Biblical and Constitutional Politics
By Gary F. Zeolla
The day Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President, the Mainstream Media (MSM) tried to stop his campaign before it even started by labeling him a racist and a xenophobe due to his call for a wall on the southern border.
Then they tried to label him an Islamophobe when he called for a “total and complete shutdown of Islamic immigration” due to a wave of terroristic attacks across Europe and America. I will be discussing these two events in the book on I am currently working on.
Then they tried to label him a sexist and a misogynist via a hit piece on “Trump and women” in the New York Times and the release of the Hollywood access tape. Those events are discussed in Volume One my God’s Sex Plan set.
Then Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the 2016 presidential election. All of the polls said she would win in a landslide. But she lost. She lost badly, and Democrats and the MSM have never gotten over it. They just cannot understand how a reality show star could beat their favored candidate.
To calm their discontent, they claimed Hillary should have won since she won the popular vote. That then led to them calling for the Electoral College to be abolished. I discuss the reasons for the Electoral College and why it is a bad idea to abolish it in my book Tearing the USA Apart.
Then Dems and the MSM claimed Trump only won because he colluded with Russia, and that started the whole Trump/ Russian collusion hoax. They thought they could get rid of Trump using that hoax, but impeachment efforts on Russia collusions failed and even backfired.
Then they thought they could get Trump on obstruction of justice during the Muller investigation, but that also failed and backfired.
Then they thought they could get Trump by continuing to label him as a racist. When that failed, they ramped it up by saying he was a white nationalist or white supremacist. But that failed as well. These failed attempts have been detailed on my politics website, and I will go into further detail in my current book.
Then they really ramped it up when they began claiming Trump was the reason for various mass shootings that have occurred while he has been President, starting with the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh that is detailed in my Tearing Apart book on to the El Paso shooting that will be detailed in my current book.
Along the way, they also tried to get Trump on his alleged illicit relationships with porn stars Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and supposed hush money paid to those less than reputable women. But that also failed.
All along, they’ve been trying to get Trump’s tax returns, thinking there just has to be something in them that they can get Trump with. But they’ve been rebuffed in those efforts by the courts, as they have no probable cause to attain his returns.
The same goes for their attempts to use the emoluments clause of the Constitution. They keep saying Trump has broken that provision but are unable to prove it, and the first court that heard the claim threw the case out.
But now they think they finally got him. Trump made a phone call! And that will be his downfall, or so they seem to think. But this attempt will also fail and probably backfire. I will be detail this claim as it unfolds in my current book.
For details on the books mentioned above, see:
My politics website is Biblical and Constitutional Politics
The book I am working on will be titled Breakdown of American Society. I hope to have it available before the end of this year.
Impeached for a Phone Call?. Copyright © 2019 by Gary F. Zeolla (
Tearing the USA Apart
From Kavanaugh, to
Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond
The United States of American is being torn about by political differences more than any time since the 1960s and maybe since the Civil War of the 1860s. This division was amplified by political events in the summer to fall of 2018. This time period could prove to be seminal in the history of the United States. This tearing apart came to the forefront and was amplified during the confirmation proceedings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This book overviews the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings in detail. It then overviews these additional major events that occurred up to the end of November 2018.
The above article was posted on this website September 25, 2019.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics