Biblical and Constitutional Politics
June 2023 Commentaries
These commentaries are continued from May 2023 Commentaries.
Newsmax. Utah School District Returns the Bible to Shelves.
Yes, the Bible contains sex and violence. But in no way is it graphic in its descriptions of either. Take, for example, Jesus’s crucifixion. That is a very violent event, as depicted in the movie “The Passion of the Christ.” But the Bible simply says, “Then having crucified Him” (Matthew 27:35a; ALT3). That’s it. No graphic description.
It is the same with sexual passages. When Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar, it simply says, “he prevailed against her and humbled her and slept with [or, raped] her” (2Samuel 13:14b; ALT). That is a despicable act. But it is hardly a pornographic description of the event.
Moreover, the Bible is clear that what Amnon did was not right, as he got his just dues later, when Tamar’s full brother Absalom killed him. And again, there is no graphic description of that event either. “And the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom commanded them” (2Samuel 13:29a; ALT).
However, what you have in books that should be banned from public schools are books that describe sex and violence in a graphic manner. Also, there are of course no pictures in the Bibles, while those banned books often contain what can only be described as pornographic images. That is a big difference.
But what you do have in the Bible is God’s blueprint for life. It covers everything from proper human relations, moral behavior, government, law & order, sex, even diet, as I detail in my various writings. That is why it has long been the bedrock upon which western civilization has been built.
But most of all, the Bible declares how to enter into a right relationship with God, “that if you confess with your mouth [the] Lord Jesus [or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from [the] dead, you will be saved!” (Romans 10:9; ALT3).
For all of
these reasons, the Bible most definitely should be available to be read by all
school-aged children.
Finished Five Book Series on Biden’s Failing Presidency
Me with my five-book series on Biden’s failing presidency.
This series of five books provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books. For details on these books, see Joe Biden’s Failing Presidency.
#BidenFailures #BidenLies #BidenCorruption
#Inflation #Bidenflation #LGBTQ+ #Abortion
Newsmax. Fed’s Powell Says Inflation Fight Has ‘Long Way to Go’.
Of course
it does, as Biden so messed up the economy, it will take a lot of time and
suffering on the part of the American people to overcome Biden’s mess. I explain
all of this in my books on
his failing
Alleged Corruption of Joe Biden
Daily Signal. Biden Accused of Taking $5M Bribe, According to FBI Document.
Fox News. Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden has audio recordings of conversations with Joe, Hunter.
The background to this alleged corruption of Joe Biden in regard to his dealings with Ukraine is found in my “Impeach” trilogy. Though the books are about the first impeachment of Donald J. Trump, what got him impeached was his attempt to have Biden’s corruption investigated. Dems Cannot Beat Trump, So They Impeach Trump.
I then update this #BidenCorruption in my follow up book to that trilogy. Alleged Corruption, Bias, and Fraud: Allegations of the Corruption of Joe Biden, Bias of the Media and Big Tech, and Fraud in the 2020 Election.
these books out if you want to understand what is happening now.
Red State. Hunter Biden Charged With Tax and Gun Crimes, Appears to Get off Easy.
“There’s really no way to spin this other than it looks like Hunter Biden got off easy as far as the charges he received and plead guilty to. At least that’s how many in the general public will see it. As a first-time offender, the deal isn’t unusual (as long as you have top-notch lawyers), but the absurd length of the investigation culminating in a couple of misdemeanors and fines is not going to build any new trust in an already controversial DOJ.”
Very good
commentary on this disturbing situation.
Pride in Sin Month
Pride in Sin Month. That is what I always call this month, as that is what it is. Sexual sinners parading in celebration of being under the wrath of God. That LGBTQ behaviors are sin is demonstrated in my God’s Sex Plan books. But I also explain that deliverance and forgiveness are possible.
9You* know that unrighteous [persons] will not inherit [the] kingdom of God, do you* not? Stop being led astray [fig., being deceived]; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor passive partners in male-male sex [or, effeminate men], nor active partners in male-male sex, 10nor covetous [persons], nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor slanderers [or, abusive persons], nor swindlers will inherit [the] kingdom of God. [cp. 1Tim 1:8-10]
11And these some [of] you* were! [or, And such were some of you*!] But you* yourselves were washed [fig., purified], but you* were sanctified, but you* were justified [or, declared righteous] in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [or, by] the Spirit of our God! (1Corinthians 6:9-11; ALT3).
The National Pulse. Most Americans Say There Are 2 Genders and Want Sex Changes for Minors Criminalized.
This is so good to see, that only a minority of Americans have gone completely nuts. The rest of us still believe in science, truth, and reality, along with Jesus and the Bible.
“But answering, He [Jesus] said, ‘Did you* not read that the One having made [them] from [the] beginning made them male and female?’ [see Gen 1:27]” (Matthew 19:4; ALT3).
Newsmax. MLB Team Drops Plan to Honor Anti-Catholic 'Hate Group'.
Newsmax. Dodgers Apologize, Reinvite Gay 'Nun' Group to Pride Night.
Breitbart. Dodgers Cave to Woke Mob, Invite Anti-Catholic Drag Queens ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ to Pride Night.
Newsmax. CatholicVote Ad Campaign Urges Dodgers Boycott.
NYP. Dodgers inviting Catholic-offending, trans-queer group to Pride Day is latest MLB error.
Newsmax. Dodgers' Ace Kershaw Against Team Inviting 'Nuns' to Game.
Newsmax. CatholicVote's Burch to Newsmax: Dodgers Becoming 'the Bud Light of Baseball'.
Newsmax. Brands Bottoming Out: 5 'Woke' Campaigns Costing Companies.
Newsmax. More MLB Players Chide Dodgers Over 'Blasphemous' Invite.
I stopped watching professional sports years ago due to all of the wokeism. This fiasco playing out in Las Angeles shows I was correct in that decision. Pro sports have gone beyond just accepting sexual sinners to promoting their sinful behaviors to accepting the mocking of Christian beliefs. But God says He will not be mocked.
“Stop being led astray [fig., being deceived]: God is not mocked! For whatever a person shall be sowing, this also he will reap” (Galatians 6:7; ALT3).
sports and other woke companies will reap bankruptcy in this life if they do not
turn from this sinful path. But those pushing this woke agenda will reap much
worse from the LORD if they do not repent and turn from it.
Fox News. White House accused of US Flag Code violation over Pride Month display.
Townhall. Biden Claims the LGBTQ Community Is the 'Bravest, Inspiring' People He Has Ever Known.
This type of behavior is why I include the phrase “Promoting Sin” in the subtitle of my five-book series on Biden’s failing presidency. These articles and my books demonstrate how very extreme Biden is in his promotion of the sinful and destructive LGBTQ movement.
Newsmax. ‘Woke’ Corporate Push Has Awoken ‘Sleeping Dragon,’ Backlash.
#LGBTQ movement pushed too far. It was not enough for them to have deceived the
American people into accepting their sinful behaviors as somehow being normal.
They wanted their sinful behaviors celebrated. Then they really went over the
line when they began to sexualize and mutilate children. That is when the
American people finally woke up to the destructive nature of this sinful
movement and began to push back.
NYT. The Legal Foundation of Women’s Sports Is Under Fire.
This is a surprisingly good article by the normally liberal NYT. The most important sentence is the following:
“depending on the sport and event, the gap between the best male and female performances remains somewhere between 7 to 25 percent; and even the best female is consistently surpassed by many elite and nonelite males, including both boys and men.”
You can
verify this claim yourself by looking at the winning times in any major
marathon. The winning men’s time is usually about 10-15 minutes faster than the
winning woman’s time, and that difference has been consistent for many years and
every major marathon I have checked.
Sex and the Bible (three book series)
These three books look in-depth at what the #Bible has to say on sexual types of relationships and related issues. By this is meant: #dating, #PremaritalSex, #marriage, #divorce, #remarriage, #MaritalSex, #extramarital sex, #homosexuality, #transsexualism, other #LGBTQ, #abortion, and #BirthControl.
All three books go through the #Scriptures systematically, looking at relevant passages of Scripture in order. The passages are written out, with commentary afterwards.
The first book is an introduction to the various subjects, quoting the most relevant Scriptures, with only short commentary. The next two books are much more detailed, with many more Scripture passages quoted and much more detailed commentary.
All three
of these books were just updated. The text is mostly the same, except to update
the covers and appendixes and to correct a few minor typos. Also, an Epilogue
was added to the final book.
Biden’s Deceptive Debt Ceiling Deal Speech
AP. Biden signs debt ceiling bill that pulls U.S. back from brink of unprecedented default (via Trib live).
“The standoff began when Republicans refused to raise the country’s borrowing limit unless Democrats agreed to cut spending. Eventually, the White House began weeks of intense negotiations with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to reach a deal.”
The AP uses a deceptive way of describing the standoff. That “eventually” was after 97 days of Biden saying he would not negotiate. That is why, as always the case in Washington, it came down to almost the last minute for a deal to be signed. And with the rush, much was agreed upon that is not good for the country, but a default would have been worse, so it just “had to” be passed.
The deal was signed into law by Biden on Saturday, June 3, 2023. But the night before he gave a deceptive speech. Following are my comments on a few highlights of it.
Biden’s speech tonight (6/2/23) was filled with gaslighting, with one deceptive statement after another. All of his claims about the economy were misleading, ignoring important nuances about the newest jobs report and the ongoing inflation and resultant Fed rate hikes and his supposed reduction in the deficit. Also, his claims about unity and working together were laughable given his previous divisive rhetoric. Readers of my books on Biden’s failing presidency would have been poised to notice all of the deceptions, as I expose similar comments by Biden in his tweets and speeches in those books.
Newsmax. Drug Shortages Spark Latest Public Health Emergency.
“Winegarden points the finger squarely at the Inflation Reduction Act.
“The law was hailed for introducing groundbreaking changes in American pharmaceuticals. But critics cautioned that prohibiting increases in price beyond inflation would have a catastrophic consequence of supply shortages.”
I discuss Biden’s disastrous IRA in depth in my books. And now, Biden missed this little tidbit in his claims about lower drug prices in his deceptive speech. Just as I predicted in my books, his price controls are leading to drug shortages.
This is another important tidbit Biden failed to mention in his deceptive speech on Friday. One reason so many jobs keep being added is retired seniors are returning to the work force. Though this article by my liberal local newspaper does not it, the primary reason is Bidenflation. Seniors need to work again to make ends meet.
That is also why many younger Americans are taking second jobs, another reason for the added jobs. A third reason is some of the millions of illegal aliens Biden has let into the country are taking jobs. But despite this jobs growth there is still a workers’ shortage.
None of
this is good, and it was all caused by Biden’s failed economic policies, as I explain in my
books on Biden’s failing presidency.
These commentaries are continued at: July 2023 Commentaries.
June 2023 Commentaries. Copyright © 2023 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Joe Biden's Failing Presidency
This series of five books provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books.
The above commentaries were posted in June 2023.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics