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Primadophilus Bifidus
(Nature's Way)
My God-given Food Eating Plan and Creationist Diet: Second Edition books mentions the many benefits of eating yogurt. These include reducing the risk of colon cancer, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, and having a positive effect on blood sugar. I have also found that eating yogurt on a regular basis helps to keep me, well, "regular."
The benefits of yogurt are due to its beneficial bacteria. These are known as "probiotics." Consuming yogurt is the best way to attain these beneficial probiotics. But many do not like the taste of yogurt. Ways to make it more palatable are discussed in my Eating Plan book. Some brands of organic cottage cheese also contain these beneficial bacteria. But if consuming these on a regular basis is not possible for you, then a supplement would be a option.
Many types of probiotic supplements are available. But they can vary greatly in terms of quality and the kinds and amounts of bacteria present. The best such supplement I have found is Nature's Way Primadophilus Bifidus. It contains four different types of bacteria, totaling 5 billion count per capsule. That is far more bacteria than you will get with most such supplements.
I tried this supplement, and the recommended one capsule per day provided the same "regularity" benefits as a cup of yogurt. But I prefer to just eat yogurt regularly, and I would strongly recommend that route. But if the reader stanchly refuses to eat yogurt, then this supplement would an option. Nature's Way Primadophilus Bifidus is available from iHerb and Amazon. Additional pro-biotic supplements are available from iHerb and Amazon. For iHerb, use coupon code HOP815 to receive $5.00 off your first order.
Primadophilus Bifidus - Supplement Descriptions. Copyright © 2004, 2008, 2014, 2017 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The above article was posted on this site April 1, 2009.
It was last updated June 19, 2017.
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