Biblical and Constitutional Politics

Books by the Director


August 2024 Political Commentaries

By Gary F. Zeolla

These commentaries are continued from July 2024 Political Commentaries.


Interview with Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim

     I recorded the Thursday night CNN interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and watched it last night (Friday, 8/30). Just a few thoughts.

     First, it was billed as an hour-long interview. But it ended with ten minutes left in the hour, plus there was four commercial breaks, plus there was time spent “teasing” the next segment heading into each commercial break, and there was a meaningless clip of Kamala and Tim talking about spices. Consequently, the actual interview was only about 30 minutes. About two-thirds of that was directed towards Kamala and on-third towards Tim. That means, Kamala’s interview was all of 20-minutes.

    Second, CNN had a marker at the bottom right indicating it was “Live.” But in fact, the interview was recorded hours earlier. That is CNN living up to Trump’s moniker of “fake news.” We have no way of knowing what editing was down, and if any of Kamala’s well-known word salads were edited out.

     Third, Kamala never really answered any of Dana Bash’s questions. At best, she gave generalities, not real answers. The same can be said for Tim.

     Fourth, the worst were the initial questions about the economy. Dana let Kamala get away with claiming she inherited a disastrous economy, which was Trump’s fault. But in fact, the economy was already recovering from the medically useless and destructive lockdowns before Biden/ Harris took office. It was only in blue states that those lockdowns were hindering that recovery.

     Unlike Biden in his interview withy CBS and Norah O’Donnell, Kamala did not flat-out lie and say they inherited 9% inflation, but she did imply it. And just like Norah, Dana let her get away with that false implication and with claiming it was the policies of the Biden/ Harris administration that brought inflation back down.

     The truth is, inflation was 1.4% the day Biden/ Harris took office. It was the trillions in spending by the Biden/ Harris administration that spiked it to 9.1%. That spike is on Harris, as she cast the deciding vote in the Senate for those trillion of dollars spending packages. It was the GOP taking control of Congress and stopping that inflationary spending and The Fed raising interest rates that has brought the rate of inflation down to its current 2.5%. The Biden/ Harris administration’s policies had nothing to do with it. I discuss these points at length in my books on Biden's failing presidency.

     Overall, this interview was quite worthless and boring. And sadly, it will probably be the only time Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim take questions from the press, and the press will let them get away with it, saying she did an interview, so what is all the fuss about?

     That and Trump’s flip-flop on abortion and support for IVF will unfortunately give the election to Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim, and the USA will be worse for it. At least, that is my prediction at this point in the election. But hopefully, the GOP will retain control of the House and even win the Senate and put breaks on the worst of a Harris/ Walz administration.

#CNNInterview #KamalaInterview #HarrisWalzInterview #KamalaHarris #TimWalz

Trump Just Lost the Election

Newsmax. Trump on Florida Abortion Restriction: ‘Want More Than 6 Weeks.

Fox News. Pro-lifers blast Trump 'betrayal' with shifting abortion stance, answer on Florida Amendment 4.

Newsmax. Trump: All IVF Costs Will Be Covered; We Want More Babies.

Newsmax. Trump: My Admin Will Be Great for Reproductive Rights.

Christian Post. Pro-life leaders react to JD Vance's vow Trump won't sign abortion ban.

    I have defended Trump against all of the unified attacks against him since he rode down the golden escalator in 2015 in my various political writings, in my books and on this website. But now he seems to think he can take for granted all of us the pro-lifers and evangelicals who put him into office and flip-flop to a pro-killing unborn babies position.

    It is not just that he now supports the killing of unborn babies via abortion, even adopting the terminology pro-abortionists, but now he is in support of the horrid procedure known as IVF. To be clear, IVF is not a pro-life position. Far more “extra” embryos are created in each IVF procedure than are implanted and given a chance at life. Those “extra” embryos are either “destroyed” (which is to say, killed) or are frozen in indefinite suspended animation, not really alive, but not really dead. There are already 1.5 million embryos frozen in USA in this not dead, not alive state. Trump's proposal would increase that number exponentially

    My heart goes out to couples who struggle with infertility. But a much more pro-life and Christian way to address it is adoption, not spending $10,000s on such extraordinary measures. Those $10,000s would be better spent raising children who already exist but are languishing in foster care or orphanages here in the USA and around the world.

     In addition, I do not want my tax and insurance dollars to go to support this horrid procedure, and I definitely do not want to support couples who choose inherently infertile relationships to get pregnant via this procedure. I am of course referring to lesbian couples, who will be the first to line up for this new government handout.

     I address all of this in much more detail in God’s Sex Plan books.

    I am not saying I and other pro-lifers and evangelicals will now support Harris. She is even worse on these issues, and on many others. Most likely, many of us will just not vote, giving the election to Harris.

#TrumpIVF #TrumpAbortion #IVF #Abortion #Trump



Breitbart. Trump Reveals He is Voting No on Florida’s Abortion Amendment.

Trump thinks this announcement will protect him from backlash from pro-lifers, but it will not. In the same interview, he said:


“I think six weeks, you need more time than six weeks,” Trump said. “I’ve disagreed with that right from the early primaries when I heard about it, I disagreed with it. At the same time, the Democrats are radical because the nine months is just a ridiculous situation, where you can do an abortion in the ninth month.”


    Thus, Trump wants something in-between six weeks and nine months, probably about 15-weeks. But the vast majority of abortions occur between six and 15-weeks, so that is no ban at all. And pro-lifers now it.

New York Times. Iran Is to Blame for Hacking Into Trump’s Campaign, Intelligence Officials Say.

     “The finding, which was widely expected,”

     Every news report I initially heard about this hack reported it as Trump claiming his campaign had been hacked and 1ran was behind it by adding the words “without evidence.” It reminded me of how the mainstream media always reported his claims of election fraud, that they were “without evidence.”

     But now that Trump has been proven right once again, the MSM is trying to cover its butt and say they knew all along that it was Iran who had hacked Trump’s campaign. Truly despicable.

God Will Not Be Mocked

     Thank God, the Olympics are mercifully over. That means, I no longer have to hear news reports about this event dedicated to sexual perversion, paganism, and a depreciation of the Christian faith.

     After that abomination of the drag queen Last Supper in the Opening Ceremonies, you had rain during those ceremonies, then there was a power outage, then. 95-degree heat blasted the soccer players, then the River Seine became too contaminated for the triathletes to swim in, then when they did anyway, two get E. Coli, then several athletes contracted Covid, then two hermaphrodites beat up and stole the medals of real women, and finally a medal was taken from an American gymnast.

     But it will be even worst at the next summer Olympics, with them being in Los Angeles. Remember, this is the city that honored drag queen nuns, a group known for mocking the crucifixion of Christ, an even greater blasphemy than mocking the Last Supper. Here’s praying God wakes up LA before then, so that it does not continue this celebration of depravity, or worse things could befall that Olympics.

     #DragQueenLastSupper #Olympics #2024Olympics #2028Olympics

Trump’s Presser vs. Kamala’s Gaggle 

“Meandering, rambling, spouted insults and lies”

     The above is how the mainstream media reported on Trump’s conference on Thursday (8/8/24). But I listened to it, and that is not at all how I would describe it. He answered the reporters’ questions in a logical and straightforward manner, responding to one policy question after another over an hour presser.

     That is a far cry from Kamala. Her press gaggle on the same day, the only time she has even talked to the press since becoming the Dem nominee, lasted all of 77 seconds. She took five questions, all about why she has not taken questions from the press or about a debate with Trump. There were no questions about policy.

     What a contrast! But not at all surprising. I have been chronicling the media’s bias reporting about all things Trump throughout my political writings, such as in the following: Tearing the USA Apart and The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath (5 book series).

    Three of these books are now available in audiobook format and two are forthcoming soon in that format. All are available in Kindle and hardcopy formats. 

#TrumpPresser #Trump #KamalaGaggle #MediaBias

Kamala Crash

     The unnecessary American Rescue Plan (ARP), with Kamala casting the deciding vote. It was unnecessary as the economy was already recovering from the medically useless and destructive lockdowns.

     The bloated Infrastructure plan, with only half of it directed towards actual infrastructure. The rest was pure pork.

     The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with Kamala once again casting the deciding vote. It was misnamed, as it did nothing to lower inflation.

     The CHIPs act, a bloated handout to Big Tech.

     The various unconstitutional debt transfer plans. Unconstitutional because the Supreme Court ruled Biden could not “cancel” loans, but he do so anyways. Kamala has vowed to continue to ignore SCOTUS and to continue to transfer debt from those who took out loans to those of us who did not do so.

     This spending spree cost of $4.8 trillion and spiked inflation up to 9.1%.

     Due to believing the Biden/ Harris administration that inflation was only “transitory,” The Fed waited too long to act. When it finally did, it began to raise the Prime Rate to levels not seen in decades.

    That elevated Prime Rate lead to elevated mortgage rates, business loan rates, and credit card rates. That all hurt average Americans of all stripes. But The Fed’s goals was to “cool” the economy to bring down Biden/ Harris caused inflation.

     That has been slowly working. But it has now cooled the economy so that job growth has now slowed, leading to fears of a recession.

     All of this led to today’s Kamala Crash of the stock market.

     All of this is detailed and documented in my books on Biden’s failed presidency. But Kamala still backs and will continue Biden failed policies, not only in regard to the economy but also in regard to other failed domestic policies and in regard to Biden’s failed foreign policy. As such, these books are still relevant.

Joe Biden's Failing Presidency

See also this series on Amazon.

These commentaries are continued at: September 2024 Political Commentaries.

August 2024 Commentaries. Copyright © 2024 By Gary F. Zeolla.

The links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my royalty if a product is purchased after following the link.

Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)

The above commentaries were posted in August 2024.


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