Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
Complete Concordance to the ALT New Testament
Second Edition (Corrected)
Indexes Every Occurrence of Most Words
in the Analytical-Literal Translation
By Gary F. Zeolla, with Reese Currie
This volume indexes every occurrence of most words in the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament. Only minor words are omitted, like: the, a, etc. Sufficient context is provided for the reader to recognize the verse or to get the gist of it.
Available Formats
Kindle Reading Device eBook: 1,520 KB. $3.99. Order and download from Amazon.
Paperback (8-1/2”x11”): 408 pages. $17.95. Order from the publisher Amazon.
Hardback (8-1/2”x11”): 408 pages. $25.75. Order from the publisher Amazon.
Lulu Publishing:
Acrobat Reader eBook (6”x9”). 1,798 pages. 14,076 KB. $3.99. Order from the publisher Lulu Publishing.
ePUB (for iPad, Nook, etc.) eBook: $4.50. 1,057 KB. Order and download from the publisher Lulu Publishing.
Paperback (8-1/2”x11”): 408 pages. $21.50. Order from the publisher Lulu Publishing.
Hardback (8-1/2”x11”): 408 pages. $29.75. Order from the publisher Lulu Publishing.
Different formats and publishers might have different covers, but the content is the same in all of them.
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This Complete Concordance is a companion
to the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament: Third
Edition (ALT3). This concordance indexes every occurrence of
most words in ALT3. Only minor words are omitted. Sufficient context
is provided for the reader to recognize the verse or to get the gist
of it.
This concordance will enable the reader to quickly find a verse in ALT3. It will also be invaluable in doing topical studies in ALT3. Looking up every reference to a word like “grace” will enable the reader to do a study on this important Biblical topic.
ALT3 is the ideal version to use for such in-depth Bible study, and having this concordance to use as reference tool will improve these studies.
This book is part of a Three Volume ALT3 Set, which includes ALT3, this Complete Concordance and the Companion Volume to the ALT.
This eBook versions of this book published in 2023 are a “corrected” version not a full new edition. Only minor corrections have been made, but the functionality has been improved, and the cover and appendixes have been updated. The hardback versions have not been updated, as technical difficulties prevented them from being updated.
For the Kindle version, the entry words are printed in ALL CAPS with a small “x” before it. To go to a specific entry word, such as GRACE, type an “x” before the word, with no space between the x and the word (e.g., xGrace). You do not need to use all caps for the entry word, as the search function on Kindle is not case sensitive. But you need the x so as to not bring up all of the occurrences of the search word under other entries. There is also a Table of Contents that links to the beginning of each letter/ chapter.
For the Acrobat Reader (PDF) and ePUB versions, the entry words are printed in all capital letters with an asterisk before them (e.g., *GRACE). To go directly to an entry word, use the “Find” function (ctrl+F) in Acrobat Reader or whatever app using, then type an asterisk then the word without a space between them (e.g., *grace), and/ or set the searcher for “Match Case” and type the word in all capitals (e.g. GRACE). There is also a Table of Contents that links to the beginning of each letter/ chapter.
Fig Entry
This Concordance lists all occurrences of every word that is indexed. But included in the Concordance is a list of minor words that are excluded from the entries. One of these excluded words is “fig.” The reason it is excluded is “fig.” is used within brackets as the abbreviation for the “figurative” alternative translations. But this was a mistake as later I decided to exclude all bracketed materials from the entries, so “fig” from the ALT3 text itself could have been included. Since some might be interested in this word, below is the entry for “fig.”
Mt 21:19 seen a certain fº tree by the
21:19 the fº tree was withered!
21:20 “How was the fº tree immediately
21:21 the [sign] of the fº tree, but
24:32 the allegory from the fº tree:
Mk 11:13 And having seen a fº tree from a
11:20 by, they saw the fº tree having
11:21 “Rabbi, look! The fº tree which
13:28 the allegory from the fº tree:
Lk 13: 6 certain [man] had a fº tree having
13: 7 for fruit in this fº tree and do
21:29 to them: “See the fº tree and
Jn 1:48 you were under the fº tree, I saw
1:50 saw you under the fº tree,’ you
Jam 3:12 a fº tree is not able to make olives
Rev 6:13 to the earth like a fº tree having
This Preview page was last updated January 1, 2024.
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