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Coronavirus News Articles Commentaries

July 2021

By Gary F. Zeolla

These Commentaries are continued from Coronavirus News Articles Commentaries: April 2021.

Trib Live. What the CDC mask recommendations mean for Western Pennsylvanians


      Gov. Tom Wolf said ahead of the CDC announcement that he was not considering another statewide mask mandate — especially with current hospitalization rates remaining relatively low in Pennsylvania.

      ““I don’t mean to be cavalier about it, but our strategy here in Pennsylvania has been the vaccine and that has worked,” Wolf said. “And I think the numbers nationally show it has worked. If you want to protect yourself or your family against covid, get the vaccine.”


      I am so glad Joe Biden took former PA Secretary of Health Rachel/ Richard Levin out of PA and put him/her into his administration. I am totally convinced Levin was the impetus behind Gov. Wolf’s idiotic lockdowns and mask mandates last year, and Levin totally screwed up the Trump vaccines rollout here in PA, with PA initially being among the worst states in the country for the initial distribution of the Covid vaccines.

      But once Levin failed upward into the Biden administration and a real and competent woman, Alison Beam, took over and began advising Wolf, the mask mandates and lockdowns were lifted, and PA became one of the best states in the union for distribution of the Trump vaccines. But if Levin were still advising Wolf, we would probably still be subjected to lockdowns and mask mandates, and PA would still be behind the curve for distribution of the vaccines.

       It is clear, Alison has a brain inside that pretty head of hers, unlike Levin, who has nothing but air under that ugly wig. The fake woman totally screwed up the Covid response here in PA, but the real woman fixed Levin's mess.

      Remember, it was at Levin’s advice that Gov. Wolf put Covid-positive patients back into nursing homes, leading to the deaths of thousands of PA senior citizens. But Levin was sure to remove his/ her own mother out of a nursing home and put her into a hotel before executing the mandate. As far as I am concerned, Wolf, Levin, and all the other governors and Secretaries of Health that utilized such mandates should be tried for mass manslaughter. But Biden’s DOJ has said it will not even investigate such incompetence.

      There is not much to thank Joe Biden for, but for getting Levin out of PA, I must give him a big, “Thank you!”


Yahoo News. “They’re killing people’: Biden blames social media for COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

 President Biden targeted social media platforms like Facebook on Friday for allowing the spread of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, as many Americans' resistance to getting the shots has left wide swaths of the country vulnerable to the more contagious Delta variant.

“They’re killing people,” he said when asked about the misinformation and what he’d say to such platforms. “The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And they’re killing people.”


    Biden is right. Ugh! That was hard to say, and it is the first time during his presidency. But Biden is correct that misinformation about Covid vaccines is killing people. But Biden is wrong (that was easy to say, as it is almost always that case) in regard to how to fix the problem. He wants misinformation censured. That will just open the door to more censorship and the end of free speech as we know it.

     The best way to combat bad information is with good information. That is what I did with my four-part article on Covid vaccines. Biden should distribute articles like mine, not ban people posting things he doesn’t like.  Why I Decided to Get Vaccinated (Refuting Covid Anti-Vaxxers)

Joe Biden's Failing Presidency

      Biden can be very disingenuous in his tweets and his claims about his various plans and polices. He thinks they are all grand and good for the country. But in fact, it is those very plans and policies that is causing his presidency to be failing. Those plans and polices are also dividing and destroying American. Biden’s early actions also set the stage for more failures later in his presidency, so it is important to remember them. These five books are the definitive record of those failures.

These commentaries are continued at: Coronavirus News Articles Commentaries: August 2021 Commentaries.

July 2021 Coronavirus Commentaries. Copyright © 2021 By Gary F. Zeolla.

The above commentaries were posted in July 2021.

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