Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Racist, Racist, Who Is the Racist?
Part Two
This two-part article is continued from Racist, Racist, Who Is the Racist? – Part One.
Trump’s “Go Back” Tweet (Continued)
Trump’s habit of using imprecise language has been latched onto by the MSM, which takes his every comment in the worst possible light, never giving him the benefit of the doubt. But more than that, the MSM distorts and take his words out of context to make them sound like something nefarious, when they are not.
That has been the case every time they have claimed he said something racist. I expose such deceptions on the part of the MSM in my book Tearing the USA Apart and elsewhere on this website. I then present evidence that Trump is not a racist. That fact got support on the July 16th episode of Fox & Friends.
On that morning, Lynn Patton was a guest. She has been working for Donald Trump for many years, since long before he became President, and she is now a HUD employee. She the oversees New York and New Jersey offices, under HUD Secretary Ben Carson. Both Ben and she are black. She said emphatically that Trump is not a racist. Instead, he has always treated her with dignity and respect. She also said she might challenge AOC next year for her congressional seat.
Later that day, Ben Carson was a guest on FNC (I forget on which show). But he was asked if Trump was a racist and if he would work for a racist. He also said empathically that Trump is not a racist and that he would not work for a racist.
This has always been the case. Every time I hear a person of color who actually knows Donald Trump, they always say he is not a racist. It is only people who have never met Trump that say he is a racist.
Note that Scherie Murra, also a person of color, has also said she will challenge AOC next year. Whether her or Lynn, I doubt either will have much of a chance given how very blue AOC’s New York City district is, but it will be interesting to see how AOC deals with someone challenging her whom she cannot label a racist. Maybe AOC will have to actually respond to criticisms of her polices.
But to date, AOC refuses to appear anywhere and talk with anyone that might challenge her. That is why she will appear on CNN or MSNBC, as she knows their hosts will not challenge her views. But she has never appeared on any FNC show, as she knows its hosts will challenge her. Sean Hannity has a standing invitation for her to appear on either his FNC TV show or on his radio show, but she has yet to even respond to that invitation.
In any case, many conservative pundits have criticized Trump for his “go back” tweet, not because they think it was racist but because they think it was dumb politically. Their reasoning is, that until that tweet, the Dems were fighting among themselves, so he should have left them to their in-fighting. But by that tweet, he brought them back together again attacking him.
However, from the start, Rush Limbaugh had a different take. He said what Trump was doing was trying to paint the entire Democratic Party as being in lock step with The Squad. In that way, no matter who the Democratic presidential nominee is, he can paint him or her as a socialist, who wants open borders and the Green New Deal, and that will make the 2020 election about capitalism versus socialism, about border security versus open borders, and the like. That is a fight Trump believes he can win.
Similarly, he is trying paint all Democratic members of the House as radicals like The Squad by forcing them to come out and support them. Those in purple districts will then have a hard time defending their seats, and Trump’s coattails just might lead to Republicans retaking the House in 2020.
It took several days, but many other pundits began to realize this was Trump’s ploy. Even CNN’s Erin Burnett tried to push the idea on her guests on her show on July 17th. But the guests would not let go of the racist claim.
Personally, I was quite enjoying watching the Dems tearing each other apart. It was especially satisfying to see Nancy getting hit with the same tactic of claimed racism she has used against many Republicans in addition to Donald Trump. But I do think Rush was correct. It was all a calculated ploy by the President.
If it was, it was a good move, as a recent national poll of Democrats shows that Omar has a 9% approval rating and AOC an 22% approval rating. With numbers that low, if The Squad does become the face of the Democratic Party, then many Democratic voters just might vote Republican in 2020 or at least stay home and not vote. Either way, it will benefit not just Trump but all Republican candidates.
Further Reactions to Trump’s Tweet
With their hardened racist belief about Trump’s “go back” tweet, the Democratic-controlled House voted to censure him on July 16th. It was almost completely along party lines, with just four Republican House members voting for the measure, including sadly one from my state of PA. But it was just a show vote carrying no legal ramifications for the President.
In fact, the vote was contrary to House rules that prevent any member of the House from calling the President of the United States a racist, yet the word “racist” was in the very title of the measure. Republican congressman Doug Collins called Nancy out on that point, and his objection was upheld by the Parliamentarian, but the vote went forward anyway.
Meanwhile, Trump and AOC began a Twitter battle. Trump tweeted that he did not have a racist bone in his body. AOC responded by saying he might not have a racist bone, but he has racism in his heart and in his mind. In saying this, AOC set herself in the place of God, who is the only One who knows what is in people’s hearts and minds:
9“The heart [is] deep [Heb., deceitful] beyond all [things], and it is a person, and who will know him? 10I the LORD [am] examining hearts and proving kidneys [fig., minds], to give to each according to his ways, and according to the fruits of his pursuits (Jer 17:9f).
27Now the One searching the hearts knows what [is] the mind-set of the Spirit, because according to God He pleads on behalf of [the] holy ones (Rom 8:27).
4But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing people, but God, the One examining our hearts (1Thes 2:4).
12For the word of God [is] living and effective and sharper than every double-edged sword and [is] penetrating as far as [the] division of both soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and [is] able to discern [the] thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13And no creature is unseen before Him, but all [things are] naked and have been exposed to His eyes to whom we [must give] an account (Heb 4:12-13).
This is an important point. Unless someone comes straight out and says, “I am a racist” or specifically refers to a person’s race or skin color in a criticism or act of incivility or violence against them, there is no way to know for certain their motives. Any attempts to ascertain such is to put oneself in the place of God, but that is what the MSM and Dems do with Trump over and over again. It is also why the idea of “hate crimes” is just plain silly, but that would be the topic of another article.
But here, each time, when Trump clarifies a comment and explains what he meant, that it had nothing to do with race, they do not take him at his word. They instead continue with the “racist” claim, as if they know better why he said what he said than he does himself. That was their attitude with the censure vote, even though many Republicans pointed out that Trump did not mention race or skin color in the tweet. But that did not matter, as the Dems just knew his motivation was racism.
CNN followed suit, with the word “racist” being repeated 1,100 times over the next 24 hours on that station after Trump’s tweet. Think about that, 45 times per hour or almost once per minute they said without any qualification that Trump and his tweet were racist. That is not news reporting, since again, neither skin color nor race were mentioned in the tweet. It was pure commentary and a claim to know someone’s heart and mind.
In any case, on July 17th, before Trump’s rally in North Carolina, the House voted on bringing a resolution of impeachment. It went down in flames, 332-95, with no Republicans voting for it and more Democrats voting against it than for it. Trump toted that epic failure at that rally, to which we now turn.
North Carolina Rally
On July 17th, President Trump held a campaign-style rally in Greenville, NC. It was scheduled on that date, as that was when Robert Mueller was originally scheduled to testify before Congress. In that way, Trump could immediately respond to whatever happened during those hearings. But after much ado, Mueller’s testimony was rescheduled for a week later. But it still worked out, as the rally gave Trump the opportunity to respond to criticism of his comments about The Squad, and he seemed to relish doing so, as he doubled down on his comments.
Trump went through comments by each of the members of The Squad. To be clear, all he did was to quote their actual words. That’s it. He did not call them names nor call for hatred against them. He simply quoted their own words. Some of these quotes have already been presented previously in this article or elsewhere on this website, namely ones by AOC and Omar, but I haven’t quoted Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib yet, so let me do so now.
During a speech, Ayanna said:
… we do not need more brown faces who do not speak with a brown voice. We do not need more black faces who do not speak with a black voice. We do not need more Muslims who do not speak with a Muslim voice. We do not need more queers who do not speak with a queer voice” (quoted from RealClear Politics).
What did she mean by these comments? Apparently, she is saying that if a Hispanic, an African-American, a Muslim, or a member of the LGBTQ movement does not toe the liberal line but instead voices conservative views, then they are not really a member of the respective group. That is a common liberal attitude, and it quite disgusting and un-American, and I would say racist. Just because a person is a member of a particular group, that does not in any way obligate them to hold particularly views.
