the respective powerlift or one variation each of the three BA exercises in each workout, plus one or two different but similar upper back or isolation exercises in each workout.

    The “#2” is because Tetra #1 was when I began using weights for the first time after my second surgery. That was around Christmas 2022. Until then, I was only using bodyweight for Squats and Deadlifts, doing hundreds of reps, and only doing very light rehab exercises for my shoulders.

    I generally do three work sets for each exercise, dropping the reps and increasing the weight with each set. However, I usually only record the top two sets for my major exercises (the powerlifts and look-alike lifts), generally one from a higher angle and one from a lower angle. If I record any other exercises, it is usually just of the top set.

    For my training philosophy in terms of workout intensity, see the newly updated article Training to Almost Failure.


Music Notes


    In order to hear my workout music, you need to turn the volume up. That is because I am often listening to very old cassette tapes or CDs on an old music box, though I also stream music using Pandora onto Bluetooth-enabled speakers. That sound quality is much better.  For the type of music I usually have playing, see the articles listed at  Contemporary Christian Music on my Christian website.


Squat Injury

     See Squat Injury for why I will not be posting any more videos, at least for a while.

These videos are continued at: forthcoming.

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Powerlifting and Strength Training
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