Books and eBooks by the Director
Short Comments on DTL's Web Site: 2000
Below are short comments I received on Darkness to Lights Web site in 2000. The e-mailers' comments are in black and enclosed in "greater than" and "lesser than" signs. My comments are in red.
>Dear Gary
I pastor a small independent Baptist church, reformed in theology. We have been in the process of writing our confession of faith and some months ago I came across yours. I am convinced we could no better state our convictions than it does. We strive to set forth the doctrines of Love and Sovereign Grace and find ourselves to be in a minority in our area.
We would count it an honor and privilege to have permission to adopt it as our own confession of faith exactly as it is written. Thanks for your time and God bless your endeavors for him.
Yours in Christ
Yes, you have my permission to use my ministry's Confession of Faith as your own. In fact, quite a bit of it was taken from the confession of faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America, of which my church is a member.
>I just want to thank you on a web site well-done. I am 21 and was brought up in a Calvinistic Church, but my family left when I was a teen; and I have now found myself having to defend the faith I was brought up with to others. Thank You for making a site that was clear and easy to understand; that had SO many Biblical references so I could really discover the truth on my own. This site is a great reference and was exactly what I was looking for.
God bless
Thank you for the kind comments, and I am thankful my site has been of help to you.
>I noticed that you have removed "Reformed Baptist Perspective". I am curious about your reason(s) for the change.
Best regards,
I struggled some with putting that on my home page in the first place. I would like the focus of my ministry to be on the "essentials" of the faith. I do consider issues such as "Reformed" and "Baptist" to be important, but not essential.
In any case, as I originally feared, with that notice on my site, the bulk of comments I have been receiving lately have been on Reformed vs. Arminian issues, and I'd rather not have that debate turn people off of the items on my site addressing the essentials. So the articles on Reformed and Baptist are still there, just not "advertised" quite as much.
>Gary thank you for this wealth of information. Keep up the great work, and I will thank God for you in my prayers.
Thank you for the kind comments and for the prayers.
>I just wanted to send you a quick, personal message that I really enjoy your website and the material you present.<
Thank you.
I ran across it while I was (still am) doing research for an upcoming Christian Ed. class I'll be teaching this fall for HS Sr.'s. I enjoy apologetics and wanted to include a class or two on it, but our student population has been about "Creation-vs.-Evolution" 'ed out so I thought I would have a class on Biblical Apologetics (How we got our Bible, how we can know it's God's Word, etc.). This led me to the whole Textus Receptus vs. Sinaiaticus/vatican, et. al. arena. I have been a staunch NIV user up the point I started my study. Now (yesterday) I switched to the NKJV. Anyway, I found your articles well-reasoned and balanced—something I cannot say for the KJV-Only side. Keep up the good work and I look forward to exploring more of your site.
P.S. I hope you're feeling better!
Thank you for the kind words and the well wishes. I've been struggling with some personal problems, but doing rather well all things considered.
>Fine articles you've got on your website. Praise the Lord for your effort on setting this up. I found your articles very useful in my study regarding cults.
In Him,
I am thankful my articles have been of help to you.
>Subject: Thank you for the helpful website
I just want to say that the website you've created has been a wonderful help to me. It is easy to use and has many interesting and insightful articles.<
I am thankful you are finding my site helpful.
> By any chance would you recommend any good books on balanced Christian living? I've been reading a lot of books from NewlLife Ministries. Keep up the good job.
You could start with my articles on Living the Christian Life. Then you could check out the books listed at: Christian Spirituality (Recommended Reading).
> Gary,
Do you really realize the impact you make on people? I can tell you are a humble man and don't want to take credit for your effort, but I realize the immense amount of time you have spent developing this wonderful site. When you meet God you will be amazed by the multitudes you have touched with your ministry. You are an inspiration.
Thank you and God bless,
Springfield, Ohio
Thank you for the kind comments. They are very encouraging.
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