Biblical and Constitutional Politics
DNC 2024 Lies and Divisiveness
The Democrat National Convention (DNC) was held on August 19-22, 2024. This article consists of posts I made on social media about it.
The Upcoming DNC
“January 6th” and “Insurrection”
You’ll probably hear the above two terms hundreds of times this week at the DNC, but most of what you will hear will be lies, misrepresentations, distortions, and exaggerations. To guard yourself against these mistruths, learn the truth about J6 from my series of books on this subject: The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath.
Two of these books are now available in audiobook format, two are soon forthcoming in that format, and all are available in various eBook and hardcopy formats.
#January6th #Insurrection #J6 #Trump #DNC2024
“Mind Your Own #$%^ Business”
You’ll probably hear the above phrase hundreds of times this week at the DNC, but without the foul language redacted. But I wonder if foul-mouthed Tim, Comrade Kamala, and the rest of the Dems would say the same to the abolitionist in 1850, or to Abraham Lincoln in 1860 when he was preparing to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. I would bet today’s Dems would have been chanting this foul slogan outside the White House at that time.
The comparison is fitting, as slavery was justified by slave holders and traders by claiming “negroes” were less than human. Today, abortion is justified by claiming the “fetus” is less than human. But in fact, blacks are of course fully human, as are preborn babies. It takes a denial or reality to claim otherwise. For those who doubt the latter, I demonstrate the personhood of the preborn baby and explain the horrors of abortion in my series of books on Sex and the Bible.
I also address in these books sex change operations and hormones for minors, which is to say, the sexual mutilation of children, about which foul-mouthed Tim and other Dems also chant this phrase.
The last of these books is now available in audiobook format, the other two are soon forthcoming in that format, and all are available in various eBook and hardcopy formats.
#Abortion #Slavery #UnbornBabies #GenderAffirmingCare #SexChange
#KamalaHarris #TimWalz #DNC
DNC Day One
Following are links to Breitbart’s expose of the lies told on the first day of the DNC (Democrat National Convention).
Breitbart. Biden Returns to Hoaxes at DNC: ‘Fine People’; ‘Suckers and Losers’; ‘Bloodbath’.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Biden Claims Credit for 500,000 EV Stations, but Only 8 Were Built.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Democrat Rep. Robert Garcia Claims Donald Trump Told Americans to ‘Inject Bleach’.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Sen. Raphael Warnock Claims Red States Passing ‘Voter Suppression Laws’.
Breitbart. Biden at DNC: Trump Supporters ‘Can’t Think, Can’t Read Very Well’.
I have not been watching the DNC, as I knew it would be filled with lies and divisive rhetoric, and that would just make my blood boil. And sure enough, if Breitbart’s reporting is correct, that is exactly is happening.
In addition, I knew they would be attacking Trump. But when attack Trump supporters, that is just unnecessary divisiveness, at a time when our country is divided enough already. And that makes the DNC unwatchable in my opinion.
Most all of what Breitbart exposes as lies I have also done in my various political writings, on my politics website and in my political books. As such, I know these are lies, the very lies Biden and Dems keep repeating. But no matter how many times they repeat these lies, they are still lies.
In addition, I knew they would be attacking Trump. But when attack Trump supporters, that is just unnecessary divisiveness, at a time when our country is divided enough already. And that makes the DNC unwatchable in my opinion.
All of that makes the DNC unwatchable in my opinion.
#JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #DNC2024 #DNCLies
DNC Day Three
More lies on Day Three of the DNC. These are from the foul-mouthed Tim Walz, the Dem VP candidate.
Breitbart. Fact Check: DNC Claims Tim Walz Rose to Command Sergeant Major.
Breitbart. *** DNC Livewire Night 3 *** Pathological Liar Tim Walz in Spotlight.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Tim Walz Falsely Claims Conservatives Are ‘Banning Books’ from Schools.
“Curating a curriculum for age-appropriate material is not the same as “banning” books.”
#DNC2024 #DNCLies
DNC Day Four by Comrade Kamala
Yet more lies on Day Four of the DNC. These are from Comrade Kamala, the anointed (not elected) Dem presidential candidate.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Kamala Harris Claims Trump Wants ‘Anti-abortion Coordinator’.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Democrats’ Border Bill Was ‘Strongest … in Decades’.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims North Korea Is ‘Rooting for’ Trump.
Breitbart. Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Says Tariffs Are A Middle Class Sales Tax.
Breitbart. Data Debunks Kamala Harris Ad Touting Her Prosecutorial Record as Tough-on-Crime.
Let me add one more. Comrade Kamala claimed Trump “sent an armed mob to the Capitol Building.” In fact, Trump told a peaceful rally crowd to “march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol Building to make your voices heard.” I document this most important quote from Trump’s speech that day and refute the notion he incited an insurrection in my books on that fateful event.
#DNC2024 #DNCLies #KamalaHarris #ComradeKamala
Additional DNC Day Four Lies
Breitbart. Al Sharpton Uses ‘Fine People Hoax’ at Democratic National Convention.
Breitbart. CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Rejects Democrat Talking Point — ‘Trump Did Not Write Project 2025’.
Breitbart. CNN’s Jake Tapper Blows Up ‘SNL’ Star Kenan Thompson’s Claim a Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Project 2025.
“The clip then cut to CNN’s Jake Tapper, who corrected the comedian, informing viewers that President Trump’s campaign has explicitly stated that Project 2025 is not a blueprint for a second Trump administration.”
Breitbart. Fact Check: Central Park Five Falsely Accuse Donald Trump at DNC.
Breitbart. Ann Coulter: Central Park Rapists — Trump was Right.
#DNC2024 #DNCLies
“Fight!” – “Fight Like Hell!”
As mentioned previously, I did not watch the DNC. However, I heard many clips on the various news reports and podcasts I follow. And what I heard was many different speakers declaring to the attendees to “Fight!” and even to “Fight like Hell1”
I found this notable, as one “evidence” that Trump incited the violence on J6 was his use of these terms in his speech on that day. Clips of him saying these words were played during the House impeachment and Senate trial shortly after that day and again during the J6 Committee hearings in 2022.
But if those words by Trump were a call to violence, then so were the very same words being used by the Dem DNC speakers. If the Dem DNC speakers were not calling for violence, then neither was Trump.
And there was plenty of violence outside of the DNC, by the anti-Semitic rioters protesting the war in Gaza. But I never heard anyone connect those calls words to “fight” to that violence, but Dems and media made that connection with Trump and the J6 uprising.
I address this language use and inconsistency in reaction to it in depth in my books about the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021.
#January6th #Insurrection #J6 #Trump #DNC2024
DNC 2024 Lies and Divisiveness. Copyright © 2024 by Gary F. Zeolla (
The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath
Five books cover every aspect of the 2020 Election, the January 6 “insurrection,” and their aftermath. Starting with claims of fraud and irregularities in that election, to the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6; the so-called insurrection), the subsequent second impeachment of Donald J. Trump, to the public hearings of the J6 Commission in the summer and fall of 2022. Also reproduced in these books is all Trump had to say about all of these and related matters during this time period.
The above article was posted on this website on August 24, 2024.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics