Welcome to Zeolla.org

Personal Website of

Gary F. Zeolla

Links to all of my writings and details about my life


My Life Highlights

My Christian, Fitness, and Politics Books

Publisher Author Pages

My Christian, Fitness, Politics, and Covid Websites and Newsletters

My Life Story (in brief)

My Health Problems

My Christian Salvation

My Powerlifting

My Social Media Pages

My Contact Information

My Life Highlights

Author of Christian, fitness, and politics books, websites, and newsletters

(written from a conservative Christian and politically conservative perspective)

B.S. in Nutrition Science; Denver Seminary Attendee

Translator of the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible

Holder of fifteen All-time powerlifting world records and over 100 federation records

I thank the LORD I have accomplished so much despite dealing with a multitude of health problems throughout my life.

Life Bible verse: “the Lord stood by me and gave me strength (2Tim 4:17; ALT3).

Amazon Author Page

    This site provides links to all of my writings, along with information about my life, my Christian faith, my health problems, my powerlifting, and other personal details.

    All links on this page open in a new window, so this page will always be available for you to come back to. Click any picture for a larger image (opens in same window). The links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my royalty if a product is purchased after following the link.

My Christian, Fitness, and Politics Books

Following are pictures and short descriptions of my over forty books and links to ordering information.

My Christian Books

    The Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible (ALT) is the only Bible version that is a literal translation of the Greek Texts, brings out nuances of the Greek texts, and includes study aids within the translation. The ALT promotes understanding of what the Bible writers originally wrote. The Old Testament is available in four volumes. The New Testament is available in two different versions. There are two volumes with extra-biblical texts, and two books are study aids for the ALT. All are available in multiple formats.

    The three-volume set on how the books of the Bible were chosen answers such questions as, why are the 66 books in the Bible in the Bible, and why were other books that could have been included not included? Are these books reliable:? The three books on sex and the Bible looks in-depth at what the Bible has to say on all types sexual relationships and related issues.

    Any one of the different editions of the Scripture Workbooks will enable the reader to not only understand the Biblical worldview but also why it is true and thus to come to trust in it, and then to be prepared to defend this Biblical worldview before an unbelieving world.

    The first book in the final set is for the person struggling in life and for the person struggling with how God sovereignly works in people’s lives. The second book explains why Bible versions differ and which are the most reliable. The third book answers the question posed by the title.

Click here for information on all of my Christian books

My Fitness Books

    These three books on nutrition and the Bible look in-depth at what God give to human beings for food and what the Bible teaches about diet and nutrition. They also compare these Biblical teachings to scientific research on nutrition and degenerative disease like heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

    The book on powerlifting is geared towards the beginner to intermediate powerlifter. It presents sound training, competition, dietary, and supplement advice to aid the reader in starting and progressing in the sport of powerlifting. The book on back pain details how I overcame years of crippling low back and was able to return to the sport of powerlifting.

Click here for information on all of my fitness books

My Politics Books


    These five books focusing on Donald Trump cover every aspect of the 2020 Election, the January 6 “insurrection,” and their aftermath. Starting with claims of fraud and irregularities in that election, to the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6; the so-called insurrection), the subsequent second impeachment of Donald J. Trump, to the public hearings of the J6 Commission in the summer and fall of 2022. Also reproduced in these books is all Trump had to say about all of these and related matters during this time period.


      This series of five books focusing on Joe Biden provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books.


    This three-volume set covers the first impeachment of Donald J. Trump. A complaint about a phone call led to an impeachment inquiry and proceedings in the US House and a trial in the US Senate. This impeachment and trial was occurring against the backdrop of the 2020 Presidential election, which was already underway. As will be seen, and as the title of this three-volume set implies, that election was in fact the real impetus for the impeachment.


    This final book overviews the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings in detail. It then overviews these additional major events that occurred up to the end of November 2018 that amplified the divisions in the USA that have been increasing ever since.

Click here for information on all of my politics books

Publisher Author Pages
(all books by Gary F. Zeolla)

Amazon Author Page

Audible Author Page

iTunes Author Page

Lulu Publishing Author Page

My Christian, Fitness, Politics, and Covid Websites and Newsletters

Following are the names, taglines, and links to my four other websites and two newsletters.

My Christian Website and Newsletter

Darkness to Light Christian Ministry Website

Explaining and Defending the Christian Faith
Christian Theology, Apologetics, Cults, Ethics, Bible Versions, and much more
Darkness to Light email newsletter

My Fitness Website and Newsletter

Fitness for One and All Website

Helping people to attain their health, fitness, and performance goals
FitTips for One and All email newsletter

My Politics Website

Biblical and Constitutional Politics

Political articles and commentary from a conservative Christian and politically conservative perspective

My Covid Website

Covid Fearmongering and Lies

Coronavirus Fearmongering on the Left, Covid-19 Lies on the Right
A Layman's View of What the Authorities Got Correct and Incorrect about SARS-CoV-2

My Life Story
(in brief)

    I was born in 1961. I have lived most of my life in western Pennsylvania. I never got married nor had children. However, I have one sibling, an older brother, and through him a niece and two nephews, and through them six great-nephews and four great-nieces.

    I graduated from Penn State in 1983 with a B.S. degree in Nutrition Science. I attended Denver Seminary from 1988-90. I was working towards a Master’s degree in Philosophy of Religion, but due to health problems I had to drop out before graduating.

    I powerlifted very successfully while in college (1979-82) and again in my 40s (2003-09), but health problems forced me to stop competing each time. But I was then able to start to compete again in 2015 and did so until a contest on my 63rd birthday in March 2021, and I was again very successful. But multiple injuries and health setbacks after that derailed further competition for 3-1/2 years, but I have plans for a contest in September 2024.

    I became a Christian in the mid-1980s. I founded Darkness to Light Christian Ministry in July 1991. I started Fitness for One and All on July 12, 2003. This Zeolla.org website was established on May 5, 2009. Biblical and Constitutional Politics went online New Years Day 2017. My Covid Fearmongering and Lies website was set up on October 17, 2023.

    My first book was published in 1994, but my second book not until 2001. But since then, I have written over forty books on Christian, fitness, and politics subjects, including a translation of the Bible. All of them are available in multiple formats.

    I thank the LORD that I have accomplished all of the above despite dealing with many health problems throughout my life and still on a daily basis.

For a more detailed autobiography, see My Life Story (long version).

My Health Problems

The worst of my numerous health problems I have struggled with are as follows:

    After being crippled by back pain for six years, I completely overcame it in 2000. I recovered from the various injuries from the 1999 bicycle accident, except for my right shoulder. It is now filled with arthritis, building up where the bones were fractured. The stiff person syndrome can leave me almost completely paralyzed for hours to days at a time, though thankfully that most serious of symptoms has mostly abated of late, though I always wake up stiff and sore, sometimes exceedingly so.

    The various sleep disturbances include restless leg syndrome, unexplained noises in my head (popping, cracking, snapping, and other sounds), neurological “tics”, and other problems. One or more usually flare-up on any given night, so I almost never get a good night’s sleep. These have been ongoing since 1990.

    The fibromyalgia began in 2001. The fatigue especially is an ongoing problem. My allergies gradually worsened to the point of MCS. Most recently, I had to have surgery on each shoulder in turn to repair two torn rotator cuffs in each shoulder.  The picture below is after the second surgery. In-between and after these surgeries, I sustained three muscular injuries, the most recent is describe at Squat Injury.  All of this is why I am unsure if I will compete again or not.

    I also have numerous less serious problems to deal with as well. Follow the links above or see the Dealing with Health Difficulties section on my fitness site for further details on these various problems.

My Christian Salvation

    As indicated, I have had to deal with many health and other problems in my life. However, the LORD has truly proved faithful in enabling me to handle having to suffer with so many afflictions. But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength (2Tim 4:17; ALT3).

    But most of all, I am thankful for the eternal salvation that Christ has provided me by His death on the cross for my sins. I know beyond any doubt that a better life awaits me after this one. For I consider that the sufferings of the present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory about to be revealed in us (Rom 8:19; ALT3).

    If you, the reader, would like to experience the peace and love of God and to know that you are forgiven and saved, see the Forgiveness and Salvation section of my Christian website. if you confess with your mouth [the] Lord Jesus [or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from [the] dead, you will be saved! For with the heart it is believed to righteousness, and with the mouth it is confessed to salvation (Rom 10:9,10; ALT3).

My Powerlifting

    I competed in powerlifting back in 1979-85 as a teenager to my early 20s, but had to stop due to health problems. I again competed from 2003-09, then in my forties, but once again I had to stop due to health problems and injuries. I started competing again in 2015, then in my fifties. I continued until I turned 60. But once again I am in a break due to health issues.

    For a list of all I accomplished with my powerlifting, in my late teens to early 20s, in my 40s, in my 50s, and now in my 60s, click here. Below is a picture of me deadlifting at the RPS Legion in September 7, 2024.

    Below is me with all of the trophies I won from April 2003 to March 2021.

My Social Media Pages



Truth Social

X (formerly Twitter)

For further details see, My Social Media Pages.

My Contact Information

Click here for details on contacting me.

Established May 5, 2009
Last updated September 10, 2024
Disclaimers and Privacy Policy
All material on this website is copyrighted © by Gary F. Zeolla