Biblical and Constitutional Politics
(But It Still Contributed to Tearing the USA Apart)
Part One
Throughout this Biblical and Constitutional Politics website and in my book Tearing the USA Apart, anytime I refer to the idea that the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia, I refer to it as the “Trump/ Russia collusion hoax.” We now know that I (and many other conservative commentators) were correct—the entire idea was in fact a hoax.
This hoax was not innocuous, as not only did it seriously hamper President Trump’s efforts to Make America Great Again, but it also contributed to tearing the USA apart. But it is not the only event to do so. Many other events have contributed to this division, which I have chronicled on this website and in my book. And two new events added to this division, which I will discuss in this two-part article.
Background Material
The exposure of the Trump/ Russia collusion hoax and the tearing apart of the USA are the culmination of over two years of events that I have chronicle on this website and in my book. Therefore, to fully understand this two-part article, the reader needs to be conversant with that material, as I will not be repeating that information in this article but will instead assume the reader is familiar with it.
Consequently, if you are new to this website, I would recommend you go back and read some of my previous articles and if possible, my book. That will bring you up to speed with all that has been happening over the last two years that either has not been widely reported in the mainstream media (MSM) or as been seriously distorted by it.
Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report
The seemingly never-ending Robert Mueller investigation finally ended on Friday March 22, 2019. Mueller gave his report to US Attorney General (AG) William Barr, as required by law. Then on Sunday (3/24), Barr released his four-page summary to Congress, also as required by law.
Barr reported that Mueller found no evidence Donald Trump nor any of his close associates concluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign. That completely contradicts the never-ending, non-stop claims of collusion by prominent Democrats and by the MSM. Both should now issue official apologies to President Trump, to his family and close associates, and to the American people, all of whom were harmed by the constant barrage of claims of collusion. The American people were harmed by the hoax, as it pitted us against each other, just as Russia wanted.
But instead of admitting they were wrong and apologizing, some Dems and those in the MSM are doubling-down on the idea of collusion. House Judiciary Committee (HJC) Chairman Adam Schiff is still claiming there is evidence of collusion. He has claimed such throughout this ordeal but has never reproduced the evidence. We now know that is a lie, and there is no such evidence. As such, he should either apologize or step down as HJC Chairman, as he is unfit for that office.
However, he has no intents of doing so. In fact, he and other Dems are still planning on investigating the Trump/ Russia collusion hoax, despite the fact that their investigation will never be as thorough as Muller’s, and if he couldn’t find any evidence, they surely will not either.
The Numbers, and What We Got for It
The Mueller investigation lasted 675 days or about 22 months. It cost us, the US taxpayers, $25.2 million. Mueller employed 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents. His team interviewed 500 witnesses and issued 500 search warrants and over 2800 subpoenas. What did we get for all of that?
37 people were indicted, but 26 of them are Russians, who will never be brought to trial. That is because the US does not have an extradition treaty with Russia. In fact, the Russian Constitution forbids a Russia citizen from being extradited to another country for trial.
Of those who were tried and/ or accepted plea deals, none were found guilty of anything remotely connected to Russian collusion. What we mostly got were process crimes, namely, people found guilty or who plead guilty to lying to the FBI or to Congress. Others were found or plead guilty to crimes totally unrelated to the 2016 campaign, such as bank fraud from over a decade ago.
To be clear, if it had not been for the Mueller investigation, none of those convicted of lying would have ever committed that crime, as there would have been nothing to lie about. And they plead guilty to lying, not because they were guilty of such, but because they were going broke trying to defend themselves against the Mueller investigation.
General Michael Flynn, for example, who should be honored for his 35 years of faithful service to the USA, accrued $5 million in debt due to lawyer fees, having lost his house to those bills. The same happened to Carter Page, who was the subject of the illegal FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant. They are just a couple of the many lives that were unnecessarily ruined by this investigation. But those poor people are all but forgotten in the aftermath of this hoax.
Obstruction of Justice
Rather than admitting he extended his investigation of this hoax for far too long and found absolutely nothing, Mueller left the door open for the idea of obstruction of justice. Barr quoted Mueller as saying, “while this report does not conclude the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Barr then made the decision there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute Trump for obstruction.
First, let me say, Mueller was derelict in his duty by not reaching a collusion on obstruction. As one commentator of FNC put it, “Mueller should give back half of his salary.” After all of that time and investigation, it was part of his charge to make such a decision. The fact that he did not was inexcusable. But as it was, Barr did it for him.
By leaving the decision to Barr, Mueller left the door open for continued attacks on the President. Both Dems and the MSM are saying that since Mueller did not exonerate Trump on obstruction, he could still be impeached on that count. But what they are missing is the difference between being declared “not guilty” and being declared “innocent.”
As I discuss at length in my Tearing Apart book, a defendant in a trial does not need to prove he is innocent. All that is needed is for him to not be proven guilty. In saying he could not exonerate Trump on obstruction, all Mueller is saying is he could not prove him guilty. That means, Trump is “not guilty” of the charge, and in a court of law, that is all that matters, and he would be free.
In addition, the idea that someone can “obstruct justice” when there is no “injustice” to obstruct an investigation of is ridiculous. In other words, when there is no underlying crime, it is difficult to believe someone would break the law to prevent an investigation into something the person knows does not exist.
The point is, Trump is correct that the Mueller report was a “complete and total exoneration.” He is not guilty of either collusion or obstruction, and in a court of law, that would be that, given our Constitution’s prohibition of double jeopardy.
No Basis for Investigation/ Needed Prosecutions
However, this whole hoax has not been tried in a court of law. If it had been, the case would have been thrown out of court a year ago for lack of evidence. For that matter, if Mueller were really the man of integrity people say he is, he would have stopped his investigation a few weeks into it when it became apparent there was no evidence of collusion, and all of those ruined lives and the possibility of obstruction would never have happened.
For that matter, Mueller should have realized the entire basis for the investigation was a fraud. That fraud was the Christopher Steele dossier. Steele himself has now admitted that dossier was unverified. Former FBI Director James Comey admitted long ago it was unverified. Yet that dossier was used as the basis of the FISA warrant that started this whole hoax, and not just once but multiple times.
What now needs to be done is those responsible for perpetrating that fraud on the FISA Court should be prosecuted for lying to that court and to Congress and for starting this whole hoax. That would include Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. All of these persons were fired for their incompetency and bias. But they are all now profiting from their crimes. They should instead be prosecuted for their them.
This whole hoax began due to the Clinton campaign paying over $1,000,000 for that fake dossier. That is the true Russian collusion, the interactions between Hillary Clinton and her campaign officials with Steele and the Russians who fed Steele the false information for that dossier. Hillary and those responsible in her campaign should also be prosecuted for that collusion.
And it must not be forgotten, this whole hoax began while Barrack Obama was President. What did he and his high officials know, and when did they know it? They all need to be called before Congress and questioned as to their knowledge of and role in this whole hoax.
I know this all sounds like tough talk. But it must be recognized that this hoax amounted to treason, as the actions of all of these people were an attempted coup of a duly-elected President. But they thought they knew better than the “deplorables” and “smelly Walmart people” who elected Trump (as Hillary and Strzok , respectively, referred to Trump voters).
Such an attitude cannot be allowed to stand in the Constitutional Republic of the United States. And, as President Trump has declared, no future President should ever be allowed to endure such an attempted coup again. That is why this hoax cannot be allowed to go by without those responsible for it being prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Continuing Talk of Investigations and Impeachment
However, the Dems and the MSM are doing the exact opposite. They are continuing talk of impeachment and of continuing investigations into the President. First off, they do not accept Barr’s four-page summary of the Mueller report. They are demanding to see the entire report.
That will happen, eventually. But it needs to be scrubbed of all sensitive material. Barr initially said it will take several weeks for that to be done, but he now says he will have the redacted report it to Congress by mid-April. That scrubbing includes redacting confidential material and grand jury testimonies that do not rise to the level of an indictment, as required by law. That law was passed so as to protect the innocent. If such info were to be released, it could be used against the named persons, even though the grand jury demeaned it was not sufficient to lead to an indictment.
But that type of information is exactly what Dems and the MSM are saying they want to see. They are still hoping there is some evidence of collusion they can use against the President and his close associates, even though Mueller demeaned that it was not sufficient to justify an indictment.
The Dems and the MSM also do not trust Barr and his conclusion that Mueller did not find sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice to warrant an indictment. They want to see the evidence themselves, so that they can justify their preconceived belief Trump is guilty of obstruction. That again is why Mueller not voicing a conclusion on obstruction was such a dereliction of duty, as it left that issue open to political haggling.
The Dems claim it is not Barr per se they do not trust just that they cannot see how he could summarize the almost 400-page Mueller report in four pages in just 48 hours. But Barr had advance knowledge of what would be in the report, and more so did Deputy Director Rosenstein, as he had been in the DOJ the entire time of the Mueller investigation and had been receiving regular updates. Moreover, if Barr had misrepresented the report, Mueller would have objected, but he did not. And four pages is more than enough to say, “There was no collusion and no obstruction of justice.” There, I just said it in one sentence.
But the Mueller investigation is not the end of frivolous investigations, just as I warned in my Tearing Apart book. The Democratic controlled House has already subpoenaed 81 witnesses. Each of those people will have their lives turned upside down, just as the 500 people Mueller interviewed had their lives turned upside down.
Being called to testify before Congress is an expensive proposition. It can cost a person upwards of $50,000 for lawyer fees each time they are called to testify. That is how Flynn racked up $5 million in lawyer bills. And that expense to those 500 people is another reason the Mueller investigation was a travesty that should never be repeated. But by subpoenaing 81 people, the Democratic House is continuing that travesty and the ruined lives it will cause.
But it is not just the House. The AG of the Southern District of New York also has started investigations into then citizen’s Trump’s business dealings, his inauguration committee, and anything else remotely related to Trump. As I state in my Tearing Apart book, the Dems and Trump-detractors are intent on investigating anything and everything about Trump until they can find something to pin on him.
Do not miss how twisted this is. Normally, law enforcement officials start with a crime. Then their investigators try to find the person or person who committed the crime. But here, the Trump-detractors are starting with a person and trying to find a crime they can say he committed. It is completely backwards of how the criminal justice system is supposed to work.
Sore Losers
Before closing this first part of this two-part article, I want to comment one more issue that is also contributing to the tearing apart of the county, that of what sore losers Democrats are.
After Hillary won the popular vote but lost the Electoral Vote and thus the 2016 presidential election, Democrats began calling for the abolishment of the Electoral College. I address that stupid idea and the terrible repercussions it would have in my Tearing Apart book, so I will not pursue that here, except to say, it is just one example of how Dems are sore losers. They now want to change to the rules to what they think will make it more likely they will win in the future.
Another example of that is the Dems now want to change the number of Justices on the Supreme Court. For the past 150 years, it has been set by Congressional law at nine Justices. Starting in the 1970s and with the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, liberals Justices held the majority. Ever since then, conservatives have been working tirelessly to get a conservative majority on the Court.
After many missteps and several Justices nominated by Republican Presidents who turned out to be liberals, President Trump was finally able to get a conservative majority on the Court with his nominations of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
But now, the Dems are such sore losers they want to change the rules, just as they do with the presidential election. They want to pack the court with 15 Justices. They say they want five Justices nominated by a Democratic President, five Justices nominated by a Republican President, and five more chosen by those ten Justices. That might sound fair.
However, as just mentioned, Dems know darn well that some of the Justices nominated by Republican Presidents turned out to be liberals. Consequently, this change would ensure a liberal majority on the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future. That is so, as, with those liberal Republican-nominated Justices, and with all of the newly-nominated Dem Justices most certainly being liberals, then that liberal majority of the ten would most likely choose five more liberal justices, and we would end up with probably a 2-1 ratio of liberals to conservatives on the Supreme Court.
Hopefully, conservatives and Republicans will not fall for this subterfuge. But attempts to implement it will further tear the USA apart, as each side argues for its position.
This two-part article is concluded at I Told You It Was a Hoax (But It Still Contributed to Tearing the USA Apart) Part Two.
Standard References, plus:
Trib Live. Editorial: Mueller, Rosfeld and what justice looks like.
Trib Live. Mueller finds no Trump collusion, leaves obstruction open.
Trib Live. Mueller’s evidence is likely a massive amount of material.
Trib Live. Some Americans cheer Mueller conclusion, others disappointed.
Trib Live. Trump declares victory now but legal perils far from over.
I Told You It Was a Hoax (But It Still Contributed to Tearing the USA Apart) Part One. Copyright © 2019 by Gary F. Zeolla (
Tearing the USA Apart
From Kavanaugh, to
Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond
The United States of American is being torn about by political differences more than any time since the 1960s and maybe since the Civil War of the 1860s. This division was amplified by political events in the summer to fall of 2018. This time period could prove to be seminal in the history of the United States. This tearing apart came to the forefront and was amplified during the confirmation proceedings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This book overviews the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings in detail. It then overviews these additional major events that occurred up to the end of November 2018.
The above article was posted on this website March 30, 2019.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics