Books and eBooks by the Director
On this Good Friday
1O God, my God, pay close attention to me; for why did You abandon me? [Matt 27:46; Mark 15:34]…
14I am poured out like water, and all my bones are scattered [Heb., out of joint]; my heart in the midst of my belly is become like melting beeswax. 15My strength is dried up like baked pottery, and my tongue has been stuck to my throat, and You brought me down to [the] dust of death. 16For many dogs encircled me; [the] congregation of ones acting wickedly surrounded me. They pierced my hands and my feet. 17I counted [fig., can count] all my bones, and they observed and looked upon me. 18They themselves divided my garments among themselves, and they cast a lot upon my clothing. [John 19:24; cp., Matt 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34] (Psalm 22:1,14-18; ALT).
Written a thousand years before Jesus’ crucifixion, yet a perfect description of what happened on that dreadful day, as the cross references in my Analytical-Literal Translation indicate. And remember, He went through this for us.
26Now while they were eating, Jesus having taken the bread and having given thanks, broke [it] and began giving [it] to the disciples. And He said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” 27And having taken the cup and having given thanks, He gave [it] to them, saying, “Drink from it, all [of you], 28for this is My blood, the [blood] of the New Covenant, the [blood] poured out on behalf of many for forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:26-28; ALT3).
Happy Easter Everyone!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Because He lives, we can be forgiven and saved from our sins.
8I was foreseeing the LORD continually [lit., through all] before me; for He is by my right [hand], that I shall not be shaken. 9Because of this, my heart rejoiced and my tongue expressed great happiness; but yet also my flesh will rest upon hope; 10for You will not leave my soul in the realm of the dead; You will not give [fig., allow] your Devout [or, Holy] [One] to see decay [Acts 13:35]. 11You made known to me [the] ways of life; You will fill me with joy with Your countenance; at Your right [hand are] pleasures to [the] end [fig., forever] (Psalm 16:8-11; ALT).
The Apostle Peter comments on this passage, which was also written 1,000 years before the fact:
29“Men, brothers! It is possible [for me] to speak with confidence to you* concerning the patriarch David, that he both came to the end [of his life] and was buried, and his tomb is with us until this day. 30Therefore, being a prophet and knowing that God vowed to him with an oath, from [the] fruit of his reproductive organs according to [the] flesh [fig., from one of his descendants], to raise up the Christ [or, the Messiah] to sit on his throne, 31having foreseen [this], he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that ‘His soul was not left in the realm of the dead [Gr., hades], nor did His flesh see decay [or, corruption].’ [Psalm 16:10] 32This Jesus God raised up, of which we are all witnesses! (Acts 2:29-32; ALT3).
The Apostle Paul reiterates Peter’s words on this prophetic passage:
32“And we proclaim [to] you* the Gospel, [which is] the promise having been made to the fathers, 33that God has fulfilled this [promise] for us their children, having raised up Jesus, as it also has been written in the second Psalm, ‘You are My Son; today I have begotten You.’ [Psalm 2:7] 34And that He raised Him up from [the] dead, no longer being about [fig., subject] to return to decay [or, corruption], He has said in this way, ‘I will give to you* the devout [or, holy] [and] trustworthy [promises] of David.’ [Isaiah 55:3] 35And so He says in another [Psalm], ‘You will not give [fig., allow] Your Devout [or, Holy] One to see decay.’ [Psalm 16:10]
36“For David indeed, having served his own generation by the counsel [or, plan] of God, fell asleep [fig., died], and he was added to [fig., buried with] his fathers and saw decay. 37But [He] whom God raised up did not see decay. 38Therefore, let it be known to you*, men, brothers, that through this One the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you*, 39and from all [the things] from which you* were not able to be justified [or, declared righteous] by the Law of Moses, in this One every[one] believing is justified! (Acts 13:32-36; ALT3).
Paul comments further:
8But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” [Deut 30:14]—that is, the word of the faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth [the] Lord Jesus [or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from [the] dead, you will be saved! [cp. 1Cor 12:3] 10For with the heart it is believed to righteousness, and with the mouth it is confessed to salvation.
11For the Scripture says, “Everyone believing on [or, trusting in] Him will not put to shame.” [Isaiah 28:16, LXX] 12For there is no difference [or, distinction] [between] both Jew and Greek, for the same [Lord is] Lord of all, being rich [fig., giving generously] to all the ones calling on Him. 13For every[one], “who himself shall call on the name of [the] Lord will be saved!” [Joel 2:32] (Romans 10:8-13; ALT3).
This book addresses three vital subjects in regards to the Christian faith
The above page was posted on this website April 7 and 9, 2023.
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