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Full Workout Log - Starting 9/27/09

Rehab 2 Workouts: Weeks 1-6 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/10/09: Rehab Workouts - Weeks 1-6 of 6.

Age: 48
Weight: See each week. Body fat and lean body mass being measured by digital body fat calipers.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, cardio, stretching, and clean-up.

See also Cardio Logs - 2009.

Week 1 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 118.0 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.2%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/27/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 65/8] 85/10, 90/8, 95/6

Chin-ups: [Lat Pulldowns: [55/10, 75/8] Chin-ups: bwt./8, 2.5/6, 5/4

Triceps Pushdowns: [25/10] 35/10, 40/8

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [25/10] 30/10, 32/8

Heavy Bag: 3:15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:25

With this workout I am starting a new routine. Since I am still rehabbing my various injuries, I am calling this my “Rehab 2” routine. But I will be making two changes from my previous routine.

First, I am going to use an “Alternate Weeks” routine, as described in my powerlifting book. Week A I will do major assistance work and Week B the actual powerlifts. I’ll do each set of workouts six times, so the whole routine will take 12 weeks. That will take me to the end of the year.

Second, for my last routine, I was doing 3 x 10, 8, 6 on the powerlifts and other major exercises. For this routine, I’ll drop that to 3 x 8, 6, 4. The final set will get me back to handling heavier weights, but still light enough that I shouldn’t need to use support gear. I’ll also slightly drop the reps on minor assistance work.

On this workout, I am switching to doing chin-ups/ pull-ups as I increased to the max weight I can use on my lat. pulldown. But I am still doing a couple of sets of pulldowns first to warm-up.



Monday – 9/28/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 65/10, 85/8] 105/8, 115/6, 125/4

Leg Extensions (alternate legs): [--/10] 2.5/10, 2.5/10

Sit-ups: --/10, --/10

Step-ups: 0:44

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

On front squats, I am using my regular squat stance as I am still getting used to a new, somewhat wider stance. But later, I might switch to a close stance for front squats.

In my post last week, I mentioned that my LEFT hamstring was now bothering me. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal then, but it was problematic with this workout. It felt okay on front squats, but on leg extensions it was so tight I could barely straighten my leg even with no weight. Then it really flared up when I tried doing the step-ups, so I’ll stick with walking for now.



Wednesday – 9/30/09

DB Benches: [20s//20, 30s/10, 35s/8] 40s/8, 42s/6, 45s/4s

Side Laterals: [2.5s/10] 5s/12, 5s/12

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [20/10, 30/8] 35/8, 37/6, 40/4

Rotator Cuff (in & out): 2.5s/12, 5s/10

Heavy Bag: 3:30

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:24



Thursday – 10/1/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10] 155/8, 175/6, 195/4

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [3.75/10] 6.25/8, 6.25/8

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 10, 10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Walk: 7:33/ 685 steps/ 0.28 miles

Workout time: 1:15

I use a sumo stance for my competitive DL, but I am going to do conv. DLs every other week to further work on strengthening my problematic hamstrings.

I’m still leery about jumping rope, so I will stick with walking on DL days, weather permitting.

Week 2 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 118.0 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.2%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/4/09

Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 55/8] 65/8, 70/6, /75/4

Pull-ups (wide grip): [Lat Pulldowns: 55/10, 70/6] Pull-ups: bwt./6, bwt./6, bwt./5

Cable Flyes: [10/10] 15/8, 15/8

DB Curls [10s/10] 15s/10, 17s/10

Heavy Bag: 3:45

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:20

On presses, I am being sure to pause at ther top for a second before lowering the weight, which is much easier with a barbell than with dumbbells.



Monday – 10/5/09

Squats: [45/20, 115/10, 145/6, 175/3] 195/8, 210/6, 225/4

DB Calves: [10/10] 17/12, 20/10

Twisting Crunches: --/10, --/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

On the powerlifts, I am using the same weights as I did for my sets of eight and six reps the last week of my previous routine, but then adding weight for the set of four. That way, it won’t be too big of a jump in weight. But hopefully, I can gradually increase the weights on all three sets for the rest of this routine.

It was too much on my hamstrings to walk right after my squat and deadlift workouts, so I am taking my own advice from my powerlifting book and splitting up my cardio and lifting. I will walk in the mornings, and then lift in the late afternoons.

Right now, I am not walking very far or fast due to my hamstrings, but God willing, I will be able to gradually increase the distance and pace. The workout time does not include the time spent walking. But I will continue to hit the heavy bag after my Bench and Bench Assistance days, and that is included in the workout times.

I won’t be including my walking workouts with this log, but I am keeping an ongoing log of my walking progress at Cardio Logs - 2009.



Wednesday – 10/7/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 95/6, 115/3] 130/8, 137/6, 145/4

BD Flyes: [7.5s/10] 12s/10, 12s/10

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [20/10, 30/6] 37/8, 40/6, 42/4

Shoulder Horn: [2.5s/10] 5s/15, 5s/15

Heavy Bag: 4:00

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:20



Thursday – 10/8/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 185/6, 225/3] 255/8, 275/6, 295/4

Hyperextensions: bwt./10, bwt./10, bwt./10

Leg Raises: 15, 12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:09

Week 3 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 117.8 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.2%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/11/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 70/8] 90/8, 100/6, 110/4

Chin-ups: [Lat Pulldowns: [55/10, 70/6, Chin-ups: bwt./3] Chin-ups: 2.5/8, 5/6, 7.5/4

Triceps Pushdowns: [35/10] 40/10, 40/10

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [25/10] 32/10, 35/10

Heavy Bag: 3:45

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:29



Monday – 10/12/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 95/6] 115/8, 125/6, 135/4

Leg Extensions (alternate legs): [--/10] 2.5/10, 3.75/10

Sit-ups: --/10, --/10, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Thursday – 10/15/09

DB Benches: [20s//20, 30s/10, 37s/6] 42s/8, 47s/6, 52s/4s

Side Laterals: [5s/10] 7.5s/12, 7.5s/12

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [20/10, 30/6] 37/8, 40/6, 42/4

Rotator Cuff (in & out): [2.5/12] 5/12, 5/12

Heavy Bag: 4:30

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:25

I had a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, so that moved this and the next workout back a day.

I started too light on both the inclines on Bench Assistance day and here on DB benches, so I jumped more than usual in weight for the next two sets. That is a good thing as it means my pec is feeling much better.



Friday – 10/16/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10, 155/6] 175/8, 195/6, 215/4

Leg Curls (alternate legs): [3.75/10] 6.25/10, 6.25/9

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 12, 12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

Once again, the first set was too light. But given the problems I have had with my hamstrings, I thought it best to just stick with my originally planned weights, so this ended up being a very easy workout. My hamstrings felt okay for the DLs, but the right one did bother me some on the leg curls, but like my pec, they are still much improved.


Week 4 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 117.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.9%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds (It was a rough week health-wise and sleep-wise, hence probably why I lost weight. But at least I didn’t lose any LBM).


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/18/09

Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 60/6] 70/8, 75/6, 80/4

Pull-ups (wide grip): [Lat Pulldowns: 55/10, 75/6] Pull-ups: bwt./7, bwt./6, bwt./6

Cable Flyes: [10/10] 15/10, 15/10

DB Curls [15s/10] 20s/10, 20s/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

Since it has been working out well walking in the mornings on squat and deadlift days, I moved hitting my heavy bag to the mornings on my Bench and Bench Assistance days. Splitting up my cardio and lifting should enable me to make better progress on the cardio and will shorten my lifting workouts so they are not as fatiguing. I won’t record my cardio workouts here, but I am keeping ongoing Cardio Logs on my fitness Web site.



Monday – 10/19/09

Squats: [45/20, 115/10, 150/6, 185/3] 210/8, 225/6, 240/4

DB Calves: [15/10] 22/10, 22/10

Twisting Crunches: --/10, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07



Wednesday – 10/21/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 97/6, 117/3] 132/8, 140/6, 147/4

BD Flyes: [7.5s/10] 12s/12, 12s/12

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [25/10, 32/6] 40/8, 45/6, 47/4

Shoulder Horn: [4s/10] 6s/12, 6s/15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:12

My pec felt fine on the rather hard benches, but then pain flared up on the flyes. It’s been bothering me ever since, do I’m still struggling with whether I should do the flyes or not.



Thursday – 10/22/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 185/6, 235/3] 265/8, 285/6, 305/4

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 2.5/9, 2.5/9

Leg Raises: 15, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

My hamstrings felt fine for this workout, and it felt really good to get back over 300 on DLs. On the hyperextensions, my last workout I was able to do almost full ROM, so I added weight for the first time this workout. Holding just 2.5 pounds at my chest really made the exercise harder, but it also enabled me to go even further down. So my hamstrings are doing well.

Sunday is my planned monthly skipped workout, so my next workout will be on Monday. For an update for my health situation at this time, see Stiff Person Syndrome Update.

Week 5 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 117.8 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 10/26/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 65/6, 85/3] 100/8, 107/6, 115/4

Chin-ups: [Lat Pulldowns: [60/10, Chin-ups: bwt./6] Chin-ups: 5/8, 7.5/6, 10/4

Triceps Pushdowns: [35/10] 42/10, 42/10

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [30/10] 37/10, 40/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

I was concerned about my left pec with it hurting after the BD flyes last week, but it felt fine for this workout. However, my left triceps was bothering me. It’s been slightly bothersome for a while now, but not enough to be concerned about until this workout. It seems like there’s a “rule” that something has to be hurting at all times in my body. But hopefully, the triceps won’t become more of a problem.



Wednesday – 10/28/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 95/6, 110/3] 125/8, 135/6, 145/4

Leg Extensions (alternate legs): [2.5/10] 5/10, 6.25/10

Sit-ups: [--/10] 2.5/10, 2.5/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:06

The front squats were very hard, but my hamstrings felt fine. However, my left hamstring began bothering me while doing the leg extensions, but not enough to keep from finishing the workout. But still, it is becoming painfully obvious (pun intended) that I simply cannot do isolation exercises. They, not major compound movements, cause my various pain areas to flare-up.

As such, I will change my routine some and stop all isolation exercises for “major” muscles groups. However, I will continue with isolation exercise for “minor” muscle areas (i.e., arms, abs, and calves), as they do not seem to cause me problems.



Thursday – 10/29/09

DB Benches: [20s//20, 30s/10, 37s/6, 42s/3] 47s/8, 52s/6, 55s/5s, 57s/4

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [25/10, 32/6] 40/8, 45/6, 47/4

Curl Bar Triceps Presses: [15/10] 20/10, 20/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08

This time, my triceps felt fine but my pec bothered me, but not enough to keep me from doing even more than I originally planned. I probably shouldn’t have done so as my pec’s been bother me some ever since, but I am really getting tired of always being cautious and was in the mood for a real workout.



Sunday – 11/1/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10, 170/6] 185/8, 215/6, 235/5, 255/4

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 2.5/10, 2.5/10

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 15, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

My hamstrings felt fine, so I went a little heavier than I had planned. This time, that wasn’t a mistake as the heavier sets went well. But I was leery about doing leg curls, so I did hyperextensions instead, which also went well.

Week 6 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 118.4 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.9%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/2/09

Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 60/6] 72/8, 77/6, 82/5, 87/4

Pull-ups (wide grip): [Lat Pulldowns: 55/10, 75/6] Pull-ups: bwt./6, bwt./4, bwt./6

DB Curls [17s/10] 22s/10, 22s/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:04

I’m not sure what happened on the pull-ups. Maybe the wide grip is a bit too much on my shoulders. I might switch to a shoulder width grip for my next workout.



Wednesday – 11/4/09

Squats: [45/20, 125/10, 165/6, 200/3] 225/8, 240/6, 255/4

DB Calves: [17/10] 25/10, 25/10

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side: --/12, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:17

This was my hardest squat workout since July, and my hamstrings did not bother me at all. I thank the LORD for that. My squat is probably down about 30 pounds compared to where it was before my contest in June, but all things considered, that’s pretty good.



Thursday – 11/5/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 120/3] 135/8, 142/6, 150/4

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 37/6] 45/8, 47/6, 50/4

Triceps Pushdowns: [35/10] 45/10, 45/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

I’m not sure what to make of my left pec. There’s been a steady, dull pain in it every since I did the DB flyes two weeks ago. But it hasn’t been bothering me enough to keep me from my hitting my heavy bag in the mornings or from putting in full effort during my bench or bench assistance workouts. This workout in fact went very well. So it looks like as long as I am careful I’ll be able to work around it.



Sunday – 11/8/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 195/6, 245/3] 275/8, 295/6, 315/4

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 5/10, 5/10

Leg Raises: 20, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

Hyperextensions seem to be the best exercise for strengthening and stretching my hamstrings, so I‘ll be doing them every week after DLs for at least the rest of this rehab routine.

This workout ends the first half of my second rehab routine, and it has gone according to plan. In my first six week rehab routine, I did sets x reps of 3 x 10, 8, 6 on the powerlifts and other “major” exercises. Then for the first six weeks of this routine, I dropped that to 3 x 8, 6, 4. Starting with my next workout, for the remaining six weeks of this routine, I’ll drop that again to 3 x 7, 5, 3. That will take me to the end of the year.

If that goes according to plan, I’ll probably then drop to 3 x 6, 4, 2, then later 3 x 5, 3, 1. But what I’m not sure of is at what point I will need to add in support gear. I will do so if or when my knees start to bother me.

However, I should mention that I have been wearing a wrist band on my right wrist on occasion, when the pain from my Ganglion cyst has flared-up. It actually is kind of strange; sometimes I don’t notice it at all and thus forget to put on the wrist band, but other times, like this workout, the pain flares up just on warm-ups, so I need to wear it. But all I’ve been wearing is a drug store (“Futuro” brand) wrist band and that has sufficed.

These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/9/09: Rehab 2 Workouts - Weeks 7-12 of 12.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 9/27/09: Rehab 2 Workouts: Weeks 1-6 of 12. Copyright © 2009 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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