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Full Workout Log - Starting 11/9/09

Rehab 2 Workouts: Weeks 7-12 of 12

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 9/27/09: Rehab 2 Workouts - Weeks 1-6 of 12.

Age: 48
Weight: See each week. Body fat and lean body mass being measured by digital body fat calipers.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also Cardio Logs - 2009.

Week 7 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 117.8 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/9/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 70/6, 90/3] 107/7, 115/5, 122/3

Chin-ups: [Lat Pulldowns: [60/10, Chin-ups: bwt./6] Chin-ups: 7.5/7, 10/5, 12/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [35/10] 42/10, 45/8

Flyes: [--/10] 2.5s/8, 2.5s/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:13

I’m still struggling with what to do about my tender left pec. What I did back in the spring was very light flyes each week at the end of my Bench Assistance workouts, and that seemed to work well, so I will try that again.



Wednesday – 11/11/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 120/3] 135/7, 145/5, 155/3

BB Calves: [45/10] 95/10, 115/10

Sit-ups: [--/10] 5/12, 5/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08



Thursday – 11/12/09

DB Benches: [20s/20, 30s/10, 40s/6, 47s/3] 55s/7, 57s/5, 60s/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 37/6] 45/7, 47/5, 52/3

Curl Bar Triceps Presses: [15/10] 22/12, 25/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08



Sunday – 11/15/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10, 175/6, 210/3] 235/7, 255/5, 275/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 7.5/10, 7.5/10

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 18, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:03

Week 8 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 118.0 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.5%.
Lean Body Mass: 103 pounds.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/16/09


I was dragging on Monday, so I took the day off. Normally, I would then do that planned workout my next workout day. But this time, I skipped my planned Bench Assistance workout and did my next workout (squats) instead. This way, I won’t have a longer than normal time between my workouts for the actual powerlifts.



Wednesday – 11/18/09

Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 175/6, 215/3] 240/7, 255/5, 270/3

DB Calves: [20/10] 27/12, 30/10

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side: --/12, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:06



Thursday – 11/19/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 125/3] 140/7, 147/5, 155/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 40/6] 50/7, 52/5, 55/3

Triceps Pushdowns: [40/10] 47/12, 50/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:04



Sunday – 11/22/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 200/6, 265/3] 295/7, 315/5, 335/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 10/10, 10/10

Leg Raises: 20, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

My first round of working up to a heavy triple on all my compound movements went well. Although the weights for these triples were significantly less than I've used before, given all that I've been through over the last few months, I am happy with my progress. Most of all, it feels good being able to train hard again.

Week 9 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 119.4 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.2%.
Lean Body Mass: 104 pounds.
Now that I am back to hard training, I’ve increased my food intake to try to add on a few pounds.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/23/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 75/6, 100/3] 115/7, 122/5, 130/3

Chin-ups: [bwt./6, 5/4] 10/7, 12/5, 15/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [37/10] 45/10, 47/8

Flyes: [--/10] 2.5s/12, 2.5s/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:06



Wednesday – 11/25/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6, 125/3] 140/7, 150/5, 160/3

Step-ups: bwt./10, bwt./10

Sit-ups: [--/10] 5/12, 5/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08

Now that my hamstrings are doing better, I figured doing step-ups on my squat box would be a good way to stretch out my hamstrings. I’ve only done step-ups as a cardio exercise before, but now I will be doing them as a regular minor assistance exercise. Here I only used my bodyweight, but after I get used to them I will begin to add weight.



Friday – 11/27/09

DB Benches: [20s/20, 30s/10, 40s/6, 50s/3] 57s/7, 60s/5, 62s/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 40/6] 50/7, 52/5, 55/3

Curl Bar Triceps Presses: [20/10] 27/12, 30/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08

I took Thanksgiving off, so I did this workout a day late.



Sunday – 11/29/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10, 180/6, 225/3] 255/7, 275/5, 295/3

Leg Curls: [2.5/10] 5/10, 5/10

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 20, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:04

It had been six weeks since I tried doing leg curls, so I figured my hamstrings should have healed enough to do them. And they felt okay.

Week 10 (Week B)

Age: 48.

Bodyweight: 119.6 pounds.

Body Fat: 12.2%.

Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds.

All lifts done completely raw.

Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also my Cardio Log.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 11/30/09

Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 60/6, 70/3] 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

[Lat Pulldowns: 55/10, 80/6] Pull-ups: bwt./8, 2.5/6, 5/4

DB Curls [20s/10] 25s/10, 27s/8

Flyes: [--/10] 3.75/12, 3.75/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:04

I was concerned about this workout since, with skipping it last time, it had been a month since doing it. But it went surprisingly well.

I wasn’t making any progress using a wide grip on pull-ups, so I used a medium (shoulder width) grip here, and that worked much better.



Wednesday – 12/2/09

Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 180/6, 225/3] 247/7, 262/5, 277/2*

DB Calves: [25/10] 30/10, 32/10

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side: --/12, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

I missed the third rep of the third set. This is the first time I missed a rep since I started my first rehab routine back in August. In a way, that is good. It means I’m able to work hard without experiencing pain.

The reason I missed that rep was probably because my legs were tired out from Christmas shopping the day before. I had a dentist appointment in the early afternoon, so while I was out I figured I might as well do my Christmas shopping. I got it all done, but it was a lot of running in and out of a bunch of stores that left me rather exhausted.

Also, after doing higher (5-10) reps throughout my rehab routines, I’m not used to doing lower reps. Plus, the first two higher rep sets really left me tired out for the lower rep third set. But I already have plans to deal with those problems by focusing more on low (1-4) reps when I start my next routine after this one. But I think it will be best to finish this routine with the higher rep sets as already planned.



Thursday – 12/3/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 102/6, 127/3] 142/7, 150/5, 157/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 37/6, 45/3] 52/7, 55/5, 57/3

Side Laterals: [2.5s/10] 5s/10, 5s/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

I’m going to start doing side laterals again to work on my still weak right shoulder.



Sunday – 12/6/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 205/6, 275/3] 305/7, 325/5, 345/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10] 12/10, 12/10

Leg Raises: 20, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08


Week 11 (Week A)

Bodyweight: 120.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.2%.
Lean Body Mass: 106 pounds.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 12/7/09

Incline Bench [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 75/6, 105/3] 120/7, 127/5, 135/3

Chin-ups: [bwt./8, 7.5/4] 12/7, 15/5, 17/3

Curl Bar Reverse Curls [40/10] 47/10, 50/8

Flyes: [--/10] 5s/10, 5s/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11



Wednesday – 12/9/09

Front Squats: [45/20, 75/10, 105/6, 130/3] 145/7, 155/5, 165/3

Step-ups: bwt./10, bwt./10, bwt./10

Sit-ups: [2.5/10] 7.5/9, 7.5/9

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:05



Thursday – 12/10/09

DB Benches: [20s/20, 32s/10, 42s/6, 52s/3] 60s/7, 62s/5, 65s/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows out): [30/10, 37/6, 45/3] 52/7, 55/5, 57/3

Curl Bar Triceps Presses: [25/10] 32/10, 35/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

A very good workout. I noticed something interesting on the DB benches. After the sets of seven and of five reps, my pecs were really pumped. But after the triple, there was not pump at all. If I were a bodybuilder this would mean it would be best to stick with higher (>4) reps. But since I still have hopes of powerlifting, then lower (1-4) reps are a must.



Sunday – 12/13/09

Deadlifts (conv): [45/20, 135/10, 185/6, 235/3] 275/7, 295/5, 315/3

Leg Curls: [4/10] 6/10, 6/10

Dip Bar One Leg Raises (reps with each leg): 20, 20

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:13

I mention in my powerlifting book that an important difference between sumo and conv. stance DLs is that for sumos you start with the bar right against the shins but for conv. DLs the bar should be 1-2” in front of the shins. But the problem I’ve been having throughout this routine on conv. DLs is exactly how far in front of the shins to place the bar. When I get it right at the “sweet spot” the rep is noticeably easier than if it is just a tad off. That is one reason I prefer sumos over conv. DL; there is not question where the bar should be.

Comparing the two stances, I pulled 30 pounds more for each set for my sumo DLs last week than here for conv. DLs. But it’s not a fair comparison. I started sumos with my Rehab 1 routine while I started conv. DLs six week later with this routine. I am guessing that if I continued with conv. DLs, the gap would narrow. But I am planning on switching to different assistance exercise for my next routine, all done sumo since that is my preferred stance.

Week 12 (Week B)

Bodyweight: 120.4 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.9%.
Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.


Bench Assistance

Monday – 12/14/09

Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 60/6, 75/3] 82/7, 87/5, 92/3

[Lat Pulldowns: 55/10, 80/6, Pull-ups: bwt./3] 2.5/8, 5/6, 7.5/4

DB Curls [22s/10] 27s/9, 27s/8

Flyes: [2.5s/10] 5s/12, 5s/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11



Thursday – 12/17/09

Squats: [45/20, 135/10, 180/6, 225/3] 250/7, 265/5, 280/3

DB Calves: [30/10] 35/10, 37/8

Twisting Crunches (reps to each side: --/12, --/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:17

Wednesday was my monthly planned day off, so that moved this workout to Thursday. And it was a very good workout.

Last time I did squats, I missed the final rep of the final set. But this time, I got all of my planned reps, and that was with increasing the weight on all sets by 2.5 pounds.



Sunday – 12/20/09

Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 105/6, 130/3] 145/7, 152/5, 160/3

Dumbbell Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 40/6, 47/3] 55/6, 57/4, 60/3

Side Laterals: [3.75s/10] 6.25s/10, 6.25s/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:09



Monday – 12/21/09

Deadlifts (sumo): [45/20, 135/10, 210/6, 285/3] 315/7, 335/5, 355/3

Hyperextensions: [bwt./10, 7.5/6] 15/10, 15/10

Leg Raises: 20, 16

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

Another sleepless night, but this workout went well. My hamstrings were really pumped at the end of it!

And that ends 18 weeks of rehab. And I must say, I am very pleased with how things have progressed. Everything went almost exactly according to plan. I only missed one rep on a major exercise, the above mentioned rep on squats. My lifts are still down somewhat from where they were before all my problems began back in August, but I thank the LORD that things are progressing so well.

However, I haven’t progressed as steadily on some minor assistance exercises, especially arms and abs. That could be because I tend not to work as hard on them as on major exercises. Or maybe it is because I have only been doing two work sets on minor stuff rather than the three I do for major exercises. So maybe I will make a change in that regard.

In any case, I’m taking today (Tuesday) off and will start a new, powerlifting specific routine on Wednesday (12/23/09). I will post separately later my tentative plans for that routine and for 2010.

These workout logs are continued at Full Workout Logs: Starting 12/23/09 - Rotations I & II.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/9/09: Rehab 2 Workouts: Weeks 7-12 of 12. Copyright © 2009 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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