Books and eBooks by the Director
on Bible Versions
Below are assorted, short e-mails I received in 1997 on the items listed at Bible Versions Controversy. The e-mailers comments are in black and enclosed in "greater than" and "lesser than" signs. My comments are in red.
>Dear Friend, I just want to thank you for your stunning work on the Bible versions issue. I have been reading your pages on the different Bible versions and the controversy about some of them and it has REALLY helped me to know more about what is going on.
I have tended to use the NIV as it has been around since I was in college (in the mid-seventies) and was easier for me to understand than the KJV. But I guess I will wind up switching to the NKJV to some extent. I had found a NRSV that looked interesting but it is clear that this translation would have to be double-checked against another one.
Again, I thank you (and the Lord) for your work and will refer others to that simply tremendous undertaking. May God bless you--
In Christ,
"KJV Only" people take note, I have had many people tell me they found the KJV too difficult to understand. As a result, they either gave up on Bible reading altogether, or switched to the NIV or an even less literal version of the Bible. This is the main reason why I recommend the NKJV rather than the KJV.
>Hello! I have enjoyed browsing through your Web page, and look forward to examining the various parts of it more in-depth in the future. Thank you for providing such a resource online.
Though I may disagree with some of your opinions, I appreciate the honest and open-hearted attitude with which you seem to approach these important issues. Far too often, Christians who engage in discussing and debating Bible translations and translating methods find themselves in "mean-spirited," un-Christ-like bashing.
I have recently begun a project of my own, entitled Darren's Guide to Bible Versions. I will include a link to your site on the Links page.
It is still in its infancy, and has many, many blank spots! I hope to continue developing it as my own understanding increases.
Thanks again,
Darren Sumner
I disagree with Darrens use of the NIV on his site. However, the site does provide some helpful information. Especially helpful is the straightforward manner in which he provides basic details on a wide variety of Bible versions.
>Thank you for a SANE site that discusses these issues and for the stance you take without the critical spirit of so many KJV Only sites I have come across! It is a breath of fresh air in a baneful KJV cyberspace rhetoric.
Thanks for your articles of interest without the name calling and doomsday - conspiracy inventions.
Blessings from a missionary in Australia,
>Hello friend, I've just visited your Bible Versions Web site. Excellent! Just this question I'll ask: what is your stance on the Trinity?
"We believe: Within the one Being or essence of God, there eternally exists three distinct yet equal Persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit" (from Darkness to Lights Confession of Faith). For more on this subject, see Doctrine of the Trinity.
>Gary, Wanted to say hello again and tell you how much I have enjoyed your page. The articles and other information you have brought together are very helpful and Biblically sound.
We have given "Darkness to Light" a link from our main page, it has proved helpful to several of our readers. One was having some trouble with the KJV only issue, he wasn't sure which way to go. He returned to your page several times and was satisfied that he had found the truth (he went out and bought a NKJV).
I didn't realize that you were "Reformed Baptist" though I suspected it. We would love to have a chance to publish some of your writings in our magazine "The Blessed Hope Monthly." We would also like permission to put you on our mailing list (snail mail), if you don't mind could you send us your address?
I also want to thank you for the compassionate way you present the truth. I fear too many of us Calvinist are a little too stern.
Come see us when you can.
A forgiven Sinner,
Brian Gordon
Blessed Hope
Blessed Hope Ministries gave Darkness to Light its "Web site of the Month" award for August 1997. Many thanks to them for this recognition, along with the kind comments on this Web site.
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