Books and eBooks by the Director
Predestination Comments
Note: In the following correspondence, the e-mailer's comments are in black and enclosed in "greater than" and "lesser than" signs. My replies are in red.
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
I just wanted to let you know that you're site has been very helpful to me. I am a 16 year old Presbyterian and more importantly, a Christian. God's led me on an awesome faith journey through many doctrines, churches and biblical interpretations (particularly Baptist and Pentecostal). I've just recently come to accept the truth about salvation by Grace alone and your site has been a great guide in my exploration. I don't expect you to respond to this, since I know you're busy, but I just wanted to thank you and tell you to keep up the good work.
God bless!
>Recently I and our house group have been discussing the assurance issue. Your thorough studies on Acts14.38 have convinced me of the truth that our act of believing comes secondary to our 'appointment' (and is a result of our 'appointment' and God's will). Consequently I can see, and seem to be moving towards the Calvinist view (this is not at all is very much a paradigm shift.)
Q. If I (we) now believe that our 'Appointment' is first what is the progression in thought to accepting a once saved always saved position?<
Since our "appointment" had nothing to do with ourselves, there is no way we can do anything to cause us to lose that appointment. God appointed us, and since His gifts are irrevocable" (Rom 14:29), He would not withdraw that appointment.
> Q. Will coming into the 'truth' of this doctrine make any difference in my (our)lives?<
It should cause you to fall on your knees in thanksgiving to God for having appointed you. You must lose any pretense that you were were "smart enough" or "good enough" or any other element of self that you think might have been involved in your salvation. So this doctrine will cause you to praise God even more for you salvation.
>Q I am tempted to read this page to allow a strong argument for the Arminian position. This journey to truth has been an almost daily see-saw to and from each position. Your comments if any would be appreciated.<
It's always good to look at both sides of an issue. But you might want to consult a source that gives rebuttals to Arminian arguments, like the chapter on this subject in my Scripture Workbook.
However, note that when I checked this site, a warning popped up from my Internet Security program telling me that the site was trying to access the files on my PC. So be very cautious about going to this site!
>Thank you from myself and our house-group. We feel like we are on the edge of of a truth breakthrough ....perhaps!?<
God bless you and your study in your search for truth.
>Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
- Limited Atonement and Free-will
(Reformed Theology)
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