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Full Workout Logs - Starting 11/3/2010

Alternate Weeks 2 Routine

Weeks 1-6 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 9/12/2010 - All-Raw In-Season Training - Weeks 1-4.

Age: 49.
Weight: See each week. Body fat and lean body mass being measured by digital body fat calipers.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also Cardio Logs - Second Half of 2010.

For background to these workouts, see 2010 Top 100 Chart/ Update and Weight Loss/ Starting Over..

Since I took the four week break, I am starting a new routine. But since my last workout was Bench Assistance, I am starting with Squats and thus will only have three workouts for Week 1. But after that, I will go back to my normal plan of lifting four times a week, alternating Bench Assistance/ Squats/ Benches/ Deadlifts.

I will also go back to an Alternate Weeks routine, doing major assistance exercises Week A and the actual powerlifts Week B. I’m labeling it as “Alternate Weeks 2” since I had an “Alternate Weeks” routine earlier this year. As I’ve posted before and as I discuss in my powerlifting book, I’ve found that doing each given exercise every other week provides sufficient variety without there being too much time between doing the same exercise.

I will also stick with my basic plan of doing three exercises each workout, the first for four work sets, and the next two for three work sets. The first exercise is my “major” exercise of the day, the last is a “minor” exercise, usually arms or abs. The middle exercise is something in-between, like upper back work on bench days.

I am just trying to get back into shape, so I am starting with mostly higher reps, light weights, and low intensity. But God-willing, I will gradually be able to increase the weights and intensity. But I will stick with a drop reps approach, working up to a triple on my major exercise. That will have me using a little heavier weight for that one set, and thus keep the door cracked open for a very slim hope of competing again.

Week 1 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 113.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 10.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 102 pounds.



Wednesday – 11/3/10

Front Squats: [bwt./ 10, 45/10, 70/10] 95/9, 105/7, 115/5, 125/3

Side Step-ups: 10, 10, 10

Sit-ups: 10, 10, 10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:01

I thought after the four week break my adductor would be completely healed, but that was not the case. It bothered me slightly during the lifting, then somewhat more while stretching, so I still need to be cautious about it.



Thursday – 11/4/10

Close Grip Benches: [45/20, 70/10] 95/9, 105/7, 115/5, 125/3

DB Flyes: [--/10] 5s/14, 6.25s12, 7.5s/10

Curl Bar Rows: [65/10] 70/9, 75/7, 80/5

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:01

During one of my last workouts before my break, my left elbow bothered me doing triceps work. I didn’t think much of it at the time, and it didn’t bother me at all during the four weeks off. But it bothered me throughout this workout. I mentioned it during a doctor’s appointment on Friday, but the doctor didn’t think it was anything. She just muttered something about getting older.

I guess with pushing 50, I will just have to accept that I will be experiencing minor, nagging injuries from now on. Just as long as they stay “minor” I can deal with it.



Sunday – 11/7/10

Conv. Deadlifts [45/20, 135/10] 185/9, 205/7, 225/5, 245/3

Leg Curls (alternate legs): 5/12, 6.25/10, 7.5/8

Side Bends (reps to each side): [--/10] 5/12, 6.25/10, 7.5/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:05

Week 2 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 114.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 10.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 102 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/8/10

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 55/10] 75/9, 85/7, 95/5, 105/3

Lat. Pulldowns (wide grip): [45/10] 70/9, 75/7, 80/5

DB Curls: [10s/12], 12s/12, 15s/10, 17s/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11



Wednesday – 11/10/10

Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 115/9] 135/9, 150/7, 165/5, 180/3

DB calves: 20/12, 22/10, 25/8

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side): 10, 10, 8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but I’ve been doing my second warm-up set for all squat exercises using my Extra Low Foam Squat Box, then I use my regular Foam Squat Box for the rest of the sets. I figure that one extra low set will increase my flexibility and makes the next sets seem easy, at least in terms of depth. It will also keep me prepared for the next time I do Extra Low Squats as my main squat assistance exercise.


Veterans Day Benches

Thursday – 11/11/10 (Many thanks to all Veterans)

Raw Benches: [45/20, 75/10] 105/9, 115/7, 125/5, 135/3

DB Rows (elbows out): [30/10] 35/9, 37/7, 40/5

CB Triceps Presses: [15/12] 20/12, 22/10, 25/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

My elbow felt fine on benches, so I was happy about that. But then it bothered me some on rows and triceps, so I went even lighter than I had originally planned.



Sunday – 11/14/10

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 185/9] 205/9, 225/7, 245/5, 265/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 5/12, 7.5/10, 10/8

Leg Raises: 10, 10, 10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:14


Week 3 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 113.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 10.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 102 pounds.
With still not sleeping, I’m not gaining back the weight I lost, but maybe Thanksgiving will help in that regard!


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/15/10

DB Decline Benches: [20s/15, 30s/10] 35s/9, 37s/7, 40s/5, 42s/3

Lat. Pulldown (underhand grip) [45/10]: 70/9, 75/7, 80/5

Reverse Curl Bar Curls: 35/12, 37/10, 40/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

With this workout, I’ve now done all eight of my workouts once. They were all very easy, as planned. But God-willing, I will be able to start to work a little harder now.



Wednesday – 11/17/10

Front Squats: [45/10, 70/10, 90/6] 105/9, 115/7, 125/5, 135/3

Side Step-ups: [3” step: 10] 5” step: 10, 10, 10

Sit-ups: --/12, 1.25/10, 2.5/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07



Thursday – 11/18/10

Close Grip Benches: [45/10, 70/10, 90/6] 105/9, 115/7, 125/5, 135/3

Flyes: [2.5s/10] 6.25s/14, 7.5s/12, 8.75s/10

Curl Bar Rows: [65/10] 75/9, 80/7, 85/5

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:13

New meds had been helping me to sleep better, but the night before this workout, they just stopped working, and I didn’t sleep a wink. As I mention in my powerlifting book, sleep is vital to progress in training. But my biggest hindrance the entire time I’ve been powerlifting has been getting a good night’s sleep. After thinking the problem was improved, it looks like it is still not solved. With the tiredness, this workout took longer than expected, but at least I got all of my planned reps.

It seems strange that I’m using the same weights for CGBPs as for Front Squats. But I suspect the Front Squats will eventually overtake the CGBPs. My left pec is still tender, hence the very light weights I’m using for the Flyes.



Sunday – 11/21/10

Conv. Deadlifts [45/20, 135/10, 175/6] 205/9, 225/7, 245/5, 265/3

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/10] 6.25/12, 7.5/10, 8.75/8

Side Bends (reps to each side): [2.5/10] 6.25/12, 7.5/10, 8.75/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

A good workout. I recovered from Friday’s Christmas shopping just fine. So I did plan it right, having a day of rest after what I knew would be a day of a lot of walking.

Not sure why, but I’m also using the same weights for leg curls as for side bends.

Week 4 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 114.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 10.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 102 pounds.

I gained back a whole pound with Thanksgiving + leftovers. But I’m still five pounds down from where I was before my four-week break. I can really feel the difference on benches, but it’s not affecting squats and deadlifts much.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/22/10

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 70/6] 85/9, 95/7, 105/5, 115/3

Lat. Pulldowns (wide grip): [45/10, 60/6] 75/9, 80/7, 85/5

DB Curls: [10s/12], 15s/12, 17s/10, 20s/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

I need to pick up my workout pace. My workouts are taking just a tad too long.



Wednesday – 11/24/10

Squats: [45/20, 105/10, 135/9] 150/9, 165/7, 185/5, 205/3

DB calves: [15/10] 22/12, 25/10, 27/8

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side): --/12, 1.25/10, 2.5/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:06

Better on the workout pace, and I went a little heavier than I had planned on the squats, so a good Thanksgiving Eve workout.



