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Coronavirus Trib Live News Articles Commentaries
November 2020
These Commentaries are continued from Coronavirus News Articles Commentaries: September 2020.
These commentaries are only about the ongoing Coronavirus crisis. For my commentaries on other news events, see Commentaries on Biblical and Constitutional Politics. Opposite of that page, the comments are posted here in chronological order. Oldest on top, newest at the bottom. For additional Coronavirus Commentaries, see Coronavirus Articles and Commentaries on Biblical and Constitutional Politics.
This page only contains short comments I’ve posted about news articles on Trib Live, which is the website for three Pittsburgh area newspapers, including my hometown newspaper. I read their website every day. Trib Live is left leaning in its perspective across all three of its newspapers and on its website. The comments at the end of articles are also mostly left leaning, being posted mostly by people from the very blue city of Pittsburgh. As such, my voice is rather unique. That is why I decided to start posting comments, to counter the liberal perspective. There is a 750-character limit to comments, so I need to be concise in my comments, which is not always easy for me to do. The title links open in a new window.
Quarter-Million Milestone
Coronavirus death toll surges past 250,000 in U.S.
The quarter-million milestone, confirmed by Johns Hopkins University, is higher than the number of American military deaths in every conflict since the Korean War as well as those recorded during the U.S. Civil War….
The nationwide covid-19 resurgence will likely disrupt most Americans’ holiday plans, but officials worry that many people will still violate health guidelines over Thanksgiving next week, potentially spreading the virus even further. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, urged the public to “think twice” about traveling and hosting indoor gatherings in the weeks ahead.
Allegheny County advises ‘stay home except for essentials,’ warns of public health order.
Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald also asked residents to stay home during the Thanksgiving holidays. He said the county did not come through the Halloween holiday very well, with cases linked to parties and the like.
I wrote the following back on March 18, 2020, in my article “Sadness, Predictions, and More on the Coronavirus.
To make a few predictions, yes, a two-week shutdown of the country will slow the spread of the Coronavirus (CV). But the two weeks will probably become four weeks, then six weeks, then eight weeks. At that point, Americans won’t be able to handle the isolation anymore, and the bans will have to be lifted. As everyone rubs their eyes and emerges from their bunkers, the spread of the CV will once again flare up, as none of us will have developed an immunity. And it will start all over again.
Unless, that is, the CV is like the seasonal flu and dissipates in the summer. In that case, we will have a few months respite, then it will start all over again in the late autumn (November-December), just in time for the holidays. Just wait for the sadness when Americans are told they cannot have gatherings of more than ten people just before Thanksgiving Day. Then the economic impact of the depressed Christmas shopping season will be devastating.
Sadly, I was correct in just about everything I said here, except that the CV did not dissipate in the summer. But that was mainly because of the spikes after each of the three major summer holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day). Also, the very hot summer drove people into the air conditioned indoors, where the virus spreads more easily.
Similarly, I later
predicted there would be a spike after the fall and winter holidays, which are
mostly celebrated indoors. We already
saw that with Halloween, and sadly, there will be another spike after
Thanksgiving. If more people took the virus seriously, that would not be the
case. But as it is, far too many families are going ahead with their normal
Thanksgiving plans, without mitigation efforts being a part of those plans. For
those predictions and suggested mitigation efforts, see Part Three of my article
Does a Mask
Protect the Wearer from the Coronavirus?
God-given Foods
Eating Plan
For Lifelong
Health, Optimization of Hormones, Improved Athletic Performance
The approach of this book is to study different foods and food groups, with a chapter devoted to each major classification of foods. First the Biblical evidence is considered, then the modern-day scientific research is reviewed. Foods are then classified as “God-given foods” and “non-God-given foods.” The main point will be a healthy eating plan is composed of a variety of God-given foods and avoids non-God-given foods.
These commentaries are continued at: February 2021 Commentaries.
Coronavirus Trib Live News Article Commentaries: September 2020 . Copyright © 2020 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The above commentaries were posted in November 2020.
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