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Full Workout Logs:

Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan - 2016

Post-Contest Routine, Weeks 7-12 of 12


By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan - 2016; Post-Contest Routine, Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Age: 55.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.

Next Contest: God-willing, APF/ AAPF Ohio States in Mansfield, Ohio on Saturday, September 10, 2016. For details, see Contest Decision.

Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(6,4,2) – Desired reps for work sets are in parentheses before the sets.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up).

See also my Cardio Logs - January through June 2016.

Contest Decision

God-willing, my next contest will be APF/ AAPF Ohio States in Mansfield, Ohio on Saturday, September 10, 2016. For details, see Contest Decision.

50s PRs

50s PRs is a new article on my this website. It explains what I mean by this term and the importance thereof, as God-willing, I will be using it more in these training logs. Starting with my next workout, I will mark all sets that are 50s PRs with an exclamation point. As always, items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.

Week 7 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 121.2 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 4/25/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Incline Benches: [Dumbbells: 10s/15, Barbell: 45/9, 70/7, 95/5, and gear: 115/3] (6,4,2) 130/5*, 135/3*, 140/1*

Dips: [Bars: bwt./10, 20/8; Gymnastic Rings: bwt./6, add wrist wraps: 2.5/4] (7,5,3) 7.5/7!, 10/5!, 12.5/3!

V-Grip Chin-ups: [bwt./6, 1.25/4, add wrist wraps: 2.5/4] (7,5,3) 5.0/5.8*, 7.5/3.9*, 10/3

Preacher Reverse Curls: [30/8, 40/6] (9,7,5) 47.5/9, 50/7, 52.5/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:45

Starting with this workout I am adding a feature to my logs. Before the work sets for each exercise I am putting my desired reps for that exercise in parentheses. This way, readers and myself when reviewing my logs will know if I hit my planned reps.

That said; this was a so-so workout. I wanted to add a rep to each of my work sets of the first and third exercises, but I only did so on the second set of inclines, but that was only by cheating, by raising my butt. But at least I was pausing the reps a little better than last time. For the second and fourth exercises I increased the weights from last time and still got the higher reps of my reps ranges.

My new power bar came during this workout, so I had to stop and go bring it in.


Music: Pandora – Christian Rock Radio



Wednesday – 4/27/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (all squats); Nike sneakers (calves).

3 Count in the Hole Pause Squats: [regular: 55/20, 135/9, pause: 160/7, 185/5, add gear: 205/3] (6,4,2) 237/6!, 250/4!, 262/2!

Partial Squats: [135/9, 180/7, 225/5, add gear: 262/3] (5,3,1) 290/5!, 305/3!, 317*/1!

Speed Squats: [95/6, 115/4] (7,5,3) 125/7, 130/5, 135/3

Barbell Calves (on 2-1/4” platform]: [115/8, 135/6] (9,7,5) 150/9, 157/7, 165/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:03

For this workout I used my new CAP Heavy Duty Power Bar. I think I am really going to like it. I will write more about it later when I publish an article reviewing all of the new equipment I have gotten of late for my home gym. Below is a pic, laying above my old Texas Power Bar. Click for a larger image. This bar is available from Amazon.

That said; this was an excellent workout. The only miscue was on the final work set of partial squats. It was supposed to be 320, but I think I was so focused on enjoying putting on three plates that I forgot a 2-1/2 on one side. But I was so psyched up for the set that I didn’t notice the imbalance. The rep ended up being very tough, but I got it. It helped that my favorite all-time song just happened to come on just as I was getting set.


Music: iHeart – Holy Soldier



Thursday – 4/28/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [regular: 50/15, 75/9, dead stop: 90/7, 105/5, add gear: 120/3] (6,4,2) 135/6, 142/4, 150/2

Rack Benches (Lockouts): [95/9, 115/7, 135/5, add gear: 155/3] (5,3,1) 172/5, 180/3, 187/1

Speed Benches: [65/6, 80/4] (7,5,3) 90/7, 95/5, 100/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [35/9, 47/7, 60/5] (7,5,3) 67/7, 70/5, 72/3

Stretching: ~5 minute

Workout time: 1:50

The weights/ reps for cambered bar benches were wrong last time. They should have been: 130/6, 135/4, 140/2. Thus this week was a significant improvement. I’m really getting the hang of my new cambered bar.


