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FitTips for One and All - Vol. XXII, No. 5

FitTips for One and All
Volume XXII, Number 5


Presented by Fitness for One and All
Director: Gary F. Zeolla

In This Issue

Subscription Information

Newsletter News

Audiobooks Update

Getting Back to Sleep After Awakening in the Middle of the Night

New on My Fitness Website

New on My Christian Website

New on My Politics Website

New on My Covid Website

Subscription Information

    You are currently registered to receive this FitTips for One and All newsletter. This newsletter is published every other month, usually during the first week of even-numbered months. To unsubscribe, use the link at the end of this newsletter. To view back issues, click here.

    To subscribe to my Christian Darkness to Light newsletter, click here. It is published every other month, usually during the first week of odd-numbered months. To view back issues, click here.

    Comments on these newsletters are welcome. Just respond to this email. See the posted Privacy Policy for details on the handling of emails and related details.

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Creationist Diet

Second Edition
A Comprehensive Guide to Bible and Science Based Nutrition


Newsletter News


      I am once again late in publishing this issue of FitTips for One and All. That is because I have been very busy working various projects. Also, I have been dealing with a string of health setbacks, necessitating multiple medical appointments and leaving me too exhausted to get much work done if any on many days.

      However, I managed to enter my first powerlifting contest in 3-1/2 years. It was very difficult to do so, and the contest went good but not great. But it felt good to get back to the sport I love. Moreover, the incentive of entering a contest keeps me working out, which is essential to keep my health from completely collapsing. For details on the contest, see RPS Legion – 2024.

      Despite all of the problems, I am thankful that the LORD has enabled me to accomplish much since the last issue of this newsletter was published. “But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength” (1Timothy 4:17a; ALT3c).


Audiobooks Update


      I have grown very frustrated with producing audiobooks through ACX over the past several weeks. I had multiple books in production, but for most of them, the narrators bailed on me without warning. They didn’t even have the decency to let me know they were not going to finish the project. As such, I had to wait until the expiration dates of the contracts to cancel them. That prevented me from finding new narrators for the books.

      Just one of my fitness books has been completed, Overcoming Back Pain: A Mind-Body Solution.

      Five of my politics books have been completed. They include four of the five books in the series The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath (the fifth book should be forthcoming shortly) and my book Tearing the USA Apart: From Kavanaugh, to Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond.

    All of these books have great relevance right now in the heat of the presidential race. January 6th is being often mentioned by Kamala Harris and Dems and claims of fraud in the 2020 election by Donald Trump. The last book, with its discussion of political incivility, is prescient in light of the two assassination attempts on Trump.

      The only Christian book that has been completed to date is my God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality, narrated by Sharon Wiles. Volume One is still in production, even though the initial deadline has longed passed. But the narrator keeps giving me one excuse after another as to why he needs more time. But at least he has had the decency to let me know about having problems.

      I am so frustrated over the multiple cancellations, I am holding off making any of those cancelled books or any other of my books available for production on ACX, at least for a while. I have other projects to work on that would be a better use of my limited work time.


Getting Back to Sleep After Awakening in the Middle of the Night

By Gary F. Zeolla

      This article is a follow-up to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep and the Importance Thereof in Volume 22 Number 4 of this newsletter. That article addressed general issues in regard to sleep. This article will address what is this writer’s biggest struggle in regard to getting a good night’s sleep, that of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep.

      To find suggestions on how to overcome this struggle, I did an internet search on “getting back to sleep after waking up.” DuckDuckGo then suggested to also search on “I wake up at 3am and can’t go back to sleep,” so I did that as well.

      The following are summaries of some of the many results that came up, along with my comments thereupon. Given the number of search results for these two inquiries, these are obviously very common problems, not unique to me.


Healthline. 10 Tips to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up at Night.


      The inability to fall back asleep after waking up is medically known as sleep-maintenance insomnia….

If you’re having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up, it’s a good idea to avoid anything mentally stimulating and to focus on relaxing. The following 10 tips may help you.


1.       Get rid of bright lights or loud sounds…

2.       Get out of bed and move…

3.       Avoid staring at the clock…

4.       Avoid checking your phone or other screens…

5.       Meditate or try breathing exercises…

6.       Relax your muscles…

7.       Keep your lights off…

8.       Focus on something boring…

9.       Listen to relaxing music…

10.   Try sleep apps…


      Each of these points in this Healthline article is followed by a paragraph or two giving more details on the point. Each is good, but they miss the most important one—prayer. They come close with “meditate,” but meditation and prayer are not quite the same thing.

      However, I have found the prayer needs to be one more focused on God and His attributes, not on me asking requests. The latter can just get me stressed out thinking about my problems, while prayers for others could get you stressed out thinking about their problems.

      To put it another way, if you look at “The Lord’s Prayer” it begins:


Our Father, the [One] in the heavens, let Your name be regarded as holy.

10Let Your kingdom come.

Let Your will be done, as in heaven, [so] also on the earth (Matthew 7:9b-10; ALT3c).


      These stanzas are all God-focused. It is only after this introduction that Jesus tells us to pray for ourselves and our needs (“Give us today the bread sufficient for the day,” v.11). Stick to the former, and you might have better success falling back to sleep. For more in this regard, see Scripture Study #37, “Worship and Prayer” in my book Scripture Workbook: Third Edition. The excepts it contains from The Revelation put together as a prayer is a good example of what I am talking about here.

      Going back to the list, the reason to not check your phone is the “blue light” can suppress melatonin. But I have found, as long as I keep the brightness low, sometimes checking a non-stressing website and reading for a few minutes helps as well.


Sleep Foundation. How to Fall Back Asleep After Waking in the Night.


      Waking up in the middle of the night when you would like to be asleep can be a frustrating experience. Luckily, there are multiple research-backed strategies and relaxation exercises meant to promote relaxation and reduce tension.


1.       Deep Breathing…

2.       Mindfulness Meditation…

3.       Box Breathing…

4.       Guided Imagery…

5.       Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)…

6.       Non-Sleep Deep Rest…

7.       Calming Music or ASMR [autonomous sensory meridian response]…


      Again, each of these points is followed by a descriptive paragraph or two. However, each of these techniques requires practice, so try one at a time and use it for several nights to get the hang of it and to see if it works for you or not.


CNN. 8 ways to fall back asleep after waking in the night.


      Here are eight tips from sleep and anxiety experts on how to shut down that whirling dervish of a brain and coax your body back into much-needed sleep.


1.       Use deep breathing to fall back asleep…

2.       Try guided sleep meditations and muscle relaxation…

3.       Stop the blame game…

4.       Avoid clock watching…

5.       Don’t drink alcohol before bed…

6.       Write down your worries…

7.       Beware of blue light and stimulation…

8.       Get up after 20 minutes…


      There is some repetition at this point in these lists, but a couple of new points in this one are worth noting. Point 3 is that worrying about not sleeping can add to your inability to fall asleep. It is yet one more stress that keeps you awake. That can then become a vicious cycle of worry about not sleeping leading to not being able to sleep. That is why many of these sleep techniques are directed towards calming the mind.

      Point 6 is important. The idea is to keep a pad beside your bed and write down anything you left undone during the day or that is stressing you out, then forget it. It’s written down, so you’ll see it and can do it or stress out about it in the morning. You don’t need to worry about forgetting about it, so that can help calm your mind.


Live Strong. Always Waking Up at 3 a.m.? Here’s What Your Body’s Trying to Tell You.


      Here, Vishesh K. Kapur, MD, MPH, professor in the division of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine at the University of Washington, explains why you keep waking up at 3 a.m., and what you can do to get back to sleep.


1.       Your Body Is Conditioned…

2.       You’re Sleeping Lightly at This Time…

3.        You Have Sleep Apnea…

4.       You’re Getting Older…

5.       You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol (or Drinking Too Close to Bedtime)…

6.       You Have a Circadian Rhythm Disorder….

7.       You Have a Nightmare Disorder…


      Point 1 is interesting and something I have noticed. If say I get awoken by a loud vehicle going up the steep hill outside my home at 2 am, then the next night, I seem to wake up at 2 am for no reason. Quite frustrating.

      But if a sleep disturbance for just one night can start a habit, how much something that is more prolonged. But even once that disturbance ends, it can be heard to break that habit. That is where the strategies in this and its prequel article can help.

      Point 4 is followed a list of symptoms of sleep apnea and then by a strong “Warning” if you think have it to see a sleep specialist. Sleep apnea is not just disruptive of sleep with its resultant problems but also can lead to more serious issues like a heart attack or stroke.

      The “Disorders” in points 6 and 7 are followed by recommendations to see a doctor or therapist to deal with these issues. These are again serious issues that you might need help to address.


Healthline. Why Do I Keep Waking Up at 3 a.m.?


      There are many reasons why you might wake up in the middle of the night. Adopting certain habits may help improve your sleep quality, depending on the cause….

      Reasons why you may wake up at 3 a.m….


1.       Stress…

2.       Insomnia…

3.       Aging…

4.       Medications…

5.       Other health conditions…

6.       Lifestyle choices…


      Medications is a big one for me. There have been many medications I have tried over the years that have this effect on me. The same goes for supplements. That is something to consider if you’re having this problem.

      The “Other health conditions” include: Sleep apnea, Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), Arthritis, Restless leg syndrome (RLS), Depression, Neuropathy, Enlarged prostate, Menopausal symptoms. I struggle with most of these or similar issues, except the last one of course. Each requires a trip to and discussion with your doctor. But I can attest that each can disrupt your sleep. Together, well, that is why I rarely get a good night’s sleep, hence these two articles.

      In any case, the “Lifestyle choices” include:


1.       looking at computer or cellphone screens close to bedtime

2.       drinking alcohol or caffeine before bedtime

3.       eating too close to bedtime

4.       eating spicy food in the evening

5.       smoking

6.       sleeping somewhere that isn’t conducive to sleep

7.       taking naps too late in the day

8.       not getting enough exercise


      None of these are issues for me, but they are for many people and need to be considered.


Cleveland Clinic. Up at 3 a.m.? Here Are Possible Reasons Why.


      Tips to prevent you from waking up in the middle of the night…


1.       Limit fluids before bed….

2.       Avoid eating before bed…

3.       Try over-the-counter sleep aids…

4.       Make your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible…

5.       Seek help for stress, anxiety or depression…


      As with most of these lists, each item if followed by a descriptive paragraph. On the eating before bed, I’ve tried not eating and various small snacks. I have found I sleep better with a small snack, provided it is of the right kind. I mentioned to my PCP about eating yogurt with almonds before bedtime, and he said that was a very good bedtime snack.


New York Times. Wide Awake at 3 A.M.? Our Readers Offer Advice.


      This last article to be considered is interesting in that it is not “experts” giving advice but ordinary people expressing what they have found works for them.


1.       Count sheep … or whatever…

2.       Take a trip [mentally]…

3.       Consider underlying medical causes…

4.       Tame the anxiety…

5.       Lull yourself to sleep…

6.       Bore yourself to sleep…

7.       Don’t always listen to sleep experts…

8.       The biscuit cure…

9.       Is your nightcap the cause of your insomnia?


      The underlying point of several of these suggestions is to think of something boring or distracting to calm your mind down. “The biscuit cure” involves getting up and making the old standard of a warm glass of milk, along with eating a “digestive biscuit” (whatever that is).




      If your sleep is disrupted regularly, talk with your doctor to find out more about the underlying reasons for the wake-ups (Healthline. Why).


      Most of these articles include a suggestion of this sort, and I am making it as well. But in the meantime, I hope this article and the previous one give the reader some ideas to try to help to alleviate any sleep difficulties you might be having.


Additional References:

      Harvard Health. Awake at 3 a.m.? Strategies to help you to get back to sleep.

      Health Shots. How to fall back to sleep after waking up at night: 9 tips.

      Hopkins Medicine. Up in the Middle of the Night? How to Get Back to Sleep.

      Mayo Clinic Insomnia: How do I stay asleep?

      MSM. Waking Up in the Middle of The Night is Not Always Cause for Concern, Experts Say, But Here's How to Combat Sleep Interruptions.

      Real Simple. How to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up in the Middle of the Night.

      Sleep foundation. Why Do I Wake Up at 3 am?


Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)


New on My Fitness for One and All Website

Below are new articles on my fitness website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

Deadlift Shoes/ Tribute to RDC is a new article. An explanation of why I just got new deadlift shoes, after having just gotten new ones back in the spring. And a tribute to powerlifting legend Rickey Dale Crain, who passed away on October 4, 2024.

Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: October to December 2024 (Q4) will record my workouts for the rest of this year.

Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: July to September 2024 (Q3) will record my initial workouts post-contest.

RPS Legion – 2024 is a new page. It is the contest report for my latest powerlifting contest.

RPS Legion – 2024 – Pictures contains pictures from the contest.

New on My Christian Darkness to Light Website

Below are new articles on my Christian website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

Vol. XXII, No. 5 is a new issue of Darkness to Light NewsletterAn updated Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament and details on plans for the rest of ALT Bible, plus an audiobooks production update.

ALT3c Now Available!

Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament: Third Edition” (corrected) (ALT3c)

    ALT3c provides a translation of all of the New Testament that will enable the English reader to come as close to the Greek texts as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. The name of ALT3c reflects this purpose.

    “Literal” refers to the fact that ALT3c is a word for word translation. “Analytical” refers to the detailed “analysis” done on the grammar of the text and to study aids within the text. “Translation” refers to the conversion of the original Greek text into English. Modern-day English is used, and despite its literalness, ALT3c is relatively easy to read and understand.

     Many updates have been made for this new version, so much so it could have been called Edition 3.5. But for publication purposes, it was easier to just call it a corrected text, hence ALT3c.

     Available in a variety of hardcopy and eBook formats. See also this series on Amazon.


New on My Biblical and Constitutional Politics Website

Below are new articles on my politics website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

September 2024 Political Commentaries is a new page. The New York Times distorts Trump's words about J6.

Debate Lies and False Implications By Kamala Harris and the Moderators is a new article.

“Interview with Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim” has been to August 2024 Political Commentaries. My thoughts on the CNN interview. It was fraught with problems.

“Trump Just Lost the Election” has been added to August 2024 Political Commentaries. Trump’s change from pro-life to pro-choice will lose him the support of pro-lifers and evangelicals.

Now available in audiobook format!

Trump’s 2020 Election Tweets, Georgia Phone Call, and January 2021 Speeches

Did Trump’s Claims of Election Fraud Lead to the Capitol Building Uprising?

    Kamala Harris, Dems, and the media claim Trump incited an insurrection on January 6, 2021. But did he? This book reproduces all that Donald J. Trump said publicly from Election Day 2020 to the end of his presidency related to the 2020 presidential election. Reading this book will help the reader to decide if in fact Trump’s comments led to that tragic event. 

    Now available in audiobook format from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes. For other formats for this book, see the Preview page on my politics website.

#Trump #Biden #ElectionFraud #2020Election #2024Election #Insurrection #January6 #January6th #J6 #Ad

Now available in audiobook format!

The Biased J6 Select Committee

The Public Hearings Were Half a Trial; This Book Gives You the Other Half

    Kamala Harris and Dems are sure to talk much about the January 6th “insurrection” throughout the campaign. Learn the truth about that day and the fraudulent nature of this Committee, upon which much of Harris and others will base their claims.

     Now available in audiobook from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

     The public hearings in the summer and fall of 2022 about the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6) were the prosecution presenting its case against Donald J. Trump, with the American public as the jury. But he was not afforded a defense. This book provides that defense, so the reader can make an informed decision about J6 and Trump’s role in it.

     For other formats for this book, see the Preview page:

#Trump #2020Election #2024Election #Insurrection #January6th #J6 #Incitement #CapitolBuildingRiot

DNC 2024 Lies and Divisiveness is a new article.

New on My Covid Fearmongering and Lies Website

Below are new articles on my Covid website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

Covid Quarterly Commentaries for Q3 2024 is a new page. Covid antivaxxers still cannot understand the difference between asymptomatic infection and severe illness. Need for and effectiveness of updated Covid shots. Low carb processed foods cause blood clots, not Covid vaccines. However, Covid vaccine mandates make no sense and never did. When to get the updated flu and Covid shots.

Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting:
A Comprehensive Guide to the World’s Strongest Sport

Also by Gary F. Zeolla:

Amazon Author Page

Audible Author Page

iTunes Author Page

Lulu Publishing Author Page is the personal website for Gary F. Zeolla.
Author of Christian and of fitness books, Web sites, and newsletters,
and a top ranked and multi-record holding powerlifter.

Darkness to Light website and Darkness to Light newsletter.
“Explaining and defending the Christian faith”
Christian Theology, Apologetics, Cults, Ethics, Bible Versions, and much more.

Biblical and Constitutional Politics
“Political articles and commentary from a conservative Christian and politically conservative perspective”

Covid Fearmongering and Lies
Coronavirus Fearmongering on the Left, Covid-19 Lies on the Right
A Layman's View of What the Authorities Got Correct and Incorrect about SARS-CoV-2

All material in this newsletter is copyrighted © 2024 by Gary F. Zeolla or as indicated otherwise.

The links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my royalty if a product is purchased after following the link.
