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Workouts Summary for 2016 Training Plan
(Powerlifts in Week B of Pre-Contest Routine)
This chart is a follow-up to Routines Review and Preview.
Below is a summary of the planned exercises for all my workouts in my Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan. Note that I usually lift four times per week (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday).
CG = Close Grip
MG – Medium Grip (my regular grip)
WG = Wide Grip
BB = Barbell
CB = Curl Bar
DB = Dumbbell
RB = Reverse Bands
RC = Rotator Cuff
Bench Assistance Day:
Post-Contest Routine:
Week A: 3 Count Pause Inclines, CG Declines, CG CB Rows, CB Reverse
Week B: MG Inclines; WG Declines, MG CB Rows, Alternating DB Reverse Curls
Pre-Contest Routine:
Week A: 3 Count Pause Declines, CG Inclines,
WG CB Rows, Preacher Reverse Curls
Week B: MG Declines, WG Inclines, DB Underhand Rows, BB Reverse Curls
Squat Day:
Post-Contest Routine:
Week A: 3 Count in the Hole Pause Squats, Partial Squats, Jump Squats
Week B: Manta Ray (close stance, high bar) Squats, Reverse Band Squats, Speed RB
Pre-Contest Routine:
Week A: Squats with Sleeves, Chain Squats, Speed Chain Squats
Week B: Squats with Wraps, Extra Low (ATG) Squats,
Speed Squats
Bench Day:
Post-Contest Routine:
Week A: Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches, Rack Benches (Lockouts), Speed Benches,
DB Overhand Rows (elbows out), Preacher Curls
Week B: 3 Count Pause Benches, Chain Benches, Speed Chain Benches, WG BB Rows,
BB Curls
Pre-Contest Routine:
Week A: Dead Stop Benches, Reverse Band Benches, Speed RB Benches, CG BB Rows,
CB Curls
Week B: Benches, Cambered Bar Benches, Push-ups, MG BB Rows, Alternating DB Curls
Note: All CB Rows done underhand, pulling the bar to the stomach. All BB Rows done overhand, pulling the bar to the chest.
Deadlift Day:
Post-Contest Routine:
Week A: Conv Deadlifts, Sumo SLDLs, Sumo Speed Deadlifts
Week B: Sumo Platform (3" Deficit) Deadlifts, Conv Chain Deadlifts, Speed
Conv Chain Deadlifts
Pre-Contest Routine:
Week A:
Conv Platform
(2-1/4” Deficit) Deadlifts,
Sumo Chain
Deadlifts, Speed Sumo Chain Deadlifts
Week B: Sumo Deadlifts,
Conv SLDLs, Conv
Jump Deadlifts
Morning Workouts:
Post-Contest Routine:
Week A:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together); Abs: Sit-ups
Day 2: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Adductors/ Abductors (lying)
Day 3: Heavy Bag, RC: Lying, in; Abs: Leg Raises
Day 4: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Standing BB Calves
Week B:
Day 1: RC: Heavy Bag, Sitting, front; Abs: Decline Crunch-Side-Bend Combo
Day 2: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Leg Curls (alternate legs)
Day 3: Heavy Bag, RC: Lying, down; Abs: Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises
Day 4: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Seated DB Calves
Pre-Contest Routine:
Week A:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, RC: Shoulder Horn (alternate arms); Abs: Decline Sit-ups
Day 2: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Adductors/ Abductors (standing)
Day 3: Heavy Bag, RC: Lying on side; Abs: Dip Bar Leg Raises
Day 4: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Standing DB Calves
Week B:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, RC: Lying, up; Abs: Crunch-Side-Bend Combo
Day 2: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Leg Curls (legs together)
Day 3: Heavy Bag, RC: Lying, out; Abs: Twisting Leg Raises
Day 4: Step-ups, Jump Rope, Sitting BB Calves
For my first workouts using this plan, see Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan - 2016; Pre-Contest Routine, Weeks 1-6 of 12.
Workouts Summary for 2016 Plan. Copyright © 2016 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Powerlifting and Back Pain
The first book is geared towards the beginner to intermediate powerlifter. It presents sound training, competition, dietary, and supplement advice to aid the reader in starting and progressing in the sport of powerlifting. The second book details how I overcame years of crippling low back and was able to return to the sport of powerlifting.
Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Strongest Sport
Overcoming Back Pain: A Mind-body Solution (Second Edition)
See also this series on Amazon (#ad).
Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training:
Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present
The above chart was posted on this site
June 11, 2016.
It was last updated August 7, 2016.
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