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2017-18 Tetra Raw Powerlifting Training Plan

Overview and Summary

By Gary F. Zeolla

      My Two-Stage Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan worked well in preparing me for my most recent contest, which was APF/ AAPF Ohio States on September 9, 2017, so I could keep using it. But I want to try something a bit different. My reasons for doing so will be explained as I proceed.




The name of this new plan will be “Tetra Raw Powerlifting Training Plan.” I will explain the name shortly. But first, this plan consists of four training weeks, so it adds one training week to the three I used for my Trinity Plan. The four training weeks are labeled Week A, Week B, Week C, and Week D.

The four training weeks together constitute one “rotation” and are numbered using Roman numerals. Ideally, there will be six rotations in a training plan, so there should be Rotations I-VI in each plan. But I could go as short as five rotations or as long as seven.

I will continue to work out four days a week, on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, alternating through four basic workouts: Bench Assistance (BA), Squats, Benches, Deadlifts. I will still take an extra day off about once a month, so each rotation should take about a month and the entire plan will last about six months. A contest will be entered at the end of the training plan.

The basic design of each workout is to do two major exercises, plus a form of rows on BA and Bench days.

For various updates to training plan, see my comments on various workouts in Rotations I and II of my new workout log.


Why “Tetra Raw”?


      I can now explain the name of this training plan. Since this training plan consists of rotating through four training weeks, I could just call it a Four Week Rotation, but I wanted something a little fancier than the simple English word “four.”

      I am the translator of the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible. It is translated from various Greek texts, so I figured the Greek word for “four” would work. The Greek adjective for the standalone word “four” is tessera (e.g. “four living creatures” – Revelation 4:6). I could have used that word for this training plan, but it is a bit awkward and hard to remember.

      Meanwhile, the Greek prefix for “four” is tetra (e.g., tetrakischilioi, “four-thousand” – Matt 15:38). That will work better as it is easier to remember, and it is a common prefix (e.g., tetrahedron, “a triangular pyramid” – Oxford Dictionary).

      Also, the word “Tetra” is the name for “a small tropical freshwater fish” (Google). A simple outline of a fish was the earliest symbol of the Christian faith. I wear such a fish pendant on a necklace when I am deadlifting, so that fits as well.

      As for the “Raw” part, I have a variation of this training plan written up for lifting equipped. I call it my “Tetra Equipped Powerlifting Training Plan.” I am not sure if I will ever use it as I am not sure if I want to train and compete equipped again or not. If I do, it won’t be until at least sometime next year. But for now, l will stick with competing raw with wraps, so I am using this Raw version.


Figuring Out Initial Weights


      As always, I will do “backoff” workouts the first two weeks post-contest, which is to say, Weeks A and B of Rotation I. For them, I will drop the weights by 10% from the last time I did each exercise. That gives me just somewhat hard workouts. That amount of backing off is needed due to the normal post-contest letdown.

      Since I do three work sets, increasing the weights by 5% and dropping by two reps set to set, the way I figure out the weights for these backoff workouts is I use the weight I used for the first, highest rep set the previous time for the third, lowest rep set in the backoff workout, then figure out the other two sets from there. That gives me a 10% decrease.

      But by Week C of the first rotation, I should be able to get back into harder training. Therefore, for Weeks C and D, I will use what I call “starter weights.” For these, I only drop 5% from last time. For these starter workouts, I use the weights I used for my second, middle reps set for the third, lowest reps set to give me the 5% drop.

      This plan of using backoff then starter weights will ease me back into harder training, while ensuring I get the higher reps in my planned rep ranges in each workout in the first rotation. Then by Week A of Rotation II, I should be ready for my normal high intensity workouts.


Extra Days Off


      As indicated, this training plan also utilizes an occasional extra day off. I take such about once a month, except at the start of the training plan. Since my backoff and starter workouts are easier than my regular workouts, I might go as long as six weeks until I take an extra day off; but after that, it is usually once a month. Taking that extra day off keeps me from getting burned out and overtrained.

      Since, I work out on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, I always make that extra day off a Sunday or Thursday. That way, I get three full days of rest. That always regenerates me and leaves me feeling prepared to lift and even like it has been a long time since I did so, no matter how much I was dragging before the break.


Not Two-Stage


      One very significant difference between this training plan and my previous one, and for that matter, every routine I’ve used since I began training hard and thinking of competing again in 2014, is there is only one stage or part to this plan, whereas all of the previous plans have had two stages.

      But that I mean, I would train for 12 weeks, then change all of my assistance exercises, then train for another 12 weeks, then enter a contest. With that plan, I would backoff at the beginning of each routine and peak at the end of it. That would keep me from getting bored and burned out over the course of a six month training period.

      However, what it effectively did was have me prepare for a contest at the end of the first half but without actually entering one. Then I would start over in the second half and then enter a contest. As a result, I would only enter a contest every six months but would have only been effectively training for it for three months, with basically starting over the second half.

      That approach did make for steady progress, but it has been very slow progress. My lifts and total have increased contest to contest, but only slightly, which is especially disappointing in the light of only entering a contest every six months.

      With this new plan, I will backoff at the beginning as just noted, but I will then train straight through to the contest at the end of the six month training period without backing off again. Hopefully, that will enable me to continue to progress throughout. My concern is that I might get burned out along the way, but that is the reason for the monthly extra day off.

      Moreover, with only doing the same exercise once a month or six times in a training period, I don’t foresee getting burned out on it. When I have used such an approach before, I trained for six months without getting burned out or stagnating.

      What I debated about though was if I should have two different plans with two different sets of exercises, alternating between them after each contest. But again, with only doing the same exercise once a month, I will only do it 12 times a year, so I shouldn’t get burned out on it. And to fill all of the slots for two different plans would require using exercises that are not quite as effective, as I will discuss next. Plus, having two plans just gets too confusing. But I might change a few minor exercises, like rows, where I do have enough effective alternatives.

      However, if I do lift equipped someday, I will of course have to use suits and a shirt in training, and that will be a considerable change in the actual powerlifts. I will also change how I do chain and band work, but I don’t think I will change anything else. But still, going back and forth between raw and equipped would add some variety. That is one reason I am thinking of it.


Exercises Discussions


      Following are discussions of some of my exercises choices and the performances thereof.



      I will be using dumbbells (DBs) on benches, decline benches, overhead presses, and rows. All of that DB work is because of my still weak right shoulder from my bicycle accident. I got away from using DBs in my last routine as they add to the workout time, since I only have changeable DBs in my home gym. But benches did not go as well as when I was doing DB work, so am going back to doing it despite the added workout time. The DBs force my right shoulder to work independently of my left.

      I have been doing the DB pressing moves (overhead presses, benches, and declines) with arms together and with alternating arms. But I don’t think the latter is as effective as they are too different from regular benches. Also, alternating arms is more tiring and takes longer, so I don’t think I will bother with them. DB rows can be done one arm at a time or both arms at once, overhand and underhand. I will incorporate all of these variations at one point or another.


Overhead Presses:

      Overhead presses are done seated, using my FID (flat, incline, decline) bench. The pad is not set at a right angle but about 20 degrees backward. That way, I can press the bar straight up without hitting my head. Also, if I keep my butt and shoulders against the pad, I am held in proper form, and it helps my weak right shoulder and thus my bench. Here is a picture of the setup.

      On the other hand, it is difficult to maintain proper form with standing presses, especially with my right shoulder. I tend to lean back and to the left in an effort to lock out my right arm, lessening the effectiveness of the lift. Moreover, overhead presses are just too different from benches to be of much help. But seated presses mimic benches somewhat, especially with the way I do them with a slight angle making them a faux incline bench. But they put more emphasis on the shoulders than inclines, thus helping my weak shoulder more than inclines do.


Lengthening the Stroke:

      What probably helped deadlifts go so well at my recent contest was a change I made in my training at the start of my most recent routine. I began to do most of my assistance work with a 2-1/4” (3 board) deficit. That is probably why the bar seemed to come up from the floor rather easily.

      Since that idea worked so well for deadlifts, I will use a similar one to strengthen the bottom-end of squats. I will do some of my assistance work to an “extra low” depth, going about 1-1/2” below legal depth. I was going a bit lower, 2-1/4” inches, but that was too much, just as the 3” I used to use for deficit deadlifts was also a bit too much. But I took a board off of my platform for deadlifts and already did so for the foam box I use for depth checking for extra low squats.

    Along the same lines, I will try using my cambered bar more than I have been. I have only been using it for one exercises in each routine since I got it in a year and half ago (February 2016). But I will now use it for half four or five of my eight bench exercises and two or three of my four decline bench exercises.

    All three of these variations lengthen the stroke by lowering the bottom end of the lift, thus strengthening the bottom of the lift.


Sumo and Conv Deadlifts:

      My competitive deadlift stance is sumo, but I will train conv and sumo deadlifts about evenly. That means doing the same number and types of look-alike lifts for both stances by doing one lift with each stance in each workout. I have found that is the best way to make progress. Since each stance emphasizes different muscles (hips and quads in sumo, low back and hamstrings in conv), training them about evenly builds greater overall strength and prevents burnout.

      If by some weird chance I am pulling more conv than sumo at the end of the training plan, then I will use it for my peaking workouts and at the contest. But I seriously doubt that will happen, as my sumo deadlift always runs about 5-10 pounds more than my conv pull. Moreover, I will emphasize sumos somewhat by doing them first in three of the four workouts and by doing three of my four speed deadlifts moves with a sumo stance.


Partial Movements:

      I will not be doing any partial movements. I did some in my last plan and previously, but I really do not think they are helpful and could have contributed to me missing my third squat in the hole at my recent contest. Even with squatting with wraps, I still need bottom-end work. That shouldn’t have surprised me, as I found the same when competing equipped. I missed some reps and attempts in the hole even then. And partial moves are even less helpful for raw benches and deadlifts.

      The reason I used partials was to have a sufficient number of assistance exercises to fill all of the slots for using a two-stage type of training plan. But since I’m not doing that this time, they are not needed.



      Also not needed are some other exercises that I do not think are as effective as the alternatives I am using. I have listed them after the Summary. In the list are also some exercises that are effective but which simply do not fit within this plan. I have separated the exercises as to which are which so I do not forget. Also listed are some ideas I had for alternatives to fill all the slots of a two-stage plan or if I wanted to change exercises plan to plan but which I have not tried yet.


Speed & Isolation Exercises Workouts


      The preceding discussion is about my late afternoon powerlifting workouts. Those take 1-1/2 to 2 hours. In them, I do all compound exercises, namely the powerlifts and look-alike lifts, plus various forms of rows and presses. But I also do morning workouts lasting 30-45 minutes. For them, I do speed and isolation exercises. Altogether, I work out about ten hours a week.

      The speed work is basically interval training, so it functions as my cardio. I do four work sets, resting just 30 seconds between sets, not pausing between reps, and doing the reps in a rapid fashion. That gives it the cardiovascular (CV) effect. I know it works in that capacity, as my blood pressure is always around 120/ 80, and resting heart rate in the mid-40s.

      I do speed rows when I will be doing a BA workout later, speed squats before a Squats workout, speed benches before a Benches workout, and speed deadlifts before a Deadlifts workout. The speed work follows the same four-week rotation of exercises as for my powerlifting workouts.

I follow that speed work with a couple of isolation exercises, also following a four-week rotation of exercises. Those isolation exercises are done for much higher reps than I use for my powerlifting workouts (7-20 vs. 1-7), and they are done with a shorter rest between sets (30-90 seconds vs. 3-5 minutes). As such, they fit well for conditioning with the speed work.


Planned Sets x Reps


      My planned sets x reps are as follows.



      For my morning workouts, I start with the speed work. For it, I warmup with two sets done in a regular (slow) fashion of 15 then 11 reps. The first warmup set is with just bodyweight for squats and deadlifts and with the bar for benches and with a pair of 10s for rows. The second set is then done with a very light weight. I then do two warmup sets in a speed fashion of 9, 7 reps. For the following isolation exercises, I do just one warmup of 9-11 reps.

      With doing speed work in my morning workouts, I have found I do not need an initial 15 rep warmup set in my afternoon workouts, except on BA day. Since I start with declines while I do speed rows in the mornings, I need the initial 15 rep set.

      But either way, I then do 11, 9, 7, 5, 3 reps. All of these sets are done completely raw, except for the final set, which is done with whatever gear I will be using for my work sets. The final set is done with 10% less than what I will be using for my first work set. The weights for the 9, 7, and 5 rep sets are spaced evenly in-between the 11 and 3 rep sets.

      For the second and third exercises of the day, I usually do 3 x 7, 5, 3. These sets are all done with the work sets’ gear. I used to them raw, but recently I realized that was staring over and required more warmups.


Work Sets x Reps:


Powerlifts and most Look-alike Lifts:

3 x 5-6, 3-4, 1-2


Overhead Presses, Rows, Dumbbells, SLDLs:

3 x 6-7, 4-5, 2-3


Speed Work:

4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3


Most Isolation Exercises:

3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8


Rotator Cuff Work:

2 x 15-16, 13-14


Isolation Exercises using Ankle Weights:

2 x 15-20, 10-15


Some Abs work:



      The slightly higher reps for the second group of exercises is appropriate, as a single doesn’t work well for them. On overhead presses, my form after the first rep is the same as for benches, to stop and breathe at the top but to only pause momentarily at the chest. Therefore, the first rep is different from subsequent reps. That is why a single doesn’t work well for them. Otherwise, a single just feels too heavy on rows, DBs, and SLDLs.

      On speed work, I added a fourth set so as to do a higher rep set, two medium rep sets, and a lower rep set. Going up to nine reps makes them even more effective as a substitute for cardio, while ending with a double or triple is more applicable for powerlifting. But I don’t want to do a single, as part of what makes speed work “speed” is not pausing between reps, but that effect is lost with a single.



      For most of this training plan, I will shoot for the higher reps in my reps ranges for all exercises. But the final rotation, I plan on doing the lower reps. These lower reps prepare me for the heavier weights and lower reps of my final peaking workouts pre-contest.

      In addition, in my final regular workouts, my weight increases set to set are about the same as I will probably use in the upcoming contest, whereas they are normally slightly less. That opens up the sets some, so that I am working less hard on the first set but ideally hitting a full max single on the final set. Then at the contest, it makes my opener easy as compared to my next two attempts.

      The final peaking workouts then occur the last week of hard workouts pre-contest, no matter which training week it is supposed to be. For them, I do just the actual powerlifts. I add a final warmup set of a single with gear, then do four work sets of 4, 3, 2, 1 reps. I then skip the usual following exercise(s). That gives me a good bit of low rep work on the powerlifts, ideal for peaking for a contest. It might also give me an extra workout for each actual powerlift. And without the following exercises, my recuperative abilities won’t be as taxed, so I should enter the contest at full strength.

      My plan for the contest will then be to use the same warmups as for the peaking workout. I will open with a weight between what I used for four-rep set and the triple, and my second attempt will between the weight for the double and the single. My third attempt will then be about 5% greater than that. Of course, I will need to adjust this plan if I miss any reps in a peaking workout and based on how the contest is going and my goals for it.

      For the last week of my morning workouts pre-contest, I will continue with the speed work but skip the following isolation exercises. That way, I maintain my conditioning for the rigors of a powerlifting contest, but I increase my recuperative abilities by not doing the not-so-meaningful stuff. However, I will do the rehab exercises for my tender right hamstring and adductor in the last week. I stopped those last time, and during my first squat and deadlifts workouts post-contest, both areas bothered me.


Workouts Summary


      This chart presents a summary of my exercise selections for my Tetra Raw Powerlifting Training Plan.



    All benches moves done with a medium, grip and a one-count pause at the chest, unless otherwise indicated. All dumbbell exercises done with arms together, unless otherwise indicated.

      The deficit for deadlifts is 2-1/4” (3 boards). The “extra low” depth for squats is 1-1/2” (2 boards) lower than my normal, legal depth. I hit each depth exactly due to using my extra low foam squat box.

      The links are to where the piece of gym equipment can be purchased from Amazon.



AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible

CG = Close Grip

MG = Medium Grip (my regular grip)

WG = Wide Grip

BB = Barbell (usually my Heavy Duty Power Bar)

CB = Curl Bar

SCB = Super Curl Bar (different grip angles than a regular curl bar)

DB = Dumbbell

RB = Reverse Bands

RC = Rotator Cuff

[…] = Not sure if I will use the variation


Powerlifting Workouts


Basic Design of Workouts:

Bench Assistance: Declines Benches, Overhead Presses, Rows (overhand, to the chest).

Squats: Two Major Squat Exercises.

Benches: Two Major Bench Exercises, Rows (underhand, to the stomach).

Deadlifts: Two Major Deadlifts Exercises.


Bench Assistance (BA):

Week A: WG Decline Benches, CG Seated Presses, Two-Arm DB Rows (overhand).

Week B: DB Decline Benches (arms together), WG Seated Presses, MG BB Rows.

Week C: Cambered Bar Decline Benches, DB Standing Presses (arms together), WG BB Rows.

Week D: CG Decline Benches, WG Standing Presses, CG BB Rows.


Week A: Extra Low Squats with Sleeves, Partial Squats.

Week B: Two Chain Squats, Olympic (Extra Low, Close Stance) Squats (without Manta Ray).

Week C: Extra Low RB (#4, average bands) Squats, One-Count Pause Squats.

Week D: Squats with Wraps (2.5/ 3.0 meter), Manta Ray (high bar, close stance) Squats.


Week A: Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches, 3-Count Pause RB (monster-minis) Benches, WG SCB Rows.

Week B: 3-Count Pause Benches, CG Benches, CG SCB Rows.

Week C: WG Benches, 3-Count Pause One Chain Benches, One-Arm DB Rows (underhand).

Week D: Raw Benches, DB Benches (alternate arms), MG SCB Rows.


Week A: Sumo Deficit Two Chain Deadlifts, Conv Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Week B: Sumo Deficit Deadlifts, Sumo 4.5” Block Pulls.

Week C: Sumo Snatch Grip Deadlifts, Conv 3/4” Deficit Deadlifts.

Week D: Sumo Raw Deadlifts, Sumo Deficit SLDLs.


Not Used:

Less Effective:

Standing Presses (all variations), DB Presses (alternate arms), DB Decline Benches (alternate arms), Dead Stop Squats, Partial Squats, Bench Squats, 3-Count Pause Squats, Box Squats, Sting Ray (front, close stance) SquatsFeet Up Benches, Dead Stop Benches, Rack Benches, Board Benches, Rack Pulls.

Effective But Don’t Fit:

Inclines (all variations), Dips (on bars and rings), Cambered Bar Rows (all variations), Curl Bar Rows (all variations), One-Arm DB Rows (overhand), Two-Arm DB Rows (underhand), Squats with Sleeves, Low Squats, Band Benches, Sumo Deficit RB Deadlifts, Conv Deficit Chain Deadlifts, Conv Deadlifts.

Haven’t Tried Yet:

Additional Decline Benches variations (3 Count Pause, RB, Chain, Cambered Bar), Chain Seated Presses, Zercher Squats, Floor Presses, Sumo and Conv Block Pulls.


Speed & Isolation Exercises (SIE) Workouts


Basic Design of Workouts:

Day 1: Speed Rows, Curls, Rotator Cuff, Hand Gripper.

Day 2: Speed Squats, Calves, Upper Abs.

Day 3: Speed Benches, Reverse Curls, Rotator Cuff.

Day 4: Speed Deadlifts, Leg Curls, Adductors/ Abductors or Lower Abs.


Day 1 (on BA day):

Week A: Speed Two-Arm DB Rows (overhand), MG SCB Curls, RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together).

Week B: Speed MG BB Rows, MG SCB Preacher Curls, RC: Sitting, front, Hand Gripper (reps).

Week C: Speed WG BB Rows, CG SCB Curls, RC: Shoulder Horn (alternate arms), Hand Gripper (holds).

Week D: Speed CG BB Rows, CG SCB Preacher Curls, RC: Lying on side, Hand Gripper (holds + reps).

Day 2 (on Squats day):

Week A: Speed Extra Low Squats, Standing BB Calves, Abs: Sit-ups.

Week B: Speed Two Chain Squats, Standing Rocking DB Calves, Abs: Crunch-Side-Bend Combo.

Week C: Speed Extra Low RB (#4, average) Squats, Standing DB Calves, Abs: Decline Sit-ups.

Week D: Speed Squats, Standing Rocking BB Calves, Abs: Bicycle Abs (amrap).

Day 3: (on Benches day):

Week A: Speed Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches, CG CB Reverse Curls, RC: Lying, Out.

Week B: Speed Dead Stop Benches, MG CB Reverse Preacher Curls, RC: Lying, in.

Week C: Speed WG or One Chain Benches, MG CB Reverse Curls, RC: Lying, up.

Week D: Speed Benches, BB Reverse Curls, RC: Lying, down.

Day 4 (on Deadlifts day):

Week A: Speed Sumo Deficit One Chain Deadlifts, Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs), Standing Leg Curls (one leg at a time).

Week B: Speed Sumo Deficit Deadlifts, Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time), Twisting Dip Bar Leg Raises (alternate legs).

Week C: Speed Conv 3/4" Deficit Deadlifts, Adductors/ Abductors (one leg at a time), Standing Leg Curls (alternate legs).

Week D: Speed Sumo Deadlifts, Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs), Twisting Dip Bar Leg Raises (legs together).

Not Used:

Heavy Bag, Step-ups, Jump Rope, Speed Pushups, Speed MG Chain Benches, DB Curls, DB Reverse Curls, Crunches, Decline Crunches, Crunch-Reverse Crunch Combo, Twisting Sit-ups, Wrist Roller (overhand and underhand), Leg raises, Twisting Leg Raises (amrap), Dip Bar Leg Raises, various RC exercises. Note: All of these are effective though not as effective as the ones I am using.


Stick with It to Make Progress


      I followed a Three or Four Week Rotation training plan on several occasions for various periods of time back in the 00s, and they worked well most of the time. Then I renamed a three-week rotation type of plan my Trinity Plan, and it worked well with a few alterations along the way for my last training period.

      The times I used a such a plan and didn’t make progress, I made mistakes. But knowing what those mistakes were, I can correct them now with this Tetra Plan. The biggest mistake was changing too many things in the course of the routine. It is to avoid such that I am being so detailed in this article and my plans now, as writing it all out helps me to do that. Although, I will probably still be refining and figuring out some things through the first rotation, as indicated by the bracketed variations in the Summary. But hopefully, I'll have everything settled by the end of Rotation I and will be able to train without any significant alternations after that.

      If I do switch to the Equipped variation of this Tetra plan at some point, that would not be that great of a change, as only a few changes would need to be made, as already noted.


Future Plans


      If I follow this training plan for six rotations, I will need about six and half months between contests, one month for each rotation plus a week off before and after a contest. If I add the peaking week as an extra week after Rotation VI, that would be almost seven months. With the difficulties I have entering contests, competing  a little less than twice a year might be best. But I could go as short as five rotations and still make progress and thus enter a contest after about 5-1/2 months, or I could go as long as seven rotations and thus a contest after almost eight months. That will give me more options as to what contests to enter.

      Since my last contest was on September 9, 2017, my next contest could be anytime from late February to April 2018. There are usually several contests I could enter in that timeframe, including IPA PA States in York, PA. Since I started competing again in 2015, I have entered it three times in late February/ early March (2015, 2016, 2017). It is a great contest, with the best contest venue I have ever competed at, the auditorium at York Barbell. But it might be a bit too early.

      Moreover, when I enter a contest, I consider it my vacation, as traveling to a different city and staying in a hotel is quite a change from my regular schedule. And entering different contests rather than the same one over and over again will have me traveling to different cities, staying in different hotels, and meeting different people, which will keep things interesting. Also, if I enter a different federation, it will give me the opportunity to add to my ever-growing list of federation records (see Summary of Powerlifting Contests, USA Ranking, Records, and Times Bodyweight).

      On the other hand, keeping things the same makes them comfortable and predictable, so I can focus on the most important thing, my performance at the contest. And I have done well the three times I have entered IPA PA States. Moreover, the IPA holds two other contests in the same location, its Summer Spectacular in June and Nationals in November, so those would be options for other times. But I will wait to see how this training plan goes to decide how long I want to run it for and which contest to enter.




      Here’s praying this Tetra Raw Powerlifting Training Plan does in fact work well as I prepare for my next contest, whenever that will be.

    Again, for various updates to training plan, see my comments on various workouts in Rotations I and II of my new workout log. That log also records my initial workout logs using this plan.


Postscript: Tetra in the Bible


      For those who are interested, the prefix tetra appears ten times in the Greek New Testament. Most notably, it is part of the word for “four-thousand” (tetrakischilioi). The most important occurrences of this word are when Jesus feeds four-thousand men, plus women and children, with seven loaves of bread and a few fishes (Matt 15:38; 16:10; Mark 8:9,20, also Act 21:28).


            32Then Jesus having summoned His disciples, said, “I have compassion on the crowd, because they are already staying with Me three days, and they do not have anything they should eat; and I do not want to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the journey.” 33And His disciples say to Him, “From where to us [fig., Where can we get] in [this] desolate place so many loaves of bread, so as to fill so great a crowd?” 34And Jesus says to them, “How many loaves of bread do you have?” So they said, “Seven, and a few small fish.”

            35And He commanded the crowds to recline on the ground. 36And having taken the seven loaves of bread and the fish, having given thanks, He broke [them] and gave [them] to His disciples, and the disciples to the crowd. 37And they all ate and were satisfied! And they took up the leftover broken pieces—seven large baskets full! 38Now the ones eating were four thousand men, besides women and young children. 39Then having sent away the crowds, He stepped into the boat and came into the borders of Magdala (Matt 15:32-39; ALT).


      Tetra also occurs four times as part of the word for “four-hundred” (tetrakosioi; Acts 5:36, 7:6; 13:20; Gal 3:17) and once as part of the word for “four months” (tetramenon; John 4:35).


Tetra Raw Training Plan: Overview and Summary. Copyright © 2017 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Nutrition and the Bible

    These three books look in-depth at what God give to human beings for food and what the Bible teaches about diet and nutrition. They also compare these Biblical teachings to scientific research on nutrition and degenerative disease like heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

God-given Foods Eating Plan: For Lifelong Health, Optimization of Hormones, Improved Athletic Performance

Creationist Diet: Second Edition; A Comprehensive Guide to Bible and Science Based Nutrition

Creationist Diet: Nutrition and God-given Foods According to the Bible

See also this series on Amazon (#ad).


The above article was posted on this site September 17, 2017.
It was last updated December 24, 2017.

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present

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