Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
Third Edition
Book and eBook by
Gary F. Zeolla,
the Director of Darkness to Light ministry
The doctrinal and ethical teachings of the Bible as presented in this book encompass an overall way of viewing the world that differs greatly from the prevailing secular worldview. It is hoped this book will enable the reader to not only understand this Biblical worldview but also why it is true and thus to come to trust in it, and then to be prepared to defend this Biblical worldview before an unbelieving world (Luke 24:27,45; Acts 14:14-18; 17:22-31).
Many changes have been made for this Third Edition of this book. But the total number of forty Scripture Studies remains the same. This is a large book (498 pages in hardcopy formats), but if you take the time to work through it, you will be well-versed in the entirety of the Biblical worldview (2Tim 2:15; 3:16f). Yet it is just $3.99 in Kindle. Similar low prices for other formats.
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Kindle Reading Device eBook: 1,688 KB. $3.99. Order and download from Amazon.
Paperback: 498 pages. $15.99. Order from the publisher via their website: Amazon.
Hardback: 498 pages. $23.75. Order from the publisher via their website: Amazon.
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Acrobat Reader® eBook: 474 pages. 2,724 KB. $3.99. Purchase and download from the publisher via their Web site: Lulu Publishing.
ePUB (for iPad, Nook, etc.) eBook: 412 KB. $4.25. Order and download from the publisher via their website: Lulu Publishing.
Paperback: 498 pages. $16.75. Order from the publisher via their Web site: Lulu Publishing.
Hardback: 498 pages. $24.50. Order from the publisher via their Web site: Lulu Publishing.
Different formats and publishers might have different covers, but the content is the same in all of them.
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This book contains
forty “Scripture Studies.” Each study focuses on one general area of study.
These studies enable individuals or groups to do in-depth, topical studies of
the Bible. They are also invaluable to the Bible study teacher in preparing
lessons and for Christians wanting to better understand the Christian faith and
to be prepared to defend it before an unbelieving world (1Peter 3:15; 2Peter
The title of this book reflects its purpose. The word “Scripture” refers to the 66 books comprising the Bible.
The word “Workbook” refers to the reader needing to not just read this book but to interact with it. For the most part, only Scripture references are given, not the full verses. This means the reader will need to look up each verse in the Bible.
As you do so, you are encouraged to read not just that verse but the wider context, considering its import, and if this book is referencing the verse in question in a proper manner. This will teach you how to find verses in the Bible and to consider their meanings (Neh 8:8; Acts 8:30f; 17:2f,10-12; 28:23).
The doctrinal and ethical teachings of the Bible as presented in this book encompass an overall way of viewing the world that differs greatly from the prevailing secular worldview. It is hoped this book will enable the reader to not only understand this Biblical worldview but also why it is true and thus to come to trust in it, and then to be prepared to defend this Biblical worldview before an unbelieving world (Luke 24:27,45; Acts 1:14-18; 17:22-31).
About This Third Edition
Many changes have been made for this Third Edition of this book. One Scripture Study has been swapped out for another, two others have been combined, renamed, and completely revamped, with a new one added in the second one’s place, another has been expanded into two Studies, other Studies have been moved and retitled, new material has been added to several Studies, the cover and appendixes have been updated, and minor corrections have been made throughout as needed.
Also, all Bible quotes are now from the author’s Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible for both the Old Testament (ALT) and New Testament (ALT3), unless otherwise indicated.
The Study was that was removed was on “The Use of the OT in the NT.” It is now included in the author’s book Companion Version to the ALT (2023 version).
However, the total number of Studies of forty remains the same as the Second Edition. Also retained is the format of this book being divided into two “volumes.” Volume I covers the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. It is these doctrines that separate the true Christian faith from cultic and other deviations. Volume II of this book then covers controversial theologies, cultic doctrines, and ethics.
About the Author
Gary F. Zeolla is the author of Christian, fitness, and politics books, websites, and newsletters. He is the translator of the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible. Gary is also an all-time world record holding powerlifter. For details on Gary and his many writings, see his personal website
Contents and Format of this Book
This book is divided into two “Volumes.” Volume One covers the Essential Doctrines of the Christian faith. It is these doctrines that separate the true Christian faith from cultic and other deviations.
Volume One is divided into four Sections. The first is on “The Scriptures” with studies on their authority and reliability and related matters
Section Two is on “The Nature of God and the Trinity” with five Studies on these essential matters.
Section Three is on the “Person, Life, Work of Jesus Christ” with four studies covering the Bible’s teaching about our Savior.
Section Four covers “Additional Essential Doctrines” with four studies on “The Afterlife and Eternity” and “Angels and Demons.”
The format for most of these doctrines is to first present the Scriptural evidence for the author’s conservative (or evangelical) viewpoint in one or more studies. Then in the following study, “opposing viewpoints” are presented. These would be views of cultists and others who disagree with the evangelical view, with the evidence they claim for their views. Then rebuttals to these opposing viewpoints are given.
Volume Two of this book then covers “Controversial Theologies, Cults, and Ethics and the Christian life.” It is also divided into four Sections.
Section Five is on “Calvinism vs. Arminianism.” These are two radically different views on the sovereignty of God, especially in regard to how people come to faith in Christ.
Section Six covers Catholicism, baptism, end-time prophecy, and other controversial issues. These are areas on which there is often disagreement among Christians. In such cases, the same format as for Volume One is followed: the author’s viewpoint is presented first, then opposing viewpoints, with rebuttals thereof. For the record, the author ascribes to a Reformed-Baptist perspective on theological issues and is conservative on ethical issues.
Section Seven is on Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and miscellaneous false teachings.
Section Eight covers “Ethics and the Christian Life” with studies on “God’s Sex Plan” (derived from the author’s two-volume set of the same name), Church Issues, Christians and the Government, Capital Punishment, and a new study on Prayer and Worship.
Therefore, the range of topics covered in the various studies included in this Third Edition of this book is broad. Included in each study are dozens or even hundreds of Scripture references, so there will be no lack of material from which to begin your studies.
An extensive list of resources consulted in developing these studies is included in Appendix Three. These resources can then be pursued if the reader wishes to study a subject in even more depth.
Table of Contents
About This Third Edition/ About the Author .………….. 6
Introductory Pages … 7
Preface/ Contents and Format of this Book ….……… 9
Abbreviations ……………………………………………. 11
Notes on this Book …………………………….... …….. 13
Analytical-Literal Translation ………………….... …….. 15
Volume One
Essentials of “the Faith” … 17
Section One:
The Scriptures … 19
#1 – Background on “The Faith”…………………..…… 21
#2 – The Authority of the Scriptures ……………... ….. 31
#3 – The Reliability of the Scriptures………….…….… 39
#4 – Alleged Contradictions in the Scriptures.……. … 57
#5 – Resurrection to Ascension Harmony .…………… 71
#6 – Troublesome Things in the Scriptures ………. … 75
Section Two:
The Nature of God and the Trinity … 93
#7 – The Attributes of God ………………………..….. 95
#8 – Opposing Viewpoints on the Nature of God ….. 107
#9 – The Doctrine of the Trinity ………………………. 111
#10 – More on the Trinity ………………………….….. 123
#11 – Opposing Viewpoints on the Trinity ................. 129
Section Three:
Person, Life, Work of Jesus Christ … 149
#12 – The Person and Life of Jesus Christ …………. 151
#13 – Opposing Viewpoints about Jesus Christ ……. 159
#14 – Forgiveness and Salvation ……………………. 165
#15 – Opposing Viewpoints on Salvation ……….….. 173
Section Four:
Additional Essential Doctrines … 185
#16 – The Afterlife and Eternity ……….……………… 187
#17 – Opposing Viewpoints on Afterlife & Eternity … 195
#18 – Angels and Demons ……………………...….… 207
#19 – Opposing Viewpoints Angels & Demons ........ 217
Volume Two
Controversial Theologies, Cultic Doctrines, and Ethics … 221
Section Five:
Calvinism versus Arminianism … 223
#20 – The Sovereignty of God ……………………… 225
#21 – The Five Points of Calvinism …………………. 235
#22 – Opposing Viewpoints on the Five Points ……. 239
Section Six:
Various Controversial Theologies … 247
#23 – Questions on Baptism … ……………………. 249
#24 – Catholicism vs. Protestantism ……………….. 259
#25 – Mary, the Mother of Jesus …………………… 279
#26 – The Charismata (Spiritual Gifts): Part One … 293
#27 – The Charismata (Spiritual Gifts): Part Two …. 313
#28 – The Seventh-day Sabbath …………………… 331
#29 – End-Time Prophecy …………………………… 337
#30 – Preterism ………………………….……………. 355
#31 – Human Nature ………………………….……… 367
Section Seven:
Cultic and Aberrant
Doctrines and Practices … 379
#32 – Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses …………. 381
#33 – Unique Teachings of Mormonism ……………. 389
#34 – Miscellaneous Cultic and Aberrant Teachings . 401
Section Eight:
Ethics and the Christian Life … 409
#35 – God’s Sex Plan …..…………… ………………. 411
#36 – Church Issues ………………………………….. 417
#37 – Worship and Prayer ……………………………. 439
#38 – Christians and the Government ………………. 447
#39 – Capital Punishment ……………………………. 453
#40 – Miscellaneous Questions ……………………… 459
Appendixes … 467
#1 – Darkness to Light's Confession of Faith …. ….. 469
#2 – Essentials of “The Faith” ...……………………... 471
#3 – Bibliography ……………………........................... 473
#4 – Additional Books by the Author ………….. ……. 485
#5 – Author’s Websites, Newsletters and Social Sites/
Contacting the Author ... ..…………. .......................... 495
Background on “The Faith”
Scripture Study #1
This first Scripture Study will look at the importance of studying, teaching, and defending the doctrines that will be presented in this book. But first, what is meant by the phrase “the faith.”
The Faith
The phrase “the faith” is used in Scripture to refer to the body of doctrines composing the Christian faith or worldview. Most specifically, “the faith” refers to the most essential of these doctrines. It is these doctrines that will be presented in this Volume One of this book and which should be most emphasized in Christian teaching and preaching (see Appendices One and Two for more in this regard).
Acts 6:7; 13:8; 14:22; 16:5; Rom 10:8; 14:1; 1Cor 16:13; Gal 1:23; 3:23; 6:10; Eph 4:13; Phil 1:25,27; Col 1:23; 2:6f; 2Thes 3:2; 1Tim 1:2; 3:9; 4:1,6; 5:8; 6:10,12,21; 2Tim 3:8; 4:7; Titus 1:4,13; 2:2; James 2:1; 1Pet 5:9; Jude 1:3; Rev 13:10; 14:12.
However, teaching and preaching should not be limited to only these essential doctrines. All Biblical doctrines should be taught at some point. These additional and often controversial doctrines will be addressed in Volume Two of this book.
Matt 28:20; Luke 24:27; Acts 2:42; 20:20,27; 2Tim 3:16f.
The Authority of the Scriptures
Scripture Study #2
We Believe:
The Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original manuscripts, the complete revelation of His will for our salvation and the Divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life (Article #1 on Darkness to Light’s Confession of Faith).
1) The Scripture writers claim to be presenting the very Words of God:
In the Old Testament:
In the Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy):
Genesis 1:3-31; 2:16-18; 3:9-22; 6:7-21; 7:1-4; 8:21f; 9:1-17; 11:6f; 12:1-3; 15:1-21; 17:1-22; 18:1-33; 21:12-18; 22:1f,11-18; 24:51; 25:23; 26:1-5,24; 32:22-29; 41:25.
Exodus 3:2-22; 4:2-30; 6:1-13,28-30; 7:1-19; 8:1-5,16-23; 9:1-5-22; 10:1f,12,21; 11:1-9; 12:1-20,43-49; 13:1; 14:1-4,15-18; 16:4f,11f; 17:5f,14; 19:3-24; 20:1-17-26; 21:1–31:17; 32:7-10; 33:1-3,14-23; 34:1-27; 35:1-19; 40:1-15; Lev 1:1–8:3; 10:3-15; 11:1–27:34.
Numbers 1:1-15,47-53; 2:1-31; 3:5–4:33; 5:1–6:27; 7:4f; 8:1–9:14; 10:1-10,29; 11:16-23; 12:6-8; 13:1f; 14:11f,20-35; 15:1-41; 16:36-38; 17:1-5; 18:1–19:22; 20:7f; 22:32-35; 25:4,10-18; 26:1-4,52-56,65; 27:6-21; 28:1–31:30; 33:50–35:34; 36:1-9.
Deuteronomy 1:6-8,34-42; 2:2-9; 3:2; 5:5-22; 6:1–8:20; 10:1f; 31:14-21; 32:48-52.
Discussion: That’s a total of 1,646 times the Scripture writers are claiming to be speaking for God. There are 31,102 verses in the Bible, so that is on average about once every 19 verses.
It is true this does not prove that they were in fact doing so. However, if someone claims to be speaking for God, or even more so if they claim they have heard the voice of God or seen a vision, then there are only three possibilities: The person is telling the truth; the person is lying, or the person is hallucinating and thus is mentally disturbed.
For example, when Isaiah records his vision of the LORD in the sixth chapter of his book, either that event happened, or he made it up, or he was hallucinating. Thus, a decision must be made: do the writings of Isaiah read like those of an honest person, a liar, or a lunatic?
The point is, either the Bible is what it claims to be, the very Word of God, or it is a complete fraud. There is no middle ground. It cannot be said the Bible is a “good book” but not the Word of God.
The Attributes of God
Scripture Study #7
We Believe:
There is one, and only one, true God: Creator and Sustainer of all things, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Self-existent, Immutable, Spirit, Incomprehensible, Eternal, Sovereign and Master of the universe, infinitely perfect in love, goodness, holiness, and justice (Article #2 on Darkness to Light’s Confession of Faith).
1) Personal:
God is a self-conscious Being capable of thought, will (volition), and interaction with others.
OT: Gen 1:1-31; 2:16-22; 3:9-19; 6:5-8; 7:1-4; 8:15-17; 9:1-17; 12:1-3; 26:2-5,24; Exod 3:4-2; 20:1-17; Josh 1:19; Judg 1:1f; 1Sam 2:27-36; 16:1-13; 1Kings 3:5-14; 9:1-9; 2Chr 15:2; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6; 12:13-25; 38:1-41:34; Ps 2:4-9; 3:3f; 5:4-6; Prov 3:19f; Isa 6:1-13; 55:8-11; Jer 1:4-10; Ezek 1:28-2:14; Dan 1:20-23; Jonah 1:1f; 3:1f; 4:1-11.
NT: Matt 2:19-f; 3:16f; 6:1-18,31f; John 12:27f; 17:3; Acts 4:24-31; 5:4; 10:9-16; 14:3; 19:11f; Rom 1:1f;9f;16-28; 16:25-27; 1Cor 2:16; 7:17; 12:28; 14:2; 2Cor 1:3f; 6:1f; 13:14; Eph 1:3-5; Col 1:1,27; 1Thes 1:4; 4:3,7; 5:18; 2Tim 1:1; Heb 1:1f; 2:4 11:6,16; 13:21; Jam 1:5; 4:6; 1Pet 3:17; 4:18; 2Pet 1:17; 2:4-9; 1John 1:6; 4:7-11,16; Jude 1:25; Rev 4:11; 21:3-7.
The Doctrine of the Trinity:
God's Three-in-Oneness
Scripture Study #9
We Believe:
Within the one Being or essence of God, there eternally exists three distinct yet equal Persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
In the full Deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ. These two distinct natures, perfect deity and perfect humanity, are inseparably united in the one Person.
In the full Deity and full personality of the Holy Spirit and in His work in regeneration and sanctification (Articles #3, 4, and 6 on Darkness to Light’s Confession of Faith).
For the doctrine of the Trinity to be true, six points and only six points need to be demonstrated to be Biblically sound:
I. There is only one true God.
II. The Father is God.
III. The Son is God.
IV. The Holy Spirit is a Person.
V. The Holy Spirit is God.
VI. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct from each other.
If these six points are true, then the doctrine is true, even if the doctrine cannot be fully understood or explained.