Music: Pandora – Pillar Radio



Sunday – 5/1/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (conv DLs and SLDLs); Adidas Title Run Basketball shoes (jump DLs and Ad/Ab exercise).

Conv Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 195/7, 250/5, add gear: 300/3] (5,3,1) 340/5, 357/3, 375/1

Sumo Still Leg Deadlifts: [135/10, 165/8, 190/6, add gear: 215/4] (6,4,2) 250/7, 262/5, 275/3

Sumo Jump Deadlifts: [45/6, 57/4] (6,4,2) 75/7, 80/5, 85/3

Adductor/ Abductor Exercise: [--/10] (10, 10, 10) 2s/10, 2s/10, 2s/10

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:03

My new Heavy Duty Power Bar worked very well for deadlifts, and this workout went very well. I obviously started this routine going too light on SLDLs and thus keep increasing the weights but still doing my higher reps. But that was probably for the best so as not to risk re-injuring my hamstring. And with this workout, I was really working, so I am where I should be.

I have been doing the adductor/ abductor exercise without added weight after my morning walks for the past few weeks. But now that I need to add weight via ankle weights, I will do it here instead of the shrugs I had been doing. See my “Cardio Logs - January through June 2016” for details.


Music: Pandora – Barren Cross then Petra Radio


Morning Workouts

Rotation 4, Day 1

Wednesday – 4/27/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 5.25/14, 5.5/12, 5.75/10

Abs: Sit-ups: [2.5/9, 7.5/7] (12,10,8) 12.5/12!, 13.75/10!, 15.0/8!

Workout Time: 0:35

I'm not going to indicate 50s PRs for rotator cuff work for this and my next routine, as all of the sets from the start of both routines are 50s PRs since I just started to do these exercises again. And some of the abs exercises I am doing in a different manner than before, so I will not mark them as 50s PRs until my next training plan either.

Rotation 4, Day 2

Sunday – 5/1/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Lying, in: [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 5.25/14, 5.5/12, 5.75/10

Abs: Leg Raises: (AMRAP) 28!, 28!

Workout Time: 0:33


My Diet Evaluation Logs – 2016 has been updated with April’s numbers.


Television and Homosexuality is a new article on my Christian website. It describes how the TV industry over the last half century has orchestrated a shrew plan to change the attitude of Americans towards homosexuality.

Week 8 of 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 121.4 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 5/2/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Dumbbell Decline Benches: [20s/15, 32s/8, 45s/6, add gear: 55s/4] (7,5,3) 62s/7, 65s/5, 67s/3

Presses: [Dumbbells: 10s/10, Barbell: 45/8, 60/6, add gear: 72/4] (6,4,2) 80/5*, 85/3*, 90/2

Pull-ups: [bwt./8, 1.25/6, 2.5/4] (7,5,3) 5/7, 7.5/5, 10/3

Curl Bar Curls: [37/9, 47/7] (9,7,5) 52/10*, 55/8*, 57/6*

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:47

DB declines have been going very well, though I think I started this routine going too light on them. Presses continue to frustrate me. Also, my left arm has been bothering me on them, so I’m not sure if I will keep doing them or not. But curls went surprisingly well.


Music: Pandora – Showdown



Wednesday – 5/4/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (squat work).

Manta Ray (close stance, high bar) Squats: [45/15; 120/9, 150/7, 180/5, add gear: 210/3] (6,4,2) 235/6!, 245/4!, 255/2!

Reverse Band Squats: [65/10, add bands: 155/9, 200/7, 245/5, add gear: 280/3] (6,4,2) 305/6!, 320/4!, 335/2!

Speed RB Squats: (7,5,3) 185/7, 195/5, 205/3

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [--/9, 2.0/7] (10,8,6) 3.25/10, 3.5/8, 3.75/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:52

So as to do the speed work after my main exercises, I moved the Manta Raw Squats to first and the RB squats second, then the speed work third. But then I had to estimate how much to adjust the weights. But I estimated it just right, and this workout went very well. And rearranging the exercises shortened the workout by a few minutes.


Music: Pandora – Creed Radio



Thursday – 5/5/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Wide Grip Benches: [reg. grip: 55/15; wide grip: 55/11, 75/9, 95/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] (6,4,2) 145/6!, 152/4!, 160/2!

Chain Benches (chain setup weighs 40 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[chains: 85/9, 105/7, 125/5, add gear: 142/3] (6,4,2) 155/6, 162/4, 170/2

Speed Chain Benches: (7,5,3) 105/7, 110/5, 115/3

Curl Bar Rows: [55/8, 75/6, 92/4] (7,5,3) 102/7, 107/5, 112/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:42

Ditto my comments about moving exercises around and adjusting weights from squat day to here. To deal with not feeling warmed up enough doing the WGBPs first, I did a set of 15 with a regular grip first, then my normal warmups with a wide grip, and that worked.

That said; I had a very rough day prior to this workout and was already tired before even starting it. The workout went well and as planned, but I was absolutely exhausted afterwards. I then have a long day on Friday with my monthly trip to the Food Co-op, which always tires me out, and other personal matters, but thank God my planned extra off is Sunday. This time I will need it, and hopefully by Monday I will be good to go.


Music: Pandora – Family Force 5


Off Day

Sunday – 5/8/16 (Mother’s Day)

My family decided two get-togethers in back to back months was too much, so we’re having one get-together at the beginning of June for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. That’s fine with me, as I think we do have too many get-togethers, though I didn’t have a say in the decision. I just go where I’m told when I’m told. That said; I spent the day working on my books as usual and then went to visit my mom during my normal workout time.



Monday – 5/9/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands, original knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (all deadlift work); Nike Sneakers (side bends).

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 185/7, 235/5, add gear: 285/3] (6,4,2) 315/6!, 332/4!, 350/2!

Conv Reverse Band Deadlifts: [add bands: 185/9, 235/7, 280/5, add gear: 320/3] (6,4,2) 350/6, 367/4, 385/2

Speed Conv RB Deadlifts: (7,5,3) 200/7, 210/5, 220/3

Seated Side Bends: [20/8, 30/6] (9,7,5) 37/9, 40/7, 42/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:58

I felt much better after the long weekend, and this workout went as planned. Lowering the safety bars one hole made for a more appropriate tension for RB deadlifts. I pulled ten pounds more for one more rep for each work set than last week for regular conv. DLs. That is an appropriate overload for raw pulling.


Music: Pandora – Red Radio


Morning Workout

Rotation 4, Day 3

Wednesday– 5/4/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Sitting, front: [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 4.25/14, 4.5/12, 4.75/10

Abs: Crunch-Reverse Crunch Combo: [bwt./9, 8.75/7] (12,10,8) 4s + 13.75/12, 15.0/10, 16.25/8

Workout Time: 0:33

Week 9 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 121.2 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 5/11/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Incline Benches: [Dumbbells: 10s/15, Barbell: 45/9, 70/7, 95/5, and gear: 115/3] (6,4,2) 127/5*, 132/3*, 137/2

Dips: [Bars: bwt./10, 20/8; Gymnastic Rings: bwt./6, add wrist wraps: 2.5/4] (7,5,3) 10/7!, 12.5/5!, 15/3!

V-Grip Chin-ups: [bwt./6, 1.25/4, 2.5/4] (7,5,3) 3.75/5.1*, 6.25/4*, 8.75/3.9*

Preacher Reverse Curls: [30/8, 40/6] (10,8,6) 47.5/10, 50/8, 52.5/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:55

Once again, the first and third exercise did not go well, while the second and third ones did. My problem on inclines and pull-up/ chin-up type exercises, along with presses Week B, is probably due to my messed up right shoulder. After all of these years, I tend to forget about my bicycle accident back in 1999, as I only notice it when doing something over my head. But thank God I am not an Olympic Lifter!

I mentioned a while back that I tried wearing my Ichthus necklace for squats, but broke the chain. I was thinking that was due to the Manta Ray I used in that workout, so I tried again wearing it for squats a couple of weeks ago, but once again broke the chain. This time, I got a new, much heavier chain, but I will still only wear it for deadlifts and this workout, as those are the only ones it shouldn’t get broken or be in the way. I got the new chain from Amazon. I previously got the medallion also from Amazon.


Music: Pandora – Resurrection (Rez) Band Radio


Skipped workout

Thursday – 5/12/16

A couple of sleepless nights followed by an allergic reaction led to me feeling horrible come workout time. I thus skipped the workout with hopes I would be feeling better by Friday afternoon.



