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Books and eBooks by the Director


By Gary F. Zeolla


The Scripture studies formerly listed on this page have been revised and incorporated in the book Scripture Workbook: For Personal Bible Study and Teaching the Bible. This book is available from the publisher AuthorHouse and from conventional and online bookstores. ISBN: 1587218933

Book Description

This book contains twenty-two individual "Scripture Studies." Each study focuses on one general area of study. These studies enable individuals to do in-depth, topical studies of the Bible. They are also invaluable to the Bible study teacher preparing lessons for Sunday School or a home Bible study.

The range of topics covered in the different studies is broad, from what the Bible teaches about itself, to what the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage. Included in each study are hundreds of Scripture references. So there will be no lack of material from which to begin your studies.

So if you're an individual looking for an aid to improve for your own personal Bible studies, or a Bible study teacher or home group leader looking for help in preparing lessons, this book will be of great benefit. 



Essentials of “the Faith”

Study #1 - The Scriptures on the Scriptures

Study #2 - The Attributes of God

Study #3 - The Trinity

Study #4 - Arguments Against the Trinity

Study #5 - More on the Trinity

Study #6 - The Person and Life of Jesus Christ

Study #7 - Sin, Atonement, and Salvation

Study #8 - The Afterlife

Study #9 - Eternity

Study #10 - Angels and Demons

Study #11- Teaching and Defending the Faith


Controversial Theologies

Study #12 - The Sovereignty of God

Study #13 - The Five Points of Calvinism

Study #14 - Arguments Against the Five Points

Study #15 - Questions on Baptism

Study #16 - The Seventh-day Sabbath

Study #17 - Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses

Study #18 - End-Time Prophecy



Study #19 - Divorce and Remarriage

Study #20 - Capital Punishment

Study #21 - Christians and the Government

Study #22 - Miscellaneous Subjects



#1 - Essentials of “the Faith”

#2 - Darkness to Light’s Confession of Faith

#3 - About Darkness to Light  

Scripture Workbook is available from the publisher AuthorHouse and from conventional and online bookstores. ISBN: 1587218933

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