Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
Promoting Sin
and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division
June 1 through October 15, 2022
In many ways, Biden’s economic policies have been disastrous for the country. However, in his tweets on his @POTUS account on Twitter, he not only defends these policies but promotes them as being good for the country. But maybe worse than his economic policies is his promotion of sin and death, the former via his promotion of the LGBTQ movement, pagan holidays, and abortion, and the latter again by his promotion of abortion and via his open-door southern border policies.
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The Five Volumes
Americans are struggling to make ends meet, seniors returning to the work force and younger workers are taking second jobs due to Bidenflation, there is an open southern border, with illegal aliens and fentanyl and other illicit drugs flooding through it, with over 100,000 Americans a year dying of drug overdoses as a result, our kids being sexualized and taught to be racists in our schools, there is a never-ending war in Ukraine, violence is growing in our streets, including random acts of violence and a record number of mass shootings, there is a growing lack of respect for human property and human life, and a majority of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. That is Biden’s America. I explain how we got here due to his failed policies in this series of five books.
Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency, Volume Two: Promoting Sin and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division, June through September 2022
Introductory Pages
Table of Contents
Format / About the Author ……………………………….. 4
Preface .....……………………………………………….. 5
Related Books/ Documentation for Comments ……… 6
Definitions ………………………………………………… 7
Abbreviations .....………………………………………… 9
Chapters – 11
6 – Biden’s @POTUS Tweets: June 2022 …………. 13
7 – Biden's @POTUS Tweets: July 2022 ………….. 83
8 – Biden’s @POTUS Tweets: August 2022 ……….. 153
9 – Biden’s @POTUS Tweets: September 2022 …. 259
10a – Biden’s Tweets: October 1-15, 2022 ……….. 365
Appendixes … 431
#1 – Bibliography.……………………………………… 365
#2 – Additional Books by the Author ……………….. 419
#3 – Author’s Websites, Newsletters, Social Sites/
Contacting the Author …………………………… 433
Note: The page numbers are for the hardcopy formats.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. was inaugurated as President of the United States (POTUS) on
January 20, 2021. During his first year in office, his main goal seemed to be to
reverse everything his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, accomplished during his
four years as President.
Biden also pushed through several economic bills that together cost trillions of dollars. By doing so, he caused inflation to skyrocket, which many termed Bidenflation. But rather than learning from his failures, in his second year in office, he continued to push for passage of bills that cost trillions more, keeping that Bidenflation elevated.
In many other ways, his economic policies were disastrous for the country. However, in his tweets on his @POTUS account on Twitter, he not only defends these policies but promotes them as being good for the country.
But maybe worse than his economic policies is his promotion of sin and death. By “Sin” in the subtitle of this book is meant the sin of the LGBTQ movement. He made himself the self-proclaimed advocate for this sinful and destructive movement. He also promotes sin by his endorsement of pagan holidays, while misrepresenting Christian and Jewish ones.
Another way he promotes sin is by his unabashed support of abortion. But since abortion is really the killing of unborn babies, that is the “death” part of the subtitle. He also promoted death via his open-door southern border policies.
That open door encouraged many migrants from Central and South American to make the dangerous trek to the United States, with many of them dying along the way and while trying to cross the border.
That open door also allowed tons of fentanyl and other dangerous illicit drugs to flood across the border, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans via suicide and drug overdoses.
But rather than turning from these deadly and destructive polices, Biden double-downed on them by labeling as “extremists” anyone who disagreed with them. He especially turned his hateful and divisive rhetoric towards those of us who believe life begins at conception, that marriage is between one man and one woman, and there are only two genders, and you cannot change from one to the other.
However, those are the scientific, historical, and Biblical positions, while the opposites are couched in sin and self-absorption. But the opposites are the only acceptable opinions in Biden’s mind and are the positions Biden supports and promotes in his tweets.
The Dates Covered and Content of this Book
This author’s two-volume set Joe Biden Tweets During the First Year of His Failing Presidency: Reversing Trump, while Dividing and Destroying America records all of Biden’s tweets from January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2022. That set is referred to in this book as Bidens Tweets; First Year, with maybe the volume number added.