I also cannot but notice that somehow Pressley can get away with calling members of the LGBTQ movement “queer,” but if I were to do that, I would be vilified.
Meanwhile, Tlaib, just days after Holocaust Remembrance Day (March 10), said she gets a “calming feeling” when she thinks about the holocaust and how her ancestors, the Palestinians, helped to create a safe haven for Jews.
No matter what the context, saying “holocaust” and “calming feeling” in the same sentence is quite disgusting. Moreover, her comments were historically inaccurate, “The truth is that both before, during and after the Holocaust, many Palestinian Arabs worked to make the land of Israel into a death trap” (Jerusalem Post).
Later, the MSM and The Squad said that Trump was “spreading hatred” at this rally against The Squad, even endangering their lives, as they had already received death threats.
Let me first say, if they are receiving death threats, then those threats should be turned over to the FBI, the threat makers tracked down, and those responsible prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, in this case, again, all Trump did was to quote The Squad’s own words. Thus, if anyone was endangering The Squad, it is The Squad with their own ill-chosen words.
It must also be noted that things go both ways. If Trump’s words are somehow responsible for any hatred or acts of violence that might be directed towards The Squad, then their words are responsible for two attacks on ICE facilities over the past week. These acts were scantly reported in the MSM, as they were too busy calling Trump a racist to take the time to report real news, so let me do so now.
Attacks on ICE Centers
The first attack occurred on July 14th. It involved a member of the left-wing terrorist group Antifa who tried to enter an ICE detention center in Tacoma, WA. He was armed with a rifle and various explosive devices. He was unable to gain entry to the center, but he did blow up a car outside of it. He also tried to ignite a propane tank by the center, but it failed to ignite. If it had, it could have killed dozens of ICE personal and immigrants in the facility. He was then shot dead by law enforcement officials.
In his manifesto, the attacker specifically called the facility a “concentration camp.” As I report in my article Trump Said There Was a Crisis at the Border, But He was Ridiculed for It, that is what AOC has been calling ICE detention camps. But I have not heard the MSM blaming AOC for this attack. But if Trump’s words are endangering AOC, how are her words about ICE not engendering ICE officials?
Believe it or not, leftist have been praising the attacker as a martyr. They have been saying he was trying to “liberate” the captive migrants within the facility. When AOC and the other members of The Squad were asked to condemn his actions, they refused to comment and ran away from the journalist trying to question them about it.
The second attack occurred against an ICE facility in Aurora, CO on July 12th. Hundreds of people were protesting the facility. They were mostly peaceful, but they did pull down the American flag and replace it with a Mexican flag. Then they re-raised the American flag, upside down, with the words “Abolish ICE” spray-painted on it. Such defacing of governmental property is a crime.
But to our point, the cry of “Abolish ICE” has been voiced over and over again by the left, including by The Squad. As such, again, if Trump’s words are inspiring criminal behavior, then so are theirs.
And going back to “America: Love It or Leave It,” it these protestors love Mexico so much that they are raising its flag in place of the American flag, then go there. But as a patriotic American, I found the site of the Mexican flag flying at an American federal facility to be quite disgusting. It was of course quickly replaced with the American flag, but still, it was a disgusting act by American-hating radicals who should leave if they do not love it here. That is not a racist comment, as I have no idea what the skin color was of the protestors, just as Trump’s “Go back” comment was not racist.
“Send Her Back!”
Going back to Trump’s NC rally, as he was quoting one of Omar’s anti-American comments, some members of the crowd began chanting, “Send her back! Send her back!” As soon, as I heard that, I cringed and thought, “That is not good.” And, “The media is going to have a field day with that.”
I watched carefully to see what Trump would do. He stopped speaking for a few seconds, step back a bit from the microphone. The look on his face was one of displeasure, then he resumed talking, and the chant stopped.
That is how he always reacts when the crowd starts chanting during one of his rallies. I know, as I’ve watched many of them, always on FNC, as CNN and MSNBC never carry them. The latter are always too busy criticizing Trump to let him speak for himself.
In any case, usually, when a chant starts, Trump does not encourage it, but he also does not discourage it. Take, for instance, the chants of “Lock her up!” during the 2016 campaign. He would walk away from the microphone, wait a bit, then start talking again.
Those chants were of course about Hillary Clinton, and they also always made me uncomfortable. They reminded me of the chants of “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” recorded in the Gospels According to Mark, Luke, and John (Mark 15:13f,20; Luke 23:21; John 19:6,15).
There are of course huge differences between Jesus and Hillary, the first of which being, Hillary deserves to be locked up for her many crimes, while Jesus did not do anything worthy of crucifixion (John 19:4-12). But still, mob action is dangerous and hard to stop. That is why Pilate eventually gave into the crowd’s chants and had Jesus crucified, even though he knew Jesus had done nothing worthy of death (Matt 27:24-26; Mark 15:15; John 19:12-16).
That is why I am glad Trump never allows the chants to go for very long, and this time, he stopped it rather quickly. But it wasn’t quick enough for Dems and the MSM. They actually timed how long it went on for, 13 seconds. That was said to be inexcusable. Trump should have stopped it sooner.
However, it is always easy to do Monday-morning quarterbacking. During the heat of the moment, it can take a few seconds to decide how to react. And 13 seconds is not really that long. Also, it was not the whole crowd, just some of it in one area.
But still, let me say clearly, the chant was out of line, as Omar is a naturalized citizen. As such, she has all of the same rights as a native born-American (except she can never be President). That means, she cannot be sent back to Somalia, as she now belongs here.
Also, there is a world of difference between Trump saying that if someone does not like it here, they should leave, and this chant. Trump’s comment implies a voluntary leaving on the part of the person, while “Send her back” implies a forced deportation.
It was not just the MSM and Dems saying the chant was disgraceful. Even conservative commentators, like Hugh Hewitt, were upset about it. Hugh went on to say that the chant might have just cost Trump the election. He then detailed the number of naturalized citizens living in swing states, like my state of PA, versus the number of votes by which Trump won that state in 2016, and the former was always far greater than the latter.
But that would only matter if in fact Trump endorsed the chant, but he did not. It was just 13 seconds, then it was stopped. Then the next day, Trump held an impromptu press conference in the Oval Office. It was during what was supposed to be a private meeting with representatives of the Special Olympics. But the press was let inside for a few minutes to ask questions. And of course, the first question was about the chant.
Trump said, “I disagreed with it and was not happy with it” several times over. He was asked why he did not stop it. He said he did by beginning to talk again “very quickly.” But again, not quick enough for the MSM. He was asked if he would stop it next time, but he just repeated the same answers. He was not happy with it and started talking very quickly to stop it.
The reporters also asked him why the crowd chanted what they did. Trump correctly responded, “I don’t know. Go to North Carolina and ask them.” But of course, no one ever did, at least that I have heard. But that has not kept the MSM from consistently referring to the “racist chant” at the rally. Again, the only way to know for sure that the chanters had racism in their hearts when they made that chant would be to be able to read their hearts, which again, only God can do. Maybe they just didn’t think someone who hates American should stay here, not matter what their skin color.
In any case, this impromptu press conference should have been the end of it, but of course, it was not. The MSM has continued to harp on it, as has several of the Democratic presidential candidates. And you can be sure this chant will be brought up during the next Democratic debates, scheduled for next week.
The worst report about Trump’s comments was on my local (Pittsburgh) radio station KDKA. On its 7:00 am Sunday (7/21) news report, it was said, “President Trump doubled down in his defense of the racist chant at his rally.” That was a flat-out lie, fake news, and exactly why so many of us no longer trust the MSM. In no way did the President “defend” the chant. Note also the emphatic declaration of it being a “racist chant.”
But then KDKA contradicted itself, when it went on to say that Trump “mildly rebuked” the chant. KDKA then played about two seconds of the impromptu press conference of Trump saying, “I was not happy with it.” Which is it? Did he double-down in his defense or did he “mildly” rebuke it?
