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Books and eBooks by the Director
Overcoming Back Pain:
Comments - 2005
The following e-mails are commenting on the booklet Overcoming Back Pain. The e-mailers' comments are in black and enclosed in "greater than" and "lesser than" signs. My comments are in red.
>Subject: Sarno!
Hello there,
Just stumbled on your site here. Can you give me any tips on getting [John] Sarno's stuff to work [for overcoming back pain]? I have been reading it [the book Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection] for a few months and have improved but not totally healed. I'm assuming it is because I have a lot on. I am moving house, moving job, getting married to name but a few. I fit his profile and am desperate for it to work. I got too much to do to not get better!
Kind regards
You might want to download my eBook Overcoming Back Pain if you haven't already. It details all of the "tricks" I used. You might also want to get the book Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain by Fred Amir. It provides additional ideas that I found to be of help in totally overcoming my back pain.
Dealing with Health Difficulties
Pain: Dealing with Health Difficulties
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