Books and eBooks by the Director
Analytical-Literal Translation
Third Edition
The Gospel According to Mark
Sample passage from chapters 1-8
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Mark 1
1Beginning of the Gospel [or, Good News, and throughout book]
of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
it has been written in the prophets, “Look! I am sending My
messenger before Your face [fig., ahead of You], who will prepare
Your way before You.” [Mal 3:1] 3“A voice of [one]
shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of [the] LORD!
Be making His paths straight!’” [Isaiah 40:3, LXX]
4John came baptizing [or, immersing, and throughout book] in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism [or, immersion, and throughout book] of repentance to [or, for; or, because of] forgiveness of sins. 5And all the region of Judea was going out to him, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and they were all baptized in the Jordan River by him, they themselves confessing their sins [or, after they themselves confessed their sins]. 6Now John had clothed himself with hairs of a camel and a leather belt around his waist. And he eats locusts and wild honey.
7And he began proclaiming, saying, “He is
coming after me, the [One] greater than I, of whom I am not worthy, having
stooped down, to untie the strap of His sandals! 8I indeed
baptize you* in water [or, with water, and throughout book], but He will
baptize you* in [or, with] [the] Holy Spirit!”
it happened in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and He was
baptized by John in the Jordan [River]. 10And immediately coming up from the
water, he [i.e., John] saw the heavens being parted and the Spirit like a dove
descending upon Him. 11And a voice came out of the heavens, “You
are My Son--the Beloved--in whom I am well-pleased!”
12Then immediately the Spirit drives Him out into the wilderness. 13And He was there in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And He was with the wild animals, and the angels [or, messengers [of the Lord], and throughout book] were ministering to Him.
after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of the
kingdom of God 15and saying, “The time has been fulfilled and the
kingdom of God has come near! Be repenting and be believing [or, trusting] in the
walking about by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother, [that
is] Simon’s, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 17And
Jesus said to them, “Come after Me, and I will make you* to become fishers of
people.” 18Then immediately, having left their nets, they followed
Him. 19And having gone on from there a little [further], he saw
James, the [son] of Zebedee, and John his brother, and they [were] in the boat
mending the nets. 20And immediately He called them. Then having left
their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired workers, they went away after
they are going into Capernaum. And immediately on [one of] the Sabbaths having
gone into the synagogue, He was teaching. 22And they were astonished
at His teaching, for He was teaching them as having authority, and not as
the scribes.
[there] was in their synagogue a person with an unclean [or, defiling] spirit.
And it cried out, 24saying, “Away! What to us and to You [fig.,
What have we to do with You], Jesus the Nazarene? You came to destroy us! I know
You, who You are, the Holy [One] of God!” 25And Jesus rebuked it
saying, “Be silenced, and come out from him!” 26Then the unclean
[or, defiling] spirit, having torn him back and forth [fig., having thrown him
into convulsions] and having cried out with a loud voice, came out from him! 27And
they were all shocked, so as to be disputing among themselves, saying, “What
is this? What new teaching [or, doctrine] [is] this, that with authority even
the unclean [or, defiling] spirits He commands, and they obey Him?” 28So
the news of Him went out immediately into the whole surrounding region of
immediately, having come out from the synagogue, they went into the house of
Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 30Now the mother-in-law of
Simon was lying down, being sick with a fever. And immediately they tell Him
about her. 31And having come near, He raised her up, having taken
hold of her hand. And the fever immediately left her! Then she began serving
evening having come, when the sun set, they began bringing to Him all the ones
having it badly [fig., who were sick] and the ones being demon-possessed [or,
oppressed by demons]. 33And the whole city had been gathered together
near the door. 34And He healed many having it badly [fig., who were
sick] with various diseases, and He cast out many demons! But He did not allow
the demons to be speaking, because they knew Him.
early in the morning, while it was still quite dark, having risen, He went out
and went away into a deserted place, and He was there praying. 36Then
Simon and those with him searched eagerly for Him. 37And having found
Him, they say to Him, “All are seeking You.” 38Then He says to
them, “Let us be going into the neighboring market towns, so that there I
shall also preach, for this [reason] I have come forth.” 39And He
was preaching in their synagogues, in all Galilee, and He is casting out the
there comes to Him a leper [or, a person with a skin disease], calling on Him and
kneeling before Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You are able to
cleanse me.” 41So Jesus having been moved with compassion, having
stretched out His hand, took hold of him and says to him, “I am willing. Be
cleansed!” 42And He having spoken [this], immediately the
leprosy [or, skin disease] went away from him, and he was cleansed!
43Then having sternly warned him, immediately He sent him
away, 44and He says to him, “See [that] you say nothing to anyone; but
be going, show yourself to the priest and bring as an offering for your
purification the things Moses directed, as a testimony to them.” [see Lev 14:1-32]
45But that one, having gone out, began to be proclaiming [it] much
and to be spreading widely the news, with the result that no longer was He able
to openly enter into the city, but He was outside in deserted places, and
they kept coming to Him from all directions.
Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of
the New Testament of the Holy Bible: Third Edition.
Copyright © 2007 by Gary F. Zeolla of
Darkness to Light ministry (
Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005 by Gary F. Zeolla.
The Gospel According to Mark (9-16)
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
The above sample passage was posted on this Web site September 17, 2007.
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