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Full Workout Logs - Starting 10/2/2014

Part A of Two by Two Training Plan

Weeks 7-12 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/20/2014 - Part A of Two by Two Training Plan - Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Age: 53.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.

Gear as indicated. If not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also my Cardio Logs - September through December 2014.

Week 7 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 119.8 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Friday – 10/2/14

Dumbbell Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 30s/6, 37s/3] 42s/8, 45s/5, 47s/4

Lats: [Pulldowns (V-Grip): 45/10, 70/6; V-Grip Chin-ups: bwt./3], 5/8, 7.5/6, 10/4

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [35/10, 45/6] 52/10, 55/8, 57/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:12

A health situation kept me from working out on Thursday, but thank God I was able to work out on Friday instead. And it went very well, with a couple of minor exceptions.

First, my left wrist hurt on the fifth rep of the second work set of inclines, so I didn’t do the planned sixth rep. But I then put on wrist wraps, and the last set went well. I think need to plan on using wrist wraps for all pressing movements. And with doing so, I will probably go back to using the same set x rep plan on inclines and presses as for “look-alike” lifts.

Second, I didn’t go up quite far enough on the last 1-2 reps of each work set of the V-grip chins, so I will repeat the same weights next time.



Sunday – 10/5/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 160/6, add belt & wraps: 195/3] 215/6, 225/4, 235/2  

Front (Sting Ray) Squats: [85/10, 110/6, add belt & wraps: 135/3] 150/6, 157/4, 165/2

Twisting Sit-ups: [bwt/10, 2.5/6] 5/8, 5/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:20

Step-ups are a very good exercise, as I stated last time, but I decided to stop them. As a powerlifter, I think it would be better to work the legs with squat movements, such as the extra low squats that I moved to here.

That said, I used basically the same weight for both the extra low squats and front squats as the last time I did each, but I was pleased with that considering I hadn’t done the extra low squats in two months, and the last time I did the front squats I did them first not second as here.

However, the twisting sit-ups are frustrating. I’m going backwards on them, not forwards as on all of my other exercises, including all my other ab exercises. But I may have clue what’s happening as after this workout my obliques were really aching, so I think I am overtraining them. I am doing three ab exercises that work the obliques in this routine, and maybe that is too much. So I will be changing my ab exercises around.



Monday – 10/6/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Close Grip Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, add belt & wraps: 125/3] 140/6, 147/2*, 155/2

Dips: [bwt/10, 15/6, add wraps: 25/3] 30/6, 37/4, 45/2*

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 42/6, 52/3] 57/8, 60/6, 65/4

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

With my left wrist still bothering me, I thought it best to use wrist wraps on dips. And with doing so, I dropped to lower reps, the same as for other exercises that I wear wraps for, but that proved to be a mistake.

I was struggling all day with computer problems and was still thinking about and being stressed out over that when I started this workout. As a result, I got buried on my third rep of the second set of CGBPs. But then I got mad and used my planned weight for the third set and got my planned double.

Then on dips, still upset, the first work set was easy, so I increased the weight by more than I had planned for the second and for the third sets. But on the second rep of the third set I felt a twinge in my left pec. I didn’t think much of it and did the DB rows without problems. But the pec started to bother me after the workout and still the next day.

What irks me is I’ve been very careful since I started being able to lift heavier again a year ago to only gradually increase the weights, especially when dropping reps, so as not to injure myself.  But here, out of the blue, I went from using 30 pounds on dips last time to 45 pounds this time, a 50% increase. And that is what probably caused the injury, actually an aggravation of an old injury.

But it doesn’t feel too bad, and for my next three planned workouts I won’t be doing any exercise that should aggravate it further. And with my planned extra monthly day off being on Sunday, I won’t be benching again until next Wednesday, nine days after this incident. So I am trusting the LORD that by then it will be okay.

The moral of the story: don’t let stress or being upset cause you to do something stupid in the gym, or any place else for that matter. As for the computer problem, it took about 1-1/2 hours on the phone, but I got it fixed.



