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2010 Top 100 Chart/ Update

By Gary F. Zeolla

The following message was posted in the Weight Trainers United forum and on my MySpace blog.

The most recent “Top 100” chart for 114s recently came out (“Powerlifting USA” October 2010, p. 79). And for the first time since 2004, I am not on it. That is because I have not entered a contest in over 16 months.

But looking at the chart, IF I had been able to compete before the deadline and IF my plan to go back to using gear had worked and IF I had been able to get my equipped lifts back to even close to where they had been before, I probably would have placed rather well: in the top 5 in squats and total, in the top 10 or even 5 in deadlifts, and in the top 10 in benches. The bench and deadlifts rankings would have been my best ever. IF I had competed raw like I was also planning on doing, my rankings on squats and benches of course would have been much lower, but I might have placed in the top 20 in total, which would have been my best ranking ever when lifting without gear.

However, all of that is purely theoretically and thus meaningless, but depressing. The reality is that with the way my health is now it is unlikely I will ever compete again. After my last weekly workout post two weeks ago I put in one more workout on Wednesday (10/6/10), then my health deteriorated, and I haven’t been able to lift or even do cardio since. In fact, there are times when I am barely able to function at all. I am going to a new doctor, who is experimenting with different medications, but nothing has helped to date.

I am not sure when or if I will start to workout again, but if I do, it will be nothing heavy, just going through the motions to try to maintain some mediocre conditioning. As such, if I do, I’m not sure if it will be worth the effort to post my workout logs anymore. Just typing on my PC is very exhausting, and I need to use my very limited computer time working.

However, I’ve been posting my workout logs and other messages over the past several years on my fitness Web site, in the Weight Trainer’s United forum, and on my MySpace blog. Altogether, hundreds of people seem to be reading my posts. So apparently someone is getting something out of them, so if I start working out again, I guess it will be worth it to keep posting. Just don’t expect too much.

I just thank the LORD that His presence is helping me to get through this most recent setback. And God bless to all who are reading this.

For a follow-up to this post, see Weight Loss/ Starting Over.

For my first workouts after this forced break, see
Full Workout Logs: Starting 11/3/2010 - Alternate Weeks 2 Routine - Weeks 1-6 of 12.

2010 Top 100 Chart/ Update. Copyright © 2010 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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