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Full Workout Log - Starting 8/10/09
Rehab Workouts: Weeks 1-6 of 6
These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 6/21/09: Four Week Rotations: Rotations I-II of V.
For background to these workouts, see my various recent post posts at Newsgroup, Forum, and Discussion Board Posts.
Age: 48
Weight: 115-120 pounds (See each week).
All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, cardio, stretching, and
Week 1
Bodyweight: 116.6 pounds the morning of my first workout. This is significant as in just the less than three weeks I didn’t work out I lost about four pounds. Very frustrating and shows how quickly you can lose muscle when you’re in your late 40s. But hopefully I will quickly add back those pounds as I get back into training.
Bench Assistance
Monday – 8/10/09
Dips: [bwt./ 10, 25/8] 45/8, 55/6
DB Presses (10s/8, 20s/8, 25s/8, 27s/6]
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [458] 70/8, 70/8
Cable Laterals: 10/12, 10/12
Preacher Curls [25/10] 30/10
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:16
I’m using a wide grip on the lat. pulldowns as that seems to work my weak right shoulder the most. But I am going very light so as not to aggravate it.
The cable laterals are an exercise the physical therapist recommended I try. It is basically reverse side laterals, similar to cable crossovers, except I am only doing one arm at a time, standing erect, and pulling the handle down to my side. I had to purchase a cable handle just to do this exercise, but I figure I can also use it to do triceps pulldowns, so it was with the $15, especially if the cable laterals do help with my shoulder.
Wednesday – 8/12/09
Squats: [45/20, 95/10] 115/8, 135/8
Leg Curls (alternate legs): [--/12] 2.5/12, 2.5/12
Calves (one leg at a time): bwt./12, bwt./12
Crunches: --/12, --/12
Step ups: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:12
In my powerlifting book I mention about doing 15 then 8 reps for my first two warm-up sets. But I’m bumping that up to 20, 10 to be sure my hamstring is warmed up.
This was a very discouraging workout as I wasn’t able to do much of anything weight-wise. But all I can do is try to gradually increase from here. My hamstring was rather sore afterward, but it’s not too bad today.
I experimented with different stances, and strangely, I found a somewhat wider stance lessened the strain on my hamstring and made it easier for me to get down. I only moved my stance out a couple of inches, but it felt rather good. I was also able to keep an erect back better than with a closer stance. So I’ll probably just stick with this stance.
Thursday – 8/13/09
Benches: [45/20, 75/10] 95/8, 105/8
BD Flyes: 10s/10, 10s/10
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [10/8] 20/10, 20/10
Side Laterals: 5s/12, 5s/12
Heavy Bag: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:08
To lessen the strain on my pec, I moved my grip back in about half an inch.
Sunday – 8/16/09
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10] 155/8, 175/8
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./7
Adductors: --/12, --/12
Leg Raises: 10, 10
Jump Rope: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:06
I wasn’t sure if I should do use my competitive sumo stance or conv. stance on DLs. The conv. would work the hamstrings more, but I was afraid too much, especially with doing the hyperextensions afterwards. But after this six week routine, I might switch to alternating sumos one week and conv. the next.
The hyperextensions are being done using my new hyperextension machine I got from New York Barbells.
This is not a very good hyperextension as the thigh pads are not very comfortable. I had to fold my exercise mat over them to make it usable. But I simply do not have room to leave a hyperextension out, so I had to get this particular device as it can be folded up. I got it as I think hyperextensions will be the ideal exercise to rehab my hamstrings, and just as importantly, to stretch out both of my hamstrings so as to prevent this problem from recurring.
However, right now I cannot even come close to going all the way down. And once down, I’m not able to come back up by leg/ back strength alone. I need to use my hands to push off of the base and then to pull myself up the rest of the way with the handles. But I will gradually try to increase my ROM with each workout and to use my hands less. Needless to say, I won’t be using any added weight for some time.
The adductor exercise is being done by standing and moving the leg being worked across the front of the other leg and then as far up as possible. For this workout, I just used the weight of my shoes. But I will add ankle weights as I am able.
And that ends my first week of rehab workouts. I am somewhat disappointed in that I had to use even lighter weights than I had hoped. But at least I have a starting point on all exercises and hopefully can gradually increase the weights each workout from here out.
I also had to skip the cardio each workout as my hamstring or pec were simply too sore after the weightlifting to risk doing the cardio. But hopefully, I can start to add in some light cardio with my next workouts.
Week 2
Bodyweight: 116.2 pounds. Still losing weight; very frustrating.
Bench Assistance
Monday – 8/17/09
DB Presses [10s/15, 15s/10, 20s/5] 25s/10, 27s/8
Dips: skipped
Flyes: 5s/10, 5s/10
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [458] 70/10, 70/10
Cable Laterals: 10/15, 10/15
One-Arm Triceps Pushdowns: 10/15, 10/15
Preacher Curls [25/10] 30/12, 32/10
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:19
Very strangely, my pec bothered me more this workout than last week, so much so that I was not able to do dips at all. So instead, I did some very light flyes. Later I used the same weight and set-up as for the cable laterals to do some one-arm pushdowns to give the triceps some work.
Needless to say, I am very frustrated. I didn’t think my pec would be much of a problem, but now it looks like it will be a significant problem. But I’ll see what happens when I bench on Thursday.
Sunday – 8/23/09
Squats: [45/20, 95/10] 120/10, 135/8, 150/6
Leg Curls (alternate legs): 2.5/12, 2.5/12
Calves (one leg at a time): bwt./12, bwt./12
Twisting Crunches (reps to each side): --/8, --/8
Step ups: 2:00
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:12
For why there is almost a week between this and the previous workout, see my article Stiff Person Syndrome Setback.
Note that the comments on the previous workout were written before this health setback. On this workout, I still felt terrible during the day beforehand. Coupled with my recent problems, I thought it best to just repeat the very light weights I did the first week of this rehab routine. However, I did add a set of six reps on squats so I could handle a little ‘heavier” weight. That had me doing 3 x 10, 8, 6 (sets x reps).
I’ll use the same pattern on benches and deadlifts this week. My hope then will be to do for ten reps what I did for eight reps the previous workout for the rest of the weeks of this rehab routine. That will give a plan for gradually increasing the weights.
But on this workout, it took me several reps on my first warm-up set to get down below parallel on squats, but I was glad I was able to eventually do so considering the problems I had last week. I was also able to do a couple of minutes of step-ups. I was only able to go *very* slow, but given I use a rather high step (my squat box), I was satisfied with that as well. So I thank the LORD that I was at least able to put in a full workout, albeit a very light one.
Monday – 8/24/09
Benches: [45/20, 75/10] 97/10, 105/8, 112/6
BD Flyes: 10s/10, 10s/10
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [10/10] 20/10, 25/8
Side Laterals: 5s/12, 5s/12
Shoulder Horn: 2.5s/15, 2.5s/15
Heavy Bag: 2:00
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:08
I was able to hit the heavy bag for a couple of minutes. I also added an exercise (the Shoulder Horn) and still got finished in the exact same time as last week, so I must be picking up my pace some. So that is two small good points on this workout.
Wednesday – 8/26/09
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10] 155/10, 175/8, 195/6
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./10
Adductors & Abductors: --/15, --/15
Leg Raises: 12, 10
Jump Rope: 1:00
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:16
My hamstring felt rather good, and this workout went well, until I stupidly tried jumping rope. My plan was to jump for just one minute at as slow a pace as possible, and then to very gradually increase from there. But just that one minute was too much, and my hamstring was really hurting afterwards.
Needless to say, I won’t be jumping rope again for some time. Even the step-ups on squat day were probably a bit too much. So instead, I think I will just go for a short walk on squat and deadlift days.
Week 3
Bodyweight: 115.2 pounds. Except for when I’ve cut weight for a contest and was almost ready to weigh-in, this is the lightest I’ve been in almost seven years, which was back when I first started lifting weights again. Very disheartening to see all that hard work disappear in the just six weeks since I injured my hamstring.
Bench Assistance
Thursday – 8/27/09
DB Presses [5s/20, 15s/10, 20s/6] 25s/10, 27s/8, 30s/6
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [45/10, 60/6] 75/10, 80/8, 85/6
Cable Flyes: 10/10, 10/10
Cable Laterals: 12/10, 12/10
One-Arm Triceps Pushdowns: 12/12, 12/12
Preacher Curls [25/10] 32/12, 32/12
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:23
Sunday – 8/30/09
Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 120/5] 135/10, 150/8, 165/6
Leg Curls (alternate legs): 3.75/12, 3.75/12
DB Calves: [bwt./10] 5/12, 5/12
Twisting Crunches (reps to each side): --/11, --/8
Step ups: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:15
I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to lift this day as I had another flare-up of my SPS on Saturday. But by late Sunday afternoon I was feeling okay, and the workout went as planned, except I skipped the step-ups as my hamstring was starting to bother me.
Monday – 8/31/09
Benches: [45/20, 85/10] 105/10, 112/8, 120/6
BD Flyes: 10s/12, 10s/12
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [15/10, 20/5] 25/10, 30/8, 32/6
Side Laterals: 5s/12, 5s/15
Shoulder Horn: skipped
Heavy Bag: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:12
My pec was bothering me, so I skipped the Shoulder Horn and heavy bag.
Wednesday – 9/2/09
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 155/6] 175/10, 195/8, 215/6
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./8
Leg Raises: 12, 13
Walk: 4:18
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:07
On hyperextensions, I was able to come back up without using my hands for the first time, but I am still only able to go down about halfway. I will gradually try to increase the ROM until I am going all the way down before adding any weight.
Otherwise, this workout and week in general went as planned in that I was able to slightly increase most of my weights from last week. But as I continue to gradually increase the weights I will need to take into account my loss of bodyweight and thus strength. I probably won’t be able to increase the weights as quickly as I had originally hoped.
I am still struggling as to what to do on cardio. For this workout I just went for a very short walk up and down the street. That might be the best approach for a while before I even think about trying to jump rope again.
Week 4
Bodyweight: 116.6 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Thursday – 9/3/09
DB Presses [5s/20, 15s/10, 22s/6] 26s/10, 28s/8, 31s/6
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [45/10, 65/6] 80/10, 85/10, 90/8
Cable Flyes: [5/10] 10/15, 10/15
One-Arm Triceps Pushdowns: [10/10] 15/15, 17/10
Preacher Curls [25/10] 35/11, 35/10
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:29
I was tired for this workout, so it took a little longer than I would like. But otherwise, it went well.
Sunday – 9/6/09
Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 135/6] 150/10, 165/8, 180/6
Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/10] 5/8, 5/8
DB Calves: [bwt./10] 10/12, 10/12
Twisting Crunches: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 4:30
Workout time: 1:16
I was getting tired, so I skipped the crunches, but otherwise, things went as planned. I’ll probably skip the crunches for the rest of this routine so I can focus on the exercises for rehabbing my hamstring.
Monday (Labor Day) – 9/7/09
Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 95/6] 112/10, 120/8, 127/6
BD Flyes: [5s/10] 10s/13, 10s/13
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [15/10, 22/6] 30/10, 32/8, 35/6
Shoulder Horn: [2.5s/10] 4s/15, 4s/15
Heavy Bag: 2:00
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:21
Wednesday – 9/9/09 (Love that date!)
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 165/6] 195/10, 215/8, 235/6
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./10
Adductors & Abductors: --/15, --/15
Leg Raises: skipped
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 4:50
Workout time: ~1:10
I was again too tired to do the ab work. But otherwise, this workout and this week in general went as planned. My hamstring and pec are nowhere fully healed, but they are coming along nicely albeit slowly.
Week 5
Bodyweight: 116.8 pounds.
Fat: 11.9%
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds
I had been using a Tanita body fat scale for measuring fat percentage. But I never thought it was that accurate as it is too affected by hydration levels, and it seems to have me at too high of a fat percent. So I just got a Sequoia Warrior Digital Body Mass Caliper. The scale generally had me at over 15% body fat, which put me into the “normal” category, while the caliper has me at 11.9%. That sounds much better and puts me in the “lean” category, so I will go with that reading.
I discuss the importance of measuring body fat and include charts for the categories in both my “Eating Plan” and powerlifting books. For me, I wanted a more accurate way to measure body fat so as I try to put weight back on I can be sure it is muscle and not fat. If anyone is interested, the calipers I got are available from Amazon.
Bench Assistance
Thursday – 9/10/09
DB Presses [5s/20, 15s/10, 22s/6] 27s/10, 30s/8, 32s/5
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [55/10, 75/6] 90/10, 95/7, 100/7
Cable Flyes: [7.5/10] 12/10, 12/10
Preacher Curls [27/10] 35/12, 35/12
Heavy Bag: 2:15
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:30
Sunday – 9/13/09
Squats: [45/20, 105/10, 135/6] 165/10, 180/8, 195/6
Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/10] 5/10, 5/10
DB Calves: [5/10] 15/12, 15/12
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 4:50/ 446 steps/ 0.24 miles
Workout time: 1:18
Before this workout I remembered I had gotten a pedometer a couple of years ago when I was walking regularly. I figured I might as well use it now that I am walking after my workouts, so I will include my step count with the walking time. The pedometer can convert the step to miles. I’m not sure how accurate the conversion is, but I might as well include it as well.