Wednesday – 10/8/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Deadlifts (conv.): [45/20, 135/10, 205/6, add belt & wraps: 270/3] 295/6, 310/4, 325/2

Still Leg Deadlifts (sumo): [135/10, 175/6, add wraps: 210/3] 230/6, 240/4, 250/2

Leg Raises: 28, 28

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

 A very good workout.

Week 8 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 119.6 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 10/9/14

Presses [Dumbbells: 10s/20, Barbell: 45/10, 57/6, 70/3] 80/6, 85/4, 90/2

Lats: [Pulldowns (overhand grip): 45/10, Pull-ups: bwt./6, 5/3], 10/6, 12/4, 15/2

Dumbbell Curls [10s/10, 20s/6] add wraps: 28s/8, 28s/8, 30s/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:03

With this being my least important workout and with my extra day off coming up next, I thought it best not to push for this workout and risk aggravating my ailing pec. So I used the weights I had planned but did fewer reps than usual.



Monday – 10/13/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Chain Squats (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, add chains: 135/10, 180/6, add belt & wraps: 220/3] 245/6, 260/4, 275/2

Barbell Calves: [95/10] 105/10, 115/8, 125/6

Legs Over Bar Sit-ups: [bwt/10, 5/6] 10/10, 11.25/8, 12.5/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

I moved chains squats to here, so I will be using chains on all three powerlifts during Part A; Week B. I hadn’t done chain squats in over two months, but I picked the weights right. Very hard, but I got the planned reps. I hadn’t done barbell calves in ages, so I just started light and worked up.

The “Legs Over Bar Sit-ups” are similar to sit-ups done lying on the floor with your legs on a bench. But I don’t have a mat to lie on, so I do my ab work lying on my bench. So I put a bar in my power rack and draped my legs over it. And it was a tough exercise; my abs were really pumped afterwards. I’m going up about halfway between a crunch and a sit-up.



Wednesday – 10/15/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, add belt & wraps: 125/3] 135/6, 140/4, 145/2

Chain Bench (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[add chains; belt and wraps: 135/6, 150/3] 165/6, 172/4, 180/2

Curl Bar Rows: [45/10, 65/6, 80/3] 90/8, 95/6, 100/4

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

My left pec bothered me some doing the two bench exercises, but not enough to keep me from working very hard on them. It bothered some after the workout, but it felt fine the next day. So I think it is going to be okay, and I thank the LORD for that. But the pec will probably be yet another nagging injury that I will just have to careful about.

However, doing both of the bench exercises on the same day is a bit too much, as they are both rather demanding. I will split them up for my next rotation, but that will require doing the 3 sec pause benches two weeks in a row. But, hopefully, that won’t be a problem.



Thursday – 10/16/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Chain Deadlifts: (sumo; chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, 135/10, add chains: 225/6, add belt & wraps: 280/3] 310/6, 325/4, 340/2

Leg Curls (legs together): [10/10, 16.25/6], 21.25/10, 22.5/8, 23.75/6

Alternate Dip Bar Leg Raises: 24, 24

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

 A very good workout. But I need to watch my form on deadlifts. Keep my butt down and pull more with the legs.

Week 9 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 119.2 pounds. I cannot seem to keep my weight above 120. Frustrating.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/19/14

Gear: Crain Redline wrist wraps; New Balance Sneakers.

Dumbbell Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 30s/6, 37s/3] 42s/8, 45s/6, 47s/4

Lats: [Pulldowns (V-Grip): 45/10, 70/6; V-Grip Chin-ups: bwt./3], 5/7, 7.5/6, 10/4

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [35/10, 45/6] 55/10, 57/8, 60/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

On the V-Grip Chins, I missed the last rep of the first set and didn’t go up far enough on the last rep of the second set, but the last set went well. I think that means I need to start a little lower but increase by a little more than 2.5 pounds. So next time I will increase by 3.75 pounds between sets, which I can do with my 1 1/4 pound plates.



Monday – 10/20/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 170/6, add belt & wraps: 205/3] 225/6, 235/4, 245/2

Front (Sting Ray) Squats: [95/10, 120/6, add belt & wraps: 140/3] 155/6, 162/4, 170/

Crunch-Side Bend Combo: [bwt/10, 7.5/6] 11.25/10, 12.5/8, 13.75/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:25

An excellent workout, except for taking a little too long. I’ve been trying to keep my workouts to 1:15. But I’ve always found that as I go through a routine, handling heavier and heavier weights, the workouts gradually take longer. And squats always take longer than other workouts. But I never want a workout to last longer than 1:30, so I have to watch my workout pace.



Wednesday – 10/22/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, add belt & wraps: 120/3] 135/6, 142/4, 150/2

Close Grip Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, add belt & wraps: 120/3] 135/6, 142/4, 150/2

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 42/6, 52/3] 60/8, 62/6, 65/4

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

With moving my bench exercise around, I needed to adjust the weights; but I did so perfectly, so every final rep of every set was very hard. It was a little strange doing 3 sec pause benches then CGPBs. My normal momentary pause at the chest on benches seemed really short on the CGBP after the longer pause of the former exercise. But that is the whole point of it!



Thursday – 10/23/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Deadlifts (conv.): [45/20, 135/10, 205/6, add belt & wraps: 275/3] 305/6, 320/4, 335/2

Still Leg Deadlifts (sumo): [135/10, 175/6, add wraps: 215/3] 235/6, 247/4, 260/2

Leg Raises: 28, 28

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:12

A very good workout. But after this workout, I hurt my leg, the right adductor, carrying something down the stairs. So strange how I could pull over 300 pounds multiple times, but then aggravate an old injury carrying just 20 pounds. But such is the woes of an aging powerlifter. We have nagging injuries we always have to be cautious of. I won’t know until I squat on Monday if it will be problematic or not, but here’s praying that it is not.

Maybe the LORD was reminding me how fragile my lifting can be, so as not to be become too prideful of it or to revert to considering myself as being a powerlifter rather than a Christian who powerlifts. I always need to keep my priorities straight.

Week 10 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 120.0 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/26/14

Gear: Crain Redline wrist wraps; New Balance Sneakers.

Presses [Dumbbells: 10s/20, Barbell: 45/10, 57/6, 70/3] 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

Lats: [Pulldowns (overhand grip): 45/10, Pull-ups: bwt./6, 5/3], 10/7, 12/5, 15/3

Dumbbell Curls [12s/10, 20s/6] add wraps: 27s/9, 28s/7, 30s/5

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:12 

This workout did not go well. I felt very sore and for the first time this routine only got the lower number of reps for my rep ranges for all work sets. This could be due to one or both of two reasons. First, the last time I did this workout I did not work hard due to worries about my pec, with my extra day off right after that; so it had been a month since I did these exercise at a high intensity, and that is just too long, as I found out previously when trying a “four week rotation,” as discussed in my powerlifting book.

Second, I’ve been experimenting with altering my protein intake and maybe that is not working out, so I will go back to what I was doing. For details, see the update "An Experiment on Protein Intake" at Natural Whey and Natural Casein.



Monday – 10/27/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Chain Squats (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, add chains: 135/10, 185/6, add belt & wraps: 230/3] 255/6, 270/4, 285/2

Barbell Calves: [95/10, 115/6] 125/10, 130/8, 135/8, 140/6

Legs Over Bar Sit-ups: [bwt/10, 7.5/6] 11.25/10, 12.5/8, 13.75/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

I felt much better than yesterday and put in a very good workout. My leg did not bother me at all during the workout, but it did bother me some afterwards. But still, I think it is going to be okay. I thank the LORD for that. I just have to be careful.



Wednesday – 10/29/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Chain Bench (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, 80/10, 110/6, add chains: 135/6, add belt & wraps: 155/3] 170/6, 177/4, 185/2

Dips: [bwt/10, 5/6, add wraps: 10/3] 15/8, 20/6, 25/4

Curl Bar Rows: [45/10, 67/6, 82/3] 92/8, 97/6, 102/4

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:22

A very good workout. This was the first time I did dips since I tweaked my pec doing them over 3 weeks ago. As such, I dropped the weights considerably. Since I was going light anyway, I went down about 2” lower than I had been going. In my powerlifting book I recommend going down on dips until your upper arms are parallel with the floor, but I think I had been going a tad higher than that, so now I am going a little below that. And it felt good, so I will stick with that depth.

I do need to pick up my workout pace a bit.



Thursday – 10/30/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Chain Deadlifts: (sumo; chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, 135/10, add chains: 225/6, add belt & wraps: 290/3] 320/6, 340/4, 360/2

Leg Curls (legs together): [10/10, 17.5/6], 22.5/10, 23.75/8, 25/6

Alternate Dip Bar Leg Raises: 25, 25

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:08

An excellent workout. The weights felt so light on chain DLs I thought I had written my workout weights down wrong. I increased by more than I planned between sets, but only the last rep of the last set was near maximal. The weights on leg curls even felt light, as did the reps on the ab exercise. But I didn’t want to push it, so I did what I had originally planned for them. I even picked up my workout pace.

That said, throughout the first ten weeks of this Part A of my training plan I have gotten the top reps of my rep ranges for almost every work set of every exercise, even though I have increased the weights almost every time from one workout to the next. This means I’ve been making very good progress, but it also means I have not done the lower reps of my ranges.

Most importantly, for the powerlift look-alike lifts, I have done 3 x 6, 4, 2 every time. But I really want to do the lower reps once before this part of my Two by Two Training Plan is finished, so for the final two weeks I am increasing the weights a little more than I have been doing for most exercises. This way, I do the lower reps for each set with each set being a near or full maximal effort. For the powerlift look-alike lifts I will be doing 3 x 5, 3, 1. It is of course the single that I really want to do, as I have not done a 1RM in years.

Week 11 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 119.8 pounds.


 Bench Assistance

Saturday – 11/1/14

Gear: Crain Redline wrist wraps; Nike Sneakers.

Dumbbell Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 30s/6, add wraps: 40s/3] 45s/7, 47s/5, 50s/3

Lats: [Pulldowns (V-Grip): 45/10, 70/6; V-Grip Chin-ups: bwt./3], 3.75/7, 7.5/5, 11.25/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls: [35/10, 47/6] 57/9, 60/7, 62/5

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

On Sunday, my family is having our Thanksgiving dinner. My niece-in-law is due on the 21st, so we’re having the dinner early, before my newest great-nephew arrives, so she and my nephew can attend. So I moved this workout up to Saturday.

That said, it felt really good to be able to use a pair of 50s for my final set of DB inclines for this Part A of my Two by Two Training Plan. Here’s hoping my top set of other important exercises goes so well.



Monday – 11/3/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 175/6, add belt & wraps: 215/3] 235/5, 245/3, 255/1

Front (Sting Ray) Squats: [95/10, 120/6, add belt & wraps: 145/3] 162/5, 170/3, 177/1

Crunch-Side Bend Combo: [bwt/10, 7.5/6] 12.5/10, 13.75/8, 15/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:24

I had not done a 1RM in years, so it felt really good to hit two 1RMs in the same workout. My leg bothered me a little during this workout and afterwards, but not much. Since I was able to do 1RMs with it, I doubt it will be a problem. I thank the LORD for that and for enabling me to be able to do 1RMs again and thus to feel like a powerlifter again. Here’s trusting the LORD that I will be able to continue to do so, as I have plans of hitting several more 1RMs during these final wo weeks of this part of my training plan.



Wednesday – 11/5/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

3 Sec Pause Benches: [45/20, 80/10, 105/6, add belt & wraps: 127/3] 142/5, 150/3, 157/1

Close Grip Benches: [80/10, 105/6, add belt & wraps: 127/3] 142/5, 150/2, 157/1

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 42/6, 55/3] 62/7, 65/5, 67/3

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:23

A very good workout, except for the second set of GCBPs; for the third rep I got the weight to a couple of inches from the top, but I just could not lock it out. That wasted time, as I had drop the bar onto the safeties, then squeeze out from under it; take all of the weights off; put the bar back in the racks, then re-load the bar. But then I got fired up and blew away the final single.



Thursday – 11/6/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Deadlifts (conv.): [45/20, 135/10, 190/6, add belt & wraps: 240/3, 290/1] 320/5, 335/3, 350/1

Still Leg Deadlifts (sumo): [135/10, 180/6, add wraps: 225/3] 247/5, 260/3, 272/1

Leg Raises: 30, 30

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

A very good workout. Pulling 350, even with a conventional stance, is a milestone. That is what I pulled at my first contest in my 40s, back in April 2003 (see Iron House classic – 2003). But I’m not so sure about working up to a 1RM on SLDLs. I pulled it without problems, but it felt a bit dangerous. So in the future, I don’t think I’ll go heavier than a triple on them.

Sunday is my planned monthly extra day off, so my next workout will be on Monday.

Week 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 120.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.3%, 14.7 pounds.
Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds.

Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/10/14

Gear: Crain power belt; Redline wrist wraps; New Balance Sneakers.

Presses [Dumbbells: 10s/20, Barbell: 45/10, 60/6, add belt & wraps: 72/3] 82/7, 87/5, 92/2*

Lats: [Pulldowns (overhand grip): 45/10, Pull-ups: bwt./6, 6.25/7*], 12.25/5*, 13.75/5, 15/3

Dumbbell Curls [12s/10, 20s/6] add wraps: 27s/10, 28s/8, 30s/6

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

A terrible workout, especially frustrating with coming off of an off day when I usually have an especially good workout. Three things happened.

First, this is the workout that did not go well two weeks ago, for the possible reasons stated then; so maybe there was carryover from that workout, with me not recovering fully due to messing around with my protein intake. No more of that!

Second, for that workout I only did the lower reps for the rep ranges for all sets, so for this workout I should have repeated the same weights and tried for the higher reps. But with this being the last week of this part of my training plan, I wanted to hit the lower reps, so I increased the weights. But that caused the last rep of the first two work sets of presses to be full maxes which thus caused me to miss the planned third rep on the final set. So I now know that even in such cases not to increase the weights.

Third, I had a somewhat significant allergic reaction to something about an hour prior to this workout, so I was struggling with that affecting me physically and mentally, not being able to focus. That is why I thought I was on my first work set on pull-ups and did the planned number of reps for that set when I was only on my last warm-up set. That then left me tired for the first work set.

But after those problems, I got my act together, and the rest of the workout went as planned. But I did not increase the weights for curls, which is what I should have done for presses and pull-ups.



Wednesday – 11/12/14

Gear: Crain: squat shoes, power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Chain Squats (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, add chains: 135/10, 190/6, add belt & wraps: 245/3] 270/5, 285/3, 300/1

Barbell Calves: [95/10, 115/6] 135/10, 140/8, 145/6

Legs Over Bar Sit-ups: [bwt/10, 7.5/6] 12.5/10, 13.75/8, 15/8

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:20

A much better workout than on Monday. Everything went as planned, except for some minor problems with the chains that added to the workout time.



Thursday – 11/13/14

Gear: Nike sneakers; Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Chain Bench (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, 80/10, 110/6, add chains: 135/6, add belt & wraps: 160/1] 177/5, 185/3, 192/1

Dips: [bwt/10, 7.5/6, add wraps: 15/3] 20/8, 25/6, 30/4

Curl Bar Rows: [45/10, 67/6, 87/3] 97/7, 102/5, 107/3

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:20


Another very good workout, with everything going as planned.



Sunday – 11/16/14

Gear: Nike wrestling shoes; Crain power belt; APT: knee sleeves, wrist bands.

Chain Deadlifts: (sumo; chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds, which is included in the indicated weights):

[45/20, 135/10, add chains: 225/6, add belt & wraps: 270/3, 315/1] 345/5, 360/3, 375/1

Leg Curls (legs together): [10/10, 17.5/6], 23.75/10, 25/8, 26.25/6

Alternate Dip Bar Leg Raises: 27, 27

Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Workout time: 1:12

Another excellent deadlift workout. The weights and chains just flew off of the floor.

And with that, Part A of my Two by Two Plan is completed. And I must say, I am absolutely thrilled with how it went. There were a few snags along the way, but overall everything went even better than I had hoped and planned. I praise and thank the LORD for that.


These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/17/2014 - Part B of Two by Two Training Plan - Weeks 1-6 of 12 (False Start).

Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/20/2014 - Part A of Two by Two Training Plan - Weeks 7-12 of 12. Copyright © 2014 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2014 - Present

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