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My Powerlifting
Trophies and Awards
2004 - 2007
Below are pictures of my powerlifting trophies and other awards
I have earned at various contests.
Click on any picture for a larger image.
Continued from My Powerlifting Trophies and Awards: College and 2003.
My certificates and medals for first place at 114s in the open and masters (40-44) divisions at IPA Worlds, 2004 in Shamokin Dam, PA.
My records certificates from the above contest for breaking seven different IPA records.
My trophy for first place, masters division (40-44), 114s, at IPA
Iron House Classic 2005.
I have no idea what a gargoyle has to do with powerlifting, but it is a neat
looking trophy!
My trophy for first place open, 114s, at IPA Iron House
Classic 2005.
The bulldog is crushing a weight plate and wearing a power belt, so at least
this trophy has something to do with powerlifting.
My records certificates from the above contest for breaking eight different IPA records.
My Top 100 and Top 20 Masters certificates for charts released in 2005.
This trophy was from WNPF
Western PA champs, April 10, 2006. It was for 1st place in the open
division, 123s.
I got an identical trophy for first in the masters (40-49) division, 123s, as well.
It was a good contest, but a trophy with an Olympic lifter figurine for a
powerlifter contest is really dumb.
This trophy is from
APF PA States Powerlifting
Championships - 2006. It was for 1st place at masters (45-49), 114s.
It's a little better than the one above.
But still, it looks more like a bodybuilder doing high bar squats, not a
powerlifter doing power squats.
My sword for winning Best Lifter at APF PA States.
This is a *real* sword, as in really sharp. That is why I immediately hung it up
above my computer desk.
I didn't want anyone picking it up to look at it and cutting off a finger!
But that said, it is a really neat looking award.
This trophy is from
IPA PA States Powerlifting
Championships - 2007.
It was for 1st place at masters (45-49) and open, 114s.
It has nothing to do with powerlifting, but it's really neat!
Top 20 Masters Certificate for calendar year 2006 (but chart released
in 2007).
I was #1 for squats, benches, deadlifts, and total.
That is why I got the certificate encased in plastic on wood.
Continued at My Powerlifting Trophies and Awards: 2008-2009.
My Powerlifting Trophies and Awards. Copyright © 2005-2007 by Gary F. Zeolla.
Nutrition and the Bible
These three books look in-depth at what God give to human beings for food and what the Bible teaches about diet and nutrition. They also compare these Biblical teachings to scientific research on nutrition and degenerative disease like heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
Creationist Diet: Second Edition; A Comprehensive Guide to Bible and Science Based Nutrition
Creationist Diet: Nutrition and God-given Foods According to the Bible
See also this series on Amazon (#ad).
Training: My Powerlifting
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