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Full Workout Logs - Starting 11/29/2013

Alternate Weeks Routine

Weeks 1-6 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 12/15/2010 - Alternate Weeks 2 Routine - Weeks 7-12 of 12.


At the end of 2010, my health had worsened significantly. As a result, I was no longer able to work out at any degree of intensity, so I stopped posting my workout logs, as I didn't think they would have been of use to anyone. But near the end of 2013, my health and workouts began to turn around. For details in this regard, see Regaining Muscular Bodyweight and Strength.

As of early May 2014, I was able to work out with a moderate intensity, so I thought it would once again be worthwhile to post my workout logs. But to give the reader on idea of where I came from, I am posting my workout logs from shortly after the time things began to turn around. I will continue to post my logs as long as they are worthwhile to someone. If you benefit from these logs, please let me know.

For this routine, I am lifting four times a week (Su, M, W, Th). But I usually take an "extra" day off about once a month to aid recovery, as discussed in my book Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting. I am following the format of the “Alternate Weeks Routine” described in my book. But basically, that means I have two different sets of four workouts, and alternative them each week. So I only do the same workout very other week. This provides variety in the routine. In addition, I usually only follow a particular routine for 12 weeks, then change all of my exercises. Such variety and constant change prevent stagnation, as discussed in my book.

Even though I’m not competing anymore, I am still following a powerlifter’s format as that is what I am used to, and I think such a format is an effective method for anyone to train. But the main difference is I am doing higher reps for my work sets than recommended in my book. Specifically, I am doing 2 sets by 8-10 reps for most exercises. See my book for descriptions and pictures of the mentioned exercises.

Age: 52.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.

All lifts done completely raw (no supportive gear).
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

Week 1 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 107.2 pounds (Note: My bodyweight was hovering around 123 pounds when I started cutting weight for my last powerlifting contest in June of 2009. But as a result of my worsening health and thus only being able to lift at a low intensity, it reached a low of 106 pounds a couple of months prior to this. After that is when things began to turn around, and I began to regain the lost muscular bodyweight.)


Bench Assistance

Friday – 11/29/13 (I am posting my logs starting from this date as that is when I started a new routine. I am including this log under “2014” even though it started in 2013, but only for a month. I usually lift on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. But the days got a little mixed up over the holidays, such as moving this workout to Friday due to Thanksgiving being the day before. But it is worth changing my workout schedule around to make time to spend with my family, while thanking the LORD for all of His blessings.)

Incline Bench [Dumbbells: 10s/20; Barbell: 45/10, 57/6] 67/10, 67/10

Lat. Pulldowns (underhand): [45/10, 60/6] 75/10, 75/10

Reverse Curl Bar Curls: [30/10, 37/6] 42/10, 42/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:02



Sunday – 12/1/13

Front Squats: [45/20, 65/10, 85/6] 100/10, 100/10

Side Step-ups: [bwt/10, 5/6], 10/8, 10/8

Sit-ups: [bwt/10] 2.5/8, 2.5/8

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:55

The front squats  are done using a Sting Ray. This relatively inexpensive device is discussed in my powerlifting book. It is available from Amazon. The side step-ups are done on my squat box, which is about 12” high. It is pictured in my powerlifting book, except I added a mat to the top of it since that pic was taken to add cushioning for doing step-ups. I am doing side step-ups to strengthen my tender right adductor (inner thigh muscle). It has been bothering me ever since doing a 3RM (three rep max) raw squat back in January 2010. I count stepping up with each leg each way as one rep, as discussed in my book.



Monday – 12/2/13

Dumbbell Benches: [15s/20, 22s/10] 32s/10, 32s/10

Barbell Rows: [45/10, 50/6] 52/10, 52/10

Triceps Pushdowns: [25/10, 35/6] 42/10, 42/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00



Wednesday – 12/4/13

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 95/10, 120/6] 145/10, 145/10

Good Mornings: [45/10, 60/6], 70/10, 70/10

Dip Bar Leg Raises: 17, 17

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:52

Week 2 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 108.0


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 12/5/13

Dumbbell Presses [5s/20, 10s/10, 15s/6] 20s/9, 20s/9

Lat. Pulldown (overhand, wide grip): [45/10, 60/6] 72/10, 72/10

Curl Bar Curls [30/10, 37/6] 42/10, 42/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00



Sunday – 12/8/10

Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 95/6, 115/3] 135/10, 135/10

Step-ups: [bwt/10, 5s/6] 10s/10, 10s/10

Bicycle Abs: 17, 17

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:55

The bicycle abs are described and pictured in my book. I count twisting to each side as as one rep, as I do for all twisting exercises.



Monday – 12/9/13

Benches: [45/20, 65/10, 85/6] 97/10, 97/10

DB Flyes: [5s/10, 12s/6] 17s/8, 17s/8

DB Rows (elbows in): [25/10, 32/6] 37/8, 37/8

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Wednesday – 12/11/13

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 95/10, 135/6, 155/3] 170/10, 170/10

Hyperextensions: [bwt/10, 12/9] 25/10, 25/10

Twisting Leg Raises: 10, 10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58

A sumo (wide) stance was my competitive stance when I was competing, so I just naturally do deadlifts that way now.

