Biblical and Constitutional Politics

Coronavirus General Commentaries

July 2020

By Gary F. Zeolla


These Commentaries are continued from Coronavirus General Commentaries: June 2020.


    These commentaries are only about the ongoing Coronavirus crisis. For my commentaries on other news events, see Commentaries on Biblical and Constitutional Politics. Opposite of that page, the comments are posted here in chronological order. Oldest on top, newest at the bottom. For additional Coronavirus Commentaries, see  Coronavirus Articles and Commentaries on Biblical and Constitutional Politics.

World-renowned pathologist agrees with me

Dr. Cyril Wecht Calls Mandatory Mask Order By Dr. Rachel Levine 'Totally Absurd'

    Dr, Wecht’s comments on Wendy Bell’s KDKA radio show parallel what I have been saying for months. Well worth the listen and read.

Reporters Wearing Masks

       I want to relate a pet peeve of mine in regard to masks. It is local reporters wearing masks. I’m not referring to the newscasters in the studio. They generally do not wear masks. I am referring to the on-site reporters. Almost all of them on my three local news stations wear masks when giving their reports.

      However, there is no one anywhere near them! Of course, there has to be a cameraman in front of the reporter, but I would guess he is at last a few feet in front of the reporter. Meanwhile, there is no one else in the shot except the reporter. No one! As such, what is the mask for?  It is virtue signaling. That’s it. It serves no logical purpose.

      Dr. Deborah Birx has made it clear that it is an “either/ or” situation. Either you should practice social distancing, staying six feet away from others, or, if that is not possible, wear a mask. You do not need to wear a mask if no one is within six feet of you.

      The only local reporter that seems to understand this is Elena Laquatra of WTAE (ABC affiliate). When the shot first goes to her, she always has a mask on. But she takes it off before she begins to give her report. In fact, yesterday morning (7/13/20), as she was doing so, she said, “I’m removing my mask as there is no one around me right now.” Exactly! I just wish all reporters had such sensibilities.

The Banned Video You Must Watch

       Below is a link of the banned video about the Coronavirus (CV) that you must watch. It touts the benefits of hydroxychloroquine. At the time this video was made, the US was close to 150,000 deaths from the CV. But the doctors in this video makes the bold claim that if there had been widespread use of hydroxychloroquine, this number could have been reduced by 75-100,000.

      Think about that. The number of deaths could have been cut in half or even more if the use of hydroxychloroquine had not been so politicized. But because President Trump pushed the use of this safe and effective drug, the media had to turn against it. That then led to a couple of fabricated studied declaring it was not safe nor effective. Those are discussed in this video. But if the number of deaths had been so greatly reduced, then Dems and the media could not have used the CV to attack Trump and try to get him out of office. And that just could not be.

      In my forthcoming three volume set Dems Cannot Beat Trump, So They Impeach Trump, I discuss the many unjustified attempts by Dems and the media to disparage Trump and to remove him from office, and the CV is yet one more. Those previous attempts tore the country apart, and now this attempt has done that and more. It has literally led to the deaths of 10,000s of Americans.

      Click here for this video. I copied this version off of Breitbart, hence the Breitbart symbol in the lower left corner. But it has been freely shared across the Internet, before the various media moguls began to ban it, so I don’t think copying it and posting it on my website is a problem. I compressed it somewhat, so the quality is a bit reduced, but it is still viewable.

      That said, let me use this opportunity to say I am hard at work on Volume One of the aforementioned trilogy. I hope to have it available by the end of August, followed shortly by Volume Two, God-willing, before my powerlifting contest in mid-September. Volume Three will take a while longer, due to the break for that contest, but I still hope to have it available before Election Day 2020.

Talk show caller verifies two CV observations

       A caller into Wendy Bell’s talk show on KDKA radio here in Pittsburgh yesterday (7/30/20) related his experience with the Coronavirus (CV). In doing so, he verified two observations I have made about the CV.

      He didn’t give his age, but he sounded like he was probably in his 30s. He said he been admitted to the hospital and eventually fell into a coma. But somehow, he recovered and lived to tell about it.

      The reason he got so serious is he had undiagnosed diabetes. That verifies a point I made a long time ago, that when someone under 65 who appears to be healthy but who has serious consequence from a CV infection, the person almost always has undiagnosed diabetes. The “banned video” I posted yesterday explained the connection.

      Simply put, the CV thrives in a high sugar environment. That means, if you have diabetes, the virus will replicate far faster than if you have normal blood sugar. And undiagnosed diabetes is particularly dangerous, as it means the person is not even trying to control his diabetes, so his blood sugar is sky high.

      Second, the caller said it was not until after he got home from the hospital and received his bill that he found out he had been given hydroxychloroquine a dozen times. That is why he recovered, even though he was in such serious shape. That verifies what I have said about hydroxychloroquine, that it can be an effective treatment.

      If anyone is wondering, he was in Allegheny General Hospital, here in Pittsburgh, PA. I found it encouraging that this local hospital is utilizing hydroxychloroquine. That is good to know, as that is where I could end up if I were to have serious CV consequences. In fact, that is where I was treated after my very serious bicycle accident, the 21st anniversary of which was three days ago. It occurred on July 28, 1999. For details see, Bicycle Accident.


These commentaries are continued at: Coronavirus General Commentaries: August 2020.

Coronavirus General Commentaries: July 2020 . Copyright © 2020 by Gary F. Zeolla.

The above commentaries were posted in July 2020.

Coronavirus Articles and Commentaries

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