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Deadlift Shoes/ Tribute to RDC

By Gary F. Zeolla


      As I began to deadlift again after my recent powerlifting contest, I reluctantly concluded that my red-lighted third attempt at that contest was due to the slight heal in my new deadlift shoes (Sabo Deadlift Pros). I now noticed that I am having a really hard time locking out fully. I say “reluctantly,” as I really like my new deadlift shoes. They fit just right and are very snug and supportive, and they look great. However, that slight heal renders them less than ideal. Consequently, I looked into getting shoes.


New Deadlift Shoes


      As I looked for new deadlift shoes, I wore my old ones (Sabo Deadlift 1s) for one workout. I could barely tell the difference as far as the heal goes. But what was more notable is my old shoes were not near as supportive. That’s why I liked the newer ones. It was all a bit frustrating.

      In any case, after much research, I settled on Sabo Goodlift shoes. They are an older product, no longer being produced. However, both Walmart and Max Barbell still had three smaller sizes in stock, as clearance sales. I wasn’t sure which size to get, as they were in Russian sizes. But I ordered the ones in the middle from Max Barbell, as they were less expensive there than at Walmart.

      They fit very snug, but I would rather that than them being too loose. As a result, they are rather uncomfortable, but I don't buy lifting shoes for comfort. What I really like is they are made of leather, so they should last a long time. And they look rather nice, black and orange. I would have preferred black and red, but orange is of course just red mixed with yellow, so they should still fit with my other gear, which is all black and/ or red.


    Note that Sabo also has Deadlift 2s, PowerMix Shoes, and SABO Deadlift Easy Lifting shoes that also have no heals. But they also are only on a clearance sale, at least on Max Barbell. And they are made of mostly cloth, so they might not hold up as well. My Sabo Deadlift 1s wore out after about four years.

      In any case, and most importantly, the Sabo Goodlifts worked just fine for my first two workouts with them. Now I could notice the difference of not having any heal, as I had a much easier time on the lockout. I only wish I had posted this message on Facebook a few days ago, before Rickey Dale Crain (RDC) passed away quite suddenly on October 4, 2024.


Tribute to RDC and His Power Gear


      For those who don’t know, RDC is a legend in powerlifting. Back in the days (1970-80s) when there was only one powerlifting federation in the USA (the USPF) and one worldwide body (the IPF), he was a ten-time national champion and five-time world champion and is in York Barbell’s and the USPF’s Halls of Fame. He had many notable and record-breaking lifts. But I best remember his incredible 800-pound squat @ 165s. That’s almost five times bodyweight!

      When I started powerlifting again back in 2003, I “met” RDC on a powerlifting board. He actually recognized my name from my collegiate powerlifting days (1979-82), probably from an article I wrote for Powerlifting USA magazine after I won National collegiates in 1981.

      In any case, due to that interaction, when I needed gear for my first full power contest in 21 years back in 2003, I naturally ordered it from his company (see I wore his gear exclusively for my first several contests. I would later try out other gear, but I always went back to his, as it is quality gear.

      My last interaction with him was when I posted pictures from my most recent contest on Facebook. He noticed that I was wearing his wraps on squats and commented about such. I told him that I ordered two pairs of 3.0-meter wraps from him many years ago and that they were still in fine shape, since I only wore them for my final workout before a contest and at contests.

      I could have added that I also still wear the singlet and belt that I ordered from him for that first contest back in April of 2003. The singlet I of course only wear at contests, but the belt I wear for every workout, probably about 4,500 of them since then, and it still in fine shape, so they have both held up well.

      To tie this back to my deadlift shoes, when I posted pictures on Facebook of my then new Sabo Deadlift Pro shoes back in the spring, Rickey commented that I should know better than to purchase deadlift shoes with a heal. I commented that it was very slight, only about 1/8“, so I didn’t think it would matter. He said that even a slight heal matters, but I replied I didn't think so. But now that I realize it does matter, I wanted to let him know he was correct. But I have just been too busy, and now I will never get to tell him that, at least until we meet in heaven.

      I know he will be there, as he was a strong Christian and made no bones about telling people that. “if you confess with your mouth [the] Lord Jesus [or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from [the] dead, you will be saved!” (Romans 10:9; ALT3c).

    Though I never met in him person, we corresponded much via email, on Facebook, and even occasionally on the phone, when I called to order stuff. With us both being Christians and powerlifters, I am sure we could have been even closer if we lived closer and could have met in person, but with him in living Oklahoma and me in Pittsburgh, that never happened.


Final Notes


      I didn’t get RDC’s Power Deadlift Shoes, as he told me a while back, when I was looking for new Squat shoes, the first ones I ordered from him having lasted a decade but now being worn, that he was no longer carrying shoes smaller than size 7s, while I wear 6-1/2s. But his deadlift shoes look very good, not having any heal, of course.

      I have no idea what will happen with his gear company, if his family will carry it on or not. But if it continues, I strongly recommend getting his gear, as it is all quality stuff. Again, his website is (I have no idea what the “ws” refers to. I always wanted to ask him that, but never did).

      Finally, Rickey was 71 years old, just eight years older than me. I am not sure what Rickey died of, but it seemed quote sudden. I saw a heart attack mentioned on a thread on Facebook, but I am not sure if that was correct or not.

Deadlift Shoes/ Tribute to RDC. Copyright © 2024 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Nutrition and the Bible

    These three books look in-depth at what God give to human beings for food and what the Bible teaches about diet and nutrition. They also compare these Biblical teachings to scientific research on nutrition and degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

God-given Foods Eating Plan: For Lifelong Health, Optimization of Hormones, Improved Athletic Performance

Creationist Diet: Second Edition; A Comprehensive Guide to Bible and Science Based Nutrition

Creationist Diet: Nutrition and God-given Foods According to the Bible

See also this series on Amazon (#ad).

The above article was posted on this site October 7, 2024.

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Miscellaneous Items

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