Week 3 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 109.6 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Friday – 12/13/13

Incline Bench [Dumbbells: 10s/20; Barbell: 45/10, 60/6] 70/10, 70/10

Lat. Pulldowns (underhand): [45/10, 65/6] 77/10, 77/10

Reverse Curl Bar Curls: [30/10, 37/6] 45/8, 45/8

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:02



Sunday – 12/15/13

Front Squats: [45/20, 65/10, 85/6] 105/10, 105/10

Side Step-ups: [bwt/10, 5/6], 10/9, 10/9

Sit-ups: [bwt/10] 2.5/10, 2.5/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:53



Monday – 12/16/13

Dumbbell Benches: [15s/20, 22s/10, 30s/6] 35s/10, 35s/10

Barbell Rows: [45/10, 50/6] 55/10, 55/10

Triceps Pushdowns: [25/10, 35/6] 45/10, 45/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00



Wednesday – 12/18/13

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 95/10, 115/6, 135/3] 150/10, 150/10

Good Mornings: [45/10, 60/6], 72/10, 72/10

Dip Bar Leg Raises: 19, 16

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58


Week 4 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 108.8 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 12/19/13

Dumbbell Presses [5s/20, 10s/10, 15s/6] 20s/10, 20s/10

Lat. Pulldown (overhand, wide grip): [45/10, 60/6] 75/10, 75/10

Curl Bar Curls [30/10, 37/6] 45/10, 45/8

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:55



Sunday – 12/22/13

Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 120/3] 140/10, 140/10

Step-ups (on squat box, about 12” high): [bwt/10, 7.5s/6] 12s/10, 12s/10

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 18, 18

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00



Monday – 12/23/13

Benches: [45/20, 65/10, 85/6] 100/8, 100/8

DB Flyes: [5s/10, 12s/6] 17s/9, 17s/9

DB Rows (elbows in): [25/10, 32/6] 37/9, 37/9

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00



Wednesday – 12/26/13

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 95/10, 135/6, 155/3] 175/10, 175/10

Hyperextensions: [bwt/10, 15/6] 27/10, 27/10

Twisting Leg Raises: 11, 10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58

Week 5 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 107.4 pounds. (I am probably the only person in the USA who lost weight over the holidays. But that is because I was avoiding eating sweets and other unhealthy foods, along with the many foods that I am allergic to, and that often that left me with little to eat at get-togethers. But now I need to make a concerted effort to eat more and to gain that weight back and hopefully more.)


Bench Assistance

Monday – 12/30/13

Incline Bench [Dumbbells: 10s/20; Barbell: 45/10, 60/6] 72/10, 72/10

Lat. Pulldowns (underhand): [45/10, 65/6] 80/10, 80/10

Reverse Curl Bar Curls: [30/10, 37/6] 45/9, 45/9

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:04



Tuesday – 12/31/13

Front Squats (using a Sting Ray): [45/20, 65/10, 80/6, 95/3] 110/8, 110/8

Side Step-ups (on squat box, about 12” high): [bwt/10, 5/6], 10/10, 10/10

Sit-ups: [bwt/10] 3.75/10, 3.75/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Thursday – 1/2/14

Dumbbell Benches: [15s/20, 22s/10, 30s/6] 37s/10, 37s/10

Barbell Rows: [45/10, 52/6] 57/8, 57/8

Triceps Pushdowns: [30/10, 40/6] 47/8, 47/8

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Friday – 1/3/14

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 95/10, 115/6, 135/3] 155/10, 155/10

Good Mornings: [45/10, 60/6], 72/10, 72/10

Dip Bar Leg Raises: 20, 20

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 1:00

I do platform deadlifts on a 3" high platform (four planks nailed together). For details, see my powerlifting book. The good mornings are done with legs slightly bent. Again, see my book for the reason why.

Week 6 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 108.0 pounds. 


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 1/5/14

Dumbbell Presses [5s/20, 11s/10, 16s/6] 21s/8, 21s/8

Lat. Pulldown (overhand, wide grip): [45/10, 65/6] 77/8, 77/8

Curl Bar Curls [30/10, 37/6] 45/10, 45/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:52

 The rather odd weights for DB presses are due to using fractional plates. These are discussed in my powerlifting book.



Monday – 1/6/14

Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 125/3] 145/10, 145/10

Step-ups: [bwt/10, 7.5s/6] 15s/8, 15s/8

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 19, 19

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Wednesday – 1/8/14

Benches: [45/20, 65/10, 85/6] 100/10, 100/10

DB Flyes: [5s/10, 12s/6] 17s/10, 17s/10

DB Rows (elbows in): [25/10, 32/6] 37/10, 37/10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Thursday – 1/9/14

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 95/10, 135/6, 160/3] 180/10, 180/10

Hyperextensions: [bwt/10, 15/6] 30/10, 30/10

Twisting Leg Raises: 12, 10

Stretching: ~10 minutes

Workout time: 0:58


These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 1/12/2014 - Alternate Weeks Routine - Weeks 7-12 of 12.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/29/2013 - Alternate Weeks Routine - Weeks 1-6 of 12. Copyright © 2014 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present

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