Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
In many ways, Biden’s economic policies have been disastrous for the country. However, in his tweets on his @POTUS account on Twitter, he not only defends these policies but promotes them as being good for the country. But maybe worse than his economic policies is his promotion of sin and death, the former via his promotion of the LGBTQ movement, pagan holidays, and abortion, and the latter again by his promotion of abortion and via his open-door southern border policies.
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The Five Volumes
Americans are struggling to make ends meet, seniors returning to the work force and younger workers are taking second jobs due to Bidenflation, there is an open southern border, with illegal aliens and fentanyl and other illicit drugs flooding through it, with over 100,000 Americans a year dying of drug overdoses as a result, our kids being sexualized and taught to be racists in our schools, there is a never-ending war in Ukraine, violence is growing in our streets, including random acts of violence and a record number of mass shootings, there is a growing lack of respect for human property and human life, and a majority of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. That is Biden’s America. I explain how we got here due to his failed policies in this series of five books.
Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency, Volume Two: Promoting Sin and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division, June through September 2022
Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency, Volume Three: Promoting Sin and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division, October through December 2022, Plus Updates for Early 2023 (forthcoming)
Introductory Pages
Table of Contents
Format / About the Author ……………………………….. 4
Preface .....……………………………………………….. 5
Related Books/ Documentation for Comments ……… 6
Definitions ………………………………………………… 7
Abbreviations .....………………………………………… 9
Chapters – 11
10b – Biden’s Tweets: October 16-31, 2022 ……. 13
11 – Biden’s @POTUS Tweets: November 2022 …… 71
12 – Biden’s @POTUS Tweets: December 2022 ….. 189
13 – December 2022, Q4, 2022 Economic News ….. 307
14 – January 2023 Economic News/ Conclusion …… 339
Appendixes … 387
#1 – Bibliography.……………………………………… 389
#2 – Additional Books by the Author ……………….. 461
#3 – Author’s Websites, Newsletters, Social Sites/
Contacting the Author …………………………… 475
Note: The page numbers are for the hardcopy formats.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. was inaugurated as President of the United States (POTUS) on
January 20, 2021. During his first year in office, his main goal seemed to be to
reverse everything his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, accomplished during his
four years as President.
Biden also pushed through several economic bills that together cost trillions of dollars. By doing so, he caused inflation to skyrocket, which many termed Bidenflation. But rather than learning from his failures, in his second year in office, he continued to push for passage of bills that cost trillions more, keeping that Bidenflation elevated.
In many other ways, his economic policies were disastrous for the country. However, in his tweets on his @POTUS account on Twitter, he not only defends these policies but promotes them as being good for the country.
But maybe worse than his economic policies is his promotion of sin and death. By “Sin” in the subtitle of this book is meant the sin of the LGBTQ movement. He made himself the self-proclaimed advocate for this sinful and destructive movement. He also promotes sin by his endorsement of pagan holidays, while misrepresenting Christian and Jewish ones.
Another way he promotes sin is by his unabashed support of abortion. But since abortion is really the killing of unborn babies, that is the “death” part of the subtitle. He also promoted death via his open-door southern border policies.
That open door encouraged many migrants from Central and South American to make the dangerous trek to the United States, with many of them dying along the way and while trying to cross the border.
That open door also allowed tons of fentanyl and other dangerous illicit drugs to flood across the border, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans via suicide and drug overdoses.
But rather than turning from these deadly and destructive polices, Biden double-downed on them by labeling as “extremists” anyone who disagreed with them. He especially turned his hateful and divisive rhetoric towards those of us who believe life begins at conception, that marriage is between one man and one woman, and there are only two genders, and you cannot change from one to the other.
However, those are the scientific, historical, and Biblical positions, while the opposites are couched in sin and self-absorption. But the opposites are the only acceptable opinions in Biden’s mind and are the positions Biden supports and promotes in his tweets.
The Dates Covered and Content of this Book
This author’s two-volume set Joe Biden Tweets During the First Year of His Failing Presidency: Reversing Trump, while Dividing and Destroying America records all of Biden’s tweets from January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2022. That set is referred to in this book as Bidens Tweets; First Year, with maybe the volume number added.
Volume One of this three-volume set picked up with Biden’s tweets from the first day of his second year in office to the end of May, or from of January 21 to May 31, 2022. Volume Two covered Biden’s tweets from June 1 to October 15, 2022. This Volume Three covers Biden’s tweets from October 16 to December 31, 2022 and includes economic and other updates for early 2023.
Chapters are numbered consecutively through all three volumes. In that way, the chapter number corresponds to the month number for all of 2022. October is split up to even up Volumes Two and Three. The two parts are distinguished as Chapters 10a and 10b.
As with Biden’s Tweets; First Year, this set also includes my comments that I posted on Twitter in response to Biden’s tweets. Some of my comments were added later and reflect later developments. I have also added an occasional “Extended Comment” to provide further context and commentary to some of Biden’s tweets.
Some of my comments are in the second person and refer to “you”. These are my responses to Biden’s tweets that I posted on Twitter and are directed towards him. Others are in the third person and refer to “Biden.” These are the ones written just for this book.
Biden’s Intention to Run
In 2022, Biden declared it was his “intention” to run for a second term as President. He made it official on April 25, 2023. That is why I continued this series through the second year of his presidency. Come 2024, much of the focus will be on his third and fourth years, but this series will remind voters of his failures in his first two years in office.
This series of books provides the definitive record of those failures in Biden’s first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President.
Chapters Excerpts
Chapter Ten B
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
October 16-31, 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Ten A in Volume Two of this three-volume set.
October 16, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
I ran for president to give the middle class some breathing room in dealing with costs. But despite our progress, prices are still too high. That’s why we passed the Inflation Reduction Act to combat health care costs and other price pressures squeezing America’s families. Oct 16, 2022
To comment, as I warned in Volume Two, Biden is making things up. Inflation was not an issue when he ran for office, as Trump kept it below 2%, despite dealing with Covid his last year in office. As such, the word “inflation” was never mentioned during the campaign; but now Biden is making it sound like it was an issue, when it was not. Liar.
President Biden @POTUS
Last year, we saved a family of four with health coverage through the Affordable Care Act an average of $2,400. This year, we’re locking in place those lower health care premiums for millions of families with the Inflation Reduction Act. Oct 16, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
If Republicans in Congress get their way, prices will go up and inflation will get worse. It’s that simple. Oct 16, 2022
To comment, when Repubs were in charge, inflation was less than 2%. With you and Dems in charge, it has skyrocketed to 40-year highs, with the last CPI being at 8.2% Your claim has no basis in reality.
President Biden @POTUS
It only costs $10 to make a bottle of insulin. But drug companies charge some families 30 times more than that. Republicans in Congress blocked our attempt to cap insulin costs for every American. Oct 16, 2022
To comment, you do not understand basic business. A lot more goes into the cost of a product than just the actual materials used to make it. There is the cost of developing the product, then distributing it, then marketing it, then a little extra for a profit. I know you hate the idea of the latter, but without it, our entire economic system would crumble.
President Biden @POTUS
Some drug companies charge families 30 times more than what it costs to make a bottle of insulin. Imagine being a parent, needing insulin for your child, and not having the money. We’re going to keep fighting to lower the cost of life-saving insulin for children and families. Oct 16, 2022
To comment, you really do not understand business, do you? That makes as much sense as saying a paperback book only costs about $5.00 to produce, so it should only cost that much for consumers. But that ignores the hundreds or thousands of hours of work we authors put into writing each of our books. We deserve to be paid for that work, as do the book publishers for their work in publishing the book. Then there are marketing costs that also have to be covered.
In the same way, drug companies deserve to make profit for the immense amount of investment and research that goes into developing and marketing new drugs. Your plan would stifle new drug development....
President Biden @POTUS
We must do more to transform how we address mental health. My Administration is announcing funding to expand Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics – centers that deliver mental health and substance use care to folks who need it, no matter who they are or if they can pay. Oct 18, 2022
To comment, addressing mental health is important. But sadly, these services are almost always atheistic in their orientation. But without knowing there is a sovereign God you can trust in to help in tough times, such help is just a band-aid.
14Therefore, having a great High Priest [who] has passed through the heavens—Jesus, the Son of God—let us be holding fast our confession. 15For we do not have a High Priest [who is] unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but [One] having been tried in all [respects] in the same way [we are, yet] without sin. 16Therefore, let us be approaching with boldness [or, a joyful sense of freedom] to the throne of grace, so that we shall receive mercy and find grace for well-timed help (Hebrews 4:14-16).
For more in this regard, see my book, The LORD Has It Under Control: What the Bible Teaches About the Sovereignty of God. ...
President Biden @POTUS
I said it then and I’ll say it now: the decision on Roe wasn’t going to stop with a woman’s right to choose.
[0:42 video of Biden lying and saying protecting the lives of unborn babies will lead to contraception being outlawed] Oct 18, 2022
To comment, this is you making things up once again, claiming protecting the lives of unborn babies will lead to contraception being outlawed. But you need to bring in the latter as you cannot morally defend wanting to codify the right of women to kill their unborn babies.
Extended Comment
Abortion Lies
On Tuesday’s [10/185/22] broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” White House Office of Public Engagement Director Keisha Lance Bottoms responded to questions on whether President Joe Biden believes there should be any restrictions on abortion at all, even if it’s 30 weeks into the pregnancy, by stating that she has “never heard the President give a timeframe on that. But he has said that he believes that a woman has a fundamental right to make decisions about her own body and her healthcare choices” (Breitbart. WH: Biden Believes).
There are three lies in this comment, all of which Biden has made.
First, Biden may not have given a timeframe, but many of his Dem colleagues have, and that time frame is up until the moment of birth. Repubs want a minimum of banning the killing of unborn babies after 15 weeks or the first trimester. That is huge difference and something most Americans would support. At the least, most Americans would support banning the killing of unborn babies after the second trimester. But radical Dems want it to be legal for all three trimesters. They should at least be honest about their position.
Second, “her own body.” It is really getting tiresome to have to constantly refute this false talking point. A baby in the womb is not the woman’s own body. A baby in the womb is not a part of the woman’s own body. A baby in the womb is a separate and distinct human being who lives within the woman’s body, but he or she is not a part of it.
I present multiple forms of evidence for this from a biological standpoint in my article: “Abortion Rights” vs. “The Killing of Unborn Babies” - Part Two.
I present the Biblical and logical arguments in my two-volume set God’s Sex Plan.
Third, killing an unborn baby is not “healthcare.” It is deathcare, at least for the baby. The only time it could be considered to be healthcare is the rare times it is medically necessary due to the mother’s life being at risk. But all pro-life bills allow for that very rare instance....
President Biden @POTUS
After seeing gas prices rise over the past few weeks, they’re falling again. That’s progress. But they’re not falling fast enough and families are hurting. I’m directing my Administration to take more action to lower costs, strengthen energy security, and address supply issues. Oct 19, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Second: We need to responsibly increase American oil production without delaying our transition to clean energy. We’ll repurchase crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve when prices drop, encouraging firms to invest in production which will reduce gas prices in the future. Oct 19, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Third: It’s time for energy companies to pass through their lower costs to consumers. Refiners are making double what they normally make. And retailer margins are more than 40% above typical. It’s keeping pump prices higher than they should be, and it’s wrong. Oct 19, 2022
Extended Comment
Jesus and Not Finishing a Project
Even before Biden finished this disastrous speech, the oil industry had already issued a statement making it clear it is his failing policies causing high oil prices, not “price gauging” by them.
Moreover, investing in energy production needs to be a long-term plan. Just assuring oil companies that the government will buy oil for a short while is not sufficient assurance to invest millions into new production facilities that will take years to complete. The SPR will be long refilled before they even come online.
At that point, oil companies fear Biden and his green energy successors will shut them down. In that case, they will have spent millions on projects from which they never received a profit. I must go back to Jesus’ parable that I quoted in Biden Tweets; First Year.
28”For which of you*, the one wanting to build a lookout tower, does not first, having sat down, calculate the cost, whether he has the [resources] for [its] completion? 29Lest perhaps, after he has laid a foundation, and not being able to finish, all the ones watching begin to be ridiculing him, 30saying, ‘This man began to be building and was not able to finish.’” (Luke 14:28-30).
However, in this case, it is not just ridicule but a massive loss of money for their shareholders that the non-completion of the project will cause. It just makes no sense to begin a project for which there is little hope of completing it to profitability.
This all goes back to Biden having never worked a real job in his life, never having signed the front of a paycheck, and having no concept of how American capitalism works.
And it is not just Biden but those he chose to put in in his administration. The top 65 people in the Trump administration had an average private business experience of 13 years. But in the Biden administration, it is just 2.5 years. Therefore, not only Biden but those advising him have little real-world business experience. Back to Biden.
Chapter Eleven
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
November 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Ten B.
November 2, 2022
Before getting to Biden’s tweets for this day, I want to mention something that happened on it that Biden will not mention.
Extended Comment
Biden And Classified Documents
That something is twenty classified documents were found in Biden’s former office in the Penn-Biden Center in Washington DC.
The documents were from Biden’s time as VP, from 2009-2017. This center was opened in 2018, but Biden left office on January 20, 2017. That means, they were somewhere else for over a year, but no one seems to know where that somewhere else was. For that matter, Biden claims to know nothing about how 20 classified documents got into a locked closet in his old office.
Despite these documents being found at this time, five days before the midterm elections, news about them did not leak out until weeks later, on January 9, 2023, when CBS news reported the story. That delay and coverup of the documents is part of the scandal surrounding them.
But the real scandal is Biden chastised Trump when classified documents were found in his Mar-A-Lago home and resort. I mention that scandal near the end of my book The Biased J6 Select Committee: The Public Hearings Were Half a Trial; This Book Gives You the Other Half, hereafter referred to as my J6 Committee book.
I state in it that those classified documents could put Trump at greater legal jeopardy that his role in the events of January 6, 2021 (J6).
Biden called Trump “irresponsible” over his handling of classified documents, as recorded in Volume Two. That comment has now come back to haunt him, as he appears to have been just as irresponsible in his handling of classified documents.
Ironically, Biden’s scandal might have saved Trump, as there is no way the Department of Justice (DOJ) will be able to indict Trump without also indicting Biden. And I just do not see the latter happening.
I will mention this scandal a couple more times in this book. But I will not cover it in detail, just as I did not cover Trump’s documents scandal in detail in my J6 Committee book. In both cases, it is quite complicated and outside the scope of the respective book. But as with Trump and my J6 Committee book, I will include references in Appendix One about Biden’s scandal.
With that said, onto Biden’s tweets for this day....
President Biden @POTUS
Let’s be clear about what “changes” Republicans in Congress want to make to Medicare and Social Security. They want to raise the retirement age, move towards privatization, and put these programs on the chopping block every five years. Nov 3, 2022
Extended Comment
Democrat Lies and Fearmongering About Republican Plans for Medicare and Social Security
Every two and four years, Democrats pull out their tired old lie that Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security. They do so to try to scare seniors into voting Democrat.
But here are some facts: Medicare and Social Security are going to go broke if changes are not made. But the Dem’s fearmongering will keep those necessary changes from being made until it is too late and the whole pyramid scheme collapses.
In fact, I just heard on the news on 1250 The Answer here in Pittsburgh (on 11/5/22) that the Social Security Administration announced that it will go broke by 2034 if changes are not made, and the New York Times agrees with that assessment. [many extended quotes and more commentary on this subject]...
November 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend, strengthen, and renew it. I’ll have more to say this afternoon, but thanks to the poll workers and officials that worked into the night to safeguard our sacred right to vote. And the millions who made their voices heard. Nov 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Commander and I burnt the midnight oil last night calling some of our great election winners. I’m looking forward to the work we’ll do together.
[0:45 video] Nov 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
With their votes, the American people have spoken and proven once again democracy is who we are. [picture of a smiling Biden at a podium] Nov 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
We lost fewer seats in the House of Representatives than any Democratic president’s first midterm election in at least 40 years.
And we had the best midterms for Governors since 1986. The American people spoke. Nov 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Together, our Administration and Congressional Democrats have delivered results for working families – lowering prescription drug prices, bringing student debt relief to folks that need it, lowering health care premiums. Americans rewarded that progress. Nov 9, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Tune in as I deliver remarks on the latest election results.
[53:25 video] Nov 9, 2022
Extended Comment
The Midterm Election Results
In his tweets for this day after the midterms, Biden is gloating the predicted “red wave” did not materialize. Republicans did take control of the House, but by a slim margin, while Dems retained control of the Senate. Dems also did better in state and local elections than predicted.
However, Biden and Dems are seriously misreading the election results. It was not an affirmation of their radical policies. The predicted red wave did not materialize for three main reasons.
The first and most important one was the desire of Dems and sadly some Republicans to have the right to kill unborn babies.
