Books and eBooks by the Director
This page provides a review of a reference work that was consulted while working on the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament (ALT). To purchase a copy of the third edition, click here.
Word Pictures in the New Testament
By A. T. Robertson
A standard Bible study tool
This is a standard Bible study tool that is of use to the Greek and non-Greek reader. It was originally published in 1934. Robertson provides short comments on most verses in the NT. Most of the notes are technical in nature, but some are devotional. He often gives the Greek word underlying an English word, parses some Greek words, and at times, provides an alternative translation to the KJV that the work is based on.
Unfortunately, he also supplies some textual notes. I say unfortunately as in his comments he assumes the newer (at his time) Critical Text was more reliable than the Textus Receptus. Personally, I prefer the TR and even more so, the Majority Text. I detail my reasons for preferring the MT in my book Differences Between Bible Versions.
But other than this textual deficiency, Robertson comments are generally helpful. I purchased the hardcopy set years ago and referred to it often in my personal Bible studies. When I started working on my Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament (ALT), I purchased the BibleWorks software program, which contains Robertson. And I often referred to Robertson as I was working on my translation. Its comments were often helpful in deciding how best to translate a passage.
Review of Word Pictures in the New Testament. Copyright (c) 2008 by Gary F. Zeolla.
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