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Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement

Part Two

By Gary F. Zeolla


This three-part article is continued from Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement: Part One.

      This Part Two of a three-part article is composed of excerpts from my two-volume set Joe Biden Tweets During the First Year of His Failing Presidency: Reversing Trump, while Dividing and Destroying America. These excerpts concern Biden’s support for the LGBTQ [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Questioning] movement, which is to say, of sinful and destructive sexual lifestyles.



      Original tweets by Biden are prefaced by the name line, “President Biden @POTUS.” Biden’s tweets always end with the date of the tweet (e.g., July 1, 2021). Tweets are copied as is, except to sometimes change the paragraphing for the sake of proper formatting of URLs or for space.

      I always preface my comments with “To comment,” so the reader can distinguish between my comments and the tweet. My comments within tweets are offset by brackets. They usually indicate the length of a video or describe a tweeted picture, sometimes with commentary by me. Longer comments by me are prefaced by a subtitle reading: “Extended Comment” and the topic of the comment. They end with “Back to Biden.”


From Volume One




President Biden @POTUS

      Pride stands for courage, it stands for justice, and most of all it stands for love. As we recall the trials the LGBTQ+ community has endured and celebrate the trailblazers who’ve bravely fought for equality, let us recommit to the work that remains. Happy Pride Month! June 1, 2021


      To comment, make that “Pride in Sin Month,” as that is what it is. People flaunting their sin before a holy and righteous God. I address the sinfulness of LGBTQ sexual behaviors in my God’s Sex Plan books….


President Biden @POTUS

      To transgender Americans across the country — especially the young people who are so brave — I want you to know your President has your back. During Pride Month — and all the time. June 7, 2021


      To comment, “transgender Americans” should not be celebrated nor encouraged, except to get the psychological help they so clearly need. Coddling them in their psychological delusions is not helpful. In the long run, the unresolved underlying psychological issues causing the gender dysphoria will surface and wreak havoc in the person’s life. I document such in my God’s Sex Plan books.

      Moreover, your executive orders about high school girls’ sports and locker rooms will destroy girls’ sports and Title IX and take away and girls’ right to privacy….


President Biden @POTUS

      Five years ago, we suffered the deadliest attack affecting the LGBTQ+ community in our history. Within minutes, Pulse Nightclub turned from a place of acceptance and joy to a place of unspeakable pain. As we remember those we lost, we must re-commit to honoring them with action. June 12, 2021


      To comment, yes, that was a tragedy. Those affected need to be comforted and to get the help, physical and mental, they need to recover. And the person responsible needs to be held accountable. But none of that means we need to accept the sexual behaviors and psychological delusions of those in attendance before the tragedy struck….


President Biden @POTUS

      Jill and I want to wish everyone a happy Pride! To the LGBTQ+ community: know we are proud to stand with you this month and every month.


[1:53 video] June 14, 2021


      To comment, Biden’s catering to the LGBTQ community is very distressing. He is encouraging sinful and self-destructive behaviors, all of which are in direct conflict with the Catholic Church’s teachings, which he claims to be a part of. Add in his support for abortion on demand, and he really should stop the facade of being a Catholic….


President Biden @POTUS

      To Carl Nassib and Kumi Yokoyama – two prominent, inspiring athletes who came out [as homosexuals] this week: I’m so proud of your courage. Because of you, countless kids around the world are seeing themselves in a new light today. June 22, 2021


      To comment, coming out as sexual sinners is nothing to be proud of. Instead, I pray God opens their eyes, so that they realize the gravity of their sin and repent of it rather than celebrate it. And those poor kids are being misled into thinking a sinful lifestyle is perfectly normal….


President Biden @POTUS

      So far this year, hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in state legislatures – many of them target transgender children.  Let’s be clear: This is bullying against kids disguised as legislation – and it must stop. Enough is enough. June 25, 2021


      To comment, they are NOT “anti-LGBTQ bills.” They are bills protecting women rights. They ensure women can compete on a fair playing field and have privacy in restrooms and locker rooms, without biological men beating them out for championships, records, and scholarships, and peering at them in private situations. Your attitude is anti-women.


President Biden @POTUS

      Tune in as we commemorate LGBTQ+ Pride Month at the White House. President Biden Signs H.R. 49, to Designate the National Pulse Memorial, Into Law


[1:03:59 video] June 25, 2021


Extended Comment

Pride In Sin Month Revisited


      Here we see more coddling to the sinful far-leftwing of the Democrat Party by Biden. I said it before, but it bears repeating—dedicating an entire month to celebrate sin is truly incomprehensible for a nation that was founded on Biblical values. It is even more incomprehensible when a President who claims to be a Christian caters to this crowd.

      But we have veered so far from our Biblical roots that this celebration of sin seems perfectly normal to most people, especially to the younger generation. But that has been the LGBTQ agenda all along, to get their behaviors recognized as normal, no matter how many lives are destroyed in the process.

      The issue of women’s (or girls’) sports being infiltrated by males identifying as female will become more and more of an issue as time goes on. Such a practice has the potential to destroy women’s sports.

      I addressed such in my book God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two, with examples from the two sports I have competed in, powerlifting and wrestling. I also mention about lawsuits being filed in track over this issue. But such is now happening in many other sports, such as in swimming, here in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


      While University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who spent three years at the Ivy League school swimming as a male, has been busy smashing female pool records, friction has been building within the team, according to a Penn female swimmer who said she feared for her ability to find employment after graduating from college for sharing her honest opinion about a transgender teammate. For that reason, OutKick is granting her anonymity to speak out.

      Thomas’ latest round of swimming record destruction came at a three-day meet in Akron, Ohio, where numerous pool, meet and program records weren’t just destroyed but lowered to a point where they may never be broken. Friday [12/9/21], the Ivy League 500 freestyle record was broken. Saturday, Thomas set the nation’s best time in the 200 free-style, which also destroyed pool, meet, and Penn program records.

      In the 1650 freestyle final, Thomas didn’t just win and set new program, pool, and meet records. It was total annihilation. Penn’s Anna Kalandadze finished in second place — 38 seconds behind Thomas (Fox News. Pennsylvania).


      Thomas, who was a second-team All-Ivy League swimmer as a male, now owns the fastest 500m female freestyle time in the nation after setting an Akron pool record and lowering the Penn women’s all-time record with a time of 4:34:06.

      How dominant was Thomas’ performance? The Penn sports information department reports Will/Lia set a pool record and meet record in the prelims and then went more than 12 seconds faster in the finals to beat her teammate Anna Kalandadze who had a time of 4:48.99.

      That’s right, Will/Lia won the Zippy Invitational 500 free by 14.39 seconds (OutKick. Transgender).


      Thus, records are being broken and championships won by men claiming to be women, moving those records and championships out of the reach of real women. But those real women are afraid to speak out due to fears of repercussions.

      My book was published in 2018. But it is even more relevant today, as the LGBTQ agenda becomes more entrenched in American society, with now the President of the United States in full support of it:


      White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended President Biden’s executive order that called on schools across the country to permit students to participate in sports under their chosen gender identity.

      When asked by a reporter Tuesday [2/9/21], what Biden’s message was to school officials tackling the disputes regarding transgender and cisgender girls competing together, particularly for college scholarships, Psaki said, “the president’s belief is that trans rights are human rights.” ...

      But the administration has not given any direction as to how public schools should handle tough questions surrounding what is considered fair for high school athletes – something that former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has voiced frustration over.

      “Across the sporting world, the game is being rigged against women and in favor of biological men,” the South Carolina Republican, wrote for the National Review Monday. “President Biden is the latest man to do the rigging, which is strange coming from someone billed as a defender of women.”

      “Generations of women fought hard to ensure that their daughters and granddaughters had a level playing field, because girls deserve the same chance as boys to play sports,” she said. Adding that “transgender kids deserve support and respect,” but “the fact remains, however, that biological boys and girls are built differently” and “the best male athletes have a natural advantage over the best female athletes” (Fox News. Psaki).


      Note that “cisgender” refers to someone who is normal, a male who knows he is a male, or, in this case, a female who knows she is a female; while “transgender” is a female who thinks she is a male, or again in this case, a male who thinks he is a female.