Monday – 9/14/09
Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6] 120/10, 127/8, 135/6
BD Flyes: [5s/10] 10s/15, 10s/15
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [15/10, 25/6] 32/10, 35/8, 37/6
Shoulder Horn: [2.5s/10] 5s/10, 5s/10
Heavy Bag: 2:30
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:18
The final rep on each set of benches was an almost full effort. This was good and bad. Good in that my pec did not bother me afterward. But bad in that 135/6 is about 20 pounds off of what I was doing just a couple of months ago. That of course is due to weeks of not being able to push hard and due to my loss of bodyweight.
However, my pec did bother me after the DB flyes. There’s the same situation with my other workouts. I can squat and deadlift (sumo) with little pain in my hamstring, but the leg curls and hyperextensions aggravate the pain.
This leaves me unsure of how to proceed. Since I can do the powerlifts with little pain, should I just do them and skip the minor movements that aggravate the injured sites? I’m afraid if I do that I will never fully rehab the injuries, and I’ll end up with worse problems down the road. OTOH, if I continue to do the minor movements, maybe by continually aggravating the injuries, I am keeping them from healing.
For now, I think I will continue the minor movements but stick with very light weights. But I could change my mind later.
Wednesday – 9/16/09
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 175/6] 215/10, 235/8, 255/6
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./10
Leg Raises: 12, 12
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 6:10/ 588 steps/ 0.25 miles
Workout time: 1:11
Week 6
Bodyweight: 117.8 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.9%.
Lean Body Mass: 102 pounds (It’s been a rough week, sleep-wise. That is
probably why I gained fat and lost muscle).
Bench Assistance
Thursday – 9/17/09
DB Presses [5s/20, 15s/10, 22s/6] 27s/9, 30s/7, 32s/5
Lat Pulldowns (wide grip): [55/10, 75/6] 90/10, 95/8, 100/4
Cable Flyes: [7.5/10] 12/12, 12/12
Preacher Curls [30/10] 37/10, 37/10
Heavy Bag: 2:45
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:21
On the DB presses, I was trying to pause at the top on each rep. With my bad right shoulder, this was very difficult as I can barely hold my arm straight up without weights. I should have been doing them that way all along. But as it was, this made the exercise much more difficult, hence why I did fewer reps than last week.
Not sure what happened on the last rep of lat. pulldowns. It was supposed to be six reps. I think I just wasn’t concentrating enough. But at least my workout pace was much better than the last couple of weeks.
Sunday – 9/20/09
Squats: [45/20, 115/10, 150/6] 180/10, 195/8, 210/6
Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/10] 5/12, 5/12
DB Calves: [10/10] 17/12, 17/10
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 6:33/ 611 steps/ 0.26 miles
Workout time: 1:24
My right hamstring felt okay throughout this workout, but now my left hamstring is bothering me. I felt a twinge in it last week while reaching for something. It’s been bothering me on and off since then. It felt okay for most of this workout, but then starting hurting while doing the calf raises. But I don’t think it is that big of deal. But one thing’s for sure, my hamstrings are really screwed up.
Monday – 9/21/09
Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 105/6] 122/10, 130/8, 137/6
BD Flyes: [7.5s/10] 12s/8, 12s/8
Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [20/10, 27/6] 35/10, 37/8, 40/6
Shoulder Horn: [2.5s/10] 5s/13, 5s/13
Heavy Bag: 3:00
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Workout time: 1:20
Wednesday – 9/23/09
Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 185/6] 235/10, 255/8, 275/6
Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./10
Leg Raises: 15, 10
Stretching: 10-15 minutes
Walk: 7:03/ 670 steps/ 0.27 miles
Workout time: 1:11
This was the last day of my six week rehab routine. For the most part, the routine went as planned. I was able to gradually increase my weights on most exercises each week. My flexibility is also gradually increasing. I especially noticed this on the hyperextensions. By the second half of the second set I was able to get almost all the way down.
My various injuries are all greatly improved, but they still are not completely healed. I’ll take a few days off and start a new routine next week.
Health-wise, I am still struggling. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist on Friday. She referred me to a neurologist. I have appointments with both of them next month, including being scheduled for some more tests. I’ll know more after those appointments and tests how I will be proceeding.
These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 9/27/09: Rehab 2 Workouts - Weeks 1-6 of 12.
Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/10/09: Rehab Workouts: Weeks 1-6 of 6. Copyright © 2009 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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