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Coronavirus Trib Live News Articles Commentaries

February 2021

By Gary F. Zeolla

These Commentaries are continued from Coronavirus News Articles Commentaries: November 2020.

Why covid hospitalizations are plunging in Allegheny County

    “Masking, social distancing and hand washing are important factors in declining hospitalizations statewide, said Maggi Barton, deputy press secretary for the Pennsylvania Department of Health.”

     What is not mentioned in this article is the very real possibility that the reason Coronavirus (CV) cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are rapidly declining is that we are reaching herd immunity. The media does not think this is a factor, as they have discounted the concept of herd immunity as a way to end this crisis since it began. That is, unless by “herd immunity” is meant at least 70% of Americans getting vaccinated.

     However, vaccinations are not the only way for someone to become immune to the virus. The other way is to get infected then recover, as I have been saying all during this pandemic. I have also been saying that it would be a combination of people acquiring natural immunity via being infected and immunity via vaccinations that would bring an end to the pandemic.

    I have also been saying all along that the case numbers are greatly underestimated, as millions of Americans have probably been infected but did not know it because they were asymptomatic. Add in the already millions of Americans who have been vaccinated (thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, not anything Biden has done), and we are probably near herd immunity. That is why some authorities are predicting the pandemic will be over here in the States come April.


WSJ: We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April

    “There is reason to think the country is racing toward an extremely low level of infection. As more people have been infected, most of whom have mild or no symptoms, there are fewer Americans left to be infected. At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life.”

Dr. [Marty] Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, chief medical adviser to Sesame Care, and author of “The Price We Pay.”


    I am not sure if it will be that early, but it will surely be well before the end of the year, as Biden has been predicting. The only thing that could throw a cog into this schedule would be the CV variants. If one of them is resistance to prior infection and/ or the vaccines, then we might need more people to get infected with that variant and/ or a booster shot for the vaccines to cover that variant. But here’s praying we reach herd immunity before that happens.

    I’m not the only one who thinks the pandemic will be over long before the end of the year. The NFL is assuming it will be over by the time the 2021 football season begins:


Breitbart: Pro Football Hall of Fame Planning Full Stadium for 2021 Cowboys-Steelers Game

    “The Pro Football Hall of Fame says it intends to host a full stadium of fans for its 2021 Hall of Fame Game between the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers in August. The organization says it is betting that the coronavirus threat will be over by the time the August 5 game time nears, Outkick reported.”


 The Director's Politics Books

    Much to the dismay of most Americans, we are probably looking at a Trump-Biden rematch for the presidential election. Each of these books focuses on Trump and/ or Biden. Specifically, these books present in the detail the  background to each of Trump’s four indictments and other unjustified attacks that have been leveled against him over the past several years, while other books look at the alleged corruption and failures of Joe Biden and his administration.

    If you want to be an informed voter for next year’s election and be able to engage in intelligent conversations about all of these issues with your fellow-Americans, then check out these books. They are available in a variety of hardcopy and eBook formats.

These commentaries are continued at: Coronavirus Trib Live News Articles Commentaries: March 2021 Commentaries.

February 2021 Coronavirus Commentaries. Copyright © 2021 By Gary F. Zeolla.

The above commentaries were posted in February 2021.

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