      But, as Haley points out, there are significant differences biologically between males and females, no matter how they identify. And these differences are why some states are making moves to ban men who identify as women from competing as women. One such measure was introduced here in PA by five female Republican lawmakers. But sadly, our Democrat Governor says he will veto the bill.


      A group of female Republican lawmakers on Monday [4/5/21] unveiled a bill they said was intended to protect biological girls and women who take part in school sports from competing against athletes who were born male.

      The proposal, they said, came in response to President Joe Biden’s Jan. 20 executive order that banned discrimination based on gender identity. A spokeswoman for Gov. Tom Wolf said he would veto the bill if it reached his desk.

      The five Republican women — Reps. Valerie Gaydos of Allegheny County, Barbara Gleim of Cumberland County, Stephanie Borowicz of Clinton County, Dawn Keefer of York County and Martina White of Philadelphia — said athletes born male have intrinsic advantages over those born female. Those differences, they said, are a basic reason the landmark federal Title IX legislation in 1972 required girls and boys be given equal opportunities in sports (Trib Live/ Morning Call. Female).


      Lawmakers in neighboring Ohio have introduced a similar bill:

      Transgender girls would be banned from participating in female sports teams in high school or college in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in Ohio, which became the latest state to take up the contentious debate….,

      The proposals, titled the Save Women’s Sports Act, would require schools and higher education institutions in the state to designate “separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.”

      “In most instances, when young women are forced to compete against young men in athletic competition, it places them at a fundamental disadvantage,” GOP Rep. Reggie Stoltz-fus told members of the House education committee last week. “A disadvantage that threatens their athletic achievement and even collegiate scholarship prospects” (Washington Times. Ohio).


      Meanwhile, the Governor of South Dakota is looking to ban men claiming to be women from competing in women’s sports nationwide.


      South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on Monday [3/22/21] urged fellow governors, high-profile athletes and everyday citizens nationwide to join an initiative seeking to bar transgender girls and women from participating in female sports….

      Noem invoked Title IX, the landmark 1972 U.S. law that bans sex discrimination in education and was crucial to the rise of women’s and girls’ sports in public schools and universities.

      “We’re here today to talk about fairness in women’s sports,” said Noem, adding that an athlete’s designated gender at the time of birth should be definitive.

      The South Dakota legislation was one of 37 bills introduced in 22 statehouses this year that would limit the rights of transgender athletes.

      Mississippi’s Republican governor signed that state’s bill into law on March 11. A similar law passed in Idaho last year has been blocked by a federal court (Reuters. South).


      All of this flurry of activity is due to the executive order signed by Joe Biden.

      Also, don’t miss the misleading statement by Reuters in the preceding block quote that these laws “would limit the rights of transgender athletes.” No they would not. Transgender people are free to compete in the sport for the gender they were born as and are biologically.

      Note also, you never hear about problems with women who identify as men entering men’s sports and dominating against real men. It is only men identifying as women dominating in women’s sports. If there were no difference between the sexes as transgender advocates claim, then there should be equal problems both ways. But the fact that there is not is proof of the gender inequality of allowing men to compete as women.

      All of that said, let me make it clear, any kind of physical or verbal bullying of anyone, be they of the LGBTQ community or not, is wrong. All people deserve the basic respect afforded all people due to all of us being created in the image of God. But respecting someone’s basic human rights and accepting their sinful and dysphoric behavior as normal are two different things. Back to Biden….


President Biden @POTUS

      After four years of relentless attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, my Administration has taken historic actions to accelerate the march toward full LGBTQ+ equality.


[1:22 video] June 26, 2021


      To comment, there were no “attacks” on the LGBTQ community during the Trump administration, which is the veiled claim you are making. Trump appointed the first openly gay man to a cabinet post (Richard Grenell as Acting Director of National Intelligence).

      However, Trump realized the problems having transgender men and women serving in the military could cause, from their reliance on artificial hormones to taxpayers having to pay for their sex change operations, so he banned them from serving.

      That is the only move I can remember you could possibly be referring to. But it was not an attack. It was a logical move to keep the military focused on its mission of military readiness. But by rescinding that order, you are turning the military into a social experiment, lessening its military readiness.

      Moreover, your using Title IX to allow transgender boys and girls to compete according to their gender identity rather than their biological sex will negate the whole purpose of Title IX, that of giving women an equal playing field….


President Biden @POTUS

      To LGBTQ+ folks across the country — no matter where you are on your journey — know you are loved and accepted just as you are. https://twitter.com/i/status/1410010424737775623

[3:01 video of people celebrating their sin] June 29, 2021


      To comment, Biden just had to give one more shoutout to the LGBTQ community before Pride in Sin Month ends….


From Volume Two


President Biden @POTUS

      Ten years ago today, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell helped move our nation closer to its foundational promise of equality, dignity, and opportunity for all. I am thankful for all of the LGBTQ+ service members and veterans who strengthen our military and our nation. Sept 20, 2021


      To comment, do they? Where is your evidence that is the case? I’m asking as a recent war simulation found the USA would lose quickly in a war with China. Maybe if our military was focused on military preparedness rather than wokeness, we could win a war against our greatest enemy. Given the recent debacle in Afghanistan, it is clear we are not ready for a full-scale war….


President Biden @POTUS

      My Administration will do what is needed to ensure supply chains are working for the American people.


[0:24 video] Oct 13, 2021


      To comment, you could start by firing that incompetent Pete Buttigieg. You only nominated him because he is gay. He never had any qualifications for the job of Transportation Secretary. That lack of experience is now rearing its ugly head, as this crisis worsens and he is at home on paternity leave, after he and his “husband” adopted twin boys.

      But strangely, when Pete released a picture of the four of them, his “husband” was lying in a hospital bed holding the two babies. That made it look like he had just given birth to them, which of course, he did not, since men cannot give birth to babies. It was truly strange.

      But worse was Pete did not appoint someone to be in charge while he was away playing house. That is what led to this crisis getting so bad….


President Biden @POTUS

      It was an honor to meet with Pope Francis again at the Vatican today. I thanked His Holiness for his advocacy for the world’s poor and those suffering from hunger, conflict, and persecution, and lauded his leadership in fighting the climate crisis and ending the pandemic. [picture of Biden and Francis sitting across a table from each other] Oct 29, 2021


      To comment, did you discuss abortion, gay marriage, trans issues? I doubt it. Or if you did, I am sure you will not report his rebukes of your policies in these regards. The Pope should also have scolded you on the sin of lying, as you have been doing it in spades….


President Biden @POTUS

      Service members and their families sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms and the freedom of others around the globe. While we can never fully repay the debt we owe these heroes, @FLOTUS  and I called today to say how thankful we are for all they do. [picture of the Bidens on a zoom call, with each branch’s flag in the background] Nov 25, 2021


      To comment, you could thank them by rescinding your vaccine mandate. Given that our brave soldiers are most all young and healthy, such a mandate makes little sense. Unless, that is, its real purpose is to purge the military of conservatives. That will make it easier for you to use the military for your social experiments of allowing transsexuals in the military, of enforced “proper” pronoun usage, and of focusing on white supremacists and climate change, rather than our real enemies, like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea….


President Biden @POTUS

      In my life, faith has always been a beacon of hope and a calling to purpose, and I believe that protecting religious freedom is as important now as it has ever been. 

      On Religious Freedom Day, we rededicate ourselves to protecting the freedom of people of all faiths and none. Jan 16, 2022


      To comment, but if you and your leftist cronies had your way, you would shut down all religious institutions and cancel religious people who do not accept the woke lies about homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion or that dare to proclaim Jesus is the only way to God.


Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement: Part Three

References for Part Two


 Joe Biden Tweets During the First Year of His Failing Presidency:
Reversing Trump, while Dividing and Destroying America

Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement: Part Two. Copyright © 2022 By Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry (www.zeolla.org/christian).

God’s Sex Plan
Volume One
What the Old Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality

Volume Two
What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality


The above article was first published in the free Darkness to Light newsletter.
It was posted on this website October 1, 2022.

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The LGBTQ Movement

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