Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
Does God have a sex plan? By that is meant, did God design the human race to function best by following a specific plan for how human beings are to interact sexually and to reproduce? What happens when this plan is followed, and when it is not followed? Are different varieties of sexual behaviors just as legitimate as God’s original sex plan? This first volume of this two-volume set explores these controversial questions.
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Kindle Reading Device eBook: 0.79 MB. Order and download from Amazon. $3.99.
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426 pages (6” x 9” pages).
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426 pages (6” x 9” pages).
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Different formats and publishers might have different covers, but the content is the same in all of them.
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Sex and the Bible
The Three Books in this Series
The Bible and Sexual Relationships Issues
God’s Sex Plan: Volume One: What the Old Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality
God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality
All three of these books were updated in 2023. The text is mostly the same, except to update the covers and appendixes and to correct a few minor typos. Also, an Epilogue was added to the final book.
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Introductory Pages
Table of Contents
[Page numbers refer to the hardcopy versions]
Introductory Pages … 5
………...………………………………………..… 7
Terminology .....………………………………………..…. 8
Analytical–Literal Translation …………………………... 9
Abbreviations .....………………………………………… 11
About the Author/ Dedication ………………………….. 16
The Old Testament
The Torah … 17
#1 – Genesis: Beginnings ..……………………………. 19
#2 – Genesis: Abraham ..………………………………. 51
#3 – Genesis: Abraham’s Descendants ..……………. 75
#4 – The Book of Exodus ……………..……………… 111
#5 – The Book of Leviticus ……………..…………….. 131
#6 – The Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy .…… 157
The Historical Books … 195
#7 – The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth ….………... 197
#8 – The Books of Samuel ……….………………….. 241
#9 – The Books of Kings and Chronicles …….……… 277
#10 – The Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther .….. 287
The Poetic Books … 303
#11 – The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs …..…….. 305
#12 – The Books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon . 327
The Prophetic Books … 343
#13 – The Major Prophetic Books …………………… 345
#14 – The Minor Prophetic Books …………………… 377
#15 – Conclusion to the Old Testament …………… 391
Appendixes … 395
#1 – Bibliography.……………………………………. 397
#2 – Current Books by the Author …………………. 411
#3 – Proposed Books by the Author ………………. 419
#4 – Author’s Websites, Newsletters, Social Sites/
Contacting the Author …………………………………. 427
This book is Volume One of a two-volume set. The second volume is: God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality. The chapters are numbered consecutively through both volumes. Since this Volume One contains fifteen chapters, Volume Two will start with Chapter Sixteen.
Does God have a sex plan? By that is meant, did God design the human race to function best by following a specific plan for how human beings are to interact sexually and to reproduce? What happens when this plan is followed, and when it is not followed? Are different varieties of sexual behaviors just as legitimate as God’s original sex plan? This two-volume set explores these controversial questions.
Many issues are discussed that are related to sex, including but not limited to: monogamy, marital sex, polygamy, incest, homosexuality, premarital sex (fornication), extramarital sex (adultery), celibacy, transsexualism, reproduction, infertility, contraception, abortion, sexual harassment and assault, masturbation, pornography, and gender roles.
The bulk of this set consists of looking at relevant Scripture passages, studying them more or less in Biblical order, starting with the Book of Genesis, then moving on through to the Book of The Revelation. The verses are quoted then commented upon, with the focus on what the passage is teaching and the implications thereof.
Along the way, extra-Biblical arguments for and against the Biblical position are addressed. Shorter such discussions are indicated in the text as being a “side note,” while longer discussions are separated by the subtitle “Extra-Biblical Discussion.” But the focus is on the Scriptures.
The addressed issues are often controversial, provoking strong emotions and heated arguments. But they are dealt with in as a congenial manner as possible. However, no attempt is made to be PC (“politically correct”). Instead, fidelity to the Scriptures is the goal. This exposition of the Scriptures is not meant to offend, but if someone is offended, it is because they are offended by the Scriptures or sound reasoning, not by this writer’s opinion.
It is this writer’s hope and prayer that this set will be received by both Christians and non-Christians as an honest attempt to understand what the Bible has to say on these topics and the implications thereof, while also considering relevant extra-Biblical arguments and material.
