Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Trump’s Crude Comments About Women
Okay ladies, if you are shocked by the recent audio recording with Trump making crude comments about women, well you shouldn’t be. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but that is how lots of guys talk about you when you are not around. Go into any steel mill or coal mine or (in my case back in the day) an anti-freeze packing plant, and you will hear lots of guys talking that way about you. At that plant, there was always porn mags laying around, and guys would be looking at them and saying what they would like to do to the pictured women, using the crudest terms imaginable.
Even before I became a Christian, I never used such language, but all of my “drinking buddies” and “lifting buddies” did. Not to creep you out, but if you go to a bar or work out at a public gym, I can guarantee you there are a couple of guys in some corner checking you out and making crude comments about what they would like to do with you.
It should also be noted that due to media bias, only second the part of the recording with Trump speaking was released to the public. The first part with Billy Bush speaking was not released. But in that first part, Billy was most likely making his own crude comments about women, including bragging about his supposed sexual exploits. Then as men are inclined to do, Trump then was trying to one-up him by bragging about his own exploits. But in doing so, both were probably relating their sexual fantasies as if they actually happened.
I once heard it said that when a man starts bragging about his sexual exploits, you need to divide it by two then cut it in half. That is because men will always exaggerate when it comes to sex, making things up if they must. What that means ladies is when you go out with a guy, and nothing happens, the next day the guy might brag as if something did happen, talking as if his fantasies about what he wanted to do with you actually happened. And if something did happen, he will exaggerate and brag as if far more happened than really did.
That is why Trump has dismissed the recording as “locker room talk.” What he means by that is he was just exaggerating and making things up to one-up Billy, when none of what he said really happened. But in a society where premarital sex is acceptable and considered normal, a man can get away with such bragging, as it is not farfetched that his fantasies could have happened.
But still, is such talk and bragging right? No. Absolutely not. And now as a Christian, I would not hang out with men who use such language and brag about imaginary sexual exploits. But it does not shock me. And if the use of such language a decade ago disqualifies Trump from being President, then just about every guy would be so disqualified. In fact, this episode is a perfect example of why we have two such terrible candidates for President (Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton). There are lots of good men and women who do not run for public office as they did or said something ten years ago, or twenty, or thirty, that they would rather not be dragged up and broadcast to the whole world. That is what disturbs me about this situation.
After posting the above message about voting for Trump, a female Facebook friend complained about Trump’s behavior with women and with his contractors. My response was:
I have not heard it reported that “he acted on his macho talk.” I have only heard it reported on reputable news sources about the audio recording. Moreover, I have heard many interviews of women who worked with him giving glowing support for him. Where are you getting your info from? As for the rest of your comments, they are also not accurate. The only time he did not “pay his contractors” was when his business declared bankruptcy. You apparently have been listening to the many exaggerations and inaccuracies being circulated about Trump. He’s not the nicest guy, but he is by no means near as bad as many are trying to make him out to be.
She responded by citing three articles reporting these supposed misbehaviors. My response was:
The New York Times article the Quartz article is based on was soundly condemned by the women whom they quote. Every one came out and said the NYT misrepresented what they had said. Most were furious they had been so misrepresented. In interviews that I heard, they expressed that Trump always treated them with great respect. One of the women refused to be interviewed, so the NYT took words from her book out of context. She was also outraged. The NYT should have printed a retraction, but it is too bias towards Hillary to do so.
The USA Today article is so filled with ads popping up that I couldn’t even read it. But I would suspect it is similar to the NYT article. The Fortune article specifically says Trump did not pay the contractors as they did shady work and “It all depends on what the contract says.” Not having the contracts, I cannot comment otherwise.
Trump’s Crude Comments About Women. Copyright © 2016 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath
Five books cover every aspect of the 2020 Election, the January 6 “insurrection,” and their aftermath. Starting with claims of fraud and irregularities in that election, to the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6; the so-called insurrection), the subsequent second impeachment of Donald J. Trump, to the public hearings of the J6 Commission in the summer and fall of 2022. Also reproduced in these books is all Trump had to say about all of these and related matters during this time period.
The above article was originally
written in October 2016.
It was updated December 8, 2017.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics