Books and eBooks by the Director
Christian Spirituality
Classic Authors:
Augustine. Confessions. Homilies on First John. The Spirit and the Letter.
Baxter, Richard. The Reformed Pastor. The Saint's Everlasting Rest.
Bunyan, John. The Holy War. The Pilgrim's Progress. Prayer.
Calvin, John. Commentaries. Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life. Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Edwards, Jonathan. Christian Charity and Its Fruits. Freedom of the Will. Life and Diary of David Brainerd. The Religious Affections. Jonathan Edwards on Knowing Christ.
Henry, Matthew. Commentary on the Whole Bible. How to Prepare for Communion.
Luther, Martin. Babylonian Captivity of the Church. Bondage of the Will.
Freedom of a Christian. Open Letter to the Christian Nobility.
Owen, John. Communion with God. The Holy Spirit. Sin and Temptation.
Pink, Authur W. The Attributes of God. Comfort for Christians. Practical Christianity. The Sovereignty of God. Studies on Saving Faith. Studies in the Scriptures (various collections).
Ryle, John. Holiness. Old Paths: Weightier Matters. Practical Religion.
Spurgeon, C.H. Morning and Evening. Treasury of David. Various sermon collections.
Notable, Modern-Day Authors:
Clark, Gordon. Biblical Doctrine of Man. Faith and Saving Faith. In Defense of Theology. Religion, Reason and Revelation.
Lewis, C.S. Abolition of Man. God in the Dock. The Great Divorce. A Grief Observed. Mere Christianity. Screwtape Letters.
Schaeffer, Francis. A Christian View of Spirituality. Vol.3 in his Complete Works. Contains: The New Super-Spirituality. No Little People. Two Contents, Two Realities. True Spirituality.
Sproul, R.C. Following Christ. Holiness of God. Mystery of the Holy Spirit. One Holy Passion. Pleasing God. Surprised by Suffering. Gods Will & the Christian.
The Christian Character Library (Sold separately; by NavPress):
Bridges, Jerry. Practice of Godliness. Pursuit of Holiness. True Fellowship.
Fleming, Jean. Between Walden and the Whirlwind.
Fletcher, William. The Triumph of Surrender.
Ferguson, Sinclair. A Heart for God. Kingdom Life in a Fallen World.
Rinehart, Stacy and Paul. Living in Light of Eternity.
Thatcher, Martha. The Freedom of Obedience.
White, Jerry. The Power of Commitment.
Exposing Faulty Forms of Spirituality:
Adams, Jay. A Call to Discernment.
Arterburn, Jack. Toxic Faith: Understanding and Overcoming Religious Addiction.
Babcox, Neil. A Search for Charismatic Reality.
Barron, Bruce. Health and Wealth Gospel.
Bulle, Florence. God Wants You Rich and Other Enticing Doctrines.
Bussell, Harold. Unholy Devotion: Why Cults Lure Christians.
Butler, C.S. Test the Spirits: The Charismatic Phenomenon.
Hunt, Dave. Beyond Seduction. Seduction of Christianity.
Johnson, Authur. Faith Misguided: Exposing the Dangers of Mysticism.
MacArthur, John Jr. Charismatic Chaos. The Gospel According to Jesus.
McConell, Dan. A Different Gospel.
Martin, Walter. Screwtape Writes Again.
Schaeffer, Francis. The Great Evangelical Disaster.
VanVonderen, Jeff. Tired of Trying to Measure Up. Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse.
Warfield, B.B. Counterfeit Miracles.
Additional, Classic Works:
Brooks, Thomas. Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices.
Burroughs, Jeremy. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment.
Chambers, Oswald. My Utmost for His Highest.
Flavel, John. The Method of Grace.
Gurnall, William. The Christian in Complete Armor.
Hall, Joseph. The Art of Meditation.
Havergal, Francis. Kept for the Master's Use.
Machen, J. Gresham. God Transcendent.
Marshall, Walter. The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification.
Mead, Matthew. The Almost Christian Discovered.
Moody, Dwight L. Secret Power.
Tozer, A.W. Best of A.W. Tozer. Knowledge of the Holy.
Additional, Modern-Day Works:
Bridges, Jerry. Transforming Grace. Trusting God Even When Life Hurts.
Bridges Ronald. First Love.
Crabb, Larry. Inside Out.
Friesen, Garry. Decision Making and the Will of God.
Guelzo, Allen Carl, editor. Ambitious to be Well-Pleasing.
Hinkley, K.C. A Compact Guide to the Christian Life.
Howard, Grant. The Trauma of Transparency.
Lloyd-Jones, Martin. Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cures.
McDowell, Josh. Evidence for Joy.
Needham, David. Birthright: Christian Do You Know Who You Are?
Packer, J.I. Knowing God. A Quest for Godliness.
Pratt, Richard. Pray with Your Eyes Open.
Schaeffer, Edith. Common Sense Christian Living.
Sire, James. Discipleship of the Mind.
Stott, John. Baptism and Fullness.
Swindol, Charles. The Grace Awakening. Growing Deep in the Christian Life.
The Fifty Greatest Christian Classics (Jay P. Green, ed. Twelve volume set):
Vol. I. The Devotional Classics of C.H. Spurgeon.
Vol. II. William Gurnall. The Christian in Complete Armor.
Vol. III. Christian Life Classics.
Vol. V. The Classic Works of Jonathan Edwards.
Vol. VI. Classics for the Afflicted.
Vol. X. Classics on Human Nature.
Vol. XI. The Classic Works of John Bunyan.
Books and eBooks By Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
The above reading list was posted on this website May 15, 1999.
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