The second was Repubs ran terrible candidates. That was the case here in PA where GOP candidates Dr. Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano lost their bids for Senator and Governor, respectively. The reason they did so was in part their faulty policies on abortion.
I address these issues in my new article, Wrath of God Coming Down on the USA and Commonwealth of PA. Voting for the killing of unborn babies is an affront to the holy God who gave them breath.
The third reason is far more Republicans than Democrats died from Covid. That was due to the misinformation promulgated by right-wing media and by right-wingers on the Internet about Covid and the vaccines. That led to Republicans not taking Covid seriously and not getting vaccinated. That led to those excess deaths among Republicans and a population shift that made a difference in close races. I will address this issue in my forthcoming Coronavirus book.
But here, the Stock Market did not like that the red wave did not materialize.
The stock market had been rising in anticipation of a red wave, which would have limited the capacity of President Joe Biden to further advance his legislative agenda. The Dow Jones Industrial Index fell 530 points, or 1.6%, as of Wednesday [11/9/22] afternoon, while the technology-heavy NASDAQ fell 229 points, or 2.2%, as markets have a distaste for volatility, especially with respect to government and public policy.
The Biden administration’s first two years were marked by a number of spending packages. While the American Rescue Plan is anticipated to spend $1.9 trillion, other omnibus proposals include the $370 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the $80 billion CHIPS and Science Act, and $55 billion in aid for Ukraine. Executive orders related to health care will lead to $175 billion in new deficits, while an increase in food stamp spending will add $185 billion….
A Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the election of new leadership would likely stall further legislative victories from the Biden administration (Daily Wire. Stock Market Falls).
The overview of Biden’s spending in the middle paragraph is a good summary of Biden’s inflation-causing spending. The last sentence is why this book and series of books will end the recording of Biden’s tweets at the end of 2022. Repubs will take control of the House on January 3, 2023, and that will be the end of Biden’s legislative agenda....
President Biden @POTUS
My economic plan is working – and Americans are starting to feel it. It’s going to take time to get inflation back to normal levels, but we’re going to keep at it.
[0:44 video] Nov 10, 2022
To comment, what is working is The Fed raising interest rates. But that rise in interest rates is hurting many average Americans, with record high 19.04% credit card rates, rising home mortgage rates (now over 6%), and high small business loans rates. But The Fed had to take these steps to counter your disastrous inflation producing policies.
Extended Comment
Early November Economic News
The preceding tweets lead into economic news that came out in early November 2022. First up was The Fed’s meeting and actions. [many extended quotes and commentary on this subject]...
President Biden @POTUS
Love is love and Americans should have the right to marry the person they love. Today’s bipartisan Senate vote gets us closer to protecting that right. The Respect for Marriage Act protects all couples under law – I urge Congress to send the bill to my desk so I can make it law. Nov 16, 2022
Extended Comment
(Dis)Respect for Marriage Act
Americans should have the right to not participate in sin if we so chose. Yet this law does not provide sufficient protection for those of us who know marriage is only between a man and a woman. Prepare for persecution against those of us who hold to a Biblical view of marriage. [many extended biblical and other quotes and commentary on this subject]...
Extended Comment
More Border Issues
This is as good as a place as any to remind the reader about the ongoing border crisis. Biden won’t mention it. The MSM won’t mention it. But the crisis is still there. Illegal aliens and illicit drugs are still flooding across the border, and people are dying as a result.
There are other issues occurring as well. The first concerns my use of the term “illegal alien” rather than “undocumented migrant” or “noncitizen” as the Biden administration and the left want us to use. [many extended quotes and commentary on this subject]...
Chapter Twelve
Biden’s @POTUS Tweets
December 2022
These Biden @POTUS Tweets are continued from Chapter Eleven.
December 1, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
On World AIDS Day, we raise a red ribbon to remember how far we’ve come, the work that’s left, and those devastated by this disease, particularly the LGBTQI+ folks and people of color who endured the brunt of this epidemic instead of being seen. Let’s finish this fight. [picture of the White House with a giant red ribbon displayed on it, before a beautiful sunset] Dec 1, 2022
Extended Comment
AIDS Epidemic
Don’t engage in immoral sex, and you do not need to be concerned about AIDS. That was true when this epidemic started back in the 1970s, and it is still true today.
Back then, the average AIDS victim had 1,000 sexual partners in his lifetime. That extremely promiscuous and immoral behavior has not changed. Today, the average monkeypox patient had ten different sexual partners in the preceding month.
10 partners a month, times 12 months, times 9 years, equals 1,080 sexual partners. That is how that first figure was arrived at. Homosexuals have not learned a thing.
This sort of behavior puts the lie to the claim the LGBTQ movement is about love. It is not. It is about sin and ignoring any sensibilities in one’s sex life. That homosexual sex is sin is detailed in my God’s Sex Plan books.
Back to Biden. ...
President Biden @POTUS
Moments ago I spoke to Brittney Griner. She is safe. She is on a plane. She is on her way home. [two pictures, of Kamala then Biden with Griner’s “wife”] Dec 8, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Tune in as I deliver an important announcement.
[7:04 video of Biden announcing the prisoner swap of Brittany Griner for Victor Bout] Dec 8, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Brittney’s coming home. [0:13 video of Biden hugging Brittany Griner’s “wife”] Dec 8, 2022
To comment, so is the Merchant of Death, so that he can spread death and destruction across the globe once again.
Extended Comment
Griner/ Merchant of Death Swap Verifies
Biden is the Sin and Death President
Former WNBA star Brittney Griner was reportedly released by Russia in a prisoner swap for the notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, according to a U.S. official.
In February [2022], Griner, a two-time Olympic basketball champion, was arrested by Russia and pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis vape cartridges at an airport near Moscow.
Possessing seven grams or more carries criminal penalties in Russia. Those can include up to two years of “corrective labor.” Yet Griner was charged with smuggling cannabis into Russia, which holds a prison sentence of five to 10 years. Griner was sentenced to nine years.
In order to obtain Griner’s release, President Joe Biden authorized Bout to be released from prison and returned him to Russia. Bout will escape 25 years of federal prison time. Bout has served just half the time in prison he received in 2011 (Breitbart. Brittney Griner Released).
Viktor Bout was also granted a commutation by President Joe Biden for his remaining prison time. That means, Bout cannot be rearrested and imprisoned for his previous crimes to finish his sentence. [extended discussion on this subject]...
The White House @WhiteHouse
2022 was a year of massive progress under the Biden-Harris Administration. Here’s to more in 2023.
[1:06 video] Jan 1, 2023
President Biden @POTUS
This was a year defined by action for working and middle-class families. Jan 1, 2023
To comment, by causing Bidenflation, making it hard for working and middle-class families to make ends meet.
And that ends my reprinting of Biden’s tweets. Once Republicans take control of Congress in two days, hopefully, they will stop the worst of Biden’s agenda. He will still be spewing hate and division, but he will not be able to do much more damage to the country.
However, in the final two chapters of this book and series, I will look at economic reports for December 2022, the fourth quarter of 2022, and all of 2022. I will then present economic reports for January 2023 to see if my prediction about inflation creeping back up after Biden’s IRA goes into effect comes true. I will also present additional extended comments on non-economic issues to finish out this review of the second year of Biden’s failing presidency.
But first, a look at what the American people think of Biden as he nears the end of his second year in office. [several polls cited]. ...
Chapter Thirteen
December 2022, Q4, and 2022 Economic News/ Extended
Comments on Other Issues
This next to last chapter will overview economic news for the previous month, quarter, and year that came out in January 2023. It will also look at some final polls and other news about Biden and his presidency. Finally, it will present economic predictions for 2023....
Chapter Fourteen
January 2023 Economic News/
Final Extended Comments/
This final chapter will overview economic news for January 2023. That will give a hint of the trends moving forward now that Biden’s $1.2 trillion misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has gone into effect.
I will also include updates on other topics addressed in this series and an important event that occurred in March 2023.
I will then close this book and series on Biden’s failing presidency with a Conclusion....
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 1999-2021 By Gary F. Zeolla (
Breitbart. WH: Biden Believes Abortion Is a ‘Fundamental Right’ During the Entire Pregnancy.
Daily Wire. Stock Market Falls After Red Wave Fails To Materialize.
Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency, Volume Three: Promoting Sin and Death, Causing Bidenflation, and Spewing Hate and Division, October 16 through December 31, 2022, Plus Updates for Early 2023. Copyrighted © 2023 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The above book preview was posted on this website May 27, 2023.
List of Pages
Biblical and Constitutional Politics