But more to the point, Trump said repeatedly that he disagreed with the chant and was not happy with it. That was not a “mild” rebuke. It was a completed disavowing of it. And if KDKA had played more of his comments, us the listeners would have known that. But if all someone knew of his comments came from that report, the listener would have gone away with a completely wrong impression of them. But FNC got it right when it reported that Trump “disavowed” the chant.
Finally, when Omar went back to her district in Minnesota, the media reported it as their being “hundreds” of supporters greeting her and chanting, “Welcome home Ilhan!” She declared, “It is good to be back home.” That was supposed to be a shot back at the “send her back” chant.
That was fine, but as I looked at the video, it looked to me like there was all of twenty-some people there, with at least that many reporters. In other words, there were more reporters than supporters, so I don’t know where the “hundreds” came from, yet that is how all news outlets reported it, even FNC. Moreover, that handful of people is a far cry from the 10,000 people who attended Trump’s NC rally, with just as many outside wanting to get in, and the tens of thousands which attend all of his rallies. But you never hear those numbers reported on the MSM.
On a side note, the Constitutional provision that only a native-born citizen of the United States can become President comes from Deuteronomy 17:14-15. That is just one of many Constitutional provisions and US laws that are based on the Bible. I detail many others in my Tearing Apart book and in my book God’s Sex Plan: Volume One.
Racist YouTube Executive and Beauty Pageant Winner?
These next last two incidents I heard about just as I was finishing this article, so I wasn’t going to include them. But I decided to take the time to add them, as they show that the charge of racism can be leveled not just against politicians but against anyone, even those on the left.
The first incident I heard about on Townhall Review on Saturday morning, July 20th. It concerns an incident that occurred at the entrance to a gated apartment building in San Francisco. Christopher Cukor is a white YouTube executive who lives in that gated apartment building. As he was entering through the gate, a black man, Wesley Michel, who did not have a passkey, came in through the gate while it was still open from Christopher opening it.
Christopher stopped him and asked him what he was doing. Wesley said he was visiting someone. Christopher asked him to call his friend on the call box, but Wesley refused. Christopher then called the police, while Wesley recorded him doing so.
As Christopher waited for the police, his son started pulling on him saying he shouldn’t call the police and that he wanted to go, while Wesley began swearing at him. Christopher asked Wesley to stop swearing in front of his son, but Wesley refused to stop swearing.
That is when the video ends, which Wesley then posted on Facebook. The video went viral, with Christopher being vilified as a racist for calling the police on a black man.
What Christopher did was understandable, considering that someone sneaking past a security gate is a potential security threat. But even more so, Christopher’s father was murdered when he confronted an intruder on his property alone, and Christopher’s apartment building had been robbed several times recently. That is why he immediately called the police. It had nothing to do with Wesley’s race but his refusal to do what visitors to the building are supposed to do, use the call box to call the person they are visiting, who will then buzz them in.
But all of those details of the situation got lost as the video went viral, and just like that, Christopher was labeled a racist. But, as Dennis Prager put it, who reported this incident on Townhall Review, “I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I would guess that a YouTube executive who lives in San Francisco is not a right-wing conservative.”
If it can happen to a probable left-wing YouTube executive, it can happen to anyone. Just do one little thing the Rage Mob considers to be racist, and you will forever be labeled a racist, with there being no chance for you to ever redeem yourself. That is sad state we now found ourselves in.
That is what happened to Miss Michigan, Kathy Zhu. She was crowned on July 14th, but just four days into her reign, Kathy was stripped of her crown for two “offensive tweets.” They were from 2017-18. One concerned her refusal to wear a hijab (a Muslim woman’s headscarf). The other was her saying more blacks are murdered by other blacks than by whites. I guess refusing to dress like a subjugated woman and citing an accurate statistic is now considered offensive and racist.
Kathy wrote in response to losing her crown, “This is about an organization discriminating against people with different opinions, calling people racist even when they’re not... There shouldn’t just be diversity of skin color. There should be diversity of thought, of mindset, of political affiliation” (Trib. Miss).
