Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Debate with a Liberal
I appeared on the In Perspective talk show on Friday June 14, 2019. I debated with a liberal (Peter Altschul) about President Trump. The main issue that set up this debate was Peter’s claim on a previous episode that Donald Trump is a racist and an “immoral” person. I emailed the show afterwards refuting those claims. One of the hosts (Bob Branco) suggested the two of us have a debate.
Peter opened with claims of “crimes” Donald Trump committed as a real estate mogul in New York City before he ran for President. I countered by saying that if he committed the alleged crimes, he should have been prosecuted. But since he wasn’t, there must not have been proof beyond a reasonable doubt of those alleged crimes, so Peter was just spreading rumors.
I then opened with the tragic Tree of Life synagogue shooting here in Pittsburgh, PA. I explained that the media’s lies about Trump being a racist and an anti-Semite led to Pittsburgh being torn apart, just when we needed to be more united than ever. I said these lies about Trump were false and referred the listeners to where I refute these claims in my writings, namely in my book Tearing the USA Apart and on my politics website.
I also related that I saw the media’s bias firsthand when the President and First Lady visited Pittsburgh to show their respects the week after the shooting. The media’s coverage was almost entirely about the protestors against Trump, while almost completely ignoring what the Trumps were doing while here in Pittsburgh and never mentioning those demonstrating in support of the President.
And on it went for an hour. Between me, Peter, and the two hosts (Al Hensel and Bob), I did not get as much chance to speak as I would have liked, and much was left unsaid. But still, I think we brought out a lot of good issues.
To listen to a MP3 of the program, click here. You can also listen to it on In Perspective’s website.
I previously appeared on In-Perspective. In that appearance, I mainly talked about my Christian Darkness to Light ministry. For details and to listen to a MP3 of that episode, click here.
Debate with a Liberal. Copyright © 2019 by Gary F. Zeolla (
Tearing the USA Apart
From Kavanaugh, to
Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond
The United States of American is being torn about by political differences more than any time since the 1960s and maybe since the Civil War of the 1860s. This division was amplified by political events in the summer to fall of 2018. This time period could prove to be seminal in the history of the United States. This tearing apart came to the forefront and was amplified during the confirmation proceedings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This book overviews the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings in detail. It then overviews these additional major events that occurred up to the end of November 2018.
The above page was posted on this website June 15, 2019.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics