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Full Workout Logs: Starting 7/17/2015 – Two by Two Plan (Variation C); Routine B, Weeks 7-12 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 6/3/2015 – Two by Two Plan (Variation C); Routine B, Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Age: 54.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight, body fat, and lean body mass: See each week.
Note: Body fat percent and LBM are being measured with a Sequoia Fitness: Warrior Digital Body Mass Caliper. If you need one, it is available from Amazon.

Contest plans forthcoming.

Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also my Cardio Logs - May through August 2015.

Week 7 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 120.8 pounds.
Body fat: 10.1%, 12.2 pounds.
Lean body mass: 108.6 pounds.
Waist: 32”


Bench Assistance

Friday – 7/17/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas: AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dumbbell Incline Benches: [10s/15, 20s/9, 30s/7, and gear: 37s/5], 42s/8, 45s/6, 47s/4

Dips: [bwt./9, 15/7, add wrist wraps: 27/5] 35/8, 40/6, 45/4

Chin-ups: [add wrist wraps: bwt./7, 2.5/5, 5/3] 7.5/8, 10/6, *10/2, 12.5/1+3*

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [37/9, 50/7] 55/10, 57.5/8, 60/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:36

I was busy on Thursday, so I moved this workout to Friday. And it went very well, except for one snag. My third set of chin-ups was supposed to be with 12.5 pounds (a ten and a 2-1/2), but after a couple of reps, I realized the weight was too light, as I had forgotten to add the 2-1/2. I thus stopped the exercise and the recording, added the weight, and restarted both the recording and the chin -ups. But I started with too close of a grip, and thus had to stop, re-grip, and then finish the set. You’ll see this in the video. If it wasn’t for that mess-up, I would have gotten done in a quick time. But still, this was a very good workout.


Music: Music Maker CD 1.

This CD requires a bit of explanation. Back in the days before CD burners were standard on PCs there were websites that would burn tracks of your choosing onto a CD and mail it to you, for a fee of course. Music Maker was one such site, and they had an introductory offer of three free CDs. So I picked out every Christian rock song they had and had three CDs made and sent to me, but I never ordered any more. Good thing as not too long afterwards I got a CD burner, though I’ve never used it much. But I still got these three CDs.


Sunday – 7/19/15

Sunday was my planned monthly extra day off. I had hoped to go visit one of my nephews, but they were both busy, so I spent the day getting lots done on my book. It was my great-nephew Dakota’s birthday, but his parents already had a pool party couple of weeks ago for him and his younger brother Logan (which I couldn’t attend), so they were having a private celebration on Sunday. My niece sent me a video of him opening the present I sent him and then the next day of him playing with the RC helicopter. Below are those videos. They are very cute:

Video 1

Video 2



Monday – 7/20/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes.

Extra Low Squats: [45/15, 135/9, 160/7, 185/5, add gear: ^210/3] 245/5, 257/3, 270/1

Reverse Band Squats (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[add bands: 185/9, 215/7, 245/5, add gear: 270/3] 295/5, 310/3, 325/1

Speed RB Squats: 185/8, 195/6, 205/4

Bicycle Abs: 20, 20

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:45

This was a very tough workout. The next to last rep of the first two work sets of X-low squats required near max effort, so much so that I didn’t think I would get the planned next rep, but I did! I thought the final single would be a killer, but I got it with strength to spare. The RB squat work sets were also very tough but with strength to spare. The final warm-up set for X-low squats was supposed to be 220, but I wrote it down wrong, and I forgot to start the recording for my top set of speed work, but other than those minor miscues, this was an excellent workout.


Pillar: “For the Love of the Game”

Rez Band: “Between Heaven ‘n Hell”



Wednesday – 7/22/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 80/9, Pause: 100/7, 117/5, add gear: 132/3] 147/5, 155/3, 162/1

Chain Benches (chain set up weighs 55 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[100/9, 120/7, 140/5, add gear: 160/3] 177/5, 185/3, 192/1

Speed Chain Benches: 127/7, 132/5, 137/3

Barbell Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5] 90/7, 95/5, 99*/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:42

This was another tough workout, with one minor miscue. My last set of the day was supposed to be 100, but I once again mixed up a 1-1/4 and a 2-1/2. That is probably because my mind was drifting at that point, which also led to a longer than necessary workout. But still, this was an excellent workout, with all of the work sets being near maxes. It felt especially good to be able to put 45s on the bar for chain benches for the first time this decade.

One thing though, now that I am doing the lower reps of my reps ranges on some exercise, I am noticing how demanding they are. That could be because I am not as used to them as the higher reps since I don’t do them as often. It is only a one rep difference, but I am noticing it in DOMS. Since the lower reps are the more important, I think I need to change my approach some so as to do the lower reps more often.


Music: “X2007 – 17 Christian Rock Hits”



Thursday – 7/23/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Nike sneakers.

Conv. Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 190/7, 245/5, add gear: 297/3] 330/6, 347/4, 365/2

Sumo Reverse Band Deadlifts (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[135/9, add bands: 225/7, 275/5, add gear: 325/3] 360/6, 377/4, 395/2

Speed Sumo RB Deadlifts: 240/8, 252/6, 265/4

Side Bends: [15/9, 30/7] 37/10, 40/8, 42/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:40

Last time I did 5, 3, 1 reps for my two main exercises. This time I did 6, 4, 2 reps using the same weights, exactly according to plan. Next time I’ll increase the weights and try for 5, 3, 1. The workout time was also better, being ten minutes shorter than last time. Thus overall, this was an excellent workout and workout week.

Those are empty boxes falling off of the freezer on my first rep of conv. DLs. I use the boxes for wrapping presents, but they are a bit unstable with the way I have them piled up. I heard them fall but didn’t let it distract me.

Music: Holy Soldier – “Encore”

Week 8 of 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 121.2 pounds.

Bench Assistance

Sunday – 7/26/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Nike sneakers.

Barbell Decline Benches: [45/15, 90/9, 110/7, 130/5, add gear: 147/3] 162/5, 170/3, 177/1

Dumbbell Presses (standing): [10s/9, 17s/7, add gear: 25s/5] 30s/7, 32s/5, 35s/3

Dip Bar Pull-ups: [bwt./7, 1.25/4] 2.5/7, 5/5, 7.5/3

Preacher Curls: [35/9, 47/7] add wrist wraps: 52/9, 55/7, 57/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:42

This was an excellent workout, with everything going as planned.

Preacher curls no recorded.

Degarmo and Key: “Go to the Top”
White Heart – “Read the Book (Don’t Wait for the Movie)”



Monday – 7/27/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT: heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes.

3 Sec Pause Squats: [regular: 45/15, 135/9, pause: 160/7, 185/5, add gear: 210/3] 235/6, 247/4, 260/2

Partial Squats: [135/9, 180/7, 225/5, add gear: 255/3] 285/5, 300/3, 315/1

Jump Squats: 75/8, 80/6, 85/4

Sit-ups: [5/9; 13.75/7] 18.75/10, 20/8, 21.25/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:44

This was another excellent workout.


Music: “X2008 – 17 Christian Rock Hits”

This CD was played at a NASA contest I competed at in 2008. When I talked to the meet director before the contest, he told me he was a Christian and would be playing Christian Rock at the contest. I mentioned to him that I had lots of it, and he told me to bring some. Since I just got this CD, I took it along with a couple of other CDs. His wife was working the scorer’s table and was playing the music. She played this CD through a couple of times during the contest, and it is excellent lifting music.

I also had an excellent day at that contest, going 9/9, with my squat and total being good enough to place me in the Top 20 on the All-time, raw, open ranking lists. It was the only NASA contest I ever entered, but only because NASA never held another contest in my area, as I really enjoyed it. I was reminded of all of this when I saw my name on the CD, which I put on it before the contest to be sure I got it back. For more on this contest, see my contest report: NASA NE States Powerlifting Championships - 2008.



Wednesday – 7/29/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Close Grip Benches: [45/15, 80/9, 100/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] 145/6, 152/4, 160/2

Wide Grip Benches: [80/9, 95/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] 145/5^, 152/4, 160/2

Push-ups: [regular: 8, skipped] Clap: 9, 9, 9

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [35/9, 47/7, 57/5] 62/8, 65/6, 67/4

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:42^

I was once again distracted by work issues as I began this workout. I still got my planned reps on CGBPs, but then I got buried on the planned sixth rep of my first work set of WGBPs. With the bar now sitting on the safety bars of my power rack, I had to take off the weights, put the bar back up on the hooks, and re-load the weights. All of that got me behind. But I then changed to better workout music, got my head together, and the rest of the workout went as planned.

It’s kind of neat how the bar seems to jump down in the video between bench lifts. That is due to my moving the hooks down two holes in my power rack from CGBPs to WGBPs.

Michael Sweet (formerly of Stryper) – “Real”
Saturday Nite Lite – 12/28/86



Thursday – 7/30/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes; Nike Sneakers.

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 185/7, 235/5, add gear: 280/3] 310/6, 325/4, 340/2

Jump Deadlifts: 75/8, 80/6, 85/4

Good Mornings (medium stance): [45/9, 70/7, 100/5] 110/8, 115/6, 120/4

Dumbbell Calves (on 3” high platform): [15/9, 25/7] 32/10, 35/8, 37/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:34

My distracted mind kept me from sleeping well after Wednesday’s workout, and I felt it at the start of this workout. But once I got into it, I felt okay and the workout went very well, except for a couple of minor miscues.

My form on the first two work sets of GMs felt good but not so much on the final set. My left leg was too straight on the first rep, I was twisting to the side on the next two reps, and I rounded my back too much on the third. Maybe I was getting tired at that point. But you cannot see any of this in the video. Then on my final set of DB calves, the collar starting slipping on one side while I was working my left leg. I thus set down the weight, stopped the video, then fixed the collar and did the right leg.

BTW, what was distracting me on Wednesday were changes I was thinking about making to my writing plans. Now that I got it all figured out, I will be writing three books on the dependability of the Bible, along with adding an additional volume to my translation of the Bible containing the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. I explain all of this on my newly updated Writing Plans page.


Music: Disciple – “Southern Hospitality”

Week 9 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 121.4 pounds.
Body fat: 12.0%, 14.6 pounds.
Lean body mass: 106.8 pounds.
Waist: 31-1/2” 

I am now getting widely fluctuating readings each time I take my fat%. Last time it was just 10.1%. The only reason I bother with it is to update my numbers on my profile.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 8/2/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas: AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dumbbell Incline Benches: [12s/15, 22s/9, 32s/7, and gear: 40s/5], 45s/8, 47s/6, 50s/4

Dips: [bwt./9, 20/7, add wrist wraps: 32/5] 40/8, 45/6, 50/4

Chin-ups: [add wrist wraps: bwt./7, 2.5/5, 5/3] 10/7, 12.5/5, 15/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [40/9, 52/7] 57/10, 60/8, 62/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:46

This was an excellent workout, with everything going according to plan, except it took ten minutes longer than last time. I have no idea why, as nothing happened to get me behind, and I felt like I was moving at my normal pace.


“Contemporary Adult Music for the 90s” (A collection CD)
White Heart – “Emergency Broadcast”


Monday – 8/3/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes.

Extra Low Squats: [45/15, 135/9, 160*/7, 185*/5, add gear: 220/3] 245/6, 257/4, 270/2

Reverse Band Squats (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[add bands: 185/9, 215/7, 245/5, add gear: 270/3] 295/6, 310/4, 325/2

Speed RB Squats: 190/7, 200/5, 210/3

Bicycle Abs: 23, 23

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:50

I got the weights for my final warm-up set on X-low squats ight this time, but I messed up on the two before it, going too light. I’m not sure if that is why, but I had problems hitting depth; about half of the work sets reps were a tad high. But I did get all my planned reps, and the RB squats went well. So still a good workout.


Music: “X2009 – Christian Rock Hits”


Wednesday – 8/5/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 80/9, Pause: 100/7, 117/5, add gear: 132/3] 147/5*, 155/3*, 162/2

Chain Benches (chain set up weighs 55 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[100/9, 120/7, 140/5, add gear: 160/3] 177/4+2*, 185/3*, 192/2

Speed Chain Benches: 127/8, 132/6, 137/4

Barbell Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5] 90/7, 95/5, 97/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:40

This was a terrible workout. I got buried twice and didn’t try my planned final rep on a third set. What happened is I was dealing with another allergic reaction and thus was not concentrating.

On my first work set of 3 sec pause benches, my form was off. I got the sixth rep to about 2” from the top but just could not lock it out. Trying to grind it out got me so wiped out that I didn’t even try my planned fourth rep on the next set. But by my third set, I was recovered enough and got my form right so that I was able to grind out the lockout on the planned second rep.

On chain benches, I setup too far up on my bench and hit the racks on the third and fourth reps, so I had to stop and reset before completing the set. Then on the second set, I really hit the racks on the third rep. That so threw me off that I once again could not lock out the fourth rep and got buried. But again, I got my act together, and the final set went as planned.

Then on speed benches, my form was all over the place on the first two sets, but I got it right on the last set.

By rows, I was so exhausted from all of the above that I simply repeated what I did last time. But at least my form was good.


You won’t see any of my form problems on the bench work in the video as I got it right for the top sets, the only ones I recorded.

Rex Band - “Between Heaven ‘n Hell”
Music Maker CD 3



Thursday – 8/6/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Nike sneakers.

Conv. Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 195/7, 250/5, add gear: 305/3] 340/5, 357/3, 375/1

Sumo Reverse Band Deadlifts (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[135/9, add bands: 225/7, 280/5, add gear: 335/3] 370/5, 387/3, 405/1

Speed Sumo RB Deadlifts: 245/8, 257/6, 270/4

Side Bends: [20/9, 32/7] 40/10, 42/8, 45/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:48

This was an excellent workout that made up for yesterday’s disaster. I pulled 375 at my last contest using my competitive sumo stance, so it felt good hitting that with a conv. stance here. And the last set of RB DLs was the first time this decade I had four plates on each side of the bar. It’s not that big of a deal as it was with band assist, but it still felt good.

Speed and ab work not recorded.

“California Metal” – (a collection CD)
Barren Cross – “Atomic Arena”

Week 10 of 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 122.2 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 8/9/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Nike sneakers.

Barbell Decline Benches: [45/15, 90/9, 110/7, 130/5, add gear: 147/3] 162/6, 170/4, 177/2

Dumbbell Presses (standing): [10s/9, 17s/7, add gear: 25s/5] 30s/8, 32s/6, 35s/2

Dip Bar Pull-ups: [bwt./7, 1.25/4] 2.5/8, 5/6, 7.5/4

Preacher Curls: [35/9, 47/7] add wrist wraps: 52/10, 55/8, 57/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:47

This was an excellent workout.


“Christian Modern Rock and Alternative Hits” (a collection CD)
Saturday Nite Lite – 8/2/86



Monday – 8/10/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT: heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes.

3 Sec Pause Squats: [regular: 45/15, 135/9, pause: 165/7, 195/5, add gear: 220/3] 245/5, 257/3, 270/1

Partial Squats: [135/9, 185/7, 230/5, add gear: 260/3] 285/6, 300/4, 315/2

Jump Squats: 77/8, 82/6, 87/6*

Sit-ups: [5/9; 15/7] 20/10, 21.25/8, 22.25/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:52

This was another excellent workout, except for one miscue. On the last set of jump squats I was having problems keeping my balance. I did a couple of extra reps trying to get it right but still couldn’t. Maybe this was due to being tired or maybe due to being distracted once again.

Throughout this workout my mind was on work issues and computer problems. On the latter, I made the mistake of upgrading to Win10 over the weekend. Do not do that! It is full of bugs. Struggling with it left me stressed out, unable to get any work done, and my mind running on things I wanted to write in my book but wasn’t able to. But somehow I kept it together for most of this workout, until those jump squats.


Music: Rez Band – “Compact Favorites” (a “Best of” CD). 



Wednesday – 8/12/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Close Grip Benches: [45/15, 80/9, 100/7, 120/5, add gear: 135/3] 150/5, 157/3, 165/1

Wide Grip Benches: [80/9, 100/7, 120/5, add gear: 130/5] 150/4^, 157/2^, 165/1

Push-ups: [regular: 8, skipped] Clap: 10, 10, 10

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [35/9, 47/7, 60/5] 65/8, 67/6, 70/4

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:43

CGBP went as planned, but not WGBPs. On the latter, I didn’t try the planned fifth rep on the first work set; then I got buried when I tried to get the planned triple on the second set, but at least I got the final single.

The two grips were running equal in terms of weight/ reps until last time, when I got buried on the final rep of the first work set of WGBP. What I think I am noticing is it is very difficult to grind out a rep with a wide grip. The triceps are at disadvantageous angle and thus are unable to push out the lockout. That is interesting to know as I was considering widening my regular grip, but now I don’t think I will.



Barren Cross – “Rock for the King”

Messiah Prophet Band – “Rock for the Flock”

These two albums I recorded on the same cassette tape way back in the day. They are two of my favorite white metal groups and albums and make for excellent workout music.



Thursday – 8/13/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes; Nike Sneakers.

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 190/7, 240/5, add gear: 290/3] 320/5, 335/3, 350/1

Jump Deadlifts: *72/8, *77/6, 82/6, 87/4

Good Mornings (medium stance): [45/9, 85/7, 105/5] 115/8, 120/6, 125/4

Dumbbell Calves (on 3” high platform): [15/9, 27/7] 35/10, 37/8, 40/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:43

This was an excellent workout. I even got my top set of PDLs despite the music cutting out on me. However, I messed up on the jump DLs. I mis-loaded and thus started too light and had to do an extra set to get it right. That added to the workout time. But at least I wasn’t stumbling around like on jump squats.

Sunday is my planned extra day off, so my next workout will be on Monday. That will work out well, as I will be rested going into the final two weeks of this routine, when I will be doing my heaviest lifting of the routine.



Bride – “Live to die”

Audio Adrenaline - “Bloom”

Week 11 of 12 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 121.6 pounds.


Sunday – 8/17/15

This was my planed extra day off, so I visited my niece April and her husband Pat and two sons Dakota and Logan. I got put to work helping to set up a trampoline. It was used and rather dirty, so in the video Pat is hosing it off while the boys are jumping on the trampoline in the water stream. Since it was near 90 degrees, this was a fun way to cool off.



Bench Assistance

Monday – 8/17/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas: AdiPower lifting shoes.

Dumbbell Incline Benches: [15s/15, 25s/9, 35s/7, and gear: 42s/5], 47s/7, 50s/5, 52s/3

Dips: [5/9, 25/7, add wrist wraps: 35/5] 45/8, 50/6, 55/4

Chin-ups: [add wrist wraps: bwt./7, 2.5/5, 5/3] 10/7, 12.5/5, 15/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [40/9, 52/7] 60/9, 62/7, 65/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:45

 For the final two weeks of this routine I will be shooting for the lower reps in my rep ranges for most exercises. But here I was hoping for the higher reps but only got the lower reps for 3 of the 4 exercises. I’m not sure why, but it could because of helping to set the trampoline on what was supposed to be an off day. We actually had to attach the springs three times, as the first time Pat messed up lining up the netting with the posts; then the second time I messed up the springs, getting one off between the mat and the frame. That caused the springs to be really stretched and very hard to get off. And all of that pulling on the springs left my arms sore, and I felt it during and after this workout.

Video: None.

When I was deleting the videos and pics from my phone that I took at my niece’s after transferring them to my desktop PC, I accidently deleted the video of this workout before I transferred it, so no video for this workout.



Wednesday – 8/19/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes.

Extra Low Squats: [45/15, 135/9, 170/7, 200/5, add gear: 230/3] 255/5, 267/3, 280/1

Reverse Band Squats (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[add bands: 185/9, 215/7, 245/5, add gear: 275/3] 305/5, 320/3, 335/1

Speed RB Squats: 190/8, 200/6, 210/4

Bicycle Abs: 25, 25

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:48

This was an excellent workout. All of the squat work sets were near or full max efforts, just what I want for these final two weeks. In fact, as I was going down on the final set of X-low squats, I thought for sure I was going to get buried, but I didn’t and got it!


Music: “X2010 – Christian Rock Hits”


Thursday – 8/20/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 80/9, Pause: 100/7, 120/5, add gear: 135/3] 150/5, 157/3, 167/1

Chain Benches (chain set up weighs 55 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[100/9, 125/7, 145/5, add gear: 165/3] 182/6, 190/3, 200/1

Speed Chain Benches: 132/7, 137/5, 142/3

Barbell Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5] 92/7, 97/5, 102/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:39

Another sleepless night before this workout; this time due to stress over family issues. Rather frustrating as I had been sleeping rather well of late. But I fell asleep in the early morning; then my alarm did not wake me up as I had it set to KLOVE, and it wasn’t coming in. I thus inadvertently slept in and didn’t get much work done in the morning, but at least I felt okay for this workout. And it went great.

I benched 165 at my last contest, so it felt good getting 2.5 pounds more here with a three second pause. And hitting 200 with chains felt great too.


Music: Petra – “Captured in Time and Space”

This was a live double album of Petra’s 1985 tour. I bought the album set and taped it way back in the mid-80s shortly after it came out, and it is excellent and excellent workout music.



Sunday – 8/23/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Nike sneakers.

Conv. Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 195/7, 255/5, add gear: 315/3] 345/5, 362/3, 380/1

Sumo Reverse Band Deadlifts (average #4, green bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[135/9, add bands: 225/7, 285/5, add gear: 340/3] 375/5, 395/3, 415/1

Speed Sumo RB Deadlifts: 250/7, 262/5, 275/4

Side Bends: [20/9, 37/7] 45/9, 47/7, 50/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:50

I pulled 385 at the end of my previous routine using my competitive sumo stance, so that confirms what I have long thought--I can pull slightly more sumo than conv. The difference is probably more than just five pounds as hopefully I have gained some strength over the past three months of training.


Barren Cross – “Rock for the King”

Messiah Prophet Band – “Rock for the Flock”

I couldn’t resist playing this tape again, as these two albums make for great workout music.

Week 12 of 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 123.0 pounds.
Body fat: 12.0%, 14.8 pounds.
Lean body mass: 108.2 pounds.
Waist: 33” 

I have to be careful on my bodyweight as I am getting a bit too far from 114s to comfortably make weight.

Bench Assistance

Monday – 8/24/15

Gear: Crain power belt, Redline wrist wraps.

Shoes: Nike sneakers.

Barbell Decline Benches: [45/15, 95/9, 115/7, 135/5, add gear: 152/3] 170/5, 177/3, 185/1

Dumbbell Presses: [10s/9, 20s/7, add gear: 27s/5] 32s/7, 35s/5, 37s/3

Dip Bar Pull-ups: [bwt./7, 2.5/4] 5/7, 7.5/5, 10/3

Preacher Curls: Skipped

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:25

This was a good workout, despite being in an allergic reaction throughout it. I held it together and things went as planned through the pull-ups; but at that point I couldn’t take it anymore, so I skipped the unimportant curls and jumped in the shower.


I’m waiting to start the decline bench as I’m waiting for the song to end and the new one to start. Then I forgot to move my phone up higher to record presses, so they don’t look very good. But I remembered to do so for the pull-ups.

Whitecross – debut
“Dinosaur!” (a collection CD).



Wednesday – 8/26/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT: heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Crain Power Squat Shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes.

3 Count Pause Squats: [regular: 45/15, 135/9, pause: 165/7, 195/5, add gear: 225/3] 250/5, 262/3, 275/1

Partial Squats: [135/9, 185/7, 230/5, add gear: 265/3] 295/5, 310/3, 325/1

Jump Squats: 82/7, 87/5, 92/3

Sit-ups: [5/9; 15/7] 22.5/9, 23.75/7, 25/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:46

This was an excellent workout. On the final rep of the second work set of pause squats, I stalled about halfway up, stopped for a good second, but I somehow managed to get moving again and get the lift! The "somehow" might be the partial squats I’ve been doing, as where I stalled and started again is about where I begin for those, along with where the bands give out on the reverse band squats I’ve been doing on opposite weeks.. So those top end exercise are doing what I want them to; strengthen the lift from that point on. Then on the second set of partial squats, my music cut out on me after one rep when the cassette tape ended, but I managed to keep my concentration and get the lift, which was also a full max.

The top set of pause squats was a near max, while the top set of partial squats was a full max. I even managed to keep my balance on the top set of jump squats this time. You’ll see all of these top lifts in the video.


Music: KJIM – “White Noise” (8/27/88).



Friday – 8/28/15

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Close Grip Benches: [45/15, 80/9, 100/7, 120/5, add gear: 137/3] 152/5, 160/3, 170/1

Wide Grip Benches: [80/9, 100/7, 120/5, add gear: 135/5] 150/4^, 155/3, 165/1

Clap Push-ups:: 11, 11, 11

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [35/9, 50/7, 60/5] 67/7, 70/5, 72/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:36

This workout was supposed to be on Thursday, but family issues led to lots of stress, feeling tired, and running late, so I thought it best to delay this workout rather than to struggle through it. But come Friday the situation did not change, but I had to work out, so I kept my emotions in check as best I could and got to it.

CGBPs went very well, getting all of my planned reps with a 2.5 pound increase from last time on the first two sets. Those felt so good I went for a five pound increase on the last set and got it! That is why you can hear me saying “Perfect” in the video, as I picked the weight just right.

But then WGBPs did not go well. The first work set was supposed to be for five reps, but the fourth rep was so hard I didn’t try a fifth. I thus dropped my planned weights for the next set by 2.5 pounds to get my planned triple and repeated what I did last time for the top set. I thus ended this routine using five pounds more on CGBPs than WGBPs for my top two sets.

That could mean I am stronger with a closer grip, but I am doing the CGBPs first then WGBPs. If I reversed the order then I probably would need to reverse the weights as well, which would indicate my strength is about the same with either grip. That makes sense as my regular grip is halfway in-between these two grips.


Music: Bride: “Drop” and “Live to Die”



Sunday – 8/30/15

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes; Adidas Title Run basketball shoes; Nike Sneakers.

Sumo Platform (3” Deficit) Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/9, 190/7, 245/5, add gear: 293/3] 325/5, 340*/3, 360/1

Jump Deadlifts: 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

Good Mornings (medium stance): [55/9, 85/7, 107/5] 120/7, 125/5, 130/3

Dumbbell Calves (on 3” high platform): [15/9, 30/7] 37/9, 40/7, 42/5

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:34

This was another excellent workout, except for two problems, one minor, one potentially major. The minor miscue was the second work set of PDLs was supposed to be 342, but I forgot a 2-1/2 on one side of the bar. I noticed the imbalance on the first rep, but I thought it was just me and readjusted, and the next two reps felt fine. The last rep was a full max, so maybe I wouldn’t have gotten it with the 2-1/2! On the final set, I almost did not get the bar moving, but once it broke the floor, I pulled it very slowly but steadily all the way to lockout. An excellent lift!

However, the potentially major problem is I may have aggravated my hamstring during the GMs, the same exercise I originally injured it on many years ago. I will post more about that latter. [See Hamstring Re-Injury.]


Music: KJIM – “White Noise” (11/4/88, 10/15/88, the latter featuring Ezra – “The Choice”)

These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/31/2015 – Two by Two Plan; Routine A (Rehab), Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 7/17/2015 – Two by Two Plan (Variation C); Routine B, Weeks 7-12 of 12. Copyright © 2015 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Powerlifting and Back Pain

    The first book is geared towards the beginner to intermediate powerlifter. It presents sound training, competition, dietary, and supplement advice to aid the reader in starting and progressing in the sport of powerlifting. The second book details how I overcame years of crippling low back and was able to return to the sport of powerlifting.

Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Strongest Sport

Overcoming Back Pain: A Mind-body Solution (Second Edition)

See also this series on Amazon (#ad).

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present

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