I. There is only one true God:
OT: Exod 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; Deut 4:35,39; 6:4; 10:14; 32:39; 33:26; Josh 2:11; 1Sam 2:2; 2Sam 7:22; 1Ki 8:23,60; 2Ki 5:15; 19:15; 1Chr 16:26; 17:20; Neh 9:6; Ps 18:31; 71:19; 86:8-10; 96:5; 113:4f; Isa 37:16,20; 43:10f; 44:6,8; 45:5f,14,18,21f; 46:5,9f; Jer 10:6-10; Hos 13:4; Zech 14:9; Mal 2:10.
The Person and Life of
Jesus Christ
Scripture Study #12
We Believe:
In the full Deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ. These two distinct natures, perfect deity and perfect humanity, are inseparably united in the one Person.
In Jesus Christ’s virgin birth, sinless life, death on the cross for our sins, burial, bodily resurrection from the dead, ascension into heaven (where at the right hand of God, He is our High Priest, Advocate, Savior, and Lord), and in His visible and bodily return (Articles #5 and 6 on Darkness to Light’s Confession of Faith).
The Full Humanity of Jesus Christ
Jesus was fully human, from the time of His conception and thereafter. This is known as the Doctrine of the Incarnation, “A reference to the doctrine that the Second Person of the Trinity without giving up His deity became a human being” (Erickson, Dictionary, p. 82).
1) At His Conception:
Gen 3:15; Isa 7:14; Matt 1:16,18-25; Luke 1:26-31; 11:27; John 1:14; Acts 2:29f; Rom 1:3; Gal 4:4; Heb 10:5.
2) During His Earthy Life:
Matt 4:1f; 9:36; 13:55f; 15:32; 16:21; 21:18; 26:38f; 27:45-50; Mark 6:34; 7:13; 13:32; 15:33-39; Luke 2:21-24,46,52; 4:2; 5:30; 6:12; 7:13; 8:1-3,19; 11:27; 18:15f; 22:44; 23:46f,52f; John 4:6-8; 8:40; 9:11,16,33; 10:33; 11:33-38; 12:27; 13:23; 18:40; 19:5,25-34; Acts 2:22f; 17:31; Rom 8:3; Phil 2:7-9; Heb 2:9,14-18; 4:15; 1Pet 4:1; 1John 1:1-3; 4:1-3; 2John 7.
The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
“A reference to the teaching that the conception of Jesus took place by a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit without Mary’s having had any sexual relationship with a male” (Erickson, Dictionary, p. 179).
1) Biblical Evidence for the Virgin Birth:
The Five Points of Calvinism
Scripture Study #21
A system of theology deriving its name from the reformer John Calvin (1509-1564). Also called Reformed Theology. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God in predestining and electing some to salvation, based solely upon His free and unmerited favor. Calvinism is often expressed by the acronym TULIP:
T: Total Depravity
The intellect, will (or volition), and emotions are corrupted by sin in every person. This does not mean we are as bad as we could possibly be. It means that due to our corrupt nature we are unable, of ourselves, to turn to Christ to be saved. Further, we all sin and even our “good” acts are tainted by impure motives (also called Radical Corruption).
In the OT:
Gen 6:5; 8:21; Num 15:37-39; Deut 29:4; 1Sam 2:2; 1Ki 8:46; 2Chron 6:36; Ps 14:1-3; 51:5; 53:1-3; 94:11; 130:3; 143:2; Prov 20:9; Eccl 7:20; 8:11; Isa 6:5; 53:6; 64:6f; Jer 13:23; 17:9.
In the Gospels and Acts:
Matt 7:11; 15:19; Mark 7:21-3; 10:18; Luke 17:10; John 2:24f; 3:36; 6:44; 8:42-47; 15:5,16; Acts 16:14.
In the Epistles and The Revelation:
Rom 1:18-32; 2:1-16; 3:9-20,23; 5:12; 7:18-24; 8:7f; 1Cor 2:14; 12:3; 2Cor 3:5; 4:3f; 11:3; Eph 2:1-5; 4:17-19; Col 2:13; 1Tim 6:5; 2Tim 2:25; 3:8; Titus 1:15; Jam 2:10; 3:2,8; 1John 1:8; Rev 9:20f; 16:9-11.
Catholicism vs. Protestantism
Scripture Study #24
This Scripture Study will address the important differences between Catholicism and Evangelical Protestantism. The Catholic position will be presented first then the Protestant position.
Note that a couple of points of difference have already been addressed. The Catholic view of salvation was addressed in Scripture Study #15. The Catholic views of baptism being necessary for salvation and infant baptism were addressed in the previous study.
Source of Authority
Catholic Viewpoint:
The source of authority for Christians is the Bible plus Catholic tradition plus ex cathedra pronouncements of the pope.
Protestant Viewpoint:
The source of authority for Christians is the Bible alone (sola scriptura).
The authority of the pope will be addressed in the next section. Here, the main question is if the Bible is sufficient in itself or if tradition needs to be added to it. The “tradition” referred to here are teachings of Jesus and the apostles that were supposedly handed down orally but not written down, hereafter called “apostolic tradition.”
The Charismata
(Spiritual Gifts)
Part One
Scripture Study #26
“The charismata” are spiritual gifts given to Christians. Each and every Christian has been given at least one gift (1Cor 12:7,11). The term charismata comes from the Greek word for “gifts” (charismata). Some of these gifts are seemingly “natural,” such as teaching or leadership, while others are more supernatural or miraculous in their nature. In regard to these latter types of charismata, there is a difference of opinion as to whether they were just for the Apostolic Age or if they are still operating today.
Opinions also vary as to the exact nature of each gift. And how one defines each gift will affect one’s opinion on if it is still operating today. As such, this study will look at each gift in turn. It will first be defined, before asking if it still operates today.
Those whose believe the miraculous charismata were mainly for the Apostolic Age will be referred to as traditionalists, while those who believe they are still operating today are called “charismatics.” Some general views of charismatics will also be addressed in this study. The charismatic view will be presented first, with rebuttals from traditionalists following as appropriate. This writer’s viewpoint will be given as a conclusion at the end of the discussion for each gift.
Lists of the Charismata
Three lists of the charismata are given in Scripture. Duplicates and related gifts will be addressed together.
1Corinthians 12:8-10:
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
Divine workings of miraculous works
Discernment of spirits
Interpretation [or, translation] of tongues
1Corinthians 12:28:
Miraculous powers
Leaders [or, administrators]
Ephesians 4:11-12:
Shepherds [or, pastors] and teachers
Miscellaneous Cultic and Aberrant Teachings
Scripture Study #34
This final chapter in this section will investigate questionable ideas, practices, and interpretations of Bible verses promoted by various persons or religious groups and/ or that are circulating on the Internet.
“Judge not”
“Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matt 7:1; KJV).
This verse is often quoted by people who say it is wrong to do what this book does, “judge” the teachings and practices of others. “Worry about yourself and not what others are saying or doing” is how it is often said. But is this attitude Biblical? What does this verse teach?
It would be helpful to first look at the verse in its context. Quoted above is the KJV’s rendering, as that is how most word it, often just quoting the first two words, “Judge not.” But below is the entire passage from the ALT:
God’s Sex Plan
Scripture Study #35
This Scripture Study is developed from this writer’s two volume set God Sex Plan. Those two books go through the Bible more or less in Biblical order, starting with the Book of Genesis, then moving on through to the Book of The Revelation, commenting on every passage that in any way is related to the subject of sex. The verses are quoted then commented upon, with the focus on what each passage is teaching and the implications thereof.
Here, the verses are just referenced not quoted, and rather than being given in Biblical order, they are grouped by topic. Therefore, those two books and this SS will enable the reader to study everything the Bible has to say on every topic that is related to sex.
Particularly important passages will be commented upon in brief here, as will passages that are commonly misused by Christians and/ or non-Christians. These passages are discussed in much more detail in the preceding two books.
Some passages are listed more than once as they touch on more than one topic.
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:21-25:
These two passages are foundational to the rest of what the Bible has to say about sex. God’s sex plan is one man and one woman together for a lifetime, raising their own children. This plan precludes any practice or type of relationship that is contrary to this basic sex plan.
The above Book Preview was posted on this website November 7
It was last updated May 27, 2024.
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