Patriotic to Racist/
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Betsy Ross flag, the Gadsden “Don’t tread on me” flag, the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Apollo moon landing, even A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. All of these used to be patriotic and unifying factors in America. But the left has turned all of them into symbols of racism. And that is contributing to the tearing apart of the USA, the theme of my book.
But when everything is racist, nothing is racist. As a caller on the Dana Loesch radio show put it, “The claim of someone being a racist is becoming so common and nonsensical, it’s starting to sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher, ‘Blah, blah, blah.’” That is sad, as real incidents of racism will be swept away by the tide of false allegations of racism, like all of the ones detailed in this two-part article.
The Racist Test for Conservatives
After I published this article, Denis Prager on The Townhall Review of July 27, 2019, made some interesting comments on the charge of racism. He correctly stated that being charged with such was “toxic.” And he also correctly said that conservatives are much more often labeled as racists than liberals.
However, he said it is easy to prove this label is false. Just ask white conservatives the following question, “Would you rather entrust your children to a black conservative or a white leftist?” Or, if you are not married with children, “Would you rather marry a black conservative or a white leftist?”
Prager asserts that the vast majority of white conservatives would answer “a black conservative” to either question. The reason is simple—conservatives care far more about people’s beliefs than their skin shade. I would concur with all of these observations.
Standard References plus:
Scripture references from Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible (ALT). Copyright © 1999-2018 by Gary F. Zeolla ( Bolding added.
Bloomberg. Pelosi Says Trump Seeks to ‘Make America White Again’ in Census.
CNN. Here are the 4 Republicans who voted to condemn Trump’s racist tweets.
Denver Post. Protesters at ICE facility in Aurora pull down American flag and raise Mexican flag.
Guardian, The. ‘Go back home’: Trump aims racist attack at Ocasio-Cortez and other congresswomen.
Indy 100. Tucker Carlson condemned after saying Ilhan Omar is proof that ‘immigration is dangerous to the US.’
Indy 100. White man calls police on black man waiting for his friend in apartment lobby.
Indy 100. YouTube executive who called police on black man standing outside apartment denies being racist.
Jerusalem Post, The. No Holds Barred: Rashida Tlaib’s ‘Calming Feeling About the Holocaust.
Legal Insurrection. Attacker on Tacoma ICE Detention Center identified as “anarchist and antifascist.”
National Review. The Anti-Semitic BDS Movement Advocates Illegal Discrimination.
RealClear Politics. Rep. Ayanna Pressley: “We Don’t Need Any More Brown Faces That Don’t Want To Be A Brown Voice.”
Snopes. Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?
Star Tribune. Marriage discrepancy clouds Ilhan Omar’s historic primary victory.
Townhall. Antifa Activist Shot Dead Trying to Attack ICE Detention Facility.
Townhall. Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust This Way I Get A ‘Calming Feeling,’
Trib Live. House rejects effort to force vote on impeaching President Trump.
Trib Live. Miss Michigan stripped of crown over ‘offensive’ tweets.
Trib Live. New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage history.
Trib Live. Trump seeks to disavow ‘send her back’ chant as Democrats call for more security.
Trib Live. Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, ‘Send her back!’
Washington Times. Antifa lauds ‘martyr’ who attacked ICE detention center as manifesto circulates.
Vox. The controversy over laws punishing Israel boycotts, explained.
WND. Did Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?
Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. On
Yahoo! News. Trump and the Squad both want the same thing – and Pelosi is in the way.
Racist, Racist, Who Is the Racist? – Part Two. Copyright © 2019 by Gary F. Zeolla (
From Kavanaugh, to Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond
The United States of American is being torn about by political differences more than any time since the 1960s and maybe since the Civil War of the 1860s. This division was amplified by political events in the summer to fall of 2018. This time period could prove to be seminal in the history of the United States. This tearing apart came to the forefront and was amplified during the confirmation proceedings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This book overviews the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings in detail. It then overviews these additional major events that occurred up to the end of November 2018.
The above article was posted on
this website July 21, 2019.
It was last updated July 27, 2019.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics