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Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos
January to March 2025 (Q1)
Workout Post Notes
Age: 63. Height: 5’0”. Weight: ~123 pounds. Format: pounds/ reps. An asterisk indicates the set did not go as planned, generally that I got fewer reps than expected. A plus sign indicates the set went better than planned, generally that I got more reps than expected. A caret (^) indicates a tied 60s PR. An exclamation point indicates a new 60s PR. “60s PR” is as it sounds, my best for the lift since I turned 60 back in March 2021 and my two shoulder surgeries and other injuries shortly thereafter.
My basic workout usually consists of three exercises: one of the powerlifts (squat, bench, or deadlift) or a “look-alike” lift, plus two additional exercises. At the end of each calendar week, I’m going to post my work sets for the main exercise of each training day and maybe one of the other exercises, with videos thereof. In most cases, I’m indicating all of my work sets, but for the powerlifts and “look-alike” lifts, I only record the top two geared sets. For all other exercises, I only record the top set.
For background to this page, see Workout Post and Videos and My New Powerlifting/ Strength Training Workout Plan. This page is continued from Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: October to December 2024 (Q4).
2025 Week 1 Workouts
12/29, Su: Off. Still sick, but improving.
12-30, M: 3-Count Pause Decline Benches: Raw: 105/10. Gear: 130/6, 137.5/4, 145/2. Video.
Curl Bar Upright Rows: 40/14, 45/10, 50/6. Video.
I was feeling better for this workout, and it went well. But then this night, I did not sleep at all due to a flare up of a couple of my health issues unrelated to being sick.
12/31, Tu: OFF. After that sleepless night, I relapsed with my sickness. It was only then that I tested for Covid, and it was positive. I’ll write more later in that regard. But here, between the sleepless night and Covid, I did not feel at like even trying to work out or to do much of anything else.
1-1-25, W: Manta Ray Chain Olympic Squats: Raw: 190/10. Gear: 245/6, 260/4, 272.5/2. Video.
Twisting Sit-ups (reps to each side): 7, 6, 5. Video.
Mostly recovered from Covid. With dropping the weight slightly, this workout went as planned.
1-2, Th: 3-Count Pause Chain Benches: Raw: 105/10. Gear: 127.5/5*, 135/3*, 142.5/1*. Video.
Triceps Bar Rows: 85/11, 102.5/7, 107.5/4*, 112.5/3. Video.
Recovered from Covid, but still not sleeping due to flare ups of my other health problems. That led to the missed reps, though it could be I just started too heavy, as I hadn’t done these two exercises in a while.
1-3, F: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Raw: 195/11, Gear: 250/6*, 265/4*, 280/2*. More missed reps despite dropping the weights down slightly. Video.
#Powerlifting #Powerlifts #Squats #Benches #Deadlifts #StrengthTraining
Contest Thoughts
With my setbacks over the holidays, with getting Covid and flare-ups of other health issues (see Rodents in My Pantry/ Workout Area), I will probably have to change my contest plans. My last contest was in September of last year (2024). The director for that contest had indicated they might hold a contest in the spring. I thought I might enter it.
However, with these setbacks and in light of my many missed reps in recent workouts, I will need to drop my weights down somewhat and work my way back up. That will end any thoughts of a spring contest. But maybe I’ll be ready for one in the summer. Or maybe I will wait until September and do the same contest again. Time will tell.
2025 Week 2 Workouts
1-5, Su: Regular Squats with Sleeves: Raw: 190/10. Gear: 245/6, 257.5/3*, 270/2. Video.
A little snow shoveling in the mooring before this workout, before the bigger snowfall coming Monday. Not sure if that is why, but another poor workout.
1-6, M: Off lifting. Shoveled snow instead.
1-7, Tu: Presses, Standing: 45/7, 47.5/5, 50/5, 52.5/3. Video 1 (2nd and 3rd set). Video 2 (4th set).
Dips: 10/9, 15/6, 20/3. Video.
I wasn’t sure on my sets x reps for these two exercises; hence, the multiple videos and extra set for Presses. But I think I got it figured out and will post about that separately.
But here, I’m going to do the Overhead Presses two ways: breathing at the bottom and pausing at the top (as with the second half of a Clean & Press), then the opposite the next time, breathing at the top and pausing at the bottom as here (as with Benches).
1-9, Th: Regular Conv Deadlifts: Raw: 252.5/10. Gear: 325/5*, 342.5/3*, 360/1*. Video.
Another terrible workout. Just too many problems of late affecting my training. I might also need to make some changes to my training routine.
1-10, F: Incline Benches: Gear: 100/5*, 105/3*, 110/1*. Raw: 80/9*. Video.
Super Curl Bar MG Curls: 45/13*, 50/9*, 55/5*. Video.
More missed reps. Definitely making some changes.
Sets x Reps
After much experimentation, the following will be sets x reps for my powerlifting workouts:
Powerlifts and “Look-alike” lifts: Gear: 3 x 5-6, 3-4, 1-2. Raw: 1 x 9-10.
Compound lifts other than the above (Presses, Dips, Rows): 3 x 8-9, 5-6, 2-3.
Upright Rows and Isolation Exercises: 3 x 12-14, 8-10, 4-6.
Rehab Exercises (Rotator Cuff and Abductor/ Adductor): 2 x 15-30.
The “Gear” for the first group consists of a belt and wrist wraps, plus knee sleeves for Squats and Deadlifts. I tried doing the raw set first, instead of a warmup set in order to shorten my workouts a bit, but, as I feared, it tires me out too much for the more important geared sets.
For the next two groups, I will probably do the first set without wrist wraps and the next two sets with them, plus a belt on Presses.
Also, I mentioned previously that an asterisk after a set indicates the set did not go as planned. But other notations you might see (if I ever start to make progress again) is a caret (^) indicates a tied 60s PR. An exclamation point indicates a new 60s PR.
2025 Week 3 Workouts
1-12, Su: 2B, 1-1/2” Extra Low Chain Squats: Gear: 265/6, 280/4, 295/2. Raw: 205/10. Video 1. Video 2.
Finally a workout went as planned, despite more rodent problems.
1-13, M: Regular Benches: Gear: 127.5/5*, 135/3*, 142.5/1*. Raw: 102.5/8*. Video.
1-14, Tu: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Chain Deadlifts: Gear: 355/5*, 375/3*, 395/1*. Raw: 275/9*. Video.
1-16, Th: Manta Ray Olympic Squats: Gear: 230/6, 242.5/3*, 255/1*. Raw: 175/9*. Video.
Dip Bars Twisting, 2 Leg Rev. Crunches (reps to each side): 15, 15. Video.
1-17, F: Close Grip Benches: Gear: 125/5*, 130/3*, 137.5/1*. Raw: 100/9*. Video.
Even though I put an asterisk by many sets this week (indicator the set did not go as planned), the number of reps is actually within my prescribed rep ranges, which I posted previously. It is just that at this point in my training cycle, I want to hit the higher number in those ranges, while for these sets, I only hit the lower number.
Routine Changes and 60s PRs
Someone asked what changes I was making to my powerlifting training routine. Basically, I am going back to doing what I was doing before my contest back in September and worked well leading up to that contest. In fact, I mentioned about “60s PRs” recently. Those were mostly set in the weeks leading up to that contest. After the normal post-contest letdown, I am struggling to get back to where I was before the contest.
2025 Week 4 Workouts
1-19, Su: Off. Rodent-proofing my pantry instead.
1-20, M: Conv Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Gear: 270/5*, 285/3*, 300/1*. Raw: 210/10. Video.
1-21, Tu: Decline Benches: Gear: 132.5/5*, 140/3*, 147.5/1*. Raw: 105/10. Video.
Rough morning before this workout. I had a medical appointment and a couple of other stops to make, all in sub-zero temperatures. Scrapping the ice off of my car windows was a workout in itself!
1-23, Th: Chain Squats: Gear: 280/5*, 295/3*, 310/1*. Raw: 217.5/10. Video.
My “rodent-proofing” did not work so well, so after this workout, I had yet an other mess to clean up and had to once again reconfigure my pantry. That took 1-1/2 hours and left me completely wiped out.
1-24, F: 3-Count Pause Benches: Gear: 122.5/5*, 130/3*, 137.5/1*. Raw: 100/8*. Video.
DB Rows: 70/9, 75/6, 80/3. Video.
I wasn’t sure if I would lift on this day after my rough day the day before and feeling awful in the morning. But by the afternoon I was feeling okay, so I lifted, and the workout went okay, at least as well as my workouts have been going.
2025 Week 5 Workouts
1-26, Su: Chain Deadlifts: Gear: 375/3**, 365*/4, 385*/2. Raw: 270*/10. Video.
Twisting Leg Raises (reps to each side) 10, 10. Video 1. Video 2.
More reconfiguring of my pantry area in the morning contributed to a terrible workout. I had to drop my planned weights on Deadlifts 30 pounds to get my planned reps on the second and third geared sets and 20 pounds for my raw set. And I wanted at least a couple of more reps on each set of the Leg Raises.
1-27, M: OFF. Feeling awful.
1-28 to 2/1: OFF.
After my terrible workout on Sunday and with all that has happened over the past few weeks and with feeling awful Monday and with all of that continuing through this week, I thought it was best to take a break from lifting. Consequently, I am taking this week off, with hopes I will be good to go next week.
When I restart, it will be necessary to drop my weights down about 10% and build back up again. This will be the fourth time in the past few years I had to do so—after my two shoulder surgeries, after my adductor injury, and after my contest in September. But it is what it is. And that ends any thoughts of another powerlifting contest for the foreseeable future.
Raw Set, Bodyweight, and a Long Road Back
I keep going back and forth whether I want to do my 9-10 rep raw set before or after my lower rep (1-6) geared sets. Before gives me shorter workouts, but it tends to tire more out for my more important geared sets. But since I am starting over again after a week break with lighter weights, I figure I will try before again in hopes I can get conditioned enough that it won’t adversely affect my geared sets as I get into heavier weights.
Meanwhile, with that week off, I lost 2-1/2 pounds. That is on top of losing a couple of pounds over the previous few weeks due to all of my problems of late, for a total loss of about five-pounds. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot for you big guys, but for someone my size (5’0”), it is a lot. And it could adversely affect my lifting. Although, the recent loss could just be due to not using creatine for a week. If so, then I should regain it quickly as I resume using it in my pre-workout drink.
But still, with the weight loss and the break, for my first week of workouts back, I got my planned reps. But only by having dropped the weights 10% and with most sets being harder than I had hoped. That means, I am probably looking at a long road back, if I ever get back to where I was before this whole ordeal began weeks ago.
2025 Week 6 Workouts
2-2, Su: 1-1/2” Extra Low Squats: Raw: 167.5/10. Gear: 215/6, 227.5/4, 240/2. Video.
2-3, M: 3-Count Pause Chain Decline Benches: Raw: 97.5/10. Gear: 122.5/6, 130/4, 137.5/4, 145/2. Video.
I hadn’t done this particular variant before, so it took an extra set to get the weights right.
Close Grip Incline Benches: Raw: 70/10. Gear: 85/6, 90/4, 95/2. Video.
Benches seem to go best when I do both Declines and Inclines on my Bench Assistance (BA) day, so that is what I will try to do. It is just that it makes for a longer and more challenging workout than I prefer.
2-4, Tu: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Deadlifts: Raw: 227.5/10. Gear: 295/6, 310/4, 325/2. Video.
2-6, Th: 3/4” Extra Low Chain Squats: Raw: 185/11+. Gear: 245/6, 257.5/4, 270/2. Video.
Step-ups: 15s/9, 17.5s/6, 20s/3. Video.
2-7, F: Close Grip Benches: Raw: 91.5/11+. Gear: 117.5/6, 122.5/4, 127.5/2. Video.
2025 Week 7 Workouts
2-9, Su: Conv Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Raw: 190/12. Gear: 250/6, 265/4, 280/2. Video.
2-10, M: 3-Count Pause Decline Benches: Raw: 95/12+. Gear: 125/6, 130/4, 137.5/2. Video.
Incline Benches: Raw: 72.5/10. Gear: 90/6, 95/4, 100/2. Video.
As I feared, it is a bit too much doing Declines and Inclines in the same workout. Thus, I am substituting Overhead Presses for the Inclines. They’re not quite as effective for helping with regular Benches, but they are less demanding and time-consuming given the difficulties I have setting up for them in my home gym. I will alternate doing he Presses standing and seated and breathing at the top and pausing at the bottom and vice-versa.
2-11, Tu: Regular Squats with Sleeves: Raw: 175/10. Gear: 225/6, 237.5/4, 250/2. Video.
2-13, Th: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Chain Deadlifts: Raw: 247.5/10. Gear: 320/6, 337.5/4, 355/2. Video.
Problems during this workout that are too hard to explain. Suffice it to say, I am getting very frustrated with one thing after another going wrong ever since the weekend before Christmas.
2-14, F: Regular Benches: Raw: 95/11+. Gear: 120/6, 125/4, 130/2. Video.
Very tired for this workout and frustrated that I am back to not putting the big plates on for Benches. But maybe next time.
2025 Week 8 Workouts
2-16, Su: OFF. More problems. I needed to once again clean my entire basement due to an accident during my workout on Thursday. Hard to explain, so I will leave it at that.
Meanwhile, I lost a couple of more pounds, down to 118.4 pounds. I am now the lightest I’ve been in 2-1/2 years, since after my second shoulder surgery. IOW, all that I have been through the past couple of months has taken as much of a toll on my body as having surgery. But all I can do is hope and pray things turn around soon, so I can get back on track and build back up.
2-17, M: 1-1/2” Extra Low Chain Squats: Raw: 185/12+. Gear: 250/6, 262.5/4, 275/2. Video (top set only).
I need to add another notation. A plus sign will indicate a set went better than planned, generally that I got more reps than expected. Here and in a couple of workouts last week, I wanted ten reps on my raw set but got 11-12. That enabled me to increase the weights slightly for my geared sets.
2-18, Tu: Close Grip Decline Benches: Raw: 95/12+. Gear: 125/6, 130/4, 135/2. Video.
Presses, Seated: Raw: 40/9, Gear: 45/6, 50/4+. Video.
A doctor’s appointment in the morning left me a bit wiped out for this workout. But it still went even better than planned.
2-20, Th: Regular Conv Deadlifts: Raw: 235/10. Gear: 305/6, 320/4, 335/2. Video.
Very depressed about how Deadlifts are going. Down a full 50-pounds from my best before my contest back in September.
2-21, F: Dead Stop Chain Benches: Raw: 95/12+. Gear: 122.5/6, 127.5/4, 132.5/2. Video.
Curl Bar Rows: 90/9, 97.5/6, 105/3. Video (top set only).
2025 Week 9 Workouts
2-23, Su: 3/4” Extra Low Squats: Raw: 175/10. Gear: 225/6, 237.5/4, 250/2. Video.
2-24, M: Decline Benches: Raw: 102.5/10. Gear: 127.5/6, 132.5/4, 140/2. Video.
2-25, Tu: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Raw: 175/12+. Gear: 235/6, 255*/4, 265/2. Video.
I made a major change in my daily schedule with this workout. Since I started lifting again almost 25 years ago, I’ve been working out in the afternoons. And even back in college, I would generally work out while the dorms were serving dinner, about 5:00 pm. But I started this workout at 6:30 pm, probably the latest I ever worked out. I liked the new schedule, and this workout went well, though it was a relatively easy one. I’ll see how my next few workouts go and my new schedule in general before deciding if I will stick with it.
2-27, Th: Chain Squats: Raw: 200/10. Gear: 260/6, 272.5/4, 285/2. Video.
Step-ups: 17.5s/9, 20s/5, 22.5s/4+. Video (top set only).
2-28, F: 3-Count Pause Benches: Raw: 90/10. Gear: 112.5/6, 117.5/4, 122.5/2. Video.
I did some early “spring cleaning” the morning of this workout, which left quite wiped out. But this workout in the evening still went as planned.
2025 Week 10 Workouts
3-2, Su: Chain Conv Deadlifts: Raw: 260/10. Gear: 335/6, 352.5/4, 370/2. Video.
3-3, M: 3-Count Pause Chain Declines: Raw: 107.5/10. Gear: 132.5/6, 140/4, 147.5/2. Video.
Presses, Seated: 40/9, Gear: 45/7+, 52.5/4+. Video.
3-4, Tu: 1-1/2” Extra Low Squats: 172.5/11+. Gear: 225/6, 235/4, 245/2. Video.
3-6, Th: Conv 2 Boards (1-1/2”) Deficit Deadlifts: Raw: 230/10. Gear: 300/6, 315/4, 330/2. Video.
3-7, F: Close Grip Benches: Raw: 95/10. Gear: 120/6, 125/4, 130/2. Video.
Super Curls Bar Rows: 92.5/9, 100/6, 107.5/3. Video.
2025 Week 11 Workouts
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