Friday – 5/13/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (all squats); Nike sneakers (calves).

3 Count in the Hole Pause Squats: [regular: 65/20, 135/9, pause: 165/7, 195/5, add gear: 225/3] (5,3,1) 250/5, 262/3, 275/1

Partial Squats: [135/9, 185/7, 225/5, add gear: 262/3] (6,4,2) 290/6!, 305/4!, 320/2!

Speed Squats: [95/6, 115/4] (7,5,3) 125/7, 130/5, 135/3

Barbell Calves (on 2-1/4” platform]: [120/9, 140/7] (10,8,6) 155/10!, 162/8!, 170/6!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:02

I felt better for this workout, but still not fully back to normal. I was still dragging some and felt stiffer than normal. But the workout went as planned, except that pause squats were a bit harder than I expected and partial squats a bit easier, at least the first two sets. That was probably because the remaining stiffness affected the pause squats much more than the partial squats. The last set of the latter was really tough, probably because I was getting tired at that point. Also, it was the most weight I had on my back without band assist in a long time. But I got all of my planned reps. Thus despite the health setback and it being Friday the Thirtieth, this workout went well.


Music: Pandora – Sacred Warrior Radio



Sunday – 5/15/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [regular: 50/15, 75/9, dead stop: 95/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] (5,3,1) 142/5, 150/3, 157/1

Rack Benches (Lockouts): [95/9, 115/7, 135/5, add gear: 155/3] (6,4,2) 172/6, 180/4, 187/2

Speed Benches: [65/6, 85/4] (6,4,2) 95/7, 100/5, 105/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [40/9, 52/7, 62/5] (6,4,2) 70/6, 72/4, 75/3

Stretching: ~5 minute

Workout time: 1:50

After finally getting a good night’s sleep, I felt much better for this workout, and it went very well.


Music: Pandora – Holy Soldier Radio



Monday – 5/16/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (conv DLs and SLDLs); Adidas Title Run Basketball shoes (jump DLs and Ad/Ab exercise).

Conv Deadlifts: [45/15, 140/9, 195/7, 250/5, add gear: 305/3] (6,4,2) *330/3*, 340/6!, 357/4!, 375/1*

Sumo Still Leg Deadlifts: [135/10, 165/8, 195/6, 225/4] add gear: (6,4,2) 260/6, 275/4, 290/2

Sumo Jump Deadlifts: [55/6, 70/4] (6,4,2) 80/6, 85/4, 90/2

Adductor/ Abductor Exercise: [--/9] (12, 12, 12) 2s/12, 2s/12, 2s/12

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:56

A rough day before this workout led to me starting late and already feeling tired before I started. I then made several minor miscues during the workout. For my first work set of conv DLs, I misloaded the bar, putting on 5s rather than 10s. I realized it after the third rep when it was just too easy. Then I had forgotten to update my warmup sets for SLDLs, not noticing it until I was done with the warmups and thus used less weights than I should have. I also forgot to put on my gear for my last warmup set, but that might have evened things out. But then I forgot to record my second work set of SLDLs as usual.

That said; I got all of my planned reps, except for the final set of conv DLs. But the first two sets were 10 pound 50s PRs, as the final set would have been if I had gotten the planned second rep, but I failed miserably on it. That might have been due to my Heavy Duty Power Bar not being so good for deadlifts, though it is great for squats and benches. I will explain that later when I write my article on my new home gym equipment. But here, I will probably go back to using my Texas Power Bar for deadlifts. I will just have to chalk it before every work set.

Sumo SLDLs again felt a bit too easy, but instead of doing another rep I increased the weights slightly more than I had planned for the last two sets. I think I started this routine going too light on them. I will remember that when I switch to conv SLDLs in my next routine. But overall and all things considered, a very good workout.


I recorded the adductor/ abductor exercise separately so as to post on it the Exercises section of my website.

Deadlift work

Adductor/ Abductor Exercise

Music: Pandora – Saint Radio


Morning Workouts

Rotation 4, Day 4

Wednesday – 5/11/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff:  Lying, down: [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 4.5/14, 4.75/12, 5.0/10

Abs: Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises: [--/15] (15, 15) 4s/15, 4s/15

Workout Time: 0:34


Rotation 5, Day 1

Sunday – 5/15/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [3.0/11] (14,12,10) 5.5/14, 5.75/12, 6.0/10

Abs: Sit-ups: [2.5/9, 10/7] (12,10, 8) 13.75/12!, 15.0/10!, 16.25/8!

Workout Time: 0:37

Week 10 of 12 (Week B)

Week 10 of 12 (Week B) of Post-Contest Routine of Two by Two Plan – 2016


Bodyweight: 122.2 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 5/18/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Dumbbell Decline Benches: [22s/15, 37s/8, 50s/6, add gear: 60s/4] (6,4,2) 67s/6, 70s/4, 72s/2

Close Grip BB Incline Benches: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5, add gear: 95/3] (6,4,2) 105/6, 110/4, 115/4, 120/2

Pull-ups: [bwt./6, 2.5/5, 5.0/4] (6,4,2) 7.5/6, 10/4, 12.5/3*

Curl Bar Curls: [40/9, 50/7] (10,8,6) 55/10, 57/8, 60/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:12*

Neither inclines Week A nor the presses I had been doing here have been going well. I’ve been thinking that is because only doing them every other week is not sufficient, as they are too dissimilar to alternate. Of the two, inclines would have the greater carryover to benches, and my left arm has been hurting me on the presses more than on inclines, so I am going to substitute a variation of inclines here for the presses. Since I’m doing WGBPs on my bench day, I figured I’d do the inclines with a close grip here. Then in my next routine when I will probably do CGBPs on bench day, I will do the inclines here with a wide grip.

It took an extra set to get used to and to use the correct weights on the inclines with a close grip, as this was the first time I ever did them that way. But they felt good, and my triceps were very pumped afterwards.

I set things up differently for the DB declines, which took time to figure out and which I will explain in my forthcoming article on my new home gym equipment, and it took time to figure out the correct setup for the CG inclines. Add in the extra set and a couple of miscues, and the workout took way too long.  But despite that, this workout went very well.


 Music: Pandora – Altar Boys



Thursday – 5/19/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (squat work).

Manta Ray (close stance, high bar) Squats: [55/15; 125/9, 160/7, 190/5, add gear: 220/3] (5,3,1) *235/6*, 250/5!, 262/3!, 275/1!

Reverse Band Squats: [65/10, add bands: 165/9, 210/7, 250/5, add gear: 290/3] (5,3,1) 315/5!, 332/3!, 350/1!

Speed RB Squats: (6,4,2) 190/6, 200/4, 210/2

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [0.5/9, 2.5/7] (10,8,6) 3.75/10, 4.0/8, 4.25/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:06* (anything over two hours is just too long)

Starting with this workout, I will mark all sets that are 50s PRs with an exclamation point. As always, items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.

That said; this workout started out poorly when I misloaded for my first work set of Mantra Ray squats. It was supposed to be 245/5. I thought the set felt easy and thus did an “extra” rep.”  But as I did, it hit me that I had put 5s on the bar rather than 10s. But given how easy that set felt I then used 250 for my first real work set and increased from there. With doing so, I ended up with 25 pound 50s PRs on all three work sets.

Then for RB squats, I hit 10-15 pound 50s PRs for the three work sets, with the last set being by far the most weight I’ve had on my back in ages. I keep mentioning that as I used to be able to squat much more if I go back to my 40s and before, but leg injuries have hindered my squat training in my 50s. But those injuries seem to be healed, so I am hopeful I will begin to see significant increases in my squat work, and this workout might be a breakout workout towards that.


In the video, you’ll see me stumbling on the walkout of the top set of Manta Ray squats. What happened is my right heel hit the foam squat box I use for a depth-checker. For the close stance I put my heels against the edges of the box and cut it too close.

Music: Pandora – Skillet Radio



Sunday – 5/22/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Wide Grip Benches: [reg. grip: 55/15; wide grip: 55/11, 75/9, 95/7, 115/5, add gear: 135/3] (5,3,1) 150/5!, 157/3!, 165/1

Chain Benches (chain setup weighs 40 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[chains: 85/9, 105/7, 125/5, add gear: 145/3] (5,3,1) 160/5, 167/3, 175/1

Speed Chain Benches: (6,4,2) 107/6, 112/3, 117/2

Curl Bar Rows: [60/8, 80/6, 95/4] (6,4,2) 105/6, 110/4, 115/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:41

 An excellent workout. It felt really good to use 45s for the first time with my new chains for the final set.


 Music: Pandora – Barlow Girl, Red Radio



Monday – 5/23/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands, original knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (all deadlift work); Nike Sneakers (side bends).

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 195/7, 245/5, add gear: 295/3] (5,3,1) 325/4+1, 342/3!, 360/1

Conv Reverse Band Deadlifts: [add bands: 185/9, 235/7, 285/5, add gear: 330/3] (5,3,1) 365/5, 385/3, 405/1

Speed Conv RB Deadlifts: (7,5,3) 205/7, 215/5, 225/3

Seated Side Bends: [20/8, 30/6] (10,8,6) 37/10, 40/8, 42/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:03*

I cleaned and oiled my Texas Power Bar prior to this workout, but I apparently did not get all of the oil off and was losing my grip on the fourth rep of the first work set of PDLs. I thus stopped and chalked my hands and pulled the last rep. After that, I wiped off the bar and chalked not just my hands but the bar before every work set and had no problems with my grip, and this workout went very well.


Music: Pandora – Creed Radio


Morning Workouts

Rotation 5, Day 2

Wednesday – 5/18/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Lying, in: [3.0/11] (14,12,10) 5.5/14, 5.75/12, 6.0/10

Abs: Leg Raises: (AMRAP) 30!, 30!

Workout Time: 0:32

I'm not going to indicate 50s PRs for rotator cuff work for this and my next routine, as all of the sets from the start of both routines are 50s PRs since I just started to do these exercises again. And some of the abs exercises I am doing in a different manner than before, so I will not mark them as 50s PRs until my next training plan either.


Rotation 5, Day 3

Sunday – 5/22/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Sitting, front: [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 4.5/14, 4.75/12, 5.0/10

Abs: Crunch-Reverse Crunch Combo: [bwt./9, 8.75/7] (12,10,8) 4s + 15.0/12, 16.25/10, 17.5/8

Workout Time: 0:33

Week 11 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 122.4 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 5/25/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Incline Benches: [Dumbbells: 10s/15, Barbell: 45/9, 70/7, 95/5, and gear: 115/3] (5,3,1) 127/5, 132/3, 140/1

Wide Grip Decline Benches: [45/11, 75/9; 95/7, 110/5, add gear: 125/3] (6,4,2) 135/6, 140/4, 145/2

One-Arm DB Underhand Rows: [30/10, 35/8, 40/6, 45/4] (7,5,3) 50/7, 52/5, 55/3

Preacher Reverse Curls: [35/9, 45/7] (10,8,6) 50/10, 52/8, 55/6

Miscellaneous trial sets

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:10*

The workout time is meaningless as I was experimenting with several different new exercises as I revamp my Bench Assistance Day. I will explain everything later after I figure out what I am going to do.

That said; the weights on inclines don’t look like increases from last time for the first two sets, but they actually are. I used my Texas Power Bar last time and my new Heavy Duty Power Bar this time. The latter is two pound heavier, but I usually ignore the “extra” weight. I will explain that later in my forthcoming article on my new home gym equipment. Also, my form was also better on all three sets, so I’m not too disappointed I did not hit any 50s PRs on inclines this routine. But still, that is one reason I will be revamping my BA workouts.


Inclines and Declines

One-Arm DB Underhand Rows

Music: Pandora – Three Days Grace



Thursday – 5/26/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (all squats); Nike sneakers (calves).

3 Count in the Hole Pause Squats: [regular: 65/20, 135/9, pause: 170/7, 205/5, add gear: 235/3] (5,3,1) 260/5!, 272/3!, 285/1!

Partial Squats: [135/9, 185/7, 235/5, add gear: 275/3] (5,3,1) 305/5!, 320/3!, 335/1!

Speed Squats: [95/6, 117/4] (6,4,2) 130/6, 135/4, 140/2

Barbell Calves (on 2-1/4” platform]: [125/9, 145/7] (10,8,6) 160/10!, 167/8!, 175/6!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:57

An excellent workout. All of the work sets were 10 pound 50s PRs, except for the speed work. The final set of partial squats was especially satisfying. If I can hit that weight for squats with wraps in a contest I would be very happy, for reasons that I will explain if or when it happens.

On the speed work, I used more weight in the last routine I did speed squats, but I wasn’t getting the speed I wanted. I thus started this routine with much reduced weights and got the speed I wanted. As such, I will consider these numbers to be my 50s PRs the next time I do this exercise.


Music: Pandora – Sacred Warrior then Petra Radio



Sunday – 5/29/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [regular: 50/15, 75/9, dead stop: 95/7, 115/5, add gear: 132/3] (5,3,1) 147/5, 155/3, 162/1

Rack Benches (Lockouts): [95/9, 120/7, 145/5, add gear: 162/3] (5,3,1) 180/4*, 185/3, 192/1

Speed Benches: [65/6, 85/4] (6,4,2) 100/6, 105/5, 110/2

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [40/9, 52/7, 65/5] (6,4,2) 72/6, 75/4, 77/2

Stretching: ~5 minute

Workout time: 1:57

An excellent workout. The missed rep on the first set of rack benches was due to being overly optimistic and increasing by 7.5 pounds from last time rather than five pounds. But I corrected that on the next two sets, and they went as planned, as did the rest of this workout.

No 50s PRs in this workout due to all of the exercises being new or different in some way. But I will note the weights here and use them as the marks to be beat the next time I do this routine.


Music: Pandora – Pillar Radio



Monday – 5/30/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (conv DLs and SLDLs); Adidas Title Run Basketball shoes (jump DLs and Ad/Ab exercise).

Conv Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/11, 185/9, 230/7, 275/5, add gear: 315/3] (5,3,1) 350/5!, 367/3!, 385/1!

Sumo Still Leg Deadlifts: [135/10, 175/8, 210/6, 242/4] add gear: (6,4,2) 270/6, 285/4, 300/2

Sumo Jump Deadlifts: [55/6, 75/4] (6,4,2) 85/6, 87/4, 92/2

Adductor/ Abductor Exercise: [--/10] (14, 14, 14) 2s/14, 2s/14, 2s/14

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:51

I added a warmup set to the first exercise so as not to have to make such big jumps in weights. That worked well, so I will probably use the same plan for squats and deadlifts from now one.

That said, this was an excellent workout. All three sets of conv DLs were five pounds 50s PRs. That might not sound like much, but they were very satisfying given that the original 50s PRs were set back in August of last year, the week before I injured my hamstring. It thus took me nine months to better what I did before the injury. But I thank the LORD that I was finally able to do so.

On the adductor/ abductor exercise, doing three sets of that many reps was just too much, so next time I will only do two sets.


 Music: Pandora –Barren Cross Radio


Morning Workouts

Rotation 5, Day 4

Wednesday – 5/25/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff:  Lying, down: [2.5/11] (14,12,10) 4.75/14, 5.0/12, 5.25/10

Abs: Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises: [--/11, 2s/9] (10, 10) 6s/10, 6s/10

Workout Time: 0:41*

I had problems with the ankles weights that lengthened the workout.

Rotation 6, Day 1

Sunday – 5/29/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [3.0/11] (14,12,10) 5.75/14, 6.0/12, 6.25/10

Abs: Sit-ups: [2.5/9, 10/7] (12,10, 8) 15.0/12!, 16.25/10!, 17.5/8!

Workout Time: 0:37

Post-Weigh-In Eating and Drinking

Post-Weigh-In Eating and Drinking is a new article on my fitness website.  I lost 6.8 pounds in a week for my recent powerlifting contest. It went very well, so I thought it good to write down what I ate and drank after weigh-ins. This article thus details my fluid and food intake on weigh-in day and contest day.


Week 12 of 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 122.4 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 6/1/16

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Dumbbell Decline Benches: [25s/15, 40s/8, 52s/6, add gear: 62s/4] (6,4,2) 70s/5*, 72s/3*, 75s/1*

Close Grip BB Incline Benches: [45/9, 70/7, 90/5, add gear: 105/3] (6,4,2) 112/6, 117/4, 122/2

Curl Bar Rows: [65/8, 85/6, 100/4] (6,4,2) 110/5*, 115/3*, 120/1*

Reverse Curls: [Curl Bar: 35/10, 40/10] (10,8,6) Barbell: 45/10, 47/8, 50/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:59

I was still in an allergic reaction from the morning of this workout and did not even feel like working out. Hence, the missed reps on the first and third exercises, and I lowered the weights for the second. I probably should have delayed this workout to Thursday. But I am still revamping this workout day and was anxious to try some things out.


Music: Pandora – Disciple



Thursday – 6/2/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes (squat work).

Manta Ray (close stance, high bar) Squats: [55/15; 115/11, 145/9, 175/7, 205/5, add gear: 235/3] (5,3,1) 260/5!, 272/3!, 285/1!

Reverse Band Squats: [65/13, add bands: 155/11, 190/9, 225/7, 260/5, add gear: 295/3] (5,3,1) 325/5!, 342/3!, 360/1!

Speed RB Squats: [165/5] (6,4,2) 195/6, 205/4, 215/2

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [1.0/9, 3.0/7] (10,8,6) 4.25/10, 4.5/8, 4.75/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:05*

I felt much better for this workout, and it went very well. I added ten pounds to my already substantial new 50s PRs from last time for every work set of the first two exercises.


Music: Pandora –Bride Radio



Sunday – 6/5/16

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Wide Grip Benches: [reg. grip: 55/13; wide grip: 55/11, 77/9, 97/7, 117/5, add gear: 137/3] (5,3,1) 152/5!, 160/2*, 167/1!

Chain Benches (chain setup weighs 40 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[chains: 85/9, 107/7, 127/5, add gear: 147/3] (5,3,1) 162/5, 170/3, 177/1

Speed Chain Benches: (6,4,2) 110/6, 115/4, 120/2

Barbell Rows (medium grip): [45/8, 60/6, 75/4] (7,5,3) 85/7, 90/5, 95/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:39

A very good workout, despite getting buried on the third rep of the second set of WGBPs.


Music: Pandora – Holy Soldier



Monday – 6/6/16

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands, original knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes (all deadlift work); Nike Sneakers (side bends).

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 185/7, 225/5, 265/4, add gear: 300/3] (5,3,1) 330/5! 347/2*, 365/1!

Conv Reverse Band Deadlifts: [add bands: 185/9, 225/7, 265/5, 305/4, add gear: 340/3] (5,3,1) 375/5, 395/3, 415/1

Speed Conv RB Deadlifts: (6,4,2) 215/6, 225/4, 235/2

Seated Side Bends: [22/8, 32/6] (10,8,6) 40/10, 42/8, 45/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 2:02*

This workout went the same as yesterday, very well, except for missing the planned third rep of the second work set of the day. Possibly contributing to these couple of missed reps was stress and loss of sleep over my 80-year-old mom going into the hospital Sunday afternoon. It did not look good at first, but thank God she is doing better now. 

This workout ends my Post-Contest Routine. I will now take a short break before staring my Pre-Contest Routine. I will explain that and review and preview these routines in a separate article shortly. 


Music: Pandora – Saint Radio


Morning Workouts

Rotation 6, Day 2

Wednesday – 6/1/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Lying, in: [3.5/11] (14,12,10) *6.75/14, *7.0/12, *7.25/10

Abs: Leg Raises: (AMRAP) 33!, 32!

Workout Time: 0:37

An allergic reaction during this workout make it hard for me to concentrate, and I used a pound more than I planned on for each set of the rotator cuff exercise. I didn’t realize it until afterwards, but I thought the weights felt too heavy, and thank God I didn’t hurt myself. 

Rotation 6, Day 3

Sunday – 6/5/16

Heavy Bag: 15:00

Rotator Cuff: Sitting, front: [2.75/11] (14,12,10) 4.75/14, 5.0/12, 5.25/10

Abs: Crunch-Reverse Crunch Combo: [bwt./9, 2s + 8.75/7] (12,10,8) 4s + 16.25/14, 17.5/10, 18.75/8

Workout Time: 0:37

These workout logs are continued at: Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan - 2016; Pre-Contest Routine, Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Full Workout Logs: Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan - 2016; Post-Contest Routine, Weeks 7-12 of 12. Copyright © 2016 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Powerlifting and Back Pain

    The first book is geared towards the beginner to intermediate powerlifter. It presents sound training, competition, dietary, and supplement advice to aid the reader in starting and progressing in the sport of powerlifting. The second book details how I overcame years of crippling low back and was able to return to the sport of powerlifting.

Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Strongest Sport

Overcoming Back Pain: A Mind-body Solution (Second Edition)

See also this series on Amazon (#ad).

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present

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