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Training Routine Format:
Three Week Rotation
After competing in APF PA States Powerlifting Championships - 2006, I revised my routine somewhat. For this new format, I am combining into one routine the "Off-Season" and "In-Season" training discussed in Training Routine Format for Three Times per Week Lifting. But I will still be lifting three times a week (usually M, W, F).
This routine alternates through four different basic workouts, so each basic workout is done every 9-10 days. But this routine also alternates how the powerlifts are done over a three week period, so there are actually 12 different workouts. Thus each identical workout is only done every 28 days.
Basic Workouts:
Day One: Bench Assistance, Upper Back, Triceps, Forearms, Abs/ Obliques.
Day Two: Squat, Calves.
Day Three: Bench, Upper Back, Biceps, Abs/ Obliques.
Day Four: Deadlift, Calves.Three Week Rotation and Reps Plan:
Weights increased each set.
Week One: Powerlifts done raw or with training gear, 2-3 sets x 6-3 reps, plus one additional major exercise, 2-3 x 6-3 -OR - Two major Assistance, 2-3 x 6-3.
Week Two: Powerlifts done with chains or reverse bands, 4-5 x 5-1.
Week Three: Powerlifts done with full gear, 3 x 3,2,1.All other exercises: 2 x 4-12, depending on the exercise.
Cardio (step-ups, heavy bag, jump rope): work up to six minutes.
First rotation post-contest, Week One done twice.
Last rotation pre-contest, Week One skipped.
Week One
Day One:
1) BB Press (standing or sitting).
2) Dips.
3) DB Rows (elbows in) or BB rows (close grip).
4) BB Reverse Curls.
5) Rotator Cuff (lying, in and out).
6) Bicycle Abs.Day Two:
1) Squats (raw or with training gear) OR Two of the following:
2) Sting Ray (Front) Squats, Manta Ray (High Bar) Squats, Box Squats, Pause Squats, Bench Squats, Low Squats, or Partial Squats.
3) Standing DB Calves.
4) Step-upsDay Three:
1) Benches (raw or with training gear) OR Two of the following:
2) Close Grip Benches, DB Benches, Rack Benches, Board Benches.
3) Lat. Pulldowns (underhand grip).
4) Hammer Curls.
5) Crunch/ Reverse Crunch Combo.
6) Heavy Bag.
Day Four:
1) Deadlifts (raw or with training gear) OR Two of the following:
2) Platform DLs, SLDLs, Rack Pulls, or Good Mornings and Shrugs.
3) Sitting Calves
4) Jump RopeWeek Two
Day One:
1) BB Incline Bench.
2) DB Decline Bench.
3) DB Rows (underhand grip) or Curl Bar Rows.
4) Curl Bar Reverse Curls.
5) Rotator Cuff (sitting, up).
6) 1 Lower Abs/ Obliques.
Choose from: Twisting versions of Reverse Crunches, Dip Bar Reverse Crunches, Leg Raises, Dip Bar Leg Raises, One-Leg Dip Bar Leg Raises.Day Two:
1) Chain or Reverse Band Squat.
2) Step-upsDay Three:
1) Chain or Reverse Band Bench.
2) Lat. Pulldown (wide grip).
3) Rotating DB Curls.
4) 1 Lower Abs (Choose from: Reverse Crunches, Dip Bar Reverse Crunches, Leg Raises, Dip Bar Leg Raises).
5) Heavy Bag.
Day Four:
1) Chain or Reverse Band DL.
2) Jump Rope.Week Three
Day One:
1) BB Decline Bench.
2) DB Incline Bench or DB Presses.
3) DB Rows (elbows out).
4) Reverse DB Curls.
5) Rotator Cuff (lying, up and down).
6) 1 Upper Abs/ Obliques
Choose from: Twisting versions of: Crunches, Decline Crunches, Sit-ups, Decline Sit-ups.Day Two:
1) Squats with full gear.Day Three:
1) Benches with full gear.
2) Lat. Pulldowns ("V" handle).
3) Curl Bar Curls
4) 1 Upper Abs (Choose from: Crunches, Decline Crunches, Sit-ups, Decline Sit-ups).Day Four:
1) Deadlifts with full gear.
General Details
Workout Length:
Total workout time includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, cardio, stretching, and clean-up.
Try to keep total workout time to about an hour and a half.Stretching and Cardio:
After lifting, ~10 minutes of stretching.
Walk on three off days for 30 minutes at a moderate pace (~3 mph).Rest periods between work sets:
Powerlifts with gear: 4-6 minutes.
Raw powerlifts and chain/ band work: 3-4 minutes.
Remaining exercises: 1-3 minutes.
Warm-up sets: about half of above times.
Speed Work: <1 minute.
Four or five warm-up sets for first exercise: 15,10,6,3, [1] reps.
First set with just the bar. Last set with ~10% less than first work set. Rest of sets spaced evenly in-between first and last sets.
Two warm-up sets for remaining major assistance exercises (8,4 or 6,3); one set for minor assistance exercises.Training Gear:
Squats: Power belt, squat shoes, wrist wraps, 2.0 meter knee wraps.
Benches: Power belt, wrist wraps, "Combo" shirt or Frantz shirt.
Deadlifts: Power belt, drug store knee and wrist wraps, Nike wrestling shoes.Full Gear:
Squats: Power belt, squat shoes, wrist wraps, 2.5 meter knee wraps; Frantz Squat Suit, Titan boxer-briefs.
Benches: Power belt, wrist wraps, CX2-D Bench Shirt.
Deadlifts: Power belt, drug store knee and wrist wraps, Nike wrestling shoes, Titan DL Suit, converted briefs..
Full Workout Logs
The above describes my training format. For my first workout logs using this new format, see Full Workout Logs: Starting 9/11/06: Rotation I.
Training Routine Format. Copyright © 2006, 2007 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting:
A Comprehensive Guide to the World’s Strongest Sport
The above article was posted on this site September 11, 2006.
It was last updated March 3, 2007.
Powerlifting and Strength Training
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