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Needless Covid Deaths and Hospitalizations and Other Updates
(The End of the Pandemic?)
These references are for the two-part article Needless Covid Deaths and Hospitalizations and Other Updates (The End of the Pandemic?).
Needless Deaths:
ABC News. Breakthrough COVID-19 infections and deaths rose during delta, but far outpaced by the unvaccinated.
CDC. Predictors of Nonseroconversion after SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Forbes. By The Numbers: Who’s Refusing Covid Vaccinations—And Why.
Health System Tracker. COVID-19 preventable mortality and leading cause of death ranking.
NBC News. Omicron shows the Covid vaccines work. ‘Breakthrough case’ is a misunderstood term..
New Atlas. Study compares decline in effectiveness of 3 COVID vaccines over time.
News/ Medical Life Sciences. Real-world effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
NYP. Daily COVID deaths are just 0.00026 percent of the US population — it’s time to move on.
VDH. COVID-19 Cases by Vaccination Status.
VDH. COVID-19 Data In Virginia.
Yahoo! News. As Omicron Spreads and Cases Soar, the Unvaccinated Remain Defiant.
Needless Hospitalizations:
Bloomberg. Unvaccinated Covid Patients Push Hospital Systems Past the Brink.
NYT. Why Covid Death Rates Are Rising for Some Groups.
Trib Live/ AP. Covid surge: Pennsylvania hospital chain runs out of beds.
Trib Live. Covid-driven hospital surge ‘not a sustainable situation’ in Western Pa., expert says.
Trib Live. Kim Ward shares reports of covid-fueled burden on hospitals, but opposes vaccine mandates.’
Yahoo! News. As Omicron Spreads and Cases Soar, the Unvaccinated Remain Defiant.
Yahoo! News. Breakthrough COVID-19 infections and deaths rose during delta, but far outpaced by the unvaccinated.
Disgust with Antivaxxers:
Guardian. ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin.
Forbes. By The Numbers: Who’s Refusing Covid Vaccinations—And Why.
Fox News. Betty White ‘died of natural causes’ at age 99.
People. Betty White ‘Died of Natural Causes’ at Age 99, Her Agent Denies False COVID Booster-Related Rumors.
Washington Examiner. Betty White did not die of COVID-19 vaccine booster, agent says.
Omicron Is Not Mild:
CNBC. Some glimmers of hope are emerging on omicron, but experts stress caution.
NYT. What Are the Symptoms of Omicron?
Reuters. Omicron cases doubling in 1.5 to 3 days in areas with local spread – WHO.
Reuters. ‘Tidal wave’: Omicron could put U.S. COVID-19 surge into overdrive.
Trib Live/ AP. Omicron less likely to put you in the hospital, studies contend.
Trib Live/ McClatchy. What are symptoms of the omicron coronavirus variant? Here’s what early data shows.
USA Today. Fact check: Omicron coronavirus variant is not the common cold.
WSJ. U.S. Airlines Cancel Flights as Omicron Disruptions Grow.
VAERS Revisited:
FDA. VAERS Overview.
Guardian. ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin.
Natural Versus Vaccine Immunity Revisited:
Forbes. 36% Of Those Who Had Covid-19 Didn’t Develop Antibodies, Study Says.
Forbes. First Omicron Death In U.S.: Reinfection In Unvaccinated Man Who Previously Had Covid-19.
iHeart. COVID-19 Vaccines Provide More Protection Than Previous Infection: Study.
Nova Health. Why the COVID vaccine beats ‘natural immunity’.
WebMD. Infected, Vaccinated, or Both: How Protected Am I From COVID?
Booster Shots Thoughts:
Atlantic. You’re Not Fully Vaccinated the Day of Your Last Dose.
CBS News. CDC recommends Pfizer or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine over Johnson & Johnson’s due to rare blood clots.
Mashable. Why it takes 2 weeks for the Covid vaccines to kick in.
Newsmax. Israel Tests 4th Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine.
NYT. New Studies Raise Hopes That Vaccines Prevent Severe Disease From Omicron.
Reuters. Omicron rewrites the COVID plan for 2022.
Trib Live. Experts weigh in on holiday travel amid threat of omicron, surging covid cases.
Trib Live/ AP. FDA expands Pfizer boosters for more teens as omicron surges.
Trib Live/ Bloomberg News. Researchers: 2 doses of J&J’s covid vaccine slashes omicron hospital stays.
WSJ. Pfizer Booster Shots Are Effective Against Omicron Variant, Israeli Study Says.
More Needless Deaths to Come:
Just the News. Top epidemiologist Harvey Risch blasts Fauci's COVID strategy, CDC data and research.
The End of the Pandemic?
Just the News. Backwards compatible? Researchers find silver lining in rise of COVID variant Omicron.
Trib Live. Experts weigh in on holiday travel amid threat of omicron, surging covid cases.
Trib Live/ AP. How will pandemic end? Omicron clouds forecasts for endgame.
For updates to this and previous articles, see:
Various Covid Updates for
January 2022
Coronavirus General
Commentaries: January 2022 and
Coronavirus News Articles
Commentaries: January 2022.
Needless Covid Deaths and Hospitalizations and Other Updates (The End of the Pandemic?) References. Copyright © 2022 by Gary F. Zeolla (
Comprehensive Guide to Bible and Science Based Nutrition
The above references were posted on
this website January 5, 2022.
They were last updated January 11, 2022.
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