Friday – 11/26/10

Raw Benches: [45/20, 70/10, 95/6] 115/9, 125/7, 135/5, 145/3

DB Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 35/6] 40/9, 42/7, 45/5

CB Triceps Presses: [15/12] 22/12, 25/10, 27/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:17

I took Thanksgiving off, so that moved this workout to Friday. But the workout did not go well. Once again, I was moving at too slow of a pace. And the triple on benches was much harder than I anticipated, probably a combination of my left elbow and pec still bothering me and the weight loss.



Sunday – 11/14/10

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 195/6] 225/9, 250/7, 270/5, 295/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10, 3.75/6] 7.5/12, 10/10, 12.5/8

Leg Raises: 12, 12, 12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

A good workout. I was able to increase by a little more than I had planned on DLs.


Week 5 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 115.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 10.3%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/29/10

DB Decline Benches: [15s/20, 25s/10, 32s/6] 40s/9, 42s/7, 45s/5, 47s/5

Lat. Pulldown (underhand grip) [45/10, 65/10]: 75/9, 85/7, 90/5

Reverse Curl Bar Curls: [30/10] 37/12, 40/10, 42/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:18



Wednesday – 12/1/10

Front Squats: [45/10, 75/10, 95/6] 115/9, 125/7, 135/5, 145/3

Side Step-ups: [3” step: 10, 5” step: 10] wider stride: 10, 10, 10

Sit-ups: [--/12] 1.25/10, 1.25/10, 1.25/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11



Sunday – 12/5/10

Close Grip Benches: [45/10, 75/10, 95/6] 115/9, 125/7, 135/5, 145/2

Flyes: [3.75s/10] 7.5s/14, 8.75s/12, 10/10

Curl Bar Rows: [65/10, 72/6] 80/8, 85/6, 90/4

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:13

Thursday was my planned, monthly day off, so that moved this workout to Sunday. And the workout went okay. I’m working harder now, so I am dropping to lower reps. But I’m not getting psyched up and working near as hard as I used to. I think I’ve lost “The Eye of the Tiger” and don’t know if I will ever get it back.

For those who don’t know, “The Eye of the Tiger” reference is from “Rocky 3” and the theme song by Survivor (which was on my playlist during this workout). Watch the movie for what it refers to. One of my favorite movies of all time, so if you haven’t seen it you need to watch it!



Monday – 12/6/10

Conv. Deadlifts [45/20, 135/10, 185/6] 225/9, 245/7, 265/5, 285/3

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [3.75/10] 7.5/12, 8.75/10, 10/10

Side Bends (reps to each side): [3.75/10] 7.5/12, 8.75/10, 10/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

Week 6 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 117.8 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.4%.
Lean Body Mass: 104 pounds.

Finally putting weight back on, a mixture of fat and muscle. I’d prefer all muscle, but as long as it’s not all fat, I’ll take it.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 12/8/10

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 50/10, 75/6] 95/9, 105/7, 115/5, 125/3

Lat. Pulldowns (wide grip): [45/10, 65/6] 80/9, 85/7, 90/5

DB Curls: [12s/12], 17s/12, 20s/10, 22s/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:12



Thursday – 12/9/10

Squats: [45/20, 105/10, 140/9] 165/9, 185/7, 205/5, 225/3

DB calves: [20/10] 25/12, 27/10, 30/8

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side): [--/10] 1.25/12, 2.5/10, 3.75/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15



Sunday – 12/12/10

Raw Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6] 120/9, 130/7, 140/5, 150/3

DB Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 37/6] 42/9, 45/7, 47/5

CB Triceps Presses: [17/12] 25/12, 30/10, 32/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

With the bodyweight gain, benches felt very good.



Monday – 12/13/10

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 185/6, 225/2] 250/9, 270/7, 290/5, 310/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10, 5/6] 10/12, 12/10, 15/8

Leg Raises: 14, 14, 14

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:13


These workout logs are continued at Full Workout Logs: Starting 12/15/2010 - Alternate Weeks 2 Routine - Weeks 7-12 of 12.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/3/2010 - Alternate Weeks 2 Routine - Weeks 1-6 of 12. Copyright © 2010 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs - 2005 - 2010

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