Books and eBooks by the Director
This page provides a review of a reference work that was consulted while working on the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament (ALT). To purchase a copy of the third edition, click here.
A Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages
By Jay, P Green, Sr. and Dr. Maurice Robinson
A basic lexicon
This book is a very basic lexicon for both Hebrew and Greek. The words are all coded to Strong’s Concordance numbers. So this book is good for those who do not know Hebrew and Greek. You can find the Strong’s number for a word by using his concordance or by using Green’s Interlinear Bible. You can then use that number to look up the underlying Hebrew or Greek word with this lexicon.
The format is to first give Strong’s number, then the Hebrew or Greek word, then the basic definition(s), and a couple of verse references where the word is found. The definitions and looking up the verses make for a basic word study and will give you some feel for the meaning or range of meanings for the word. Page numbers for where the word can be found in more detailed lexicons are also given, so more in-depth word study can be pursued.
I bought this book years ago, after getting Green’s Interlinear. And the use of these two volumes introduced me to the original languages and how fruitful word studies can be. But this book is just that, a very basic introduction to the original languages. If they inspire you to attain more in-depth lexicons or even to learn Hebrew and Greek, as they did me, then this book is worthwhile.
So I am glad that I got this book when I did. But given how basic it is, it was of little use to me as I worked on my Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament (ALT). But for an introduction, it is worthwhile.
Review of A Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages. Copyright (c) 2008 by Gary F. Zeolla.
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