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Coronavirus General Commentaries
June 2020
These Commentaries are continued from Coronavirus General Commentaries: May 2020.
Hydroxychloroquine Revisited
NBC News. The Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine
“’A first-year statistics major could tell you about major flaws in the design of the analysis," one expert said.’”
I mention in one of my
Coronavirus articles that I was suspicious about the speed at which the very
inexpensive hydroxychloroquine was rejected as a treatment for the CV. The
reason for my suspicion was the when a new drug was discovered that worked, it
would be far more expensive, and thus far more profitable to the company that
came up with it, than hydroxychloroquine. It looks like my suspicions were
Face Masks and Restaurants
Last weekend, I met a friend for lunch at a Bob Evan’s restaurants. There was no sign indicating masks were required, so neither I nor my friend wore one. But on my way home, I stopped at a Subway to get a hoagie to eat for dinner. On its door were two signs. One read, “Masks required to enter.” The other said, “By order of Gov. Wolf, masks required to enter.”
I had a mask in my pocket from the first restaurant, just in case I needed it, so I put it on now to enter Subway. As I left, I was still wearing the mask. A guy had just come out of his car not wearing a mask, walking towards me towards Subway. When he saw me, he turned around and went back to his car, then came back towards me wearing a mask. As he passed me, I said to him “Yup, you need a mask.” He replied, “A pain in the ___.”
Tomorrow, I might go to another restaurant for Father’s Day with my dad and brother. I have no idea if masks will be required or not, but I will have one in my pocket, just in case.
As I’ve
said before, I really don’t care one way or another. But now that I was able to
buy a large pack of disposable masks for 50 cents each, I’m prepared. But I do
think it is quite silly for a restaurant to require them, as you have to take it
off to eat, which is the whole point of going to a restaurant.
These commentaries are continued at: Coronavirus General Commentaries: July 2020.
Coronavirus General Commentaries: June 2020 . Copyright © 2020 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The above commentaries were posted in June 2020.
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