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November 2023 Christian Commentaries

By Gary F. Zeolla

Breitbart. Trans Athlete Who Seriously Injured Female Player Quits Team After Opponents Refuse to Play Against Him.

Breitbart. Transgender Swimmer at New Jersey College Breaks Records After Switching to Women’s Team.

“Anything a man can do; a woman can do better!”

    That was the rally cry of the 1960s-70s feminists. Now the chickens of that ridiculous statement are coming home to roost. That is also why you do not hear those old-time feminists speaking out against this nonsense. If they did, they would have to admit they were lying with that mantra.

    Fact: men can do some things better than women. Fact: women can do same other things better than men. That is because men and women are and always will be different.

    For much more on this subject and related issues, see my books on Sex and the Bible (#ad)

#Transsexuals #TransAthletes

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

     In the midst of all of the food and time with family and friends (which is all great), don’t forget what this day is really about—a day to thank the LORD for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon this great country and upon each of us individually.

 A Psalm for Thanksgiving.

       1Shout loudly to the LORD, all the earth! 2Serve as bondservants to the LORD with gladness; come before Him with great happiness. 3Know that the LORD, He is God; He made us, and not we [ourselves]. [We are] His people, and [the] sheep of His pasture. 4Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, into His courts with hymns; be giving thanks to Him, be praising His name. 5For the LORD [is] good; His mercy [endures] into the age [fig., forever], and His truth as far as generation and generation [fig., to all generations]! (Psalm 100; ALT).

These commentaries are continued at: December 2023 Christian Commentaries.


Analytical-Literal Translation of the Old Testament (Septuagint) Volume Three: The Poetic Books

    The Analytical-Literal Translation  of the Old Testament (ALT: OT) enables readers to come as close to the Greek text as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. This third volume contains the Poetic Books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon). These books contain praises to the LORD, honest expressions of personal struggles, wisdom sayings, and a romantic story.

The above commentaries were posted in November 2023.

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