Volume One of this three-volume set picked up with Biden’s tweets from the first day of his second year in office to the end of May, or from January 21 to May 31, 2022. This Volume Two covers Biden’s tweets from June 1 to October 15, 2022. Volume Three will cover Biden’s tweets from October 15 to December 31, 2022 and will include economic and other updates for early 2023.
Chapters are numbered consecutively through all three volumes. In that way, the chapter number corresponds to the month number for all of 2022. October is split up to even up Volumes Two and Three. The two parts are distinguished as Chapters 10a and 10b.
As with Biden’s Tweets; First Year, this set also includes my comments that I posted on Twitter in response to Biden’s tweets. Some of my comments were added later and reflect later developments. I have also added an occasional “Extended Comment” to provide further context and commentary to some of Biden’s tweets.
Some of my comments are in the second person and refer to “you”. These are my responses to Biden’s tweets that I posted on Twitter and are directed towards him. Others are in the third person and refer to “Biden.” These are the ones written just for this book.
Biden’s Intention to Run
In 2022, Biden declared it was his “intention” to run for a second term as President. He made it official on April 25, 2023. That is why I continued this series through the second year of his presidency. Come 2024, much of the focus will be on his third and fourth years, but this series will remind voters of his failures in his first two years in office.
This series of books provides the definitive record of those failures in Biden’s first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President.
Chapters Excerpts
Chapter Six
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
June 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Five in Volume One of this three-volume set.
Before getting to Biden’s tweets for June, I want to mention, at the top of his Twitter page is now a banner reading “Happy Pride Month!” written with rainbow shading. hus, right off the bar, before the month barely starts, Biden is already promoting Pride in Sin Month. He has really thrown himself behind this sinful and destructive movement in American today.
My two-volume set God’s Sex Plan discusses in detail the sinful nature and other problems with this movement. First Year, Volume One directly addresses Biden’s support for Pride in Sin Month.
June 1, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
It was great to meet with you, @bts_bighit Thanks for all you’re doing to raise awareness around the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and discrimination. I look forward to sharing more of our conversation soon.
[0:59 video] June 1, 2022
To comment, I doubt statistics would support the assertion there has been a rise in “anti-Asian hate.” But Biden will never miss an opportunity to push the idea of white supremacy being a major threat to America, after having ignored the Antifa/ BLM riots of 2020.
President Biden @POTUS
Thanks for stopping by the White House, @bts_bighit. June 1, 2022
To comment, Biden meeting in the Oval Office with some Korean boy band that I never heard of before and couldn’t care less about.
President Biden @POTUS
During Pride Month, we honor the resilience of LGBTQI+ people who are fighting to live authentically and freely. We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights. And we recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America. June 1, 2022
To comment, why is it just “Pride” month and not “Pride in LGBTQ Month?” This sinful movement has now coopeted the word “pride” just like it coopted the word “gay” and the rainbow. But lots of people can have pride, gay used to mean happy, and the rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant with all humanity.
12And the Lord God said to Noah, “This [is] the sign of the covenant which I give between Me and you* and between every living soul [fig., creature] which is with you* into generations [fig., for eternal generations]. 13I set My [rain]bow in the cloud, and it will be for a sign of covenant between Me and the earth. 14And it will be, in the gathering of clouds [by] Me upon the earth, My [rain]bow will be seen in the cloud. 15And I will be reminded of My covenant, which is between Me and you* and between every living soul in all flesh, and there will no longer be the water for a cataclysmic flood, so as to blot out all flesh. 16And My [rain]bow will be in the cloud, and I will see [it] to be reminded [of] the eternal covenant between Me and between every living soul in all flesh, which is upon the earth.” 17And God said to Noah, “This [is] the sign of the covenant, which I made between Me and between all flesh, which is upon the earth” (Genesis 9:12-17).
President Biden @POTUS
Join us for the U.S. Coast Guard change of command ceremony.
[51:03 video] June 1, 2022
To comment, Biden making an overly big deal about the first female head of a division of our armed forces. CBS News reported that her goal is to “diversify” the Coast Guard. How about being sure it is prepared to keep the oceans safe for our ships? You know, what the Coast Guard is supposed to do....
Extended Comment
Biden’s Gun Control Speech
Biden gave a gun control speech on Thursday, June 2, 2022. “All major broadcast networks broke away from regular programing to carry Biden’s remarks at 7:30 p.m. EDT, before the start of prime-time shows: (Newsmax. Biden Appeals).
Following are first excerpts (not indented for the sake of space), then comments by yours truly and various news outlets....
Chapter Seven
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
July 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Six.
July 1, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia vs. EPA aims to take our country backwards. Our fight against climate change must carry forward. My Administration and I will leverage every authority to protect public health, keep our air clean, and tackle the climate crisis. July 1, 2022
To comment, this was a fantastic ruling. It found the EPA did not have the authority to institute certain environmental regulations. It said they must be passed by the Congress like any other law, not put into place by bureaucratic fiat.
The effect of this ruling will be to curtail the unconstitutional Fourth Branch of the government. The Swamp, the Deep State. Call it what you want, but it has grown too powerful. Unelected officials controlling every aspect of our lives.
President Biden @POTUS
Tune in as I convene a virtual meeting with Governors to discuss efforts to protect access to reproductive health care.
[22:35 video] July 1, 2022
To comment, killing babies is not “reproductive health care.” It is deathcare. And thank God this holocaust is now being stopped in half of our country. And yes, those are babies, human beings, people, who are being killed by abortion, as demonstrated in my Sex Plan books:
President Biden @POTUS
Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law takes effect today – the latest attempt by Republicans in state houses to target LGBTQI+ students, teachers, and families. Legislators shouldn’t be in the business of censoring educators, and @usedgov will do all in its power to protect students. July 1, 2022
To comment, you are proving to be the most pro-sin President ever.
That said, the name of the law is “Parental Rights in Education.” The words “Don’t say gay” do not appear in it. The law does not “target” students deceived into thinking they are something they are not. The law is designed to prevent other students from being so deceived by this sinful movement.
President Biden @POTUS
Today, I was joined by a group of Governors who share my outrage at the Supreme Court’s extreme decision on Roe v. Wade. They understand what’s at stake, and they’re doing everything in their power to protect the women they serve. [picture of the video conference, with the video boards in pink] July 1, 2022
To comment, you’re outraged that millions of babies’ lives will be saved? Yes, a child in the womb is a baby, a human being, a person, as I demonstrate in my Sex Plan books and in my new article: “Abortion Rights” vs. “The Killing of Unborn Babies” - Part Two.
Extended Comment
Another Lie-filled, Divisive Speech
As with all of Biden’s speeches on controversial issues, this was another lie-filled, divisive speech that ignored the heart of the issue, the right to life of the preborn baby, the separate and distinct human being within the mother’s womb whose life will now be saved. That fact is demonstrated in my Sex Plan books.
On the tear-filled story about the 10-year-old girl in Ohio, if her life was in danger, she could get an abortion under any law protecting the lives of preborn babies being passed. That she could not was just one of many lies Biden told in his speech. Biden claimed,
“This isn’t some imagined horror; it is already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim – 10 years old – and she was forced to have to travel out of state to Indiana to seek to terminate the pregnancy and maybe save her life.”
The veracity of this story was initially called into question by conservative news outlets, as there was no immediate support for it. But eventually it was verified to be true, at least the basic facts of the case. But it remained untrue she had to travel out of state to get an abortion.
Moreover, the most important part of the story is she was raped by an illegal alien who crossed the border in 2015. That was when Obama was President. It was also when Trump made his candidacy announcement speech. In it, he said Mexico was sending us its “rapists and murders.” He was vilified for saying that, but apparently, he was correct. Rapists were in fact crossing the border at that time. But Biden never mentioned that aspect of the story.
As for a woman or girl being forced to carry to term the child of her rapist, we do not kill people for the sins or crimes of their parents. That is our tradition based on the Bible, as many of our law are (Deuteronomy 24:16). But that is what would happen if the baby were aborted because his or her father is a rapist.
But still, for practical reasons, I still think it is best to have exceptions for rape and incest, along with the life of the mother, in pro-life legislation. I explain that in my article, “Abortion Rights” vs. “The Killing of Unborn Babies” – Part Two. ...
President Biden @POTUS
The first image from the Webb Space Telescope represents a historic moment for science and technology. For astronomy and space exploration. And for America and all humanity. [picture of distant galaxies as taken by the Webb Telescope]. July 11, 2022
Extended Comment
Creation and Gun Violence
Those brilliant images should inspire people to praise the God who created those far distant galaxies. Instead, they will be used to instill the myth of evolution into people’s minds, with claims of billions of years and natural processes being responsible for all of that incredible intricacy and beauty.
1The heavens declare [the] glory of God, and the firmament proclaims [the] doing of His hands [fig., His handiwork] (Psalm 14:1).
1A foolish [person] said in his heart, “There is no God.” They corrupted, and became abominable in [their] pursuits; there is none doing goodness, there is not so much as one. 2The LORD looked down from heaven upon the sons [and daughters] of the people, to see if there is one understanding, or diligently seeking after God. 3They all turned aside; together they became unprofitable; there is none doing goodness; there is not so much as one. [Rom 3:10-12]
{Their throat [is] a grave having been opened; with their tongues they were deceiving; [the] venom of poisonous snakes [is] under their lips; whose mouth [is] full of cursing and bitterness; their feet [are] swift to shed blood; ruin and misery [are] in their ways; and [the] way of peace they did not know; there is no fear of God in front of their eyes. [Rom 3:13-18]} (Psalm 14:1-3).
Sadly, the second quote is a description of our society today due to the teaching of the myth of evolution in our schools and media.
Note the phrase, “their feet [are] swift to shed blood.” Here is the answer to gun violence. It is not about guns. It is about the secular worldview being taught to our kids and in the media. Go back to teaching God created all that exists, including human beings in His image. That all people are special and responsible to God. That will do more to curb gun violence that any gun control laws. Back to Biden.
President Biden @POTUS
So many whose lives have been shattered by gun violence have felt the price of inaction. This has taken too long with too long a trail of bloodshed and carnage. But because of their work, advocacy, and courage, the Safer Communities Act will save lives. Today and tomorrow. July 11, 2022
To comment, there will be no evidence this worthless act saved a single life.
President Biden @POTUS
When guns are the number one killer of America’s children – yes, you read that right – then we can’t just stand by and let it happen any longer. Today, we took action.
[0:41 video] July 11, 2022
To comment, this statement is only true if you consider 18-19-year-olds to be “children.” Without the death numbers for those legal adults, this is a lie. In fact, more “kids” aged 18-19 die from guns than all 0-17- year-olds combined. Biden really likes to play loose with statistics....
Chapter Eight
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
August 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Seven....
President Biden @POTUS
Today I’ll sign a second Executive Order to address the reproductive health care crisis since Roe was overturned. It will support women traveling for abortion care, ensure providers comply with the law when women require medical care, and advance maternal health research. Aug 3, 2022
To comment, such moves enabling women to continue to kill their unborn babies is one of the reasons I am dubbing you the Sin and Death President. Moreover, true “medical care” will never be denied women. As such, this is just more fearmongering by Biden.
Under any and all prolife laws being passed by red states, women will always be able to attain an abortion in the case of a miscarriage or if her life is in danger from carrying a pregnancy to term.
That “maternal health research” should include details on the development of the preborn baby. If it does, it will verify there is indeed a heartbeat at six weeks and that babies can feel pain at 20 weeks. It will also bore out the fact that in every way, the preborn baby is a separate and distinct human being from the mother. I demonstrate such in Part Two of my aforementioned two-part article.
President Biden @POTUS
Today’s Executive Order builds on the first Executive Order that I signed last month to safeguard access to health care – including abortion care – that was ripped away. I told you I wouldn’t back down. That hasn’t changed. [graphic showing the many ways Biden will enable women to kill their unborn babies]
Aug 3, 2022
To comment, “abortion care” is not “health care.” It is death care, at least for the preborn baby.
President Biden @POTUS
Congress must codify the protections of Roe as federal law. And if Congress fails to act, the people of this country need to make their voices heard. Aug 3, 2022
To comment, you mean Congress must codify a woman’s right to kill her unborn baby. Only once, on radio news, did I hear it correctly worded that way.
But in reality, abortion is and should remain a state’s right issue. But if the US Congress is to get involved, it should be to pass a minimum of a 15-week abortion ban. That would put the USA in line with most of Europe in protecting the lives of unborn babies in the second and third trimesters.
But you want to go the other way and put the USA in line with China and North Korea (NoKo) and allow the killing of unborn babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy. That is ghastly and barbaric.
President Biden @POTUS
I don’t think the Supreme Court or for that matter Congressional Republicans – who for decades have pushed their extremist agenda – have a clue about the power of American women. Last night in Kansas they found out. Aug 3, 2022
To comment, what was found out was the power of the media in misleading the American people. If they reported honestly about abortion, that it is always about the taking of the distinct life of an unborn baby, the results and public opinion would be far different....
President Biden @POTUS
I remain committed to our monkeypox response: ramping-up vaccine distribution, expanding testing, and educating at-risk communities. That’s why today’s public health emergency declaration on the virus is critical to confronting this outbreak with the urgency it warrants. Aug 4, 2022
Extended Comment
Monkeypox and Male Homosexual Promiscuity
I made this point in Volume One, but it will be good to repeat it.
A doctor on Newsmax said all of his monkeypox patients were male homosexuals, and on average, they each had ten sexual partners in the past month. That is the same extreme promiscuity that drove the HIV epidemic, with the average HIV victim having had 1,000 sexual partners in his lifetime. Meanwhile the type of sex male homosexuals engage in is the most dangerous form of sex possible.
The best way for them to be protected is to stop the extreme promiscuity. Even better is full abstinence. But only once, on NBC Radio News, did I hear a doctor say that. He probably got reprimanded for saying the truth. That is why I never heard him on NBC again.
However, I say the same in my God’s Sex Plan books in regard to the HIV epidemic. Back to Biden....
August 15, 2022
Extended Comment
One Year Anniversary of Afghan Debacle
Before getting to Biden’s tweets on this day, it is important to note that August 15, 2022 marks the one year anniversary of the Afghan debacle, Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan with the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. Then on August 26, 2021, 13 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack, while they were trying to evacuate Americans and our Afghan allies from the Kabul airport [quote with the names of the deceased soldiers]....
I addressed the botched withdrawal in two articles back then. See them for the background.
Worst Foreign Policy Debacle in USA History
Biden will mention none of this it in his tweets, but Donald Trump did on his social media site Truth Social.
Donald J Trump @RealDonaldTrump
The Afghanistan disaster of exactly one year ago was the most embarrassing, incompetent, and humiliating event in the history of the United States. Not the fact that we left, I was the one that got our soldier count down to 2 thousand in preparation for leaving, but the way we left, taking the military out first, 13 dead soldiers (with many badly injured), leaving many Americans behind, and giving the enemy over 85 Billion Dollaes [sic] worth of the best military equipment in the world. So Sad! August 15, 2022
This debacle was also mentioned on CBS Evening News, BBC World News, Fox News, and I am sure other TV news and podcast shows. It was also mentioned on the websites of most news outlets. Biden ignored it in his tweets, but later issued a statement. More on that shortly. But first, some comments on this grim anniversary.
House Repubs published a letter through Fox News detailing the debacle: Following are excerpts....
August 20, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
This Administration began amid a dark time – a once-in-a-century pandemic, joblessness, and threats to democracy and doubts about the American future itself. We haven’t wavered or given in. We are still doing the hard work of delivering results for the American people. Aug 20, 2022
Extended Comment
“Threats to Democracy”
There was not and are not “threats to democracy.” This is Biden’s gaslighting way of referring to the events of January 6, 2021 and to so-called “election deniers.”
But in fact, J6, though tragic, was in no way a threat to our democracy. I explain why not in detail in my book The Biased J6 Select Committee: The Public Hearings Were Half a Trial; This Book Gives You the Other Half, hereafter referred to as my J6 Committee book.
That some still believe there was fraud in the 2020 election is not a threat to democracy. It is thinking people realizing there were irregularities in that election that could have changed the election results.
I detail such in the aforementioned J6 Committee book and more so in my book Alleged Corruption, Bias, and Fraud: Allegations of the Corruption of Joe Biden, Bias of the Media and Big Tech, and Fraud in the 2020 Election, hereafter referred to as my Corruption book.
I also address such claims in my other three books in my “The 2020 Election, the January 6 ‘Insurrection,’ and its Aftermath” series. See Appendix Two for details. Back to Biden....
Chapter Nine
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
September 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Eight.
Before getting to Biden’s tweets for this month, let me point out, Biden has changed the header to his Twitter feed to a banner showing the URL for He has really thrown his full support to the killing of unborn babies. That again is part of the reason for the “Promoting Sin and Death” part of the subtitle for this book.
With that, on to his divisive and hate-filled tweets for this month. My reason for that statement will become obvious in a moment....
President Biden @POTUS
I took on the NRA in 1994 and passed the assault weapons ban the last time. Mass shootings went down. But in 2004 when Congressional Republicans let the ban expire, mass shootings tripled. It’s time to ban assault weapons in this country. Sept 1, 2022
To comment, that is simply not true. There was no appreciable change in mass shooting and violent crime when the assault weapons ban was in effect.
Extended Comment
Effects of the Assault Weapons Ban
There is much debate about the effects of the assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994-2003. It was passed under President Bill Clinton and was allowed to expire under President George W. Bush.
Liberals claim the ban reduced mass shootings and gun violence overall, while conservatives claim it had no effect. But claims both sides are cherry-picking data to suit their preconceived conclusions....
President Biden @POTUS
Join me as I deliver remarks on the continued battle for the soul of the nation. [26:25 video] Sept 1, 2022
To comment, the following tweets are excerpts from Biden’s “Soul of a Nation” speech.” I will first provide short comments after each tweet, then in full via an Extended Comment after his tweets....
September 2, 2022
The New York Times @nytimes
Breaking News: U.S. employers added 315,000 jobs in August, a sign that the labor market remains resilient in the face of higher interest rates. Sept 2, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
More great news: Our jobs market remains strong. Even more Americans are coming back to work. We’re in the midst of an historic manufacturing boom with historic new factory announcements this week. Sept 2, 2022
To comment, though this sounds good, it is exactly what The Fed is trying to cool down by its interest rate hikes. As long as the jobs market remains robust, with more jobs available than people looking for them, employees will be able to garner higher wages, which will lead to higher prices. The Fed will continue to raise interest rates, as long this situation continues.
It will only be when companies begin to lay off workers and there are more workers than available jobs that The Fed still stop raising interest rates. As they keep interest rate high, all of the previously articulated problems and suffering caused by those elevated rates will continue unabated.
President Biden @POTUS
And another bit of exciting news in this report: working-age women are back at work at a higher level than before the pandemic. Sept 2, 2022
To comment, that is only “exciting” if you consider a woman’s highest calling to be to feed the corporate monster. But if you consider, as the Bible teaches, her highest calling is to be a faithful wife and mother, then it is not so good news.
One good aspect of the pandemic is it caused many women to leave the workforce and to stay home, so that they could homeschool their children. It was my hope and prayer that trend will continue. But if this statistic is correct (and I never trust Biden in giving statistics), then sadly, that trend is reversing. ...