Some readers might be tempted to skip this first volume on the Old Testament and jump straight to Volume Two on the New Testament. Others might want to jump to the comments on specific verses. But please don’t. Volume Two and the comments on each passage build on Volume One and preceding comments and presupposes knowledge of them, so it is best to read this two-volume set straight through. It is long, but that is because the Bible has much to say on the subject of human sexuality. And I hope it is worth the effort to read it all the way through.
Chapters Excerpts
Chapter One: The Book of Genesis:
Beginnings of the Human Race
Genesis 1:26-28,31:
26And God said, “Let Us make humanity according to Our image and according to [Our] likeness, and let them be ruling [over] the fish of the sea and the birds [or, flying creatures] of heaven and the livestock and all the earth and all the reptiles [or, quadrupeds], the ones walking upon the earth.” 27And God made humanity, according to [the] image of God, He made him, male and female He made them. [cp. Matt 19:4] 28And God blessed them, saying, “Be increasing, and be being multiplied, and fill the earth and exercise lordship over [or, subdue] it, and rule [over] the fish of the seas and the birds [or, flying creatures] of heaven and all the livestock and all of the earth and all the reptiles [or, quadrupeds] walking upon the earth.” …
31And God saw all, as many [things] as He made. And Look! [It was] very good. And there became evening and there became morning, [the] sixth day.
The Bible opens with the narrative of the creation of “the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1). After creating all the plants and animals, God creates humanity in His image. Being created in God’s image is important, as such is not said of the animals when they were created earlier in the chapter. Humans beings are also created last of all. These points together show human beings are the pinnacle of God’s creation. In fact, the creation was made for us, with all of us humans being in a special relationship with God.
When God creates humanity, He does so by creating just two people, one male and one female. He then gives them the injunction, “Be increasing, and be being multiplied.” Therefore, God intended from the start that the male and the female should copulate and reproduce, and they are to “exercise lordship over” all of the creation. There are several implications of this simple beginning of the human race.
First, God planned for human beings being to have sex. That is why this two-volume set is titled, God’s Sex Plan. In no way is God against sex, as He created it and intended for human beings to engage in it.
Second, the first stated purpose for sex is for reproduction, so that the human race should be increased and multiplied. And they are to reproduce to such an extent that they “fill the earth.”
Third, reproduction is not the only function of the act of sex. This can be seen in that God created just one female and one male. The point is, if the sole goal of sex was reproduction, the best way to bring that about would be to create multiple females for the one male, as one male can impregnate many females. That is why a farm will have one bull but many cows, or one rooster but many hens.
Fourth, given the preceding point, monogamy is God’s original plan for the human race. To be clear, monogamy means, “a. The practice or condition of being married to only one person at a time. b. The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime” (Heritage). It should be noted that most dictionaries only give the first definition, but as used in this book, monogamy will also include the second. Monogamy is not just that a person is only married to one person at a time but also that it is for life.
Fifth, God did not create two males or two females. Since reproduction is one of the purposes of the creation of the first human couple, then this is logical. Two males or two females could not obey the command to “Be increasing, and be being multiplied.”
However, if God’s ideal human relationship was two males or two females, He could have created human beings differently, so that two males or two females could reproduce. In other words, He could have made us so that we all had both sex organs, so there was no distinction of the sexes. But He did not. He instead created the two distinct sexes.
Sixth, God created just two sexes, male and female. God could have created three sexes, or four, or however many He wanted to. But He created just two, with a clear distinction between the two.
Seventh, the male and the female were to “exercise lordship over” all of the creation. This command is given to both of them, so they are to be joint-rulers over the creation, with neither ruling over the other.
God then blesses the male and the female, and He declares that all He has made was “very good.” We thus have an idyllic scene of the initial creation, with all just as God created it and just as He intended.
On a technical note, the command “be being multiplied” is passive in the Greek text. The implication is that though the first couple having sex will be the immediate manner in which the human race will reproduce, it is secondary to God being the One who provides the increase. He will multiply them. What is meant by this will be seen as we proceed.
Chapter Six:
The Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
The Book of Ruth:
The entire book of Ruth is a love story, so is it important for our study. It is also a short book, just four chapters, so the entire book will be quoted and commented upon paragraph by paragraph….
Ruth 2:4-7:
4And Look! Boaz came from Bethlehem and said to the ones reaping, “The LORD [be] with you*!” And they said to him, “May the LORD bless you!” 5And Boaz said to his servant, the one having stood over the ones reaping, “Whose young woman [is] this?” 6And the bond-servant, the one having stood over the ones reaping, answered and said, “It is the Moabitish young woman, the one having returned with Naomi out of [the] land of Moab.” 7And she said, ‘I will glean now and gather among the sheaves after the ones reaping.’ And she came and stood from morning until evening and did not rest [even] a little in the field [Heb., though she rested a little in the house].”
Boaz comes out to his field from Bethlehem and sees Ruth, and he is apparently immediately taken by here. The scene here is similar to one that has played out many times throughout history. A man eyes a woman across the room, finds her attractive, and asks someone, “Who is that?” Or a woman spots a man and asks the same.
Her being a Moabite does not turn him off, despite him being an Israelite. As has already been discussed, there is no prohibition against interracial marriages. But what about her religious beliefs? Her values? Her personality? The physical attraction will only take a relationship so far. Moreover, as we have seen, although interracial relationships are not problematic per se, if they also involve intercultural and interfaith issues, those can be problematic.
We know from the background that Ruth has committed herself to the Israelite culture and God, but Boaz does not of yet know that, so he proceeds with caution. But he does get a hint of her industriousness from how the servant describes her. Unfortunately, many singles do not concern themselves with such things, not seeing beyond the physical, thinking these other more important matters will somehow work themselves out, so they are not so cautious….
Implications of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
Judges ends with a very sordid tale that begins with an attempted homosexual gang rape. But those men were not pure homosexuals as they instead gang rape a poor woman to death. This despicable story shows the depths of sexually depravity and horrible consequences thereof that a society can sink into when they do not fear the LORD and there is not a government to restrain them.
But then like a breath of fresh air we come to the Book of Ruth. This book has many implications for our study, as is it is the first marriage described in detail in the Bible that is not a prearranged marriage. It is marriage based on love, though there were some legal issues involved as well.
In the relationship of Ruth and Boaz, we have an example of what a godly dating relationship would be like; though “courtship” would probably better term to describe their relationship than “dating,” as it bears little resemblance to today’s dating scene….
The difference is, in a courtship, the end view is always marriage. The time spent in a courtship is solely to determine if the other person is a suitable marriage partner. Sex is not a part of the relationship, as engaging in sex would cloud the judgment. While in dating, the couple might be looking to just have sex without even thinking about getting married. In fact, in today’s world, sex is considered to be such an integral part of a dating relationship that the couple would not even be considered to be dating if they had not yet had sex.
The difference between courtship and dating will be discussed in more detail in Volume Two. But here, it will be said, today’s dating attitude is far from this Biblical model of Boaz and Ruth, as it is clear from the text that Boaz and Ruth never had sex before they got married….
Chapter Thirteen
The Major Prophetic Books
Jeremiah 1:4f:
4And [the] word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5“Before Me to form you [fig., I formed you] in [the] womb, I know you; and before you came forth from [the] womb, I have sanctified you; I have appointed you a prophet to [the] nations.”
God’s statement to Jeremiah parallels that to Isaiah. God already knew and had plans for Jeremiah while he was still in the womb. A preborn baby is a person, known by God, with God having plans for his or her life. The Bible is crystal clear on this issue.
Extra-Biblical Discussion:
Preborn Baby Not Part of a Woman’s Body:
The corollary to a preborn baby being a person is that a preborn baby is not part of the pregnant woman’s body. The baby is a distinct human being, separate from the mother. This fact is confirmed by both biology and genetics. A preborn body has a distinct biology and genetic code from the mother. As such, the claim that abortion should be legal, as a woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body is a non sequitur. The preborn baby is not part of her body, so she does not have the “right” to do whatever she wants with the baby.
Yes, a preborn baby is fully dependent on the mother, but the same could be said for a newborn infant. There simply is no distinction between the two. As such, a woman should no more have the right to end the life of her preborn baby than she does the life of her newborn baby. Both are distinct human lives that should be protected by the state.
The above Book Preview was posted on this site March 15, 2018.
It was last updated January 2, 2024.
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