President Biden @POTUS
With the Inflation Reduction Act, we’ll bring down energy costs for working households and create millions of good-paying jobs making clean energy in America. We fought for what was right, and we’re delivering. Sept 24, 2022
To comment, “millions of good-paying jobs?” That is quite an oversale. Jobs in green energy tend to pay less than those in the oil industry, as those who lost their jobs when you shut down the Keystone XL pipeline know all too well, when they were told by Secretary Pete to find et jobs building solar panels.
Extended Comment
Deceptively Titled Bills
I have been saying the “Inflation Reduction Act” is one of the most misnamed laws ever. Newsmax agrees with me. It included it as number eight of the “The 8 Most Deceptively Titled Bills in Congress.” Number seven was also a Biden bill....
President Biden @POTUS
Today, @HHSgov announced that premiums for Medicare Part B will decrease next year. That’s the fee you pay for Medicare to cover your visits to your doctor. For years that fee has gone up. But now, for the first time in more than a decade, it’ll go down. Sept 27, 2022
Extended Comment
Medicare Part B Premiums
Medicare Part B premiums went up 14.5% for 2022. That was due to Medicare authorizing payments for a new and very excessive Alzheimer’s drug. But the drug company lowered its price, as few doctors were prescribing it due to its high expense. To compensate, Medicare is now lowering premiums 3.5% for 2023.
Doing the simple math, that means Medicare recipients will be paying 11% more for Medicare Part B next year than they did in 2021, but fewer will still be prescribed that new drug. That does not sound like a win to me. Definitely not something to be bragging about....
Chapter Ten A
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
October 1-15, 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Nine.
October 1, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
It’s always a blessing to celebrate the High Holidays with Jill, Kamala, and Doug. [pictures of the four of them in front of a large group of people indoors] Oct 1, 2022
To comment, the “High Holidays” are Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (“Day of Atonement”).
President Biden @POTUS
At times of disaster, Americans put aside their divisions. We come together to help each other. Because we know, if it were us who just lost our home – or lost a loved one – we’d hope that people would show up for us. Oct 2, 2022
Extended Comment
Kamala and Hurricane Relief
That sounds good, except Kamala doesn’t believe in putting aside divisions. She wants to increase them by targeting hurricane relief to “disadvantaged” groups first like women and people of color, the two groups she just happens to belong to [quotes with her comments and others commenting upon them]....
Extended Comment
Inflation Indexes and Other Mid-April News
In mid-April, two different inflation reports were released. The first was the Producers Price Index (PPI, aka wholesale inflation). It was at 8.5% for September. That was more than the expected 8.3% and up 0.4% from August.
The Consumer Price index (CPI) was at 8.2% for September. That was worse than expected the 8.1% and up 0.4% from August, 0.2% more than expected.
Together, these indexes mean we are still dealing with high inflation and will continue to do so for some time to come. As a result, The Fed will probably continue its aggressive raising of interest rates. That will lead Americans to having to endure the double-whammy of having to use credit cards to pay for basic necessities, and those cards having even higher interest rates.
Consequently, even once The Fed brings down inflation with its rate hikes, Americans will be paying for Biden’s ineptitude for years to come, as they slowly pay down those credit card balances [quotes about these reports] ....
October 16-31, 2022/
The rest of this month’s tweets will be found in Volume Three of this three-volume set. Here, that concludes Volume Two. As with Volume One, I hope the reader now understands the reasons for all aspects of the title and subtitle of this set.
Biden truly was responsible for the inflation that surged in the months covered by this volume. He is promoting sin and death with his support of the LGBTQ movement, his endorsement of pagan holidays and misunderstanding of Jewish ones, and his support of abortion and by his open border policies, and he is spewing hate and division, most notably via his “Soul of a Nation” speech. All of this will again be seen in Volume Three.
[Note: I have not included any of the many extended quotations that are included in this book to document all of the claims I make].
Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency, Volume Two: Promoting Sin and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division, June 1 through October 15, 2022. Copyrighted © 2023 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The above book preview was posted on this website